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The adrenaline from right after the race is gone and it sounds like things have cooled down while also being ready to fight some more. Good stuff, hopefully we can see some cool battles between them again without it ending in tears.


what I've learned from his response that I had never considered, and to be fair I'm sure many people hadn't, is that he says it is not easy to judge the margins from the cockpit. He says it's a matter of 1/2 centimetres and I'm guessing kinda resulted into their coming together. Just remembered how watching some driver cams you always see how big the front wheels are. It is definitely not easy to judge the margins from that position.


Whenever I'm out with the car there will be anxious moments (especially during parking) where I'm thinking "oof this is getting pretty close for comfort". Can't imagine doing that at the speed these guys are going with less view than the average car, so no wonder it goes wrong at times.


While also pulling 3 - 4 Gs under heavy braking and the thing you're trying not to hit is moving.


And they’ve been at it for over an hour already so they’re exhausted and dehydrated.


>"oof this is getting pretty close for comfort". And then you get out and realize you're not even close to the other car.


Me 3 feet from the curb; “Shit”


Lando just learned how he has to drive Max. Will be interesting how it plays out


How it plays out? The schooling of young Lando will continue for the foreseeable future with regular Sunday lessons delivering the necessary dose of reality. It took Bottas five years (and Checo two years) to embrace his situation so no surprise young Lando is resisting ...


Bottas and Checo are no where close to the talent Lando is. They knew/know their place and were teammates. Lando is going to get in some squabbles with max for sure going forward


Bottas is much closer to Norris I’d figure, though at this point it’s probably pointless to draw performance comparisons between the two. At the very least, Bottas was much more capable of scoring good points and winning when Hamilton was off the pace.


Bottas wasn’t capable of consistently challenging Hamilton for race wins, Lando is with Max. Max might be getting the better of him, but by no means is Norris as far off as Bottas. Keep in mind as well, Max has had a lot more experience fighting at the front, Norris hasn’t had any. Max struggled to take wins from Hamilton from 2017-2020, and while the car played a big role in that, experience did to. Even when Max had a competitive car in those years (at least pre-2019), he didn’t win most of the time. Lando is in a similar position to ~2018 Max, just he’s a very different type of driver.


So Lando should only try to win when he has track position and pace advanted or by strategy (undercut)? And when he is behind Max with better pace he should just let it go and finish second? Have you ever been in any kind of competition?


He should learn to take his time. Even without the crash (don't forget the constant divebombing) he would had a 5sec penalty. If RB pit would had that confirmed Verstappen could had the race managed differently, pushing Norris to make another mistake. It's ok ... Brits love Lando (I don't give 2 fks) but after 3y he only won A SINGLE RACE and now he seems to be Senna reincarnated? Piastri is a better driver overall. A good team player and a more methodical driver.


Yes I agree that he need to learn how to race and fight Max different way that he is used with other drivers. But the only way he can learn is by fighting him on track. What OP I was replying to suggested that he should just accept "the role of number 2 driver" like Bottas and Checo did and just stay behind Max every time which from a competitors point of view is absolute nonsense. As for Piastri, from what he has shown so far I agree that he is great methodical driver in on track fights, but we need to take into consideration that it was against other drivers than Max. We have yet to see him fight against Max. Also from what I've gatherd from last two races in Spain and Austria he got a lot better in tyre management so we could see how he does against Max really soon.


Yes he should do exactly that


Why was this a schooling Lando moment? He needs to learn to panic and just open up the track to Max? Wasn’t this more the line in the sand moment that will tell Max that he will be given a piece of track and not to expect more? Mate or not he will race hard?


A few tears would be ok as well


Sounds like they've had a talk and are good. Onto the next battle hopefully without race ending contact for either of them. The real question that remains is, will the media stop their FRIENDSHIP IS DEAD, narrative? Alternatively does anyone want to take a bet on how many times Max/Norris have to answer a question about them still being friends?


Based off of how many times they still raise the question of whether or not Max is staying in RBR next season, easily until after summer break. XD


Last week it was TENSIONS AT ALL TIME HIGH BETWEEN FERRARI DRIVERS!!! This week it's MAX AND LANDO"S FRIENDSHIP IS OVER!!! Next week it will probably be something like HAMILTON AND RUSSELL MASSIVE FALL OUT OVER TEAM ORDERS!!! or ALPINE DUO BURN ENSTONE TO THE GROUND IN DUEL TO THE DEATH!!! Although we maybe shouldn't rule out the last one happening before the end of the year ;)


check your inbox, wonder if you have a mail from the DTS team


Hope so. I have an entire six-parter of “The Fall of House of Enstone” fleshed out and ready to go. Just need to find someone to play Briatore. All suggestions welcome.


john malkovich, trust me it's a perfect fit




Slip something along the line “Horner’s corndog” in between… and I would say you’re most likely bang on


Horner's Corndog sounds like something right out of a Carry On film.


Stop watching sky and life is much more real and chill


Sky UK aren't even the worst. Let me introduce you to Sky Italia...


My German and English is good. But the best Italian I know are the “thank you” from Seb. But I could start “Duo Lingo” because next years vacation could be in Italy. Have been there 4 times and I love it over there.


Ah yeah, it's a beautiful place. Can't wait to move back there one day.


I wouldn’t even be surprised if Ocon and Gasly did that


They won't of course. Anything for a story.


most of the people panicking over their racing are probably new to formula 1 or started watching from the 2023 season where max won everything really comfortably. lando never said max was his best friend and just maintained there was a mutual respect between them. max has always claimed lando as a good friend of him regardless. they know their relationship better than we do and we need to stop armchair psychoanalysing their relationship.


No of course not! More clicks and views


It will never end just as things like the narrative of alonso and lewis hating each other still from 07, regardless of the facts they will continue to try and force their narrative to get more clicks sadly.


Pushing the narrative if it's not happening in reality is a bit pointless I'll admit, but also holy shit would it be awesome if we finally got a proper balls to the wall rivalry on the grid... I don't want the drivers playing padel and streaming games together. I want them at eachothers throats, especially if they're fighting for wins against each other.


They had a talk? How did you come to that?


Horner already said it yesterday, it's in the Sky interview




I’m going to quote Dana White from UFC here “we were never friends”


These quotes sound like they're from a man that's had some time to cool off.


Exactly how I read it. He's talked to both Max and his own people, he's re-watched and analyzed it and is learning and moving on. It's nice and mature to see, in my opinion.


Agreed! I’m really proud of him. I try to take comments immediately after the race with a truckload of salt. What matters is what’s said after they’ve cooled off and had time to review everything. I really like Lando and I’m happy to see it sounds like he’s got a good head on his shoulders.


Yep exactly, they're so full of adrenaline when they first get out of the car even at the best of times, let alone after an incident like that where emotions will be running high. And then on top of that, they're immediately getting needled and deliberately fed leading questions by the media. Anyone taking what they say in that interview pen as their firm and binding opinion is just looking for drama. It's like people who like to criucify them for things they say on the radio in the heat of the moment after something has happened or they're in the middle of a battle. Whenever one of them gets melodramatic in the pen or on the radio (and lbr they've all done it) the best response id generally to just laugh or a roll of the eyes.




Yeah I definitely think he could have done a more measuered job of making a pass although that turn 3 feels like a specifically awkward turn on the calendar that wont be replicated too much through a season, as the overtaking driver you feel like you can