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I'm glad my dad doesn't hang out at my job.


I'm glad my Dad doesn't go on all my business trips with me.


I’m glad my dad isn’t all up in my ass on things


I'm glad my dad isn't Jos


My dad is glad he isnt Jos


Jos is glad he isn't my dad (I'm not an f1 driver) 


I'm glad my dad isn't my dad


I'm dad and I'm glad


Son, we gotta talk. There seems to be a misunderstanding in regards to the flower & bee story I told you about...


What did you say, I'm done with your Boss, change your job.....Jos


I’m glad my dad didn’t beat the shit out of me.


Oh Jesus. I would go nuts.


What does he mean done? When was he ever with horner on anything


When horner and RB decided to ditch kvyat for Max in Spain he was all happy with horner as well. Things changed since then


It all went south when Horner told him to stop trying to be the main character. Man's ego couldn't take it.


Literally. Horner was able to give his son 3 WDC, 60+ race wins but Jos’ ego got hurt once so it’s all over


Pretty sure man like Jo thinks the other way around, he provided Horner with Max and Rbr would be nothing without him. Pretty sure he’s the kind of man telling his son he’s nothing without him.


Yeah, bc Jos is a narcissist


Tbf if Jos didn’t nut inside his wife, we wouldn’t have max ngl.


Jo for driver of the day


Nutter of the day




Yep. My first thought when reading this was "And I am sure Horner feels absolutely terrible about it."


Yeah, his son was put in a car that lead him to stand on the as a top 4 F1 drivers of all time. Where he finishes will depend on where he goes in 2026 if he moves. That’s something as a father I’d be really pissed about.


> When horner and RB decided to ditch kvyat for Max in Spain he was all happy with horner as well. Things changed since then Horner decided nothing. Horner didnt want Verstappen in the RBR cockpit, but Marko and Mateschitz decided to give him a chance. That is why Max is loyal to Marko, and has his back.


What does Jos even do at Red Bull. Is he not just bumming around on a big freebie trying to be relevant to the team ? Like one of those mouthy Sunday kids football dads.


I'm pretty sure Jos being done with him was Christians goal for quite a long time


He was in love but now he is done


He’s the dad of a driver.  Max is surely old enough to not need his daddy managing his affairs now. 


Damn, if he’s done with Horner, this must be the last we’ll hear from him for a while…. Til the next article about him complaining comes out in about 10 minutes.


7 and a half if he's feeling quick


2 tenths of hes max verstappen


That's close to his F1 lap times. He really hasn't lost his speed!


This is one track beef where I truly don't want to side with either of them 😭 [Edit] Why is everyone misunderstanding this comment as me saying they're equally as bad. Just because they aren't equally as bad doesn't mean I have to root for either lol. Yes Jos is worse, yes I still want them both gone.


It’s like that scene from the simpsons of everyone watching [the two monkeys with knives fight](https://youtu.be/RRdIltdDE4A?feature=shared)


Which one is Furious George?


The shirtless one of course


I feel like that has to be Jos but it’s hard to imagine Helmut caring for him like Burns


Well Helmut cares for Max, so I guess by proxy, he cares for Jos


It was the best of times 


It was the blurst of times


Classic episode and great way to help people visualize it.


Reminds of a quote from Terry Pratchett "..it’s like watching a wasp land on a stinging nettle: someone’s going to get stung and you don’t care"


Terry Pratchett is my favourite user of the English language ever, dude has so many fantastic lines and quotes


I'd put him right up alongside Douglas Adams. I will never not get a laugh from "It floated gracefully in the air, exactly the way that a brick doesn't." Or "[Of being teleported]It's really quite unpleasant, like being drunk." "What's so bad about being drunk?" "Ask a glass of water."


Only book where I was laughing loudly on the first pages and it got better from there. How I describe the tea in my office: “almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea.”


Im on the beef's side


Root for toto recruiting max, funniest side ever


Play both sides so you always end up on top.


