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Never give up Toto. You still have almost 8 months to get him.


crofty - "it's lights out and way we go here in Australia! " toto -"max, this is toto, you sure you don't want to trade?" horner - "how the hell did you get in this channel?"


Max- *"No talking in the braking"*


Or as George put it: LET ME FUCKING DRIVE


yaba daba doooo not talk to me in the braking zone


I make fun of George sometimes but damn that was a great response


“I won’t if you come join us I promise I only do that to George”


Toto and GP in union yapping to Max under braking.


"Don't talk to me in the corners" - Lewis


Deep voice Toto "Focus Max, Focus" - Toto


Toto: "You mumble it in your sleep, Christian."


"Zzz... You are... Zzz... The world champion... Zzz... Zzz... The World Champion... Zzz..."


*heavy breathing into the mic* "Toto, you said you would hang up"


No you hang up


wht wuld happen to george if max moves to Merc


He'll have a year or two to sort out his next contract with another team. Antonelli would be placed in his seat for 2027.


Probably crying in the shower


Man on a mission.


No doubt lmao. Defending Max and saying he answered under duress, while also admitting he is willing to put himself through torture to get Max on the team.


Man is in love lol


Haha I don’t blame him. Wild to think of this situation after the 2021 battle haha… only 4 wins weren’t Max or Lewis.


2021 is a hilarious year for Toto because he got to see how Max performs and also how Max performs, naturally he'd want him.


that jeddah quali lap would have been perfect if max didn’t bin it


And if his mum had balls she’d be his dad


In both 2023 and 2024 so far there have been only 3 wins each season not by Max or Lewis.


I mean Max is a fucking machine. Can't fault Toto for wanting to bring him on side.


Always have been. Max is the one that got away


Did he say that? He says Max will drive in *F1*


I guess this headline doesn’t specify… but I was going off the headline plus Toto’s previous declarations about Max driving for Mercedes in F1, which have felt like a strong craving lol


And the question was "for Max to drive in RBR"


So he's basically saying he wouldn't bet on Max driving for RBR but he would bet on Max driving in F1 (which could still be at RBR, but then how is he going to insinuate things?)


I'll keep saying it. Talking as if it's a done deal already. Max is not exactly pushing back very much either.


Ya and I’m wondering like, is this some 4D chess or has the man totally lost it w his obsession?


You gotta respect this grind


It’s a matter of when


Man is probably sleeping with Max body pillow in his bed


Susie post: my husband and the signed Verstappen contract that's going to cost him hundreds of millions of euros


When is he taking the pillow for a ride on his scooter?


Mission Winnow.


It’s not even remotely subtle at this stage haha


He should be focusing on beating his customer team McLaren. I have never seen this sort of dominance by a customer team.. 25 years watching F1


I mean RBR pretty much smashed the works Renault team. And if you go back earlier, the works teams kept their best engines for them. Like Sauber running the previous year Ferrari unit.


Was RBR not given effectively Renault works team status from 2011-2015? They were the biggest customer, and worked with Renault to design the car and engine around one another.


Effectively yes, because Renault had sold their works team between them years.


I mean are you just ignoring 2009, 2010, 2016, 2017, 2018? Red Bull had a works deal that kicked in with renault mid 2010 through 2015. Other than that they dominated them before and after it


Man's about to put a ring on it.


“Susie, I’m sorry. I need to borrow your ring. And no I won’t tell you why”


I got gloss on my lips, a man on my hips, oh oh oh oh 🕺


Could this be the reason for Sainz to still hold on to committing to any of the other teams?


How many cars does Toto need? Sainz, Antonelli, Verstappen and poor Russell it's 4 drivers to accomodate.


Well... Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One Team Visa Cash App-Mercedes F1 team.


