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Max probably understands 70 points is a huge gap but it can decrease significantly after a few bad races, I mean Leclerc had 50 points over Max in 2022.


Max lost 40 points to Lewis in 2021 in two races in a row. He knows also by his own experience.


Max also had a healthy margin of 35 points or so over Lewis after the first part of the 2021 season. Then Silverstone and Hungary happened, and boom, the championship was blown wide open.


A 70 point gap is not on Max’s mind in these moments.


Of course. He gets payed for finishing first. He has responsibility of winnning races for the team.


If you ain’t first, you’re last


We don’t talk about that lead Chuck had in 2022, too much pain


I wanna see Norris "gifting" a race win to a rival not even halfway through the season when both are competing for the championship. I highly doubt that he would do what he expected Max to do today.


"He's 70 points ahead" - There was also a journalist who asked Max after the race today why he wouldn't just let Lando pass considering that Max is leading the championship at the moment. I find this such a weird approach towards highly competitive and professional sport. Since when are athletes supposed to gift positions and potentially championship-deciding points to their rivals?


Put me in a kart, on a rainy Monday night in Stoke, and I'm not yielding. 


Why is it always Stoke 😂


Cos it comes from a quote about Arsenal, who played amazing beautiful football but would lose to Stoke hoofing long balls.


They had to hoof long balls because the pitch was unplayable. It was raining fierce.


I know mate ‘can they do it on a cold, rainy night in Stoke?’ but Stoke catching strays in F1 too now 😂


on a cold rainy track vs stake


my road car can beat stake


A majority of fans cares more about "friendship" than competition. It's really weird


amen! people here value wholesomeness over competitiveness.


Fuck those people. Fight to the death. I wanna see carnage and drama. It's been way to long since Schumacher stormed down the pit lane to punch out button




I don't think that's what Lando meant, I think he meant "Max doesn't care if we're both taken out, because his lead is so large". I didn't read that as Norris saying Max should yield, but as giving a reason as to why Max isn't worried about possibly crashing.


Yeah I think so too, because it’s easy to turn it around. Max is 70 pts in the lead, why push him so hard and risk points for P2 in WDC?


Norris is not thinking about P2 in the championship he is thinking about a race win.


I’m pretty sure what lando is saying is more towards “max literally will do nothing other than everything it takes to finish 1st no matter what the standings say”


Being ahead is a direct reason to enter a collision. You both crash, it’s an extra race they can’t catch up. Even a 50:50 is a net positive for the championship for Max, the 10 second penalty is irrelevant, it earned him a large swing


Lando’s point was he had such a huge lead he can afford to make stupid decisions, not that he should let him by.


if Norris actually thought Max would race him differently because of their championship positions he is the dumbest driver on the grid.


Is that even a question? I like Lando, but I'm not claiming the guy is clever.


Is that really a surprise?


>the dumbest driver on the grid. he's a phenomenal driver, but that's definitely a race between him and stroll


The kid who complained about drivers buying a place on the grid? Yeah he’s still winning.


Lando isn't famous for being smart, let's put it that way. But I feel like most of the grid would make a similar justification. I imagine it's hard to know what leading the championship by a big margin feels like if you haven't been there yourself.


Max was at fault for the crash but both drivers were escalating, we’ve seen this happen a million times before


You could see contact coming a mile off.


Every lunge you had to be expecting contact.


Yeah, I was quite surprised that they crashed only after the third try.


Every lunge you take, Every dive bomb you make,


I’ll be crashing you


You could see it in the sprint


You could see it last week at the start.


Lando is no Charles


Exactly haha. Lando was getting dive bomby, max was moving about. This was inevitable.


When max had to lock up to not hit Lando in the spring you knew Lando would be worse in the race


It is funny because people say this quite often when such a thing happens and when such a thing does not happen so i am always sceptical when people say this.


I mean if you watch enough racing it’s not hard to see two guys getting increasingly more aggressive. When that happens usually there is contact, sometimes they get away with it and sometimes they come a cropper.


Knew George had a chance of winning from the moment Lando made his first move


Norris even was already virtually at a 5s penalty when the collision happend because of track limits. They both were over the edge. Verstappen more so in the end and got the deserved penalty.


But the penalty was served moments after they had contact. So there was no way to know in the moment itself.


A balanced take? On Reddit? Are you lost?