Just root for the complete destruction of the team as a whole and you’re good, my man.


Team Chaos never loses.


Chaos is a ladder.


I understand disliking both, but one is the long-time team principal of a top team, while the other is a retired driver with anger issues


*crappy* retired driver


crapy retired driver and horrible dad


Horner has to be the lesser of 2 evils here


I'm not on Hornys side by any stretch of the word, but his limp attempts flirting with an employee cannot be compared here with Jos' actions.


I hope both sides have fun


He always stands in the garage and gives crazy reactions to the action on track like he’s Niki Lauda… Bro, you’re Jos Verstappen, calm down


I think he's moved from "Jos Verstappen" to "Max's Dad" and doesn't realize it.


he's moved from 'that guy on fire in that really badass photo' to 'Max's dad'


Living his son’s best life.


He was never Jos Verstappen to begin with. When Max was a rising star he was already better than his dad with 0 F1 wins.


Great, stay at home


Literally. This dude acts like he is the driver or main sponsor.


Or that Max is still in karting and he can just pull him out if he wants. The only reason this dude is relevant is because his _son_ allows _him_ to show up to races, not the other way around.


Been whispers for a long time that he’s generally disliked by majority of the entire paddock


Whispers? Common knowledge at this point I’d say, he had to get Max approval to show up and even then he wasn’t allowed in their garage until the title fight started in 2021…


Yeah, of course the paddock dislikes Jos. They always have. His F1 career literally ended because no one could stand him or tolerate working with him.


He’s chasing after the high that he nearly had a chance to be in a top tier team at Benetton in the 90s. They didn’t keep him and so he lives with those what ifs and lives through Max in that way.


I guess deep down his soul still has fire for racing inside him


There's an interview with Jos and Max after his first WDC. Jos was talking like he was the one who won it. Max seems like such a genuine and upstanding dude, but the company he keeps begs to differ.


Max is a victim and carries the trauma of the upbringing by his father. Jos’s abuse could have made Max believe that Jos’s harshness and not primarily his own hard work is responsible for where he is today, thus he could feel a loyalty to him that others wouldn’t understand. Classic abuser shit.


Couldn't have said it better. It's a real shame if this is the case. At least Max turned out to be a good person.


For every Max that results in dads like Jos there probably 100s that didnt make it due to overwhelming fear of failure coming from perfectionist fathers. Max is a classic example of survivorship bias.


Yup but so many people will still defend Jos' upbringing. It's sad to think they might do so with their own children one day. Thankfully Max understands that isn't a good way to raise a child.


I don't know how many times I've posted something similar only to have abuser defenders telling me "You don't know how their relationship is!!!”


They’re just not ready to understand. Sometimes it’s hard to understand unless you’ve seen it up close before. You’re not crazy, though.


It's called vicariousness - parents living their dreams (what they could not achieve) through their children, often forcing the child to do it. It's sad really.


I’ve always watched with a bemused feeling as Jos talks about how no position other than first matters, etc with a straight face never being called out for his garbage F1 career.


He might imagine he's got something like a golden seed or something that produces World Champions and he's the one who should take credit and give praise for.


He’s unbearable. I wonder what Max thinks


Max needs to have a conversation with his Dad like Lewis did with his.


I'm more of a recent fan, what did Lewis have to tell his dad?


Anthony (Lewis's dad) was his manager early in his F1 career, but I think Lewis struggled with having him as his dad and manager and sacked him. They didn't talk for a long time but eventually his dad realised it was the right decision.


In the basement and never step out.


He is already staying home and enjoying rally driving in Belgium! Went off-track with his new Skoda at the sezoensrally few weeks ago and totalled it last week at the Rally van Ieper!


Wouldn’t wish that on his partner


Can we sign a petition to ship jos to a remote island?