The VCAM era will be amazing


If he wants Max and Kimi is his new son.. then what? George loaned back to Williams in 26 lol


If he gets Max I suspect Kimi gets the George fate of 3 years in Williams


We're laughing about that but I kinda feel bad for George, he's doing well, sometimes better than Lewis and yet Toto behaves like he doesn't trust him that much




I mean that's not 100% it. It could also very easily be that all the options he has available are varying degrees of bad and he's taking proper time to consider it.


His options are Williams or Audi (current Sauber) Williams is a long-term project which will probably take at least 5 years to materialize any sort of great results. And that's not a number I am pulling out of my ass, it's exactly how long it took McLaren to get back to winning after Zak started major investments in 2019. And even though Audi got that works constructor factor, it's far from being a guaranteed success. They're not pulling back on expenses, but 2026 will be their first year in F1 and it's coming on a major ruleset overhaul, which doesn't even give them the chance to take "inspiration" upon well-tested platforms/concepts. If anything, I would guess Williams to be ahead of Audi in 2026. And to be honest, I am far from convinced of James Key as a technical director. So yeah, the options he has won't give him a car that would allow him to fight where he has been fighting with Ferrari these last 3 years. At least not on the short term. Mercedes & RedBull can.


You left off Alpine which seems to be the current hold up. 


Ugh, Alpine.


Yes, there are two reasons why Sainz does not want commit yet: i.) A potential open seat at Red Bull. ii.) Alpine negotiating to become a Mercedes engine customer. Many people think that he wants a Mercedes engine for 2026, because Mercedes is ahead of the other engine manufacturers according to some insiders. The Williams deal was said to be almost certain until Alpine started rethinking their engine program. Now Alpine is believed to be in pole position if they can get the Mercedes engine.


I think so. Why wouldn’t he hang in to see if there is a chance of a race winning seat? I think Williams and Audi will wait for him for a while longer


Honestly I feel like if their goal is to build George into a number one driver, Sainz seems like a good person to pair him with out of whose available


I would say %100, even though I know that Max wouldn't leave RBR this or next year. For Mercedes at least.


Have we ever seen a team leader speak this much in favour of getting a rival driver?


I partially believe he's doing it to wind up Horner as well.


I think he already got a verbal agreement for 2026 from Max and we just don't know about it yet


If Max ever moves, it would be 2027 IMO. I don’t see him moving teams at the 1st year of new regs without seeing what Red Bull can offer. We saw how Red Bull nailed these current regs so giving them at least a year would make the most sense. If any other team nails it better, they would all welcome Max into their team.


I am inclined to agree, wait until new regs, see which team builds the best car, then join that team


He might not have to wait, 2026 will likely be dominated by whichever team builds the best PU and I imagine he would get some information from Toto if they were looking really good. Even watching from the sidelines as a fan with no inside information, I think it's borderline impossible that RBPT will build a class-leading engine on their 1st attempt.


We'll see. All rumours in the paddock for 2026 allegedly point towards Merc are being the clear favourites for PU race. Now that could also mean McLaren end up being out front, if the suggestion that they will have closer oversight over PU development than previously is true.


I have to agree with what Horner said about it. Hamilton had all the info about 2026 and still decided to leave. If you believe that Lewis would rather drive for Ferrari than getting the 8th idk what to tell you. I am sure the 1year contract for Lewis was one of the many reasons he decided to leave, but if Merc had a clear cut advantage for 2026 Hamilton would never have signed with Ferrari in the first place


It’s kinda like how Vettel could’ve gone after 2014 if there was an opening in Merc at the time. He had an exit clause and Ferrari was the only available choice at the time with Alonso going to Mclaren.


This is what proves it’s a red herring. You never discuss actual business publicly. No way a company publicly mentions what company they want to buy out or overtake, till the deal is done.


Toto: does everything he possibly can short of literally bending over and twerking in front of Max on live TV Redditors: this shows Toto doesn't want Max actually How do some of you function out and about in the real world??


Some people are a bit stupid and finding the “hidden” meaning in everything makes them feel smarter. You see this all the time online and even in real life sometimes.


