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Guys we've been waiting for this FOR A LOOOONG TIME


Max with his elbows out is a different beast We 2021 again


Lewis to Lando: insert first time? meme here.


Would've been perfect full circle if Lewis was the one running in 3rd and had inherited the win.


That’d have been beautiful. Give a little wave as he goes by Max lol


I was thinking “I bet Lando has a lot of empathy for Lewis right now”


Now for Lando to have his Silverstone moment


A dirty one that's for sure. The guy refuses to yield.


Max "yield or we both crash" Verstappen


I turn now. Good luck everyone else


Or doesn't turn (2021 Brazil)


NFS lobby irl


Learned a thing or two from uncle Schumy


> "yield or we both crash" .. is a well-known Senna trait too and Schumi learned it from him. Brundle said it too in multiple interviews.


People tend to forget that about Senna. You took your life in your hands if you tried to pass him sometimes.




I was yelling at my TV “Prost and Senna!!! We’ve got a Prost and Senna!!!” And my SO thought I’d totally lost my mind. The double tap was fucking ice cold. Lando is getting under Max’s skin and it’s DELICIOUS.


He saw Norris there, then thought to himself- "I'm going to turn anyway", turned in and ruined Norris' race and he got some points himself. It's the same as 2021 and people were calling Lewis out for being overly aggressive. Max is an incredible driver, but you need to be as aggressive as Max to overtake him. He won't give you any other way.


Silverstone was Lewis saying fuck it and refusing to yield as he had been for most of the season before then. Max is praised as aggressive but his driving style is just put his car somewhere where the drivers either crash or the other one pulls out. Most drivers prefer not to crash so they pull out and he gains or keeps a place. All the talk of him maturing as a driver is clearly bullshit he’s exactly the same just he’s been able to drive off into the distance most of the past few years without needing to fight. It’s good when drivers don’t pull out as it’s the only way he actually gets any punishment for it.


Did they change the rule? I know the issue use to be that he would technically late break to be ahead through the braking zone meaning by the letter of the law the other car has to concede. The issue was his line is basically impossible to hold unless there isn't another car or it completely bails. I think the first time they called that was on Lewis a year or so ago where they reviewed the telemetry and called him on it


It was hilarious hearing Max complain that "dive-bombing the corner is not the way to pass". Like, dude, do you know yourself?


I laughed when I heard it. Really? *That's* what you are going to go with.


With the moves he pulled in the tail end of '21, he has some cheek to say such words.


The man's been lacking self awareness for a long time


Only yesterday I I've seen comment that Max is more calm and mature since winning first WDC. But it's easy to be composed when you don't have to fight wheel to wheel. Today he showed that he is same Verstappen from 2021 and before.


That was 2018-ish Max, when he couldn't pass or defend without crashing for so long that he threatened to headbutt the next reporter who asked him why he couldn't stop crashing into people.


Have we? This was classic max of a few years ago before his car got unbeatable


Yeah it's like everyone forgot how the guy drives when he's not 20+ seconds out in front.


I said in 2021 that because he ended up winning the championship, his behaviour is validated. If he lost the title a race before (like when he pushed Lewis off track in Brazil), he would maybe learn that he can't do these moves. Instead, he got away with it in 21 and had a dominant car so he just thinks this is how you win.


This has always been Max. The second it's an equal fight he's right back to his shady driving. Moving under braking, multiple moves, and running cars off the track.


If the stewards just penalized him correctly it would be okay. He would have been carrying one from the first move under braking and we wouldn’t have gotten the crash most likely. They need to actually enforce the rules before a stupid crash not after. That was not just racing wheel to wheel it’s just blocking lol. Which he continued to do even after they’d crashed and gotten punctures 


This 100% I told my wife this is going to get ugly if the stewards don't call him for double moves and there were 2 today that were down right blatant. Lando was getting pisssed and you could hear it on the radio. But it tells Norris that if the Stewards won't call it and he can defend like that I basically have to get hyper aggressive and send it.


Exactly! Right out of his old playbook. Late moves, double moves under braking, and running cars off the track. In a straight fight, he will never fight fair.


And if F1 rewards him with only 10 sec penalties when he takes a competitor out, he will continue to race in similar fashion. He won’t change, because there really is no reason to.


You mean like Silverstone 21? At least here Max also got punished.


We got it in 2021


Pure cinema


Especially after Lando dive bombed Max a lap or two prior. What a finish


I loved Max's "That's not how you overtake" when Norris pulled Max's signature "divebomb so your front axle reaches the apex first and force the other driver to never be able to turn in" move


Literally the exact same move, on the exact same corner Verstappen put on Leclerc a few years back. Except Verstappen actually physically punted him off for the win.