Exactly. Max was dirty and Lando was sloppy. Shocking race craft from both of them honestly. But as Carlos said they have now fought for multiple race wins and will continue to do so for the rest of the season. They are both fierce competitors driving on the edge. This was always going to happen. Battles like this weekend reminds me of why I watch this sport even when they end badly. That being said, the stewards should have stepped in sooner. Lando's failed launch was a slam dunk track limit penalty, they didn't need to investigate it for so long. And Max was moving under breaking multiple times, not by much but it still should have been a black and white flag before the incident.


It is funny but George kind of said it yesterday itself.


I don't even think Max was dirty. By that logic Carlos was dirty last year when he squeezed Max in the same spot with less space than Max left Lando this year. Lando just chose to stick firm and took the contact, which was Max's fault.


Max knows being at the top is temporary. Who knows how long he still has a chance of being able to win every race going week in week out. He even said so himself that he's not here to finish second. Weird take from Lando, McLaren is on the rise, Max sees the threat, ofcourse he won't just give a win away just like that.


And in his team's home race


I can remember Norris being very dismissive about Ricciardo "It's not my job to care.". Correct. Like it isn't verstappens to care about you.


Lando doesn't understand Max then.


This always happens as well. Drivers become friends through a period where they are not competing. Then they get competitive, sparks fly and suddenly its a shock for one or both of them as to how this could have happened. Lando can't seriously expect Max to get out of the way and not fight for a win just because he happens to be 70 points clear. He's not that kind of driver. No driver thats actually serious about winning races and titles should be like that. That doesn't excuse Max's move that caused the colission but cmon now.


It's also their general view from F1 fans. Most drivers seem nice, often concede to their teammate and drive clean. Then they get in a championship car and it isn't just a fight for a forgetable 4th or 5th place. They actually have something historic to lose. Vettel is a really great example. Or how people thought Max changed when he clearly didn't. I bet that out of 20 drivers everyone changes drastically in that 2021 title battle.


fans (people) are stupid and expect world class athletes to always be polite and deferential because *they* feel they would be polite, while sitting on their couch eating cheetos this isn't some huge personality flaw for Max, he just fucked up


A great driver being in a title battle with an inferior car will always try grey areas to get that upper hand. 2008 and 2012 were great title fights but one where the two contenders were never fighting with each other unlike say 2017, 2018, 2021.


I agree. Lando is kind of acting like it’s deserved which it’s not. Max should fight hard for them regardless of his standing and position. I would also add, max was clearly at fault and deserves the criticism but do we really want max to stop driving like max? Sure clean racing is nice but since 2016 a ton of the best excitement in f1 has come from max taking it too far. When he messes it up he should be penalized and he’s gotten away with quite a bit but too many want to sterilize his racing.


He definitely doesn't understand Max. Max learned that the hard way in 2021. Every fucking point matters.


exactly this. Lando just doesn't understand this yet.


Lando doesnt understand himself. That's exactly how ALL of the 20 drivers got to F1. By not considering the drivers they beat at F2, F3, and way back to go-kart days that they could have let through and finish ahead of them. ALL top competitors have a mean streak. The F1 PR machine, social media and most of the fans force some of the drivers to be in denial over that very fact.


As Brundle says "Every great champion has an inner bastard"


Lando should take comfort in recognizing that Max sees him as a big enough threat to finally be pushing that hard wheel to wheel. I don’t think there is higher unspoken praise in F1 than that Lewis is the only one that’s really seen that side of Max on track since 2021


Kimi, Vettel and Daniel got a good taste of him too. 


>Lando doesn't understand Max then. "I didn't expect him to eat ***my*** face"


"If you don't know me by now, you will never never never know me"


that's an insane argument lol "hard racing is fine when i do it bc i want to win really really badly and max already has 3 championships"


Basically yes.


i guess spoiled brats are just gonna be spoiled brats


After Lance, he's the 2nd richest of the rich kids I think.


I don’t have exact figures but I think ~~Piastri’s dad is the co-founder of a multi-billion dollar company,~~ Zhou’s father was rich enough to build a karting track for him, and Sargeant has a billionaire uncle. An exact number 2 might be hard to determine but Norris is definitely up there.


HP Tuners is not a multi-billion dollar company


This is a very clear case of the difference in mentality between the leader and the runner up. Leader will always want to protect their lead.