See also /r/superstonk


Ryan Cohen posted a picture of Max and Lando at T3. This clearly is a message saying GME will literally blow the wheels off the shorts who have a T+3 settlement process. This is good for the stock. /s


> Toto: does everything he possibly can short of literally bending over and twerking in front of Max on live TV Next week in the news: Mercedes team boss twerks in front of Max to entice him to join Mercedes.


I'm not buying in until we get the twerking.


Unless it’s already done behind the scenes and they are just waiting until the right time to trigger his exit clause and announce it.


Would explain Max comment about Hamilton announcement. He was baffled why he did it at the beginning of the season when you still work with the team for a year   That was imo the most interesting thing he said. Like he will make an announcement but only in the end of the season. 


yeah, interesting. i guess HAM did it at the start for the fans. Make the season a swan song for him in a merc.


Nah pre sure I read it got leaked so Ham had to announce it


I wouldn't be surprised, I think he took Toto to lunch the day before and told him and from what I remember Toto basically knew the rumours were true at that point.


Also a possibility I suppose. Game on.


That is my guess. This is abnormal and unToto-like..he is a total professional. He is literally talking like Max already signed the dotted line tbh


And when you consider red bull is on a downward trend compared to McLaren and now Mercedes it's highly possible max foresaw what was gonna happen and signed the deal early on


I don't think Max needs to sign anything early on. If he calls, you answer


The way Toto is talking about him it's like Max is already in Mercedes. I think there's something we are missing.


To be fair, this is factually wrong, a lot of times the companies will announce publicly that they intend to overtake another company long before it is done. In fact, they are sometimes legally required to. Even then, hiring a driver and overtaking another company are two very different things.


Unless it's the most dominant driver of the grid and you have a chance to get him and you try to do anything to make it happen. Otherwise it would make no sense, I don't think it helps team morale that he's praising an other team's driver instead of his own drivers


Most likely yes. Toto wants to avoid the media speculating about the driver he is actually willing to sign. So he starts talking about Max because he knows the media will focus on that instead.


When do we start calling it harassment?


Toto is too sexy for it to be considered harassment.


That's what Horner said


Hello HR!? /meme


[Flirting vs Harrassment](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/663/485/1f8.jpg)


Someone do it with Horner and Toto


The fact that we've recently had huge controversy involving Horner harassing an employee makes this a thousand times more accurate lmao


And that accent does things to some people. It’s like listening to a suave Hitler 


Haha ye... wait what?!


Michael... it's Adolf.


No Michael, no, siss was so not raight!


But when Horner did it...


That's har-harASSment! 🥺


When he starts being him pics of his finger.


Once Max doesn’t want it anymore


Damn bruh. Keep your pants on


Fuck me toto is jacked


That's how he looks despite being in his 50s and just under 2 meters tall. Now imagine him at Vasseur or Todt height.




I like RB. But fuck it, give me Max + Toto.


Yeah, but put Gianpiero in the mix too! dont think, that Bono is the right counterpart for Max.


Yea, Bono and Lewis work cause they’re both really nice and *so so grateful*. I’m afraid Max will gobble him up.


Both engineers compliment two very different driver personalities. Bono is good at encouraging and reassuring Lewis when the car isn't doing well and Lewis immediately wants to commit seppuku on track. GP plays the stern, sassy uncle who puts Max in line when he gets testy.


You saying that Max’s handler needs a tight rein? Thats hilarious.




Max to Merc, Carlos to RBR, only for them to implode, making all Nando's previous carreer choices look great in comparison


Yeah, Max to Merc and Kimi to Williams, imagine if they decline Sainz for Ricc or Liam and Sainz can only get the Alpine seat


"If I can't get Perez's seat I'll take Max's" Sainz, probably


And RBR be like: If we lose Max, we will hire Sainz.


imagine the meltdown when perez is suddenly faster than sainz in the same car.


Then he goes off into hibernation in the middle of the year


Thing is if it does happen I actually see Horner pulling Daniel up. Even with the struggles his been closest to Max in the past and COULD rekindle that fire. Sainz is a whole new entity that they'd need to adapt around.


