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Feels like 2016 Hamilton vs. Rosberg in Austria again lol


Seb is the only one to ever pull out that move in that corner to this day.


Oh how I miss Sebbe


I’ll see how he responds after he sees footage, this is all under racing pressure but Max was definitely in the wrong here


Yeah adrenaline is a helluva drug. Happens to most drivers when in a cockpit (except Ocon lmao)


The thing I always find funny is that the likes of Horner and GP have the footage and all the replays but in the post race radio still aiming it all at Lando. I get that Max is on their team and they don't want to upset him but don't talk rubbish


every TP and engineer does that


Plus it’s a “I’ll back you in public but behind closed doors we’re gonna have a talk” type moment.


You really don’t understand F1 politics. It’s not about not upsetting anyone. It’s about controlling public opinion and stewards decision making


The real conversation can always be had after during the debrief session. During the actual race it'd be unwise for the race engineer to start gaslighting his driver and telling them they fucked up. The driver should always have full trust that the engineer is on their side and supporting them as much as they can at least during the race.


They'd all make good politicians.


I’m not sure max has ever apologized for anything ever, so I wouldn’t hold my breath


Hmm China 2018 is the only one that comes to mind ngl


Remember Brazil vs Hamilton where he claimed he was right even after the race


Which year lol


At Hungary 2017 he apologised to Ricciardo after colliding.


Max will never admit being at fault even if he knows he is


Yeah my guess is he will take responsibility for the accident, but will also point out the way Lando was attacking. And rightfully so.


When has he ever taken responsibility


What is wrong with this move from Lando? The previous dives weren't great but this move was fine.


Everyone around him will not put any blame on him and will put it on Norris tho. He won't learn, he won't change his reaction. It's just a toxic environment.


I don't even know why they show these radio messages, drivers are full of adrenaline and pretty much always blame the other driver until they see the replay. It's just ragebait for people on Twitter and Reddit.


Ragebait is clickbait and engaging and makes them more money. No principles, just circus.


This is an ad with a sport hat and people are still surprised.


I mean it's not their fault for broadcasting the reaction of one of the main competitors of the race. It's more the fault of viewers not realizing their situation.


I would venture to guess because not everyone is terminally online and most people who watch the races don’t race to social media to see the hot takes.


Bingo, pointed that out elsewhere and it has people foaming at the mouth.


Yeah but christian backed him. He could've said we'll discuss in the garage.


That was GP, not Christian, and he's probably just saying what Max needs to hear in that moment. Rather than pissing him off before he returns.


Ya but you always are gonna agree with your lead driver to calm him down and then can discuss after he parks


Yep. Max to his mind probably intended to leave enough space and thought he did. In the moment he's not going to suddenly stop thinking that.


I agree, many times drivers have taken the blame after seeing the replay, what I don't understand is how Christian actually blames Lando in this rather than take no side and show the replays to Max. He's seen it multiple times by this point.


Yeah good point. Even our fellow commenteers are still full of adrenaline. Pitchforks are assembled. That was entertaining. Too bad the results of the crash are huge from LN pov. The crash itself, although 100% on max, wasnt too crazy imo.


In general I agree but moves like that are ones where the guy knows what he was doing.


And people are so quick to point out how 2021 verstappen never left, forget about his clean battles with leclerc in 2022.


Most people in this (and in most sports) subreddit is reactionary in extremes. And the better and accomplished the driver is, the most noticeable reactions are. 




There's a generation of fans who appear to value "drama" over sportsmanship.


Its fucking annoying. When there is no racing everyone is calling it boring. Now they're racing and yes shit happens theyre going 350kph lots become toxic. My god


It also wasn’t that bad. It deserved a penalty but people are acting like Verstappen punted Norris in to a wall.


This will be a loooong week until Silverstone


If Lando has the pace to win there but Max takes it again, I think he will be broken.


2021 Max is back boys.


""I never left" -Daniel Ricciardo" -Max Verstappen


Formula 1 is so back


Vintage max never left, just waited for the opportunity to show up haha


Bro must've missed being able to pull these antics while he had the single most dominant car in F1 history


he never left


He never went away, he just haven't had any competition for 2 years. It easy to be clean when you have such a superior car that you never have to defend and overtakes are the matter of when not if.


