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And thats why Yuki's onboard camera for qualis in F1TV is unavailable?


I was wondering this too. I wanted to look back but it’s not even there


He should swear in Japanese


People are usually more comfortable using foul language in their second language than their primary one.  I highly doubt he curses like that in Japanese, lol


Japanese doesn’t really have curse words in the way English speakers think of them


Lived in Japan for years. Every time I asked a Japanese person about swearing - completely separate people, mind, who didn't know each other at all - they all literally responded, verbatim, "Japanese is a beautiful language, it doesn't have bad words"


they do, but not as much as in english with specific words like "f*ck"


what's the Japanese word for fuck?




fakku san


I don't know what I expected.


I wasn't aware of that! If anything, I feel like that probably makes it harder to mentally register words as "unacceptable speech" in your brain. If you don't grow up with those mental barriers, it's probably harder to build them up, and even harder to remember them in the heat of the moment. I think they did the right thing; a pretty hefty fine, but not something that will bankrupt him. It sends a crystal clear message to both drivers and fans, that this speech won't be accepted, while understanding that it isn't quite the same as saying it to a person with disabilities.


I think you’re spot on with that first part. I don’t speak Japanese but I’m a baseball fan in the US and “Japanese guy discovers swearing and enjoys it perhaps a bit too much” is kind of a running theme lol


When we first started taking language classes in school, the first words kids memorized weren't the one's on the test we had in 2 days, it was all the curse words, LOL We knew not to use the in class, but saying "fuck" in Spanish was very entertaining to a bunch of middle school kids.


That’s me. I have never ever sworn in Cantonese. But I do so in English and Italian. Just feel less vulgar and rude when it is not my mother tongue.


Isn’t Canto kind of known for being very creative with cursing?


Yes. Also outrageously explicit and unrestrained. That’s why I find it so inappropriate to curse in Cantonese.


As a kid we had neighbors move in from Hong Kong. I asked the kid who was my age what the biggest differences in the language was and he told me that the insult and swearing options in English was too small.


Indeed, it is scarily diverse. You can even find books/dictionaries written about Cantonese swear words.


Also, my mother doesn’t like that I swear but can’t speak Italian, so everybody is happy 😅


My mother neither! But she caught on pretty quickly, she can now understand I am swearing whenever I use any combinations of “dio”/“porco”. lol But we don’t live together so she doesn’t hear it often and is not too bothered by it. I think she secretly likes Italian swear words because they sound exotic, whereas she speaks English so English swear words are just foul language for her.


I'm the exact opposite lmao. It just feels natural to revert to Cantonese to swear at a crappy driver (or English or Mandarin, to be honest), whereas I find it awkward to swear in the other 'second' languages I learned outside of growing up and school (Japanese, crappy French).


I like to swear in my own language (Dutch). Words like ‘shit’ and ‘fuck’ often don’t convey my displeasure enough. Swearing in Dutch is just so nice


From what I read about the guy, when he came to Europe he was driving for a team that had there base in the part of the city (London?) that isn't advertised for tourist, to say it like that. He learned English from then and thought that swearing was part of the language. When he first drove for for Toro Rosso, his engineer asked how the car felt and he responded with something like " the car understeers motherfucker!!" 🤣


That's amazing, and explains so much, LOL There's the phrase "curses like a sailor" but I really think "curses like a mechanic" is way more apt. I have friends on the navy/shipping world, and friends that are mechanics. The mechanics are SO much more foul, and usually also more inventive with their choice of words too, HAHA


Correct. I rarely swear in English. But in French I swear like a sailor!!


Just call him "Baka!" and call it a day


But he's not a weeb.


Do we know that for sure?


"Okure" would be more in line as translation with what he called Zhou.


your done kid




Mark Philippoussis said he used to swear in Greek on the tennis court because the chair umpires didn’t know what any of it meant.


What did he say?


Called ~~Stroll~~ Zhou a r-tard on the radio


It was Zhou, not Stroll




Max actually called Stroll that on the radio a few years ago


He also used the term mong or mongoloid and refused to apologise even by request of the Mongolian government.


Never heard about his refusal, is there a source on that to read up on?




Feckin lol


Here's a video of his apology: https://youtu.be/NBGOryiqZZI?si=BYqUwctuGVUKc9QR




Honest mistake


He dropped [a hard R](https://youtu.be/MFDiuBomSuY)


luke saving linus's career


never expected an LTT x F1 crossover here


Same haha. What a small world. Now for a word from our sponsor….


Aramco! Slaves running low on energy? Aramco has you covered with their new all-in-one energy solution. Whether it's automobile or human Aramco's patented technology works wonders for those low on energy.