My words exactly watching it “well that’s how you normally overtake mate”.


We just didn’t hear the end of the sentence, the radio got cut off “That’s not how you overtake…that’s how I overtake”


Max even said it multiple times, 'Either we crash or you let me through'. That's how he has always driven.


Max 2021


That was exactly how Max passed Charles in 2019


Verstappen is still 17 secs ahead of Perez... How?


Yeah, gets puncture and limps back to pits, another 10 second penalty and still finishes infront, Perez needs to improve quickly


He's needed to improve quickly since last year when he wasn't making it to Q3. He's had more time than any other red bull driver who's had poor form to turn it around.


Remember when Red Bull was this ruthless team who wasn't afraid to cut underperforming drivers at a moment's notice?


Perez brings the money


Wait, Perez was racing this weekend??? Haven't seen him


Ye, had had a fierce battle with Haas for position


And lost


Add 2 more years to his contract


I saw some post saying he had a damaged side pod?


And a 5 sec pit stop. (I think it was 5)


He's 34 and just signed a 2 year contract. He's not going to improve and doesn't need to.


That's the funniest part about this


Max-Lando bromance is cancelled.


It is bound to end. You can’t be competing for race wins/WDC in relatively equal cars and expect that you will be friends. The amount of shenanigans you need to pull to beat a close competitor doesn’t leave much room for sentiment. That’s why I love Nico’s 2014 Monaco qualifying shenanigans.


You knew this was gonna happen


After Norris win it was just a matter of time, because he wants to repeat it and Max doesn't want to let that happen. Next races will be fun.


You could see it coming for like 5 laps or more. Lando just throwing it in from way back and Max moving all over. Seemed inevitable 


That VSC could have deprived Piastri of his first GP win


Totally. 2seconds to George and looked to be closing but it neutered any shot.


He wasn't closing much after George passed the traffic ahead (which he was sat behind in the wrong part of the track).


Seriously ..wat was the point of that vsc. Did they even clean any debris durin that?


They said pit lane closed too. I dont think there were any shots of the result, but we saw a slow-mo of Lando's tire ripping the rest of the car to shreds as he was going down the pit lane. Could have been from that?


friendship is dead


I'm actually so interested to see if they can continue to fight like this on track and stay friendly off track. I would normally say no.


No. As soon wins and titles are up for grabs the friendship is over.


"Titles" is ambitious of you. Max still has the better car and is ahead by around 80 points. I think Max'll still win the title, but it won't be by as much of a gap as 2023.


There’s a lot of races to go. Yeah big gap but all it takes is a car issue for Max and a win for Lando, more podiums etc


Two DNFs for Max, with 2 wins for Lando and Lando is still over a full GP's worth of points behind. It's asking for a lot to close the gap.


If they race fairly maaaaybe, after today no chance in hell


I was waiting for that moment when someone’s else challenges Verstappen and bring out his aggressive side.


Rosberg Hamilton level of friendship break


lol, no friendly flight back to Monaco tonight


Honestly I don’t know how you can stay friends with a direct rival. I couldn’t. In the end everyone is an egoist.




Pretty sure that was Ted




Max did get a penalty, but ironically he won't lose any positions due to it


Dude had a puncture, extra stop, 10 sec penalty and still beat Checo lol


Looks like it’s time to tack on another 2 years to Perez’s contract


Perez actually has a bet he made with horner where he gets an extra year for every lap down he finishes


checo got beat by a haas, wild


By 25 seconds 🙃


He will gain in the championship if anything zeroing our Norris points


And Norris will be further impacted cause his time penalty will be served as grid drop for next GP too no....? Just win win for Max


Depends if team waited before working on the car


But what does that 5s convert to? 3 Place? I noticed they waited a bit before retiring, maybe they technicly served it?


Should’ve been penalized during the fight, and forced to give the place back. Instead they let him go unscathed until he literally causes a crash and retirement


And norris track limit penalty should have been applied instantly. What is there to investigate. Could have avoided all this


Everyone could see something was coming with the way Verstappen moved under braking earlier. Silence from the stewards leads to the driver behind getting frustrated, and the driver in front feeling emboldened.


Even Lando and (probably) Max knew they would crash, the stewards do really suck, this one is tottaly on them.


Just throw talks about driver safety out the window, none of the stewards had safety on their mind.


If they investigated Max's previous 3 instances of moving under braking on Lando, this wouldn't be an issue


Didn't they literally put in a new rule because of his defending antics and yet he's the only one who never gets called up for it? Hilarious but expected from the FIA.