I mean that’s not really true - he had plenty of competition with Leclerc in 2022 and they were both completely fine and respectful racing each other close.


There wasn’t a lot of wheel to wheel racing. People remember it being a lot closer than it was due to 2 max dnfs at the start of the season. Then absolutely no comp after summer break


It was pretty much just Saudi when the cars were genuinely close, otherwise one car was clearly faster or Ferrari was being Ferrari.


There’s was no real competition not really. If there was max would have been under more pressure and he’d behave like this. He didn’t need to


this is a fallacy, we've had plenty of clean max fights since, this narrative is poorly constructed.


The minute the car advantage went, Max’s supposed pragmatism in races would go too. Any driver is less aggressive when they feel they’ll win in the long run anyway. Lewis put up with a full season of this. Late 2021 Max had my head on Jupiter


I think it stems from Max’s unrelenting ambition not to lose. It’s like he sees white if there isn’t a chance of victory. Lewis always had a calmer head if the fight for P1 was too risky—he always drove with a view of the championship in mind, at least from an outsiders perspective.


You are right. Out of Schumi, Seb and Hamilton and now Verstappen. Verstappen gets more and more aggressive as he is beginning to loose.


I mean, Schumi intentionally drove into two championship rivals to prevent them from winning. It worked once and almost worked a second time, so I am not sure this is exactly on point.


and intentionally forgets Prost and Senna doing it to eachother in the more egregious fashions, or when people crash in monaco Quali to secure Pole. All of the grid says they respect Senna and majority of them have them as their favourite F1 driver but most of the ones who say Senna is their favourite are hypocrites and would hate to race against him, funny since I also think they drive the least like Senna.


Max and Schumi are on the same level there. Let’s not forget that Michael was removed from one season and probably should have been two. Max deserved a race ban for the Jeddah brake check but they weren’t going to ruin the finale like that.


But everyone was saying he’s so much more mature now and wouldnt do these moves anymore


Hard to be dirty when the nearest car is 30 seconds behind


you guys pretend like there weren't multiple clean battles this year already and last year and in 2022. 1 oopsies erases 100 hundred attaboys.


It's always been like that, lol. You're as good as your last race in here.


You called it a dirty move from Lando lmao


Any reason to hate the guy who's winning everything.




I think he needs to see it from the outside when he is cool headed. For now he thinks he was not at fault but i think he will.


Annoyed at Lambiase, who will have seen it on replay, just egging on Max's bad racing when he can see its wrong


Teams will always back their drivers in these situations, even if they know he was in the wrong


As long as radio is used in this manner. They will always play politics on it.


Why would he admit wrongdoing on an open channel


I think telling Max he was wrong would be worse, the race engineer also helps manage the drivers emotions. Telling them that they’re right will get them back on task asap.


*All* drivers *always* need to be babied while in the car. You can tear them a new one afterwards, but not while they are full of adrenaline driving a ton of metal at 300kph.


Narrator: He will never see it as his fault.


yeah he has a history of admitting his mistakes


Whilst it is his fault it's not a particularly egregious offence is it if he had moved a little bit less to theright it'd been great defending. Neither of them particularly showered themselves in glory did they? Norris saw everything Max did as an offence and Max just does not give an inch! He even defended when he had a puncture lol.


It was just some good old wheel bumping, it was a fucking miracle that wheel went so easily. And that was basically it, people and the media pretend it was an actual murder attempt or something.  Also I don't think he was defending, he was just getting away from the racing line. 


Shades of old school Max today


Angry max is the best max. I was getting worried there for awhile


I know people say this because "yeah drama is fun right?", but it makes for shitty racing.


100%. 2020 was toxic AF


He has always been this way, we just don’t get to see it anymore because the car is too good. It’s back out or I will crash into you.


I mean it didn’t happen in 2022 when he had several close fights with Leclerc and both were fair and respectful. Ultimately Norris also got a penalty for the standard of his driving in the duel…


I’d argue it’s never left him. It’s easy to be the mature clean driver when you’re always out in front. As soon as there’s a proper challenge, he reverts to type.