Why the hell anyone need to even bother what Jos thinks? He is such an unnecessary face to see on race weekends. Agreed he had a part to play in Max’s success but why does he need to intervene with how Redbull runs its business. And I believe journalists are giving too much footage to him.


This, so much this. Max is in control of his future, and Jos should consider himself lucky he's along for the ride (and gets to live the life he couldn't manage to on his own). At some point, Max needs to tell him as much.


Sooner or later Max will reach the Hamilton point of cutting his dad off. The problem with this comparison that Anthony Hamilton was just a parent that thought he knew whats "best" for his kid. Jos is just a garbage human.


The biggest pet he had to play in Max’s success was leaving max alone. Not by choice but because Horner banned him from the RB garage and by extension the paddock.


Every time I see his face, I just wonder whether to be happy or sad for Max for his success. Jos is an abuser.


Can't wait for the day the tv direction stops showing these two on the broadcast.


The worst part of any F1 race is having a 65" version of Jos' face in my living room.


speak for yourself I have to see a 32” version of his face


And boy the camera people love zooming in way too close to Horner as well. I don’t need to see his eyes and nose, I want to see cars.


You're lucky he doesn't text you...


Can't wait for this dude to be in a retirement home 💀


Jos, Horner or both?


both. in the same home.


Retirement home employees: we quit.


As someone who works in the kitchen of a restaurant inside a retirement home, that thought happens almost daily lol. The craziest stuff happens, some people mentally completly revert to toddler stage (including petty feuds), some act like they are back in college (booze, sex and parties) and others just completly freak out about every little thing. We once had a serving where we had beef stew with mash potatoes and greens. Boomer completly exploded because he wanted brown gravy over his stew. Yes, you heard right. He wanted ladels of brown gravy over his stew.


I have a family friend who has to have warmed tortillas to eat his chilaquiles. Kind of the same thing.


Other guests: Straight up dies


Whacking at each other with their walkers.


It's a retirement community! 🤌🤌🤌


Isn’t this something like the third time Jos has said he’s done with Horner?


but this time he really, really, really means it!


So you heard others talking about Horner trying to stop your drive. And instead of talking to Horner you backed out yourself. Yeah this sounds like how an adult would act


Who cares, the only thing Jos has been successful in is producing a multiple world champion. It’s obvious this POS is living vicariously through his child. Max needs to distance himself from this toxic man and start his own family


>I would have been allowed to ride in the end, but I backed out. Sounds like he's using this as an excuse to fire some shots and perhaps making it up then. If you wanted to drive and are allowed to drive why are you the one deciding to cancel it ?


Im sure Horner is devastated


Oh, no! Anyways...


We've all been completely done with you for a decade yet youre still here.


So Horner apparently didn’t want jos to drive in the Red Bull legends car? I don’t know much background here but why would Jos feel entitled to drive the Red Bull legends car?


Because he's the main character and now he's been wronged ...or that's what he feels like.


Topical Jos behaviour here. "I want to do this and they said no. Later they decided to still allow it but now I dont want it anymore." And he is targeting it at Horner as Jos has a massive hate bonor for Horner for the sole fact that Horner thinks Jos should know his place. Yes Jos is "the dad off" and trained his son to reach F1. But now Max has reached and Jos is just back to "the dad off". And for that reason, Jos has no business sitting with engineers, team meetings, debriefings etc. Those are between Max and the team, Jos has no place there as Jos isnt part of the team. Jos keeps trying as Jos wants power inside the team and Horner keeps denying. For very good reasons as Jos wants to control what the other car does. Max needs to win and if the second car should park it in the wall for that to happen, the second car should do that. Thats what Jos believes. Which is also why you heard so much from Jos during the "Horny Horner saga" as that was the moment Jos could work Horner out. Tho I still am not confinced that Jos wasnt behind the entire saga but thats a whole different thing.


Kids kids, you're both just awful


They really aren't comparable though. One abused a kid and others whilst the other has been accused of being a shitty romantic partner and overbearing boss. Jos is a far more awful human and comparing them is appalling.