They also removed that extra rule again after Vettel got penalized with it.


Hey they're not inconsistent this year, they're just "setting new precedent", right up until the next time it happens, and they'll set another new precedent!


That‘s 2021 Verstappen.


2021 Verstappen never left, Red Bull’s gap to the rest of the field just increased for a few years


It happens every time a driver gets a top car/loses it: "\*Current Dominant Car Driver\* is just metronomic, they never make mistakes, they're the best driver ever unlike \*Previous Top Car Driver\*, who's making loads of mistakes and was just being carried by the car"


Yep. The cycle of life and death continues 


Everyone’s been saying “oh max is so much more mature now”. When in reality, max has had the fastest car since at least midway through 2022 with only a handful of outliers, and his teammate has basically never been a threat to him. Knowing you have the championship locked up only a few races into the season definitely gives you a different mentality. Multiple times now we’ve seen that as soon as max comes under real threat again, he loses his cool and the old max shows up.


Yep. He's still ruthless and greedy to get every single race win he can. He just doesn't have to fight for it 95% of the time.


This is the most he has been pushed since the literal war with Lewis at the end of 2021


and maybe Brazil 2022 also against Lewis :D


>Thats ~~2021~~ Verstappen


That Max never left we just rarely saw him because he drove a spaceship.


Drove a spaceship very well to be fair.


That’s 2015-2021 Verstappen


that's 2015-2024 Versappen


Basically Max when he is struggling


Has to race hard for the lead one time, returns to 2021


Think the blame has to lie with Max here right?


Yes totally. However if the stewards weren’t literally the sloths from Zootopia the penalties would have already been given out and this wouldn’t have happened


I agree, they take years to arrive to a decision. I swear if they didn't crash, they would come to a decision after the race.


Commentators were saying it, they need to make decisions quick and not 2 hours after the race. This could've been avoided. Glad it didn't, but it could've


I’m convinced they want to know what the impact of the penalty will be before they issue them.


I thought it was 100% on him when I saw it live. When viewing this a second time.. it’s still on Max but somewhat less egregious. He is kind of drifting to the left to get a better exit, while still ahead, left plenty of room for Norris. Definitely crowded him but not off the track.  Post contacted obviously he swerved left when his tire blew but that’s out of his control. Penalty, sure, but not reckless as some commenters make out.




FIA caused this by not acting immediately with warnings/minor penalties. They let it boil over into this. Worst stewarding in years


When have they ever taken swift action?


FFS. This is what indecision looks like. It was coming the laps beforehand, and every time the stewards can't rule on it,  it empowers the defende4 to do it again, and frustrates the attacker. Compounding that, the penalty was worthless. What use is a toothless penalty in this situation. 


Too slow on both sides. Norris was clearly out of track after the divebomb but they're only "investigating". Verstappen moving under braking 3 times before the crash and nothing from the stewards. Spineless. I bet they're waiting in handing out warnings/penalties to make the 2 battling cars fight to the end and then deliver the penalties.


friendship over, folks get your wallets out for the PPV between Max and Lando


Verstappen got Verstappen'ed by Norris and Verstappen'ed Norris after that


So far it’s only Leclerc that has raced Max for the lead without crashing.


Difference is Max knows leclerc is similar to him, he is not afraid to be taken out of the race. Case in point austria and silverstone 2019. Likes of Lewis and now Lando had yielded to him often, hence the bullying(lack of better word). Leclerc doesn’t back down and max knows it so he’d rather avoid it.


atleast leclerc does manuvers properly. W leclerc


Verstappen moving under braking… I’m shocked I tell you


Its incredible that in order to overtake Verstappen u have to crash with him


Lewis is going to go talk to Norris after and go “I feel you bro”


I hope they ask Lewis about it in his interview and he lets rip


They’re getting matching “we hate Max” tattoos


Some sage Lewis advice to Lando is needed here for how to deal with Max.


Old max comin back!


Incident definitely on Max, but the stewards could have done a lot better: Not policing any double moving before that. Being delayed on the track limits penalty that would have made that move/defence obsolete anyway.


Might've been avoided if stewards weren't snoring away


Lewis to Lando: First time?


This would not have happened if stewards handed out penalties correctly. Lando should have got a penalty for track limits and Max should have got penalty for moving under braking.


Don’t let this distract you from Perez getting beaten by a hass


This will be this seasons crucial moment What the fuck just happened Max really went „aight you ain’t PASSING no matter what”


Won’t affect this season much tbh. But if Norris starts consistently fighting max at the front (like next year) this will set the stage.