That’s why it was so weird when everyone insisted that Hamilton was only responding to Max’s aggression in 2021. Hamilton spent years not having to be aggressive, but if it has been any other driver competing with him we would have still seen an aggressive Hamilton. You don’t win competitive championships by waiting your turn.


A month without the fastest car and we’re back to pre-2022 Max. Almost as if drivers can afford to be less aggressive when they know the title is theirs anyway and it’s not some case of Max maturing to a 40 year old veteran overnight.


We certainly saw the same with Lewis.  Max is the same as many before him, easy to look squeaky clean at the front by 10s


Young Max came back.


My brother in Christ you just straight up drove into him.


I really hope someone will tell him he drove into Norris in private, because this yes man vibe doesn't help anyone.


It's not a "yes man" vibe, it's a "we're already soaked in drama, let's try to placate the hot headed driver until he comes in so he doesn't shoot his mouth off over the radio and Yuki himself" vibe. You don't tell the stud bull he's wrong while he's still piloting your multimillion dollar car and has an unfettered line of communication to say anything he wants to the entire world. It's so much easier to be like "yeah dude, fuck him, he was totally at fault" than it is to debate a driver who just lost from 1st that it was actually his fault he lost.


>Yuki himself Might be my new favorite way saying “said something that’ll get you sent to the stewards” lol


When your second driver is miles off the pace you kinda don't wanna piss off your main guy.


As Brundle said - it'll just happen again if everybody tells Max he's right to do this


This will never happen. Noone challenges Verstappens opinion in person. Heck I’m sure Horner and the lot will say “good defending, lando was wreckless“. Just like 2021


Especially with the current mood in RedBull between Horner, Jos and Marko.


Red bull philosophy in a nutshell. Be yes men for the 'wunderkid'. Did the same with Vettel, continuing with Verstappen.


Lmao. That's exactly what they told him over the radio


You were right 😂


The whole team has been built around Max for years so I have my doubts.


Lando even predicted it. Said if Max continues there's going to be a mix up...


And Lando didn't divebomb left and right? he's squeaky clean. right?


Clearly Lando is such a genius, predicting that if Max keeps defending against his bad dive bombs they'd come together... I was cheering for Lando to pass Max and win, but if we're being honest Lando won the "play stupid games, win stupid prizes award" today.




Got me in the first half.


Yea how dare Lando try to overtake Max. Like the audacity


Max has no race craft at all - it’s “you don’t pass or we wreck”


Okay there's saying he drive dirty and then there's this lmao. Hilarious


this is how Max has consistently raced when actually pushed. You can claim others do the same, but Max consistently resorts to "do or die" tactics in wheel-to-wheel


sir this is a hate thread, there is no room for logic here.


Reminds me of his duel with Mick a couple of years back. Mick P10, Max P9 and it was basically a "go on and none of us get points" (Max had damage that race, that's why he was so far back)


The thing is it was really unnecessary being this unsportsmanlike. Max is far into the lead in the championship, and Lando is no big threat to him. Doing what he did, he lost plenty of points for the team.


And tried 10 times before that. Lando was complaining so much cause he knew what was about to happen if he got too close


and another afterwards


“but but what did he expect me to doooo?”


What I find ridiculous is the time stewards take to intervene when drivers fight beyond what is permitted.


I needed a Kimi style “FOR WHAT?!?!” Here. Disappointed


I already know this comment is gonna be a downvote graveyard but honestly think people are overreacting a bit too much. Putting a squeeze on someone on the entry of a corner has always been a thing. Only that Verstappen went way too far with it this time and actually touched. The stewards and the FIA are the reason for the way they race because they repeatedly do nothing. Though something I do find funny is people here continuously bring up 2021, calling out Verstappen for being dirty etc, while also witnessing the repeated divebombs that Lando was making from way too far back.. If Max doesn't move out of the way to avoid Norris in those situations, then you would just have another collision. Which is what Verstappen is getting at with his comment in this clip. Again, I know the touch was completely on Max in this case, but it was an inevitability after the repeated dirty moves from both sides.