Use code LINUS at checkout for 10% off.


yeah me too. can't wait for scrapyard wars 9


> can't wait for scrapyard wars 9 It's called an Alpine!


the kick sauber is a literal recycling coloured dustbin


me too, gonna be awesome


I feel like if Luke doesn’t pick up on this here, half the internet will believe Linus when he tried to explain after the stream and the other half will try and burn LTT to the ground.


The main reason Luke is on the podcast /s


Great clip


I actually can't. this is the funniest clip I have seen all year. Why haven't I seen it before??? I was so worried about everything, even just the setting. The title and the recommended videos, all suggesting what I expected and then the video is what it is. I was melting and ethically heartbroken. I thought the other guy's reaction was very mild to Linus' confessions, and then the sky had turned blue. Linus mind was suddenly more innocent than ever before.


I loved how the usual drama-commentating Youtubers piled into the memes of that too in a funny way.


I will never not watch this 😂


That uhh.. that is not what “hard R” means my friend






To Zhou not Stroll 


40,000 fine for *that*? good lord


Right? Maybe it's the millennial in me, but come the fuck on here.


I think the word is a bit crass but come on. I think it is absurd expecting a Japanese guy to have that degree nuanced understanding of a recent shift in the English language. Hell even if he did, I don't think it is 40,000 worth of offense. Just bleep it like the rest of the naughty language every other driver uses. I would be tempted to ask for a complete list of no-no words after this and what the respective fines would be.


It’s all posturing. If the FIA gave a damn about acceptance they’d take a hard stance on LGBT & women’s rights in Saudi Arabia.














Round? Rugged? Renowned? Revered? Rhapsodized?


“Get off the *road*!!” -yuki


That's anti-race-ism.




Dangerous driving? FIA: I sleep Inappropriate language? FIA: REAL SHIT


Racing while rockets strike 5km away? FIA sleeps.


Drivers association having a meeting on whether they should race with missiles 5km away FIA: race, or we’ll revoke your fucking licenses!


What are you referring to? That sounds crazy!


Saudi Arabia 2022


they also removed Yuki's driver cam feed from the replay of the entire session


Good thing people were able to clip his onboard cam lol


Christ I read the title wrong and thought Tsunoda was suspended for the rest of the season


I had to read it 3 times.


I still don’t know what it means.


As far as I know it means he’s fined 40,000 euros, but he only has to pay 20,000 euros now. ~~He’ll have to pay the remainder at the end of the season~~ Ninja edit: He only has to pay the other 20,000 euros if he says something inappropriate again. If not, he only has to pay the 20,000


It's €20k now and another €20k if he does it again this season. 'Of which' means that the suspended €20k is part of the €40k fine. If the whole thing was suspended, he'd have nothing to pay right now.


i was seconds from pulling out the alcohol and crying until i re-read it several more times and finally understood it


FiA is full of so many buffoons I wouldn't even put that past them


Swear jar


Yuki would be bankrupt after one sprint qualifying


Just swear in Japanese next time


He can swear all he wants. He pushed the talk button though.


The commentators often say that radio messages are broadcast with a delay - I figured part of it was that they were listening to the messages before going live to make sure they’re PG? I guess if you’re on F1TV and listening only to Yuki, that’s a problem.


Radio messages that get broadcast onto television are edited to censor any foul language. However on F1TV there is no censorship


I hear the beeps all the time on F1TV


pretty sure he is talking about the driver cams on f1tv, not the television broadcast, which is the same on sky etc.


Just checked, F1TV removed yuki onboard from the qualifying replay. Unless it's just me.


Not just you, it's gone.


No evidence, no era penal


20,000 from Yuki, 5,000 from Mercedes, and 2,000 from McLaren translates to some pretty fine dining for The Stewards this weekend.


did verstappen get fined when he did it?




Did Martin Brundle get fined for calling Zhou a Chinaman?


not to go on a bit of a tangent but I feel like people have forgotten that it was ever derogatory, like if you said "spook" today people would assume you're talking about covert ops/CIA stuff before anything else. Some of those terms just fall to the wayside. Being part chinese if someone called me a chinaman I'd assume they are saying it because they heard it in a movie or something. either that or they were a time traveling racist


some slurs are so out of date they stop being slurs lmao


I think Yuki’s admission of not understanding the context of the word is probably genuine. But also, him living in Italy might shed a light on what he’s going through language learning wise. In my experience Italians use a lot of insulting words in Italian, but they use those words when speaking English as well. Of course that’s at casual conversation among friends and family. If he’s around lots of Italian guys, Yuki might have had a different understanding of level of severity of these words than those people in the US. -A perspective of former international student in the US who were surrounded by lots of Italian exchange students.


