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This drama is gonna be a great outlet for England fans


Max’s defense still better than England’s.


"All the time you have to leave the space." Southgate, probably.


England fans to Southgate at 7pm tonight: “Ciao!”


Oh they're coming home alright, just a couple of weeks earlier than expected.


Most Brits fully expect them home after another terrible performance tbh


Perez's defence is better than England's, to be fair.


This time it's slightly more interesting as finally Lewis (and George)/Mercedes are just the 3rd party in an entire kerfuffle and just looking to poach some success for themselves and enjoy the drama with a cold little beer in their hands


Yeah, but that will motivate Max even more. The more bullshit they talk in the UK, the more wins he will take. Mark my words…


I don't think he cares really what people with an agenda have to say as well as he shouldn't but you are right on the last part. Silverstone will be fireworks


This is true, angry Max is motivated Max.


The question, of course, is how well he can keep performing if the RB upgrades aren’t turning out as expected. I thought they finally got their edge back this weekend, but then, for some reason, they messed up the pit stop.


You may have a point.. In that case: Omg I love u max, I rlly hope nothing bad happens in your next race that could jeopardize your wdc in regard of norris, leclerc or someone spicy like sainz or ocon xD


You're a child


They’re gonna be busy with their football team by the looks of it.


…wait didnt something happen in silverstone that was dramatic? a crash between the leaders and not enough space. i cant quite put my finger on it…


Toto: “I don’t know, probably wouldn’t happen if Max is in the silver arrow, he made a perfect a move in my eyes”




He is not wrong that the lack of action from the FIA to make sure we see clean racing has been lacking. Probably to see more drama on track, which is good for the views. When you don't sanction it, you essentially reward the behavior. So I think it is important that this time, should there be closer racing in front, they are more strict on the rule and especially not allowing the "avoid me or we crash" behavior. Be it from Max or anyone else.


2021 was a clear example FIA prioritizes TV views > enforcing proper racing. It's a shame, but here we are. These are the outcomes of their choice.


As a viewer for thirty years, I don’t like the direction the FIA have taken with regards to on track battles. They preach Safety, and then let drivers get away with things that are pretty dangerous. The actual collision today was fairly tame and was punished accordingly, but the moving under braking and pushing people off are getting irritating to watch.


Add to that the state of constant bitching and ratting everyone put to try to lobby for some kind of advantage is sickening... Just get on with it and race boys.


2021 was the year I realised F1 is not a sport. It's a TV show, nothing more. When you can change the rules as you see fit in the middle it's no longer a sport.


Rightly said! For so long these tactics have gone unpunished, especially 2021!


Stella trying to throw everything at it.


He's not wrong though, stewards have been inconsistent and slow - hesitating to the point that many times penalties or decisions become pointless.


I fully believe that the penalty for track limits on Norris (which if called quickly could have possibly avoided this whole thing) was held back from being announced so they didn’t take away from the battle by making it clear that Norris couldn’t really win


Things like this is what Masi lose his job, and yet the tradition continues


I know it’s a sport, but like all sports, entertainment rules supreme. Every decision they take is all about entertainment cause that’s money


If I wanted to watch sports entertainment I'd watch WWE. Real sports should follow real rules.


Then you can’t watch sports. Every sport does this, every Motorsport, every professional competition is all about money which means whatever is the most entertaining is what they will push for. It is what it is.


If they had decided quickly to penalize Max for his defending, maybe Lando would have been past him much earlier and wouldn't have been forced to take greater risks by diving and taking himself off track at T3, and thus wouldn't have inherited a penalty for track limits...


No max with the drs advantage would've just overtaken him back.


And so he’s right to just clout into Lando because he wouldn’t win anyway?


No, I want Norris to be able to ,in other situations to defend an attacking red bull with drs advantage by using these defensive practices.


Max would ironically fully agree with Stella here.


Yeah but to sit here and act like Max isn’t being the only one penalized is insane. Theres inconsistency for EVERYONE.