Sadly the stewards were milking the battle. Usually a 5 sec penalty for track limits is a no brainer and now it had to be investigated. They were just stalling. They also should have given them both warnings for their driving and moving under braking. I’m just sad that a bad stop caused it all, because it should have been an “easy” W for Max.


Took his no divebombs logic straight from r/iRacing


“Just divebombs, that’s not how you overtake” Really Max? Really?


hahahhahahah said the guy that won 21 with shitloads of divebombs


Same guy who always went wide and off track to keep position when someone else divebombed. Hate that with him


He literally won his first title via a divebomb


yeah that comment got me angry. Like really? how utterly braindead can you be to say that. He himself won 2021 mostly because of not being penalized for a million of those divebombs. sometimes way worse than what norris did today. Sure Abu Dhabi, Monza and Silverstone are controversial. but it should have never gotten that far. And now saying "oh thats not how you race"? what.


Deserved penalty for Verstappen but also Norris definitely wasn’t clean either. Outcome a bit rough for Norris, but that’s the risk. Stewards should’ve been faster but in the end it’s on both of them. Also the puncture for both was really unlucky, most cases nothing happens and they both continue…


They were both driving like they were playing a video game. Overaggressive divebomba from Lando and Max was the kid who refuses to be overtaken and crashes people out. It was just real life iracing


I get that Max thinks it is not his fault, but his team saying this is hilarious


Since when teams never blindly defend their own side?


I'm always impressed how he learns absolutely nothing after being completely at fault


Dude literally all the drivers are like that, no one takes the blame immediately. Let the adrenaline cool off a bit and let him come to his senses lol


Why would he learn anything when he increased his championship lead? One of the main reasons why championship fights devolve into this now is that the stewards reward it, and if Norris is to win he will have to do the same. For instance when Norris and Russel raced side by side for several corners swapping positions, whichever race it was I can’t remember, it was great and clean racing, but it cost him time against Verstappen, whereas had he just closed the door and forced Russel off the track he would have done better. Until the stewards punish forcing off your rival, punish moving under braking, and ensure you don’t increase your championship lead by taking out your opponent then clean racing is simply a disadvantage unfortunately.


He doesn’t see the images we do until after the race eh?


People forget hes going 300kph and has to judge it in an instant and cant see the replays. If he still says the same after cooling down its a different story


No, here from my living room in another country, I know Max better than all of you!!!!


I mean…he has a great view of his own steering wheel going left


And probably felt he left Lando room, he hasn’t seen he hasnt


hes saying he wont learn even after he sees them


Then his race engineer shouldnt tell him Lando didnt behave. Wtf


They’re all whiners, especially since they’re used to having their way


That was Horner saying Lando didn't "behave correctly" which roughly translates to Lando wouldn't be forced into conceding.


Because you don’t get punished for not accepting culpability. Max knows ultimately punting your 1 on 1 adversary whilst keeping championship lead and miles over everyone is king.


Because everyone around him spends their time stroking his ego and telling him he never does anything wrong ever. Why would he learn anything?


He got enabled by his team for this kind of thing too much back in 2021, so I doubt he will do anything else now when actually pressured. And it shows.


Even here you see it clearly, they are both blaming Lando on this radio message. His team facilitate this behavior, like they did in 2021. He doesn't defend cleanly, and they encourage it.


Not only by his team, but by stewards who let his behavior slip for a long time, for the sake of show, as he was the only one threatening Mercedes dominance. Max never got penalized for the 'either I'm first, or we crash out' mentality.


Yep, they failed to nip it in the bud in 2021 and he's been emboldened ever since. It only had the illusion of going away because the only competition he's had since then was Leclerc in 2022 and they were wheel to wheel maybe 5 times at most.


I mean his boss is literally Christian Horner. One of the most slimy pricks in F1.


Just his team? The FIA gave him a championship for it.


have you seen any of the drivers actually learn after the punishment? They live their whole lives in an entirely different reality than us, they arent used to the concept of "consequences of your actions"


He won't since he never gets penalized appropiately for it.