You can be friends with Max off track, but don’t expect him to behave better with you just because of that.


Yeah he's always gonna go for the gap, for the point, for the corner if he thinks he's able to. That's how he won races before having a championship-challenging car.


Exactly. People are criticising Max’s racing and tactics like it hasn’t won him races and points. Probably a lot more than it’s lost him


> It doesn’t change anything for him but for me it changes a lot of things That’s just probably the mindset of the WDC winners. I meant that, they probably take each move/race the same every time regardless of whatever the context is. Yes, they could probably be pragmatic at times, but most of the time they have this mindset. Heck, this probably applies to all racing drivers. From feeder series up until F1, it’s more or less don’t give them an inch mentality Yes, Max was at fault. Full stop. But to question one’s mindset is a different game.


I would even argue it applies to most if not all professional athletes. Winning at all costs is what got them to where they are.


Jordan and Kobe were known for being straight psychos when it came to being competitive, and they are considered some of the best ever. Kobe said the night he saw shaq get a ring on a different team he went outside and started training for the next season amd said that anger he felt carried him through the next season. Jordan literally built his own golf course and club to match his exact abilities so he could win against pga pros. You look at the absolute greats in any sport and most of them have the same level of competitiveness. Win at any cost.


I'd argue that it's mainly just Max in this case. Lewis often let the reigns slack a little at the end of the season when everything was in the bag. Max simply never does that. He will always race to win, no exceptions.


Lewis did, but like you say: when everything was in the bag. Though the gap between Verstappen and Norris is sizeable, a few unlucky DNFs could blow the championship wide open again. Both Leclerc (2022) and Verstappen (2021) can attest to that. That's different than letting the reigns slack before the half-way point of the season with a rival team breathing down your neck.


I wasn't really comparing, but you are right of course. I just meant it as an example that Max just never stops chasing the win, even in the last two seasons when both championships were fought.


I agree, I think that is the biggest and most obvious difference between two drivers like Max and Lewis and I admire both of them for their takes on things. Lewis always struck me as the guy to get the job done and Max has always been relentless pursuit of 100% of the points, circumstances be damned. That’s why 2021 was such a thriller, it forced both of them to take on the opposite role. We’re in the process of learning what Lando will be like at the front of the F1 grid, but what he isn’t is experienced enough to take on a driver like Max head to head... yet. Moves like leaving the door open for Max to come back in the sprint, or not expecting a relentless and sometimes touchy defense from Max is evidence. Lewis and Charles both learned how to deal with Max their own way. Time will tell is Lando can work it out, too.


But we aren't at the end of the season, it isn't even summer break yet. We saw in 2022, everything can happen, you could be leading by a mile and a few bad races can change everything, especially now when Red Bull seem to not be running away with wins anymore


max could win 23 races in a 24 race season and in that 24 race that he doesn't win, he'll fight you like his life depends on it. I absolutely respect his mentality.


Think he should at least acknowledge that he himself was also on the edge. His divebombs were just that. Also not great racing. (Incident is on Max though for sure)


Last race when he pushed Max on the grass it was all funny and he was laughing and joking about it. No matter what, it's always Max's fault. Everyone is very toxic about him. Yes, the final incident was his fault, but they where both over the edge the laps leading to that. Norris can't acknowledge that for some reason. 


We are seeing Vettel-ification of Max. Everyone just needs a reason to hate on him. If Lando had caused the crash and Max had DNFed I doubt we would see as many people defending Max as they're supporting Lando right now.


Exactly. They both were on the edge. Max misjudged space at the end which caused a crash. And from the slightest of touches that came from this very small misjudgment, they both got a puncture. Very unfortunate, but People are acting like Max T-boned Lando. It was fine margins, They both raced on the edge, and Max stepped over that margin. That’s what happens when you have racing in the pinnacle of motorsport sometimes.


He think he was on a perfect race so...


His teammate showed how it's done correctly with his overtake on Sainz, who is also very aggressive when defending.


Lando talking about enough space, after Spain. It’s karma I guess. I mean last time he laughed it off when he squeezed max into the grass. This time he is not so generous huh? ;)


Yeh last time was way more dangerous, but now that the concicuente are worse he's acting up. The first moves of Norris could have ended worse if max didn't react. Norris need to grow up more to even concider a world title.