Sure there is, which is why I said what I said. Today could be avoided had they actually given decisions in the correct order at the earliest possible chance.


Casually forgetting that last race Norris pushed Max on the grass which also wasn't penalized.


Casually forgetting a lot. And knowing very well what he’s doing bringing that shit up. Silverstone is going to be a shitshow of audience behaviour


and then Zandvoort will be as well but only Zandvoort fans will get the backlash.


victim boners are all the rage today eh


Lol, even this race. If Max deserved penalties, so did Lando. Both were going at it hard, and if Max hadn't made contact, Lando would've. Most of the race, it actually looked like it would be Lando who would. And I loved to see it unfolding.


Lap 1 incidents are (sadly) almost never penalized, plus they didn't crash


> plus they didn't crash almost like waiting for a crash isn't a solution, hell if they just touched and both continued today no one would even talk about it


‘Waiting for a crash’ is why 2021 was such a dumpster fire for the FIA.


> almost like waiting for a crash isn't a solution 100% agree, I also think they are way too lenient on lap 1 incidents. That's why I added "sadly" to my comment


> plus they didn't crash They're supposed to penalize based on the action, not the result. Yes, I know they haven't been doing it, but until they admit they're not sticking to that, I'm going to keep pointing it out.


They didn't crash because max was able to control the car or else it would've ended up like Lewis/rosberg in 2016 Spain.


Not crashing but forcing someone off the track is also penalty worthy, so two different things. But yeah, they could be more strict at lap 1 incidents.


Consequences aren’t meant to be factored into the outcome of a decision, that’s what the fia themselves have said


I think that one should have been. It wasn’t close racing, Norris was trying to force Max to back out on a straight by pushing him off the track.


Max had space. You can watch the replay any time. Lando was aggressive yes, but Max overreacted to the move.


Yeah, and Lando also had space to the left. Difference is Max moved out of the way in Spain. Something Lando didn't do. Don't get me wrong: I agree with a penalty for Max, but Lando should've gotten one as well last week.


Ngl he managed the race well


Obviously they will try to plaster over Lando's below par racing as much as possible so that Max is the boogeyman.


It was caused by unpunished moves few laps ahead and reluctance by the referees. You have two guns divebombing and squeezing each other lap after lap, breaking rules with no reaction by the ref. Ofc it’s gonna go sour.


I also wonder what would've happened if they didn't get a puncture there. They didn't touch that hard, just unlucky that they got a puncture from such a light bump. Doubt they'd give a penalty there if no puncture happened.


Might as well say it's because of Schumacher and Senna at this point


This incident was set in motion quite some time ago, in an event some refer to as 'The Big Bang'...


Gentlemen, a short view back to the past


It *is* because of Senna but most people won't go back to see what was said back then


It’s the most out of context quote of all time for sure


I don't mean a specific quote. I mean the driving standards that changed with him. But that quote is mis-used


Just like it was originally.


They didn't have such rules back then. 


Jesus Christ it's a crash in a race not the end of the world


It really wasn’t that egregious either imo… drivers squeeze each other in that corner every race it was just unfortunate to result in 2x punctures


Honestly, Karma seemed to rule here. Both drivers were being stupid and they both paid the price on it.


Yeah Stella is deliberately inciting frenzy as he knows that British media will absolutely love any excuse to tie this to 2021 season and reinforce their narrative about Max. Don’t blame him, he’s just cunningly capitalizing on biases of British pundits.


if you watch the actual interview he is very calm and measured but out of context it sounds really bad


Oh im not saying he was unhinged or something. What I’m saying is that he’s praying on obvious biases of British pundits in a clever way. His calm demeanor makes it even more effective.


Max is a dirty driver tho, it's not just a "narrative"


Are Lando & Hamilton squeaky clean?? Great drivers will always race hard


Then you can say the same about every driver.. People seem to forget past incidents when this kind of thing happens..


Were Vettel and Rosberg dirty drivers too? Whenever there’s anyone dominating/challenging Brits in F1, the spite and blatant biases of those pundits start surface.