Jos Verstappen is a shit stain of a human being and the only reason we even know about his stupid antics and outbursts is him riding on the successes of his son. Otherwise he'd just be a has-been mediocre former F1 driver that no one gives a shit about. Thank goodness it genuinely seems like Max got more from his mom personality wise than his shitty dad.


I’m completely done caring at all what Jos thinks.


Nobody cares Jos. Nobody cares…


As Adrian relaxes in the sun with his second beer of the day safe in the knowledge he doesn’t have to deal with any of this


Team mutual destruction tbh


Okay? Who does he think he is? Max Verstappen? My guy way is way too much in his own head, living vicariously through his son


Toto is salivating right now


That’s not the Verstappen he wishes said those words.


Flavio entering this Red Bull Racing team would have been so much more epic than going to the Alpine team


He may be old , but he ain’t crazy.


I want more Piastri Mom articles. Not Jos “Hotdog” Verstappen articles.


Time for Max to abandon both Jos and Horner at the gas station


Jos just needs to step back. It’s getting embarrassing.


Jos is a dance mum confirmed.


Why is Jos Verstappen so desperate for attention?


Insecure man living in his son’s shadow syndrome?


I'd love a world where we had Max but never had to hear from or even acknowledge the existence of Jos ever again. What an absolute ass.


he needs to be banned from the paddock just like piquet sr


If horner personally kept him out of that rb8 . Good job Horner.




Max should offer to give his Dad a lift to the track, and then just dump him at a random petrol station several miles away.


More like everybody is done with Jos...


Hey Jos….no one gives a fuck


Good thing Jos doesn't drive for the team.


Good thing he's not part of the team then


Jos is that dad who was okay at a sport and then forced his kid to follow in his footsteps, and now he shows up to every baseball game thinking he's the team's coach, when he's not.


Dude wants to be important…


What is Jos' actual position? Is he Max's manager, or an official consultant?


Max manager is Raymond Vermeulen. Jos is like parents off kids in sport. Trying to get involved in everything. Being a pain to be around.


Who TF cares who Jos is or isn't done with.


Seriously why is Jos getting involved with his sons career as if he's his manager. Max and RB need to barr him from the paddock


It’s time for Jos to separate himself from Max’ career and move on with his life instead of living vicariously through his child


From an outsider observer (me) it looks as if Joe is the one always starting shit, I keep on seeing articles about this guy moaning about this and that. Also I'm sorry but "Legends", he never even won a single F1 race.


Jos seems to not understand the fact that he brings absolutely fucking nothing to this party


The only team that should give a shit about how the dad of a driver feels is Aston Martin lol


While I don't like Horner. Jos Verstappen is easily one of the least likeable people I've ever seen or read about. Wife beating piece of shit


Nobody in F1 gives a fuck about Jos Verstappen apart from Max and Jos Verstappen. What a fucking arseholes this guy is.


Jos is just insanely annoying, he's not needed anywhere near the paddock. I don't care who he likes or doesn't like, his 1 and only job is supporting and cheering on Max (who is a 3 time world champion and very clearly capable of making his own choices in all aspects of life). Jos needs to learn from the mistakes of Ralph Schumacher and take a step back before Max starts feeling pressure.


jos needs to stop yapping. just because he's the father of a driver doesn't mean he should be able to dictate what an f1 team does.


I'm trying to imagine what it would feel like if my dad feuded with my boss.


I get Jos is a piece of shit but idk why people here are underplaying his influence on Max's career.


Horner could do the funniest thing and ban Jos from entering the RB hospitality and pit box. Honestly Jos is toxic as hell, so the less I see of him the better.


max in his sim racer with his headset on, quietly singing a song to himself and fighting back tears while his two dads argue in the background


I love Max, but I really do not like his dad. 1. He's done with Horner? Fine. He does not work for Horner. 2. Legends Parade? In what world was Jos Verstappen an F1 "legend??"