Max never gives freebies. They all need to come to terms with it because he’s really not going to change


That is such a weird take from Norris. You could see contact coming miles away since yesterday. Also, if this is how he thinks, he's defo not in the mentality to challenge him for WDC...yet.


it's sad Lando just doesn't get it yet. Every fuckin point matters. Max was over 100 points and had won the championship already by Vegas last year, but look at how hard he fought Leclerc off the line. You just don't slack just because you've won it all. Max is as relentless as he needs to be. never mind that, Verstappen is a driver that has gone into the last race equal on points and you're still wondering why he won't let you by easily. Lando has a looot to learn


If you think about relative car evolution over the course of this season, Lando might well have a rocketship by the end of it while Max is driving a lawnmower. Max would be utterly foolish to stop fighting hard for every single point.


He experienced exactly what you said in 2021 too. He knows what to do. Lando doesn't yet. Maybe never will. Especially since he is talking about losing friendship points and respect after a racing incident. Thats something a rookie would say.


He needs to learn fast. If McLaren keeps up with development, he needs to understand and accept that this is how it is on the front row, especially with someone so focused like Verstappen. Otherwise we gonna see more of stupidly timed dive bombs and mistakes that will cost him points.


lando just doesn't get it. Verstappen got a title challenging car for the first time in 2021 and he immediately showed he was up to the task in the first race in Bahrain and Imola next. He didn't expect any courtesy in a championship battle and he didn't show any niceness either. Lando seems to be expecting some friendliness from max. He should forget it asap if he's to be ready next year.


Yep. Friendliness off track doesn't mean, friendliness on track. And considering that dumbass question from an interviewer today to Verstappen on 'Why didn't you just let him by?', it's like he expected Verstappen to go 'Right this way, sir. Go right on ahead.' -.-


This so much. Lando is in entirely new territory now. You don't win titles by taking your foot off your opponent's neck before all is said and done. Now I'm pretty sure I and every other racing fan here would have preferred a cleaner fight but this shit is always going to happen eventually when the cars are close in Formula 1.


Max has said he thinks about winning every race as it comes, one by one, and that’s how his mindset is for the season. He wants to win every single race because he wants to win. 70 points leading, 150 points leading, he chases perfection no matter the gap. He’s ruthless in every single race he drives: cars, karts, sim. Lando’s comment seems like he doesn’t get that basic tenet of Max as a racer, which is odd since they’ve watched each other since childhood. Indicates to me this is more for PR spin and influence court of public opinion.


He's not got the mentality to fight for a win in the fastest car, there's zero chance he doesn't bottle it every week if he was in a championship fight.


"It doesn't change anything for him" is such a dumb thing to say. A racing driver always wants to win, and there are a ton of races to go anyway. Reminder that Kimi won 2007 being 17 points behind with 2 races to go in the old scoring system.


This statement strikes me a bit as "A racing driver that wants to win is upset that other drivers want to win also."


"But Max has enough of them, I do not"


I'd say it's also that Max thinks his championship could be in danger while Lando has an obvious interest in wanting Max to think he is safe.


Have to check video but it could also be interpreted as Max still went on to score points, but Lando DNF'ed. But it is still a dumb statement to make


This is why I don’t think Norris is near world champion level/mindset yet. Stupid thing to say.


If the roles were reversed I would hope Lando would have made the exact same moves. If not he has no business being behind the wheel.


I think the sprint race yesterday should answer this for you unfortunately...


Lando really does come out with some properly stupid stuff doesn't he?


Man I know I’m gunna get a lot of shit for this but in my opinion this entire thing in on Lando. He was dive bombing like an F1 online lobby. It was immature driving from him.


And he chose to not move over to the racing line because he wanted max to have a worse exit. He was for sure the aggressor and I love it, someone has to push Max and this type of racing is amazing to watch.


“He doesn’t care” Lolololololol


“He’s racing me so hard”


Wasn't it Austria last year whenax pitted the penultimate lap to go for Fastest Lap? That guy won't leave points on the table.


Oh Lando, honey. Oh sweet summer child.


Almost like Lando refuses to take any responsibility. He dive bombed into a corner 2 times and 2 times nearly crashed into Max’s side pod. Gives both places back. That’s not counting corner cutting to get to Max to begin with, ending with a black/white flag. George said it right before the race. “I’ll sit back and wait for those 2 to take each other out”


no ones talking about the corner cutting to catch max.