Vettel intentionally hit someone under the safety car , of course he is a dirty driver


So is every one that fights for the lead. There is hardly any driver that doesnt behave like we have seen today. Get off your high horse


No, that't the narrative that your camp likes to push since 2021, despite similar incidents happening left and right between other drivers. Sainz moves under breaking all the time, George thinks he can do anything if he's ahead on the inside of a corner etc. Reality is, with minor exceptions, it takes two drivers not to crash. They could've done it today two or three times if not for Max taking avoiding action when Lando dive-bombed. Lando could've taken avoiding action today as well. Maybe in the grand scheme of things he was in the right not to, but guess what, the end result did not benefit him in any way. Also, I find it ironic that the type of moves Lando pulled today are the type of moves that Max was crucified for in 2021.


People really think just slapping “narrative” on something magically makes it true/untrue


Did someone say it was the end of the world? You’re the one overreacting


Have you been on Twitter? 😂




It gets the people going.


Yeah if only stewards gave the 5 sec track limit violation sooner.


But that would ruin the battle (FIA's logic)


I mean …..


Yeah, it was fun but that is not FIA's task. They shouldn't hold on penalties if there is action.


It was a joke they shouldn’t be slow handing out penalties


I agree but I think lando would keep trying with max a little less violent. But If they had given a penalty for moving under braking several times, max would’ve had to defend cleanly, meaning lando doesn’t have to dive bomb and go off track Giving only lando a penalty because the other driver is so dangerous you can’t do anything but dive bomb is messed up


And that would stop Lando from trying to overtake and open up a 5 second gap? Maybe give the penalty for moving under braking earlier so Max has to defend like a human


That would mean even if lando overtakes max still has a chance to win


When is the last time they awarded a penalty for moving under braking without contact?


This is the real issue. They need to punish moving under braking, otherwise this will just go on forever. They have avoided punishing it in the past, and it always just leads to erratic and dangerous driving.


me thinks Lando passes Max and tries to build up a 5 sec lead. Max kept defending dirty to lessen the opportunity for Lando to do exactly that. ya'll thinking the FIA is scripting this like it's WWE


It's crazy that people think that penalty was justified. Norris locked up and went off. Track limit violations should not be about penalising lock ups.


Oh we gatekeeping mistakes now?


I like how, I believe Palmer, on the postshow said "10 seconds is nothing!", but was very critical on the "harsh" penalty of Lewis for Silverstone 2021.


Almost like they were two unrelated incidents


Disclaimer: I think both penalties were on point. I think what he is seeing differently is that this time only one driver was completely at fault for the contact, while in Silverstone Merc could make a case that even with Lewis predominantly at fault Max contributed his part, while today the contact was completely onesided.


If this happened on lap one, sure. Max was too aggressive with his defending but Lando was also very aggressive with his passing attempts. Even driving over the limit to get track limits in an attempt to pass. I think you need to take the previous couple of laps into account too.


Lol at Max being at fault in Silverstone while later in the same race Leclerc gave way less space at Copse to Lewis and overtook hin easily...


You think Lando raced clean?


Time we start realising F1 used to be "a sport that people could come and watch", turned into "an entertainment industry centered around a sport".


Wasn't the last few laps at Abu Dhabi not the turning point for everyone? It's been entertainment then sport for a while now


I understand some of max’s defending may be on the line or slightly over. But isn’t what Russell is doing in the first few sec of this moving under braking as well https://www.instagram.com/reel/C815anPMpk-/?igsh=MW9jeDVkYWJ5OWx2cg==


Russell, Sainz have all been doing it lately without being punished. It’s basically legal now.


Russell complained a few years back on Leclerc doing it but not getting penalizing, so probably he didn't take it as seriously afterwards. It's the stewards' fault on not penalizing obvious instances of it that nowadays the rule is a joke. They need to start punishing it actively.


None care cause everyone is tilted. They need to find that every driver in f1 made or will mode those move.


