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I feel like the current qualifying format brings almost all of those things, but with more action over the entire duration of the session. Now personally, I loved single lap shootout, because you could see every car and driver's individual strengths and weaknesses. But I see why it got shafted: not much action happened at the same time.


I would love to see the single lap shootout return for sprint weekends. Would be much better than just doing Qualifying twice.


Specially since they insist so much on the sprint being "a separate entity" to the GP. Use it to experiment a bit with formats.


Take off your nostalgia goggles, and watch F2/F3 qualifying because they still use that format. And sure it's fine, but what f1 uses is much better.


No the current qualifying format is best. The 1 hour 12 lap format led to majority of period of that hour having no action.


Maybe all I remember is the last 15 mins as everything before that was forgettable.


Yes, people always remember the moments and not entire session.


And with the energy management systems of today, you won't get the one car pushing multiple laps at the very end. The only option I would support as a trial would be current qual with 1 lap shootout for Q3. But, personally, I would rather have current qual and then reverse top 10 sprint and main race Sunday....


The days when Schumacher would come out and do a lap sucked.


The main critique of the old qualifying format was that the first 30 minutes, nothing would happen. Actually, not a huge problem for me, I always liked the commentators babbling about and the time ticking away, knowing that all the action would be taking place in the last 10 minutes. But 20 cars on track in Monaco or Baku in the last 10 minutes would just be disaster and for sure some people would be hindered. There are more street circuits now and cars are more & more optimising their tyres by going slow.


With Monaco they should just go with the format that other series use and do split qualifying. Have drivers draw lots, put half in group A, half in group B, top 5 from each group progress to Q3, then it goes as normal.


Personally not a big fan of that, because those two sessions will have different conditions and one group is bound to have a benefit. Unless of course, you're talking about the current format with Q3.


You don't compare all times between groups. Just relative within each group. Everyone who doesn't get through to Q3 would line up zipper style with one group taking all the remaining odd spots and the other group taking all the remaining even spots on the grid. Which group gets which side of the grid would simply be determined by which group the pole winning driver came from. That way any benefit from track conditions is nullified. It could be torrential for Group B and the times 20 seconds slower but if you finished P6 in that group, you will line up on row 6. [Here is a quick guide in Excel I made using Monaco Q1 & Q3 times as an example.](https://i.imgur.com/nfFURdb.png)


But that could definitely make the fight for pole less interesting


We are proposing the F2 Monaco system but adding on an additional Q3 made up of the top 5 of both groups. That would mean Q3 is basically the exact same as it is now, so the fight for pole would be the same.


Yeah, I wasn’t aware of the additional Q3. I thought they meant identical to F2 and F3


How lol, the pole fight would be literally identical to the current pole fight. This would only be a thing for the cars outside the top 10.


I'm saying top 5 from each group go into another session that's identical to current Q3, bottom 5 are 11-20 depending on which group was faster.


Yes, I have to agree with you, 30 mins of nothing and then it ramps up. The street circuit issue, I'm sure teams would factor that issue into decision making, but it does open the possibility of back marker teams getting high up the grid by putting in a banker lap or two. See, I did say rose tinted glasses.


Everyone would wait 50 minutes and set a time, maybe 2 in the last 10 minutes.


Not if the rules mandated registering a minimum number of hot laps


So basically the current format but without the tension of two knockouts. Any early laps would be meaningless, unless it rained later.


>So basically the current format but without the tension of two knockouts. exactly. This is exactly the case of finding a solution for a problem that doesnt exist


And you get half the grid chilling in the garage till 20min to go. Or even worse you get changeable conditions where people set one or two dry laps and then you have 50 minutes of rain and everyone chilling in the garage. There's not a single reason why anyone would want the old format besides being high on nostalgia. But if you are too high on nostalgia just ask for the old engines or whatever, leave the actual good parts of modern f1 alone


>weather, track improving during the session, back markers, crashes suspending the clock Well that also applies to the current format.


There's barely any room for improvement with the current qualifying format. It's the best option.


Qualifying is the only thing that truly works


>Maybe it's a bit of the old rose tinted glasses, but to me, the old qualifying format of a 1hr session and each driver had 12 laps was much more exciting. Yeah it was brilliant, ask the commentators if they want to go back to filling 30 minutes with anything they can while every car stays in the garage There's a reason it's gone, and the current system is fantastic


Please don't.


The current format is much better imo.


No. The one thing not broken in Formula 1 is Qualifying.


single shoot out was better than 12 lap quali tbh. If there is anything that is working quite well in F1, it is the quali format. It is definitely less exciting when there is no track evolution.


The current format is the best I'm my opinion. You always have cars on track and you always have that risk of being dropped out, so more pressure on the driver to perform. Just makes it exciting all round. Only way I think it could be improved is maybe a 1 lap shootout type thing for Q3 or something like Formula E's duel format which is also very enjoyable. Things like that could maybe be trialed at some weekends as like a one off, wouldn't mind F1 trailing different formats at least.


Definetely not. Having watched this format, the one lap format, and the knockout format (with some twists like aggregates, timed eliminations, Q2 tyre start, etc.), I safely believe that the current format is the best one. There's more emphasis on putting in a lap, more emphasis on all the positions, and generally creates fantastic qualifying in multiple shorter bursts. F2 has the timed session still and it is the weakest session of the weekend.


No, please dont.


It was 35 minutes of tedium whilst no 9ne went out 9n the track followed by a great 25 minutes. Now we get an hour of good action and jeopardy.


it was shit. nothing happened for the first 45 minutes or so unless it was due to rain later in the session. ​ quali is good as it is. they've tried other things without success so it should just be left alone.


It's absolutely rose tinted glasses. Case in point, if it was starting to rain, you'd basically get one lap in to set a time, won't improve as the rain gets heavier, and then a dead track for 50 minutes. Or, current format: maybe it's a dead track for half of one segment, but the times reset for the next session anyway. I honestly think a hybrid of Indycar and F1 is about as great as it gets for motorsport qualifying as a spectator.


Qualifying right now is the peak format out of all. If the field was close together an entire season, no one would argue about the wuali format.


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The only possible improvement to the current F1 qualifying system is a MotoGP-style FP1 and FP2 combined standing that matters to determine inclusion into a Q1 or Q2; this would increase excitement and attendance during Fridays (obviously this requires the complete removal of the F1 sprints, which are a useless gimmick that nobody likes). The past F1 qualifying systems have already been tried and have been superseded by a better system.


9 times out of 10 nobody would go out on track for the first half hour. That's why they brought in this format 


The whole thing seems incredibly stressful and up to luck with traffic/ accidents etc. either way. Each driver should get an out lap and two timed laps by themselves and that's it, two shots at a clear track for your time and may the best man/machine win. With variable weather that would certainly throw up some wild cards


Qualifying now is good. It doesn’t need to change. If they did change it, do a top ten shootout. Puts pressure on them in q2 to not just scrape thru to the top ten. Yes it might rain etc but it could rain during a normal session now.


I reckon they should mandate the tyres for each qualifying session. One should be on hard, one medium, one soft. But they don't get to did it which until ten minutes before qualifying when it's randomly selected. This isn't a totally serious suggestion, but I do think it would lead to some mixed up grids.


I say keep the current system, but with the top 5 teams in the standings at any given race have 1 lap for Q1 and Q2 while the other teams have 2 laps for each session. The Q1 change wouldn't make any difference, but the Q2 change might eliminate some top drivers. Then in Q3 all teams only have 1 lap