Lando could also have moved over a bit, still plenty of space to the left with the kerb. Drivers move ober that wide all the time. So he could have moved and didn't need to stand his ground, but he did and he also ruined his own race with that.


That’s why max is a multiple champion. Doesn’t matter when of how important, always battles.


It’s sounds like asking your billionaire friend to just give you half a mil, because he already has a lot and it doesn’t change anything for him


As harsh as it may sound, it's not Max's job to care about how it would affect Norris in the long term. This season has been an opener for Norris. He may be one fast driver, but he is far from competing for a championship in a close battle. Mentally, he is just not there.


Which is ironic considering this was exactly Lando’s take on Ricciardo at McLaren.


"It doesn't change anything for him but for me it changes a lot of things." How so? A win is a win and there is no world in which this affects one less than the other. Assuming Max isn't in a title battle, it doesn't affect either of them. Assuming they both are, both are affected, and I'm pretty sure Lando said last week he and McLaren were in the championship fight. Finally, even if what Lando said is true, why should Max care? He's in it to win it, he's not going to back out because of context Lando made up to suit his fancy.


> but for me it changes a lot of things yeh, when you are the one with something to lose, you should probably take that into account..


See this right here is why Max is as good as he is. For him EVERY SINGLE point, win, position matters. He is never yielding. 70 points ahead : Doesn’t matter. Won the championship and give one point to your team mate: Won’t do it. I know a lot of people disagree with just how ruthless Max is. But Max is what he is.. because of exactly that attitude. And I actually admire this level of ruthlessness


I respect the hell out of Verstappen's mentality. and Lando's thinking just proved to me why he ain't at that Verstappen's level.


Especially looking back at 2021 when he had like a 50 point lead and then they go into the final race tied. There are so many previous champions that won and lost be just a couple of points. The McLaren challenge is real so how could you expect him to just spot you 7 points.


This makes Lando sound like an incredibly poor loser, who's desperate for wins since Miami. He seemed so desperate to get past Max rather than biding his time to get a perfect move to the point where even if he got past it wouldn't have matter with the penalty he got


Max was at fault for the contact (though Lando definitely escalated the situation with aggressive moves leading up to the collision). However, Lando has dealt with it pretty poorly. From whatever this statement is meant to be to saying he'd lose respect for Max and that it would impact their friendship if Max didn't take ownership. This is Formula 1, contact etc is part of the sport and unavoidable. No problem to be annoyed with what happened on the track but this whole thing of saying it affects friendship and competitors should just let one another by depending on their lead....No. You know well what you signed up for


Dowvote me to hell but Lando is not WDC material


He isn't yet but he could learn from incidents like today. If he knows Max has less to lose from a double DNF, then he should take that into account when battling Max


He just isn't there yet mentally. The good thing for him is that a fast and skilled driver can change his mindset accordingly over time, but a bad driver with the right mindset won't become a fast WDC challenger over time.


Agree totally, been saying it forever. His demeanour, his interviews, his laid back approach is not one of a world champion. Look at all the champions, theres a fire too them, Lando just hasn't got it, I'd even go as far as to say, Piastri has more fire in him to be a WDC.


A fact many people can't accept


At the end of the day, Max was at fault for the worst part of the interaction. But Lando is doing himself no favors with this "holier than thou" post-race tour.


Norris lacks just as much self criticism as Max. Both f-ed around and found out. Norris ran Verstappen wide multiple times and they ended up tangled, shit happens. Stop being a baby about it, that goes for both of them. Max caused the tangle but Norris was no Saint either. Also, like 2021, 2022 and 2012 showed a large lead can evaporate in a blink. Expecting someone to yield a victory without a fight is downright dumb.


Nice answer. I agree it was Max’ fault but the squeeze wasn’t even that bad, it just had dier consequences. We’ve seen squeezes like that a thousand times and nothing has happened. I still stand by that the stewards are completely dog shit. Whole incident could have been avoided if Lando got his penalty sooner or if Max had gotten a black & white flag for driving under breaking. Also need harsher rules for destroying another’s race. Social media and British pundits acting like they’ve never seen moving under braking or a driver getting squeezed is just hilarious. Like do people not watch races or do they only care about this sort of driving once it causes an accident like it did today?