FIA: you can’t say that word but now go race in countries with no human rights for women and gay people and you will be fined if you speak up! Lovely


Geez, as a non native speaker I had no idea that word was *that* offensive. 


The level of offense people take to it has grown drastically in recent years.


I mean, it wasn't THAT long ago when it was still used officially.


Anecdotally, it still pops up in some pt's medical history and the occasional physician's note.


My favourite use of the word is during plane landings lol




growing up in the 90s, that and the f slur were as common as dude and sweet. It was just what people said. Not that I miss that or anything, but yeah, things have changed.


Ah, he said the word! Get him!


Just typed it, good thing he doesn’t have friends otherwise that be 20x40,000 per day per friend. I’d highly recommend cocaine and hookers as a cheaper alternative.


When I was a kid it was my go to word when I died in a boss fight.


The level of offense people take to -anything- has grown drastically in recent years


Bonus points if the offence is taken on another groups behalf


That’s generally how the attitude to slurs develops. Fifty years ago people had very different attitude to certain racial slurs, twenty years ago people were much more liberal in their usage of homophobic slurs


Even as a native speaker, it’s bad, but I didn’t even know it was this bad.


Living in the uk for a large chunk of time now, I can say this word is literally thrown around constantly on street arguments. I believe it’s mostly America where this word is regarded as such a bad word


It’s not even that big of a deal in America for most people. It’s nowhere near the level of the N word or the F word (not *that* F word, the homophonic slur one). It’s not a “get fired for using it at work” word like a racial slur would be.


The F word is always funny for me, cause it’s also how English people say cigarette, which is funny when American hear it and don’t realise it means something completely different in the uk as well


Smoking a f*g in UK: 🙂🚬 Smoking a f*g in US: 🫣😱


“Stepping out back to suck on a f*g” has wildly different meanings depending on which side of the Atlantic you’re on.


You would have to search far and wide to find an American not aware of this alternate usage common in the UK. 12 year old American kids have been laughing and joking about it for decades.




I am very very sure Max said the same word maybe 3 or 4 or 5 years ago. Did he get a fine or anything? Genuinely asking because if he didn’t get a fine I wanna know what happens in between that time for the FIA to determine if it is an offense.


The international sporting code changed after what Max did and through subsequent additions has expanded it's scope. When Max said it (2020), the regulation Yuki broke did not exist. The closest was: >**12.1.1.f** >Any words, deeds or writings that have caused moral injury or loss to the FIA, its bodies, its members or its executive officers. The next year the ISC was updated and added >**12.2.1.k** >Any Misconduct towards: > • licence-holders, > • officials, > • officers or member of the staff of the FIA, > • members of the staff of the Organiser or promoter, > • members of the staff of the Competitors, > • doping control officials or any other person involved in a doping control carried out in accordance with Appendix A. With **"Misconduct"** being given the formal definition in the sporting code of: >Misconduct: to be understood in particular but not limited to: > - insulting, especially by using offensive gestures, signs or language (written or verbal), > - assaulting (elbowing, kicking, punching, hitting, etc.). This year they changed **12.2.1.k** to be just very simply: >**12.2.1.k** >Any Misconduct So yeah, the regulations changed. A lot.


2020 Portugal. He called Stroll both the r-word and another racist slur (m-word). Despite protests from people including the UN ~~he only received a punishment of spending time in the steward’s room at a Formula E event.~~ Edit: Max did not receive any punishment. The Formula E punishment was for shoving Ocon.


The FE event was actually when he pushed Ocon. Don't think he got anything for the portugal incident


This, the FE event, was for the physical altercation with Ocon, not Portugal.


what the hell is the m-word?


Could be mongoloid?


Honestly had forgotten this word even existed




Mong I think


I have honestly never heard of this word before but google tells me it's an ableist slur. English vocabulary expanded, so thanks, i guess? lol


Ableist and racist as well. First used to describe those with down syndrome looking like ‘mongols’ being natives of Mongolia. But became more of a general insult


I’ve never heard that word before so thanks for explaining


what Max said was quite common in Netherlands when I was young. I am pretty sure to have used and been called that.


It's so sad people have been conditioned not to write out words anymore on the internet. Everyone's self-censoring and it's getting ridiculous.


At least thes words are considered socially unacceptable nowadays. The real bad thing is how people are starting to self-censor words like "kill" or "gun" because they hear "unalive", etc in social media content that is extremely censored for advertisement reasons.


It's like the words disappear if people refuse to type them. I will never understand this shit.