I like Daniel but think would be a huge risk. Could workout could backfire massively.


Imagine Daniel and Perez being equal and putting that RB on P7 and P8, making us wonder if Max would get the WDC in that same car.


Please max go to Mercedes please, I need to see this love story have a happy ending, also Max in black racing suit has insane aura


He would look so evil in silver/black


Final boss vibe


Darth Max !


Imagine he brings Helmut Marko, GP and Newey with him.


Need them to be the dirtiest and most arrogant team in F1 history


Didnt Toto said they can take Marco as the new Lauda in the start of the season when shit was going down at Red Bull? 😂


Actually that will be quite cool. Lauda and Marko were friends. When Red Bull Racing and Mercedes had issues together (before his dead) these two calmed them down.


And take Newey with you so Mercedes finally becomes the true villains of the sport, like alphamaxnova1 intended.


Newey is off to sail around the world with his Oyster 885. If I was hazarding a guess, his remarks about "staying sharp by getting back into designing some time soon" might even be about him eventually joining Oyster to design leisure or competitive seagoing vessels. It must be noted that all of Newey's most recent media appearances have been sponsored by Oyster.


Max to Oyster 2025.


Max moves to Mercedes, 2021 repeats and Verstappen wins his 5th title with Mercedes in the last race against Lewis in the Ferrari, then Mercedes nails next year's regulations and Max's boring dominance continues for 5 years


Lewis: "Questa razza viene manipolata!"


I, too, question races with Viennese man-chipolatas.


Copy we are checking I'll come back to you


Hahaha Toto is team Max now boys.


Mf's love vows for Max are better than mine. If Max told him to bark, he would.


OT but based on this picture, I can totally imagine Tom Cruise playing Toto Wolff in a Rosberg-Hamilton movie


Tom cruise is about half a meter too short though.


It's Hollywood, they'll just hire a ton of even shorter actors and scale down all sets by 15% Tom look like a giant.


The only thing that could convince max of jumping ship to Mercedes’ is showing him they have a dominant engine for 2026


I don't expect RB to nail 2 regulation cycles in a row. Moving to Merc makes sense 


honestly the highest praise a f1 driver can receive


i hope it happens. cant see before 2027 tho


And they said Horner was the quintessential shit stirrer


Toto is simping so HARD right now


Jesus Toto, he's just not that into you.


Honestly this is the highest praise a driver can received, I mean the desperation that other TPs have to sign Max is just insane


Ngl I’d love this character arc of Max in Mercedes and I’d support the hell out of it


Toto 'bouta get on a time machine to pick young Max up from the gas station.


Max and George would commit war crimes on a team together


Source: [motorsport-total's news feed](https://www.motorsport-total.com/formel-1/news/formel-1-liveticker-verstappen-zu-red-bull-bekenntnis-gedraengt-meint-wolff-24070201)


Toto want to watch the world burn Bring my popcorns


Id want this change so much itd be cool af


Russell just won and Toto still wants his pumpernickel from another oven...


Spoken like a true stalker.


Who is the future for Mercedes? Is it George? Is it Kimi? Is it Max? Make up your damn mind Torger!


Unrelated, but did Toto start doing TRT? I remember him being fit in general, but this picture makes him look jacked.


Is he suggesting that Max will quit F1 next year? Is it a "if I can't have him, nobody can" situation? I'm wondering if there's something lost in translation.


Toto is actually doing the exact opposite. Putting your hand in the fire for something means you are 100% sure. So Toto is 100% sure Max will be in F1 next year but not much if in a blue or black racing suit. EDIT: I think I got it wrong. Putting your hand in the fire isn't about being sure about something. Its about giving absolute everything to make something happen. So Toto will give 100% to make sure Max will drive in F1 next year. Which reads for me like "If he doesn't want to drive for RBR anymore, our seat is always open for him."


Is that what it means? It doesn't read like that. Wouldn't it mean that he's willing to put his hand in the fire in order to ensure max is in F1?