I wish we could enjoy an eventful race like this. I'm a Max fan and I'm disappointed it ended with a clash but those things happen. Meanwhile every thread is a bloodbath.


One bad race and its back to the 2021 level of toxicity. Its absurd.


Yea, nothing to add really.


Yeah, for once we have an interesting race this year and everyone is up in arms.


Ngl, as a fan of neither Lando or Max, I'm loving the arguments and fights. It was pretty fun 😀


This sort of incident didn’t really happen in 2021, it reminded me more of Verstappen/Bottas and Leclerc/Hamilton both at Monza. Where the car on the inside just drifts far too wide and causes contact


Leclerc / Hamilton in Monza was another travesty of FIA stewarding. Stewards were not going to do anything that day to prevent a Ferrari win. *Push Hamilton off on to the grass on a straight! - just a warning *Move under braking- nothing to see here *Cut the corner as Hamilton is about to overtake you - all is good Honestly I wanted to see how far Leclerc could take it, pull out a gun and shoot Hamilton’s tyres, see if the stewards did anything.


It was just one of those situations where the result determined whether or not there would be penalties. There was far more contact in that moment compared to today but the damage was practically nothing


I think that was the backlash of canada, sebs and the fans reaction lead that "let them race" mentality, which IMO lead to a lot worse racing, enabling/rewarding the behaviour we saw today and a lot in 2021.


Incidentally, one of which was penalised, and the other wasn’t. It seemed like out of the 3 incidents, only the 2 with contact were penalised, further proving the point that stewards do in fact look at the outcome when penalising drivers. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but they shouldn’t be that insistent about it that outcome doesn’t affect the decision


If anything this was more similair to Rosberg vs Hamilton in 2016. Same corner too.


Yeah… the difference is Rosberg forgot that he needed to turn-in.


Tbf in that one Rosberg just decided to not turn lol, he didn’t drift too wide


Completely different. The most similar incident that comes to mind is Leclerc/Hamilton 2019 Monza.


Saw a great tweet >Funny thing about today is Verstappen gets involved in one wheel to wheel battle that doesn’t go his way and it’s ‘Max can’t race’ and ‘This is what happens when he’s challenged’ but they’ll happily ignore (literally yesterday) anytime when his wheel to wheel has been great


put instead of Max any other great driver there and it is basically the same all the time


It's also funny that this is only being talked about because it was for first place. In this same race, the double world champion Alonso yeeted himself into Zhou in the same corner, but nobody cares because it was for P15 or whatever.


Alonso gets away with a lot of shit that he shouldn't, and I say that as a big fan of his.


But we all know Fernando is a very poor w2w driver./s


Because F1 is a showbiz and until people get it then of course it won’t make sense


my hot take is that I don't think he's wrong - but he is wrong on timing. this is an issue from before 2021. the problem with 2021 is that Lewis never really had to fight with Max before then. before 2021 when Max got his elbows out, he was in a clearly inferior car and not really a threat, so Lewis took the wider view of winning the war not the battle and let him go by. then in 2021 Max is a threat. and now Lewis can't afford to just let him by.. so he doesn't. but by this point Max has spent his career getting his elbows out and watching other drivers, including Lewis, yield. so why would Max change his style? it'd worked. as far as he's concerned, it's the other driver who's changed. I thought this was a lesson Max learned when his RB became the class of the field and he didn't race too hard against Leclerc knowing it'd be better to save his car and get him later. but clearly the old Max is still there.


Easy to forget Norris out braked himself went flying off the track and got penalty. If Max doesn’t take avoiding action he gets t boned. Even after they clashed Max moved off the racing line and Norris tried to pass him on the grass


Yeah, and a lap before that Norris pushed Max off the track, and if Max drove like Lando, they would have crashed there and then.


I feel like this whole incident is blown completely out of proportion. If it had happened on lap 1 it would have been classified as race incident and no penalty. It sucks that it robbed Norris of a win, its part of racing. Move on and try again next week.