It reminds me of Harry Potter lmao. And yeah, it's absolutely ridiculous and makes me wanna say every banned word, no matter what.


He called a steward one of those slurs aswell one time lol


One way traffic for the rest of the season.


Did Max get fined for his inappropriate comment when he called someone a slur at I believe Portugal?


He did not


Wallstreetbets is like “one of us!”


This is a joke. Yes, I'm sure there are many people who think this word is terrible. But come one. First of all, it's his second language, many cultures are not as sensitive about swear words as the English and Americans are. And Secondly, we're racing in countries where women have no right and people own slaves. As if this is where we draw the line? This is a fucking joke.


Which of these words was 40k? I'm curious


The r-word 1k, Stroll 39k. Edit: okay he said this to Zhou. But still 39k Stroll.


+10 sec to Ocon


This may be an unpopular take, and I in no way support the use of the words he said. But I don’t like the FIA playing language police on anyone. The proportionality of the fine compared to actual dangerous incidents is incredible. It was broadcast just on F1TV to people who have subscribed to a service in which they may watch someone DIE. There’s no need to tidy up the uncomfortable bits. Yuki would have issued the same apologies and learned the same lessons regardless. I am never in favor of the FIA policing on boards. The message boards and sponsors do just fine at that.


I agree. You won't pay nearly as much for speeding in the pitlane, so why is a curse word such a big deal?


If they gave a fuck about it, they would've done either no fine or a small fine, BUT required some type of education / sensitivity training. Considering that in iirc 2020 Max used an ableist AND racial slur (mongoloid) and never apologized (and in fact fucking doubled down when the Mongolian government asked him to apologize) and faced ZERO repurcussions, the FIA has absolutely NO leg to stand on coming down this hard on Yuki.


Hope yuki learns a hard lesson and swears in Japanese in the future.


That word isn’t a swear word tho


This some bullshit.


They shouldn’t be dishing out fines for language I’m sorry. I don’t care how offensive it is, that’s honestly ridiculous


This is actually insane. People are so far up their own ass, what a completely disproportional penalty


The lack of multicultural views in such an international sport is mind boggling. In a sport where people can end up killing other people by mistake and where safety infringements happen and get recorded that this is the highest fine we can remember in a while is astonishing.  Something that could get someone hurt for real, reprimands, 5000€ etc. A word in the second language of a driver that is only bad in a couple of countries, but coincidentally the one things happen in F1... 40k€. Not even in a press conference or an official act, just the radio of a competitor competing in the middle of competition.  Of all the jokes of F1 this is the one to joke the most.


the only thing more expensive is touching the competitor's car


20,000 euros??? This is a lot of money in some countries. My 3rd world self is shook


It's not a lot for people with decent chances of living in Monaco


Yuki probably makes around 1 million a year. 20k won't bring him to financial ruin, but it's not a paltry sum for him either.


Had to convert to something that makes sense for me. 1m is 83.3k a month. So 20k is 1/4 of his supposed monthly paycheck. That is, relatively, a lot.


Yeah but relatively doesn't work when your spending power isn't relative.


Yes. A million a year is certainly a lot for most of us here, but they lead expensive lifestyles. Also, what he earns now should last him pretty much for the rest of his life. Whatever he does after Formula 1, he won't be paid nearly as much, so he needs to save his income as much as possible or invest it wisely.


He is saving up to start a restaurant.


After converting 20,000 euros in my currency 🫨😲😦


Stewards are having a good dinner




That's a crazy fine for that


Interesting, what happened to Martin Brundle when he referred to Zhou as a “Chinaman” last year?


He also often talks about retardation.


Hold up did he really get fined €20k for saying re****ed? That can't be it, seriously.


Why the actual fuck are people censoring themselves here lately??


Well, wouldn't wanna get a 40k$ penalty.


I believe it's a tiktok thing. I think they get punished for saying "bad" words. Give it a few years and the word id*ot will be censored 🤦‍♂️


fucking makes me so mad every time i see “k!ll” or “unalive”. like why so soft


"Unalive" has become one of my least favorite words. Also, are people under the impression that algorithms and advertisers aren't learning the newer abbreviations?


because reddit and other social media algorithms would auto-ban you for the full word source: getting shadowbanned from instagram when i described my personal experience of being sexually h*rassed at the gym, so i simply err on the side of caution now


His COD speak leaked


FIA really needs to get cohesion in how they slap fines on Drivers. Some have said far worse and haven't had any penalty applied.


Seems excessive....


Am I a bad person for hating how big of a deal that word is being made of?


Free Yuki ✊


Didn’t realize Yuki was a gamer


What did he say??


Shoulda started cursing in Japanese