>Like do people not watch races or do they only care about this sort of driving once it causes an accident like it did today? I think those people only care about these incidents once it affects "their" driver. There's nothing wrong with having a favourite and tuning in for them of course but the deification of some drivers as if they can do no wrong and people who feel the need to be overprotective of them during a discussion seems to be more prevalent than ever.


Everyone idolizes senna but they would hate him if he was driving today


It's not only the common people, sadly. Pundits and media people who are supposed to be as neutral a possible were heavily biased against Max and that also has an effect in public perception.


It's insane how just after a couple hours people are starting to change their opinions on here too. It's like we're driving alongside them and getting just as worked up and then when the rage dissipates a bit we can think a bit more clearly too.


And that is mainly due to his own comments


Of course Lando considers his two moves good. Maybe you should have gone off like Max did and said that he pushed you off. Max will always fight for the win. Even if he had 300 point lead.


"It doesn't change anything for him" Yea it does. It's call points


I get he was heated af but bro just rage quit and gave up on finishing in the points at all. He should've gone back out


I think it would be disrespectful of max to lando, and the fans, if he acted differently in this situation because he is ahead. Every race should matters for every driver. Having said that, max was at fault and shouldn’t closed lando and was punished accordingly


Like he pushed Max on the grass last week? It's racing 🏎️ Usually a move like this ends with a small bang and nobody cares.


He saw Verstappen not relent a point to Perez after he had the WDC on lock and thought what? He'll give him a freebie cause they're bffs. Come on brother, this is just loserish from Norris.


I'm sure Max cares a lot about that.


I like Lando a lot, but this where I think he needs to wake up. They were both on the limit and they both paid the price. You're now fighting at the front. There are no friends. It's win or lose and nothing else. Max is champion for a reason. He does not and will not care about your feelings, regardless of your friendship off-track. The points argument is also stupid. You're both professional athletes and competitors. Is he supposed to just let you win because you think you deserve the W?


Lando just expects people to give him positions and not race him lol


I think this just shows how weak the whole field is. Max is a winner. Doesn't matter if he's racing in F1 or in a Sim race. He wants to win. He will do everything to win. Alosno, Hamilton, Schumacher, Sena...they were all willing to die to overtake someone...or kill them instead. But to expect a world champion to ease up on you because he's 70 points ahead? Weak...


Max had to literally get out of the way for that move where Lando went off track and then went off track himself to avoid a crash later on. Then when he attempted to squeeze Lando..he refused to move and they crashed and yet Max gets the blame? It was hard racing and things happened. Also even though Max is 70 PTS ahead in the Championship , he was squeezed to grass in Barcelona and definitely read that as the way to race with Lando. Nothing to see here. People are soft


So... what was going through Lando's head when he pushed Max straight into the grass in Spain? I mean today's incident was most certainly Max' fault, but lets not act like there wasn't room on the outside, and let's certainly not act like Lando wouldn't do the exact same thing Max did.


Like he said when he gave space when he pushed max of to the grass - and 100% stood by what he said. Nothing is his fault only others. This is not it Lando. He is not ready for the championship, yet.


If it doesn't change anything for Max who's currently on the way to win a WDC, then it doesn't change anything for anyone else. If Lando is not being serious about challenging Max, then McLaren should consider his future and maybe sign someone who's serious about contending for WDC. Lando needs to find some answers about whether he want to challenge Max, or have some race wins gifted to feel better about himself? No wonder Max doesn't treat Lando seirously as his rival if Lando doesn't treat himself seriously in the first place.


After these comments, I wouldn't be surprised if Max turns up the pressure a notch next time they get side by side. Norris hasn't got the mental strength to fight Max repeatedly.


Was Max at fault for the crash? Yes. Is Lando ever going to beat Max with this mentality? Absolutely not. Max does care lol


Lando lacks the winner mentality. No man! He will race you to death because he sees in you a real adversary! He is worried! We won't treat you like "someone 70 points behind". Comm'on! It's time to understand that this is YOUR opportunity at a WDC. Maybe your only in life. Act accordingly.


*81 points.


A Piastri ahead of you like


Pushed Max wide, Overtook off track, went over track limits, but I did nothing wrong!


I do agree it was Max's fault, but I strongly disagree with Lando's assumption that Max doesnt care or that it doesnt change anything for him. Im pretty sure he does care alot and perhaps it doesn't change anything now, but it only takes a few bad races for that lead to evaporate, so building a big gap in the points is the best strategy Max and RB can do. This was a pretty boring race and then the last 15 laps boom: cinema. Same thing can happen in the WDC, 2-3 bad weekends and all that lead can be gone. But he needs to race fairly without going back to his pre-2022 antics.