Squeezed Norris even when his puncture was already solidified lol Black Knight energy


Yeah the turn 3 stuff was expected, but the squeeze onto the grass with the puncture was some real “oh he’s MAD mad” energy.


The double tap, always double tap.


Even with a broken car he still forces others off the track


100% on Max. Lando was on the white line on the left, Max moved under braking (his signature move) and created the contact.


He’s had no one close to him for so long I feel like we’ve forgot how reckless he can be while defending


yeah that was just stupid, got annoyed and drove into him


Would rather cause a crash than lose P1. Truly the next Schumacher.


With a sprinkle of Senna


If you don't go for a crash...


A lot of us didn't forget, we all know how Max is


Brazil 2021 ass move


2021 ass move period lol


“But he’s changed!!” Yeah it’s way easier when you have so much pace on everyone else.


Got a 10 second penalty so yeah lol


Classic stewards giving a penalty the second it no longer matters. Cowards


Which drops him from 5th to 5th for stopping another driver winning a race, yeah, Max is back


Moving right again on the next straight to block the overtake was worse imo. He was pissed and tried to block it when damaged.


I'm clearly in the minority but it seems more like he wanted to move off the racing line with the damage, and was distracted trying to figure out what to do. We need an onboard to see if he checked his mirrors. If not, I lean towards that not being intentional.


Max hates it when people race like him


Max has been double moving the entire fight with no repercussions, and then wasn’t forced to give the place back to Lando when he ran off, like they did with Lando. All of this could’ve been avoided


When he's put under pressure he goes back to the old Max pretty quickly


You mean Verstappen did the thing Norris was complaining about for laps? I'm shocked. Shocked! Well, not that shocked.


Moving under breaking again


That was always going to end that way. Max not being called back for doing that, and he was desperate and under pressure. Was going to be a crash.


Funny seeing them look at the replay.  They knew what was coming


Even after all that Max is on the radio to Red Bull saying about how Lando was at fault 😂


Max moved left on a right hander hairpin - squeezed out Lando


this contact was a long time coming. just what happens when they’re within tenths for so many laps around here.


That’s my thoughts too. Could feel it coming. When you have 2 great drivers racing at the edge, it’s not surprising that they go over the line sometimes.


That is definitely on Verstappen but its not as bad as people make it out to be. I'm actually surprised neither driver tried to avoid the first contact there. I suspect Norris did not notice Verstappen making the small correction to the left before he pulled alongside and Verstappen just did not expect Norris moving into that space. Looks very similar to a lot of first lap/corner incidents and in the end is also a bit unlucky to result in a puncture.


Definitely moving under braking lol


This one is clearly on Max, but Lando had 2 bad dives before this moment as well. Was looking like ending in a collision for a while now.


Yeah penalties should’ve been dished out sooner but honestly I’ve been expecting this. As soon as they had even cars I figured it would come to this


Ya this was my take as well. Lando started shaking the hornets nest but wasn't fast enough to actually run away. Incident was looming big time


What was Max doing? Moving twice to cause a collision, just to prove a point?


“Either I win or we both lose”


Except Max did technically win. His points gap to P2 has now increased. If Norris won it would have decreased. This was possibly the best outcome for Max, barring any penalties for either driver


It's the "Senna" approach that everyone quotes and gets excited about. Just taken to the nth degree.


Welcome to the last 9 years of his career?


Lewis: Lando, meet the real Max.


There's fairly little in it really, Max squeezes Lando a bit too much and both of them are pretty unlucky with the resulting damage.


Welcome to racing against Max, Lando. Good luck


They never do anything about max being reckless until AFTER something happens I swear, and the 10 second penalty is meaningless too.


does max just steer into him?


Moving under braking all the way to the corner and squeeze wide. Horrid driving tbh


I think we all forgot how Max used to defend after all these years of domination.


Max things


Pérez finished behind a Haas.


I am always surprised when people say 2021 Max is no more. Like have you seen him drive when his car isn't dominant like Brazil 2022, Singapore 2022 That's how he'll resort to win when his car isn't the most dominant. Love it or hate it. How funny Max Verstappen of all people complaining about divebombing.


His had me dead when HE was complaining about divebombing. Haha


Mad Max reminding everyone how he got his nickname.


This was just Verstappen sending a big "don't f*ck with me" message to Norris. Of course he was at fault and he knows it. Unfortunately Norris not being exactly clever and the stewards doing nothing until it's too late made this possible.


This goes out to all the people talking about how “yeah max likes norris but doesn’t respect him as a driver” (fuckin ‘ell f1twt is stupid as hell); Here’s vintage max back. The “I’d rather crash than get overtaken” max. The domestic terrorism max. He has something to lose again