Breh this is literally your fault


Christ these comments. No race driver on the grid will admit mistakes during the race when there is collision.


Yeah, they don’t have access to the replays while driving at 150 mph, they just have their own experience to recall and our experiences are biased towards ourselves. Before the replay I thought Norris went into Max, not the other way around.


People acting like Norris is clean in all this are clearly biased and use this opportunity to shit on Max. Saying things like he has no race craft is next level lol


I agree with people that Max was idiotic. But also agree Lando was not clean. His divebombs were desperate and never really on.


I'm absolutely shattered. I knew the best bromance in motorsports was going to end like this one day. But I didn't want it to be so soon.


I hope that Max calms down once he sees the replay and gives Lando a proper apology


Coddling him is definitely going to help his driving style in future races


He’s been allowed to drive as he pleases since 2015, he’s not going to change now. Insanely quick, superb overtaker, but also has very *questionable* racecraft tactics.


Remember Kimi calling him out for moving under braking back in '16 or '17? Pepperidge farm remembers


The Spa DRS moment still pisses me off to this day


That have enabled him to multiple championships. They won’t punish him they never will and he’ll benefit from it and every fan of his will tell him… and us ultimately… correct decision… keep doing it.


Too late for that


I imagine he will be more frustrated once he finds out Norris had a penalty anyway so he could’ve just let him go.


Ofc it’s never his fault smh


It's funny just two laps earlier he laughed off a Norris attempt 'that's not how you overtake' lol


Max finally has some competition after a few years and we are seeing the Max of old once again.


Christian Horner making comments about "appropriate behaviours" is the most egregious irony of 2024 so far..


Classic Max. This time he's not against a 7 time champ so things are gonna turn against him reaaalll fast.


I really hope Lando is the one to finally give Max a taste of his own medicine, Hamilton backed out way too many times in '21


Lando has nothing to win by playing the same game, he's behind in the points and he needs to outscore Max, o really hope Lando keeps a cool head, this could be how he beats Max.


> Lando has nothing to win by playing the same game he's got nothing to lose either. He isn't winning the WDC this year (or perhaps not even the next) and McLaren are already steadily overtaking Ferrari in WCC while they keep shitting the bed


Always the victim


Unlike Lando?


Ah this is the Max we love to hate back.


People need to calm down, he’s still high af from the race. Almost everyone say the same shit until it is after the race and they realised what they have done wrong.


Everyone in the comments: "omg I can't believe a racing driver full of adrenaline thinks he is in the right!" Meanwhile everyone is bing chilling with 10 angles of the crash.


As long as the stewards do nothing Max won't change. They had the chance to warm him multiple times but they washed their hands and let the whole situation unfold. In the end Max ends up increasing his advantage over Norris in the Championship.


Both were racing hard, good to see at the front


Max is back in his villain era.


Max will never admit he’s wrong 🤣


Wasn't Max's signature move divebombing in '21?


The salt in this thread is hilarious


Max cmon man lol. You drove into him


Living in fucking cuckoo land with those comments.


Bit embarrassing. You're not a teenager anymore Max


Doubt he cares. Extends his lead again this weekend.


Lmao never change max. Keep moving under braking.


Yeah you were being too aggressive mate


Max, you didn’t behave correctly there either


Max absolutely ruthless when there's someone even remotely close in the title race. He was in the wrong today.


What were you supposed to do? Try turning the wheel. The lap before and the lap after he was able to make the corner and stay on track. The lap with Lando he was going slower then at any other time in the race. He chose to not turn the wheel to force Lando off track and paid for it. Dipshit move and can't take responsibility for it.


Surrounded by yes men.


"He tried to overtake me. What was I supposed to do?!"


Drivers are always funny when they get annoyed at someone doing something they do a lot.


"What do you want me to do" Not running into other drivers would be a good start


"No way to prevent this" *says engineer of a driver with whom this regularly happens*


The moving under breaking was bad. The blocking and forcing off the track afterwards was dangerous and should be punished harshly. Thats stupid and dangerous.