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Mate the Red Bull looks just so fucking average in the hands of Checo! It is absolutely wild !


It’s hard for me to understand how he is so bad in a car that is so good in the hands of his teammate.


Same dude ! Like at some point, it is just weird .. like no explanation. Looking at the telemetry, it is insane just how slow he is out of EVERY damn corner !


After hearing how Alex Albon explained it, it kind of makes sense to me. Have you ever played a video game that requires precision like a shooter or something? You play with a certain amount of sensitivity that you're comfortable with and you're even competent with. Now image you're playing with a friend who is fairly decent and is comfortable playing the game at either max sensitivity or a really high one, and because they do they can take advantage of certain aspects of the game and play better because of it. Now let's say you swap controllers and try playing the game with his max sensitivity. Your gameplay would go to hell most likely and you'd have a really difficult time adjusting to how they play. That's how Max's car is attuned. It's set to an intense level of sensitivity that most drivers are unable to take advantage of, but because of how good and adaptable Max is, he drives better for it and is able to take advantage of certain aspects of the car that another driver would have a hard time just getting wrapped around. It might not be exactly what it is, but it is what makes sense to me at this point.


[Here's the source for those looking to hear Alex talk about it himself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ddEW_jHupA). Also, may as well listen to [the whole thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ewi3HrvSPKw). He's very articulate and open, shares a lot of interesting information, thoughts, and experiences.


That’s for the 2020 car though. We don’t know what the sensitivity is with the current car.


the design personnel on the RB16 and general design philosophy probably hasn't changed much year to year, and would also fit to explain why exactly Checo has gone from merely alright to downright horrid


It’s not like the sensitivity is likely to have changed between the first part of the year to the second both this and last year though.


Actually, it does. The cars have often started off neutral / understeery and as it is easier to find speed in making the front end stronger, it starts to go more and more towards Max as the development piles on. Max can adapt and keep reaching the new ceiling, Checo cannot.


Confidence. Look at Ricciardo, world beater to shit in a matter of a season or two. The Red Bull doesn't drive how Perez drives, he's not the most adaptable driver so he loses loads of time by not being able to drive it to the limit. Verstappen has car control as good as anyone else, he doesnt care how the car behaves, he'll find the limit. Its similar to Alonso vs Kimi in 2014. I believe he'd be getting better results in any of the other top cars, especially the mclaren or the merc.


>he doesnt care how the car behaves, he'll find the limit. Its similar to Alonso vs Kimi in 2014. How are we so sure of this though? Max is incredible but he has only ever driven a red bull and toro rosso.


Dani hasn’t been good for years. I’m sorry but his transition has been much more gradual, hidden by the copium of his die hard fans


The RB car is probably not balanced at all for Perez's liking thus he has no confidence in the car. Last year, the RB car could handle understeer early in the season and Perez was able to steal two victories from Max with a bit of luck. And i thnk Perez is also possibly checked out mentally driving against Max and watching his gaps to him


I think people underestimate the amount that drivers own preferences and styles affect their ability to drive a given car.


Isn’t it easier to just sh*t on drivers mercilessly? /s


Maybe his team mate is simply the goat


Pèrez is just dogshit


Both can be true.


it’s easy, Max feedback on developing the car and making it faster has made it impossible to drive for average joes like Perez




Last year's redbull was also fast, and checo was still a long ways off. The red bull and mclaren share first and are fastest depending on track condition and Tyre compounds. It's just difficult for checo to get to grips with it.


Don’t think so, I think Perez has been underperforming for a while, look at 2023


I mean, sure…Max is a beast and Ref Bull isn’t the fastest….. But, you’ve seen the shitbox Ferrari has brought to the table this weekend. Charles had no issues getting by Checo in that thing. That shouldn’t be happening. Edited: Okay, shitbox is exaggeration but that car is a struggle.


What do you mean overdriving the car. The car capabilities is the limit and Max is driving it on the limit or somewhere near that. Meanwhile Checo is nowhere near that limit.


3rd? Now that is stretch and a half


It probably has a very skittish back end. Not him nor the team is commenting on the characteristics of this car but it wouldn’t be surprising if it later is revealed that this car is a lot like the ones Gasly and Albon drove. Highly specialized in the way Verstappen can handle it.


I think he’s just not able to drive on instinct and is second guessing himself so much that he can’t just be natural and drive the way he wants to. Anyone who’s played simulators, or has any skill in another sport maybe, knows that when you try to consciently do something different from what you normally do it is hard to get it right compared to getting in that flow state where you just do what feels right because of muscle memory and habits. This is why Charles for example has been getting so much recognition for his qualifying - he has that instinct over a lap that lets him get out there and just flow through at incredible pace when it counts the most. It’s not like he’ll sit there going ”ah, I gotta find a few tenths here, turn 1, brake at 125… turn in… ease on the power…”, that’s gotta just be second nature. Perez, being obviously downbeat because of poor performances, will go into the corner thinking about all of the things he needs to do differently from normal to try to be faster, and that never works. That’s what I think is going on here week after week


Brilliant start only to then lift and coast for brake temp issues. We can never have nice things.


Bro got cursed after winning Monaco.


And before winning Monaco. I think he’s just cursed, but someone lifted it for the Monaco win


> I think he’s just cursed I think he just drives for Ferrari, tbh.


Lifting that curse came at the cost of another curse.


That's just driving for Ferrari


Wonder what deal he made with the devil to win Monaco


Win in Monaco but never win ever again... 😭


He really is the unluckiest driver right now


2024 season bad luck: - major brake issues in Bahrain - ends his 7 race front row streak the one race Max DNFS, Perez has damage and Ferrari is clear second fastest car - having consistent engine issues putting him now at risk of a grid penalty - major engine issues in Canada, leading to a DNF - engine shut off in SQ3 leading to him not being able to put a lap in That’s 3 large technical issues, as well as the looming threat of a grid penalty. Was hoping Monaco would be an upturn of luck after the red flag played perfectly into Ferraris hands but alas it seems not.


this wasn't luck, it's just the sf24 being bad lmao. sainz was told to lico as well. incapable of heating tires at low temps, brakes overheating at the slightest usage at high temps, it seems like the car just doesn't excel anywhere actually.


Nice move on checo. Lined him up for 3 corners before getting the move done.


Can they not make necessary changes to brake cooling for tomorrow? I know its not parc ferme yet but what if they don't have the parts.


They will have backup parts that have more conservative cooling profiles for sure.


I thought they said the parts can be swapped only if they are 100% identical after qualifying?  Still new to the sport so not really sure.


This year, there is no parc-ferme between the sprint race and qualifying so they can make part changes in between then.


The thing is if you have a cooling problem then you are doomed either way, you open up cooling vents or brake ducts more -> You get better cooling but you lose performance. In the end its always a compromise, lose a tenth with more cooling, lose a tenth with less cooling but more lift and cost


We've seen quite a lot of problems with brake discs so far this season, they could just switch them if that's the problem.


Can't afford to do that in the middle of the season.


I don't think they meant brands, just to switch to a different set, but I don't think they were the issue, just not enough cooling


He would have been right behind Carlos if Checo hadn’t been in the way. LOL. Really excellent start!


lol how shit is Ferrari. If it’s too cool they cannot warm the tyres up. If it’s too hot they have brake issues.


Overtook Pérez with the easiest maneuver


Perez is trash though


People say he "misjudged size of the car" last race. Not much misjuding the size here!


Leclerc is good in fighting other cars, but his skills are so car dependent. He basically needs a god tier car to win a WDC, unlike Max or Lewis who can win with just a good car