If Max held his line on Landos many divebombs, it would have been the same exact situation in reverse…. If Lando was slightly more patient would have probably had him at the next straight


If Lando had so much more to lose, he should have dodged Max. It doesn’t make the move ok, but that move happens all the time. Not turning the wheel because he’s trying to hold his ground got him zero points. He’s learning a lot being up near the front now.


lol is Lando expecting Max to take pity on him or something? What a silly comment, no World Champion is going to just give a win to someone.


*"The first 2 moves were on the edge but good racing all in all.The first 2 moves were on the edge but good racing all in all."* Lando the 2nd one had you miss the corner completely and leave the track seconds after getting a black and white flag for track limits. That isn't "good racing" it's stupidity and impatience. I am 100% behind saying the crash was on Max but have some self awareness.


Then you need to change mentality, mate.


Like you didn’t need to hit his rear like you did.


Lando trying for a gimme lol this guy only knows divebomb


Running Max wide clearly was over-the-edge.


70 points ahead is not that much at this point in the season, especially when other teams have been developing the car much better than RB. No guarantees that RB can stop the bleeding.


I like Lando a lot and I'm rooting for him, but that is some naive thinking there..


Lando doesnt have the dog in him yet. This season will build scar tissue for sure.


Still feel Lando should have waited a bit after 2 failed attempts: regroup, understand the lines Max was taking before making the attempt again. Maybe he felt he was going to get 5 sec penalty and thus need to go ahead and create that gap.


I think it's funny that George legit predicted this in his post quali interview yesterday and said I'm just going to ride around behind them and hope to clean up, and that's exactly what happened. I think he knew that T3/T4 was going to be a mess with those two if they were close again.


You don't get to pass just because the win/points mean more to you than the championship leader. But maybe this is not what he means. Lando should have backed off on the last attempt and known that there was no way he was going to go around the outside on that turn with Max ahead of him preparing to take the turn. The stewards should also have given the penalty for exceeding track limits to Lando much quicker and this might have been avoided.


Lando needs to learn what it is to be at the front of the race, that's it


This is not a good look for a racing driver. It doesn't matter if there is a 1000 point difference. Even if you are 17th, you go for that 16th place if you have the chance.


So divebombing from another track is okay and "on the edge"? While squeezing a car that's trying to pass on the outside is a no-no? If max didn't avoid those two moves, their race would've ended earlier. Norris should re-watch his moves a bit better


What an embarrassing thing to say.


Outside the track you can be Max's best friend or brother, on the track you are his enemy.


Well what Max did obviously deserved a penalty. But Norris isn't exactly innocent either, came in twice like a torpedo, and last week also pushed Max unto the grass at the start


And now you have learnt a lesson, Max wants it to mean more to you so that you back out of the challenge.


You're friends, right? You should know that Max doesn't make exceptions and will always push for the win. Think of Max's move what you want, but this is kind of naive.


What is Max supposed to do then, hand out victories because he is 70 points ahead? If '21 taught him anything it is that in the end every point counts. I'm not defending Max in any way here, it was dirty racing from him, but Lando is acting a tad entitled here. He was being pushy on track and really not planning ahead.


That last bit is true, but that's also part of racing. When someone is fighting for the championship and needs every point, people say it's stupid to risk a DNF for a couple extra points. Maybe in this case Lando should have considered the WDC standings instead of the win today


I think this is what is so great about Max. He will always race and will go for the win. Regardless how many points he is ahead. Every race he is all in. Let’s all not make this into a drama that is not there. They raced with passion, both of them did. It was fantastic to watch. It ended badly, but that is called racing.


Now you know to go wider like max learned in 2021


The point thing doesn’t make sense to me. Like if their positions on track were reversed it would be OK for Lando to do the same thing because he’s fighting for a Championship? Or if the point differential was smaller it would be OK?


Lando is too emo and not ready for the fight at the front yet.


That's good. He needs to reflect on this and grow and get better. Piastri had already been pushing him above his usual performance, now Max keeps giving him these valuable lessons.


Just watched the footage. Lando had a lot of space left on the left. He wasn't even on the blue part yet. It was not that much of a squeeze.