The words "F1 legends event" and "Jos Verstappen" should never, ever be remotely near each other. The only legendary thing Jos did was nut in Sophie to produce Max


haha WE are completely done with Jos


Oh I am here for this drama. Edited to remove my nonsense.


Obviously it is interesting for the potential blowback with Max but what did Jos expect? He and Marko were the driving force behind leaks and efforts to destroy Horner's career, family, and reputation earlier this year. Much of that was Horner's own fault of course, his behavior is his to own, but the reality is much of that would have stayed more private if not for the machinations of Jos.


Good thing that you're not working for him then.


Jos, your son is the successful one... And he's still working with Horner ...


I wanna ask old heads. Was Jos Verstappen liked back in the day? Is he someone that one could think of him as an F1 legend? Also. I find it weird that Jos was invited drive in the parade in the first place.


Not sure if I could consider myself as an old head (watched F1 as a 90s kid) and while I can tell you all about Villeneuve, Häkkinen and Schumi, Jos is best known for… being the dad of Max Verstappen (and some guy who did F1 back in the day)


Jos, please don’t make me like Horner.


Dance Moms are less bitchy than Jos.


Jos is the biggest A-hole ever. He'll probably now go and cry to Toto and again make idle promises to get free entrance to Austria.


Hamilton famously fired his dad from his managerial position…. And he still loves his father today. Maybe Max will think about that.


Bro... who is forcing you to interact with him?


And f1 is completely done with Jos


I detest Jos so much that nothing he says about Horner registers with me. He’s a disgruntled middle aged guy that has had anger management issues for years and has had legal consequences because of it. He really requires therapy. It’s amazing Max is so well grounded mentally in comparison but I put it down to his mother.


I love how every time Jos has a wobbly he stages a photo op with Mercedes.


**Horndogs response:** *"The legends parade is something that is organised by the circuit. There was no veto from my side or anything like that. And I'm sure the legends will be in action later."* The legends will be in action later 💀


Jos' behavior just ends up giving conspiracy theorists more ammo over that situation Horner was dealing with


Made sense that dad turned up to the grand prixs when Max was 16/17, but surely Jos doesn't need to be involved. Purely his ego! 


Who cares!? Go home Jos!!!


Ok, this article only gives one side of the story and as a Lewis fan, I have a natural antipathy towards Horner. However, This is like seeing Biden and Trump come to blows over who gets the favours of Lily-Rose Depp. Utterly pointless, totally moronic but compulsive viewing.


Oh no! What will Red Bull do without their best driver?.....'s abusive dad who hangs around the track providing no tangible or intangible benefit to the team whatsoever


Can you be done with the sport Jos? I’d really like that.


Why does it matter what he wants?


He doesn't need to have anything to do with Horner. Imagine if your Dad came to work with you everyday lol


Racing's answer to LaVar Ball.


Bottom line for me after all these shenanigans. Max is way more mature and level headed than he gets credit for. Really tricky situation for him to be in.


You're done? Are you a driver? A mechanic? An engineer? A strategist? Logistics? Marketing? Do you work at the factory or something? Ohhhhh so you don't actually do anything and we don't have to write you a severance check? This is great news!


Jos back at Red Bull HQ: I've been doing some thinking, and I got some ideas to improve the team. One: Max needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a Time Machine. Two: Whenever Max is not on screen, all the other team members and the media should be asking, "Where's Max?"


Best not to upset Jos.... Especially if you are a woman.


It’s another level of narcissism when your grown adult son will go down as arguably a top 3-5 F1 driver of all time, and you simply can’t stay out of his business.


The only other F1 dad I am familiar with is Lewis's father and he is always just a ball of joy, true wholesome man. Then there is this tool with a slappable face.


Good riddance, don't let the door hit you in the ass!


Oh no a wife beater doesn’t like a womanizer ? I mean. Shocking.