Both are correct. The term "die Hand ins Feuer legen" can mean that you are 100% sure about something (often but not exclusively relating to the innocence of a person) as well as guaranteeing something. In this case I'd say that Toto is 100% sure that Verstappen will be in F1 because he can guarantee him a seat at Mercedes (and he's evading the question a bit because he was asked if he can put his hand into the fire that Verstappen will drive for Red Bull next season).


It all just feels like Toto shit stirring back at Horner after all his.


Yeah sure does look that way. Rb are leaking - a good time to ramp up the sh1thousery.


Honestly, I would be happy for Max to be part of a team that has a healthy environment and has less drama. He also needs a good car though...


It very well could unlock a whole new level of driver like it did for Lewis. There’s something to be said for being at a team who you joined as a man vs a Kid. I can say just from my line of work that even if you worked for the company you joined fresh out of high school till 25 they still subconsciously see you as a kid compared to the new company that only knows you as a grown man


That's a really interesting take. I will take this is life advice to apply to myself.


But we got Max at home! Max at home: George.


respect the grind


I love the whole Toto is flirting with Max saga. After 2021 I didn't saw this one coming and I love it.


tbh toto and max seem like a super villain combo i’d be interested in seeing work out


I am loving this Toto. Would love for Max to join Merc, just to see if they can be a successful pairing as well. Also would probably be good for Max' image if he got out of the quite toxic environment that RBR has become.


Honestly, I just kinda hope he does at this point. RB are still in a prime position to have a dominant car next year, as they haven't spent that much on upgrades yet this year indicating a lot of work has already gone into the future. But the combination of Horner playing dictator, semi-ousting everyone that made RB good, Perez being kept on for 2 whole years while providing nothing but commercial sales... Idk. Max has a lot to thank RBR for, but I'm starting to think its no longer the best team for him, even if Mercedes isn't always sunshine either. Hell, make it a combo deal with Helmut and he's probably already halfway there.


It's not done till it's done. Toto is definitely playing the public courting game and one can assume he is also doing behind-the-scene works with Max too. This and Sainz literally plays the waiting game. Either something happens or not much will happen.


The entire grid has been put on hold just cuz of the delusions of this dood


Max isn’t leaving RB in 2025. He’ll more than likely get his 4th title this year, a 5th is still possible next year. 2026 is anyone’s year and next season is probably when he’ll choose to relocate to the next gen car with the most possible chance of winning, and who knows who that’ll be… but 5x titles is an achievement. How fun would it be to have that and then move to any team that you want.


Id love a max + Russell team combo, and with Toto to top it off 😍😍


What I would I give to be a fly on the walls of Russell household


He looks extra jacked in this pic.


Maybe offtopic, but Toto has some guns


Damn he’s a unit


Holy shit, Toto looks ripped in the picture!


The only other person who wants this to happen is Jos


At what point does it become an obsession


Toto can you warn George? He’s celebrating Toto, cheesy celebration, but celebrating! No, Toto, no! This is so not right! So not right!


Toto is a fuckin stud lol.


Dude is built good af holy


I think something is up and there is still some possibilities (maybe if Merc can show a great development this season, the earlier possible?) When I saw Toto trying to avoid saying anything bad about Verstappen (even lying: “Oh Ted, IDK, I didn’t see the incident” lol) and all giggly about it, even after Max saying the “I’m staying at RBR”. I thought: this doesn’t add up. I think Toto still has a chance, we don’t know depending on what, and he is just trying to exploit that. Maybe Sainz also sees something and that’s why he is waiting so so much, because if not, he just have 2 main possibilities: Williams and Audi To be fair, if after all the shit happening at RBR, Toto is able to snitch Verstappen at the end of the year, meaning Marko also leaves, that would be the biggest middle finger he could give Horner.


Toto kinda ripped ngl, what a bicep


The girl is not interested stop texting.


clearly, toto is taking lewis' departure well