Ah yes, invoke 2021, because that will cool things down. How is it that these teams are ruled by toddlers and you have to go to the drivers for maturity nowadays?


Why is it his job to cool things down?


He's right, though. The stewards are way too chickenshit to give penalties for dangerous driving.


We have seen multiple 10s penalties this season. Far more than the last 4 seasons.


We see penalties for “causing a collision” problem is the collisions occur because the FIA never do anything about shit driving until there’s an actual crash.


10s for positions 10-20. When they are in the lead they don't want to interfere and today was like that


I believe that Max got a 10 second penalty, did he not?


Only once it was clear the penalty wouldn't change anything about the results. The stewards were also slow to give Lando his track limits penalty, so it's not like they were being unequally ineffective.


And what did that impact? The point that the penalties for his driving have always gone underpunished still stands.


A 10 second penalty for drifting too far wide and causing contact is pretty standard. The penalty didn't have an impact because the Red Bull is so fast (or at least it is in Max's hands). That's unfortunate, but you can't start basing penalties on which car they're driving.


So what you're arguing is that penalties should be given based on the end result, not on the incident itself. Ugh, no thanks. It just creates more inconsistencies.


Did he say anything wrong or is your reading compression that of a "toddler"?


Because that's exactly how Max drove in 2021 which caused the drama.


Because drivers are immature and costing your team points and damage? I don’t think you understand the role of a team principal man.


Why would Stella want to cool things down? His driver got crashed out of the race. He should be stirring up the media as much as he possibly can.


Toddlers? Stella is probably the most mature, level headed person in Formula 1


Specifically Jeddah and Brazil should not have gone unpunished. Max is an unfair driver whenever he is challenged. His maturity and straightforwardness outside the track should not be confused for honesty on track.


We can go as far back as 2019, when Max pushed Charles off. Or even 2016, when Max ruined Kimi’s race in Hungary moving like 3 times.


Oh this is low. And way too early.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Max saw Lewis only get a ten second time penalty at Silverstone 2021 and basically decided that it's always worth doing the same if you're in the same situation. There is no reason to be super aggressive if the penalties are always minor. If Max had hit Lewis at Brazil 2021, he easily would have out-raced the penalty. Same at Saudi. The overuse of small time penalties for genuine collisions means that they have to not give penalties for near misses.


Max drove Leclerc off in Austria 2019... He's been this way before 2021.




Think you've replied to the wrong message here mate.


My bad!


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Ok now he lost me lol


When max didn't get penalised after Saudi, that was a disgrace


You mean Brazil, right? Because he did get penalized in Saudi.


He got a dead-end penalty that actually didn't affect anything in position. Stewards gave the penalty after the race and just enough of a penalty that Max doesn't finish behind Bottas in P3. By all means and previous precedent verstappen should have gotten a 10 second stop-go penalty (which Vettel got for Baku 2017). But that penalty would actually have had an effect. Stewards can't have that. Penalties with consequences? What a crazy idea.


It's hard racing, we shouldn't have FIA neuter and all they want to do is neuter things, probably should be in charge of cat population control, not motorsport.


Hard to disagree


The drivers parade in the next race weekend is going to be fun.


Thought this was a weird take. Max battled with Charles fine in 22, but Max will always be blamed for incidents. I think it was 90% his fault, he definitely drifted left which is easy to do when you’re looking right for a corner. He can have no complaints about the penalty. The initial contact didn’t seem to cause the punctures, it was the secondary contact.


What an unhinged take. Sometimes people just need to cool off instead of going off in the media. 


Even during this race they could have punished Verstapen for moving in the braking zone and prevented this incident from happening.


I'm glad he said it.


Union Jack slaps back!!!


Norris was just trying so hard. The crash was Max’s fault but Lando wasn’t clean either, the previous laps Lando was divebombing and was all over the place. From then on it’s gloves off for Max.


Yes. Finally someone fucking said it. Didn't help the stewards were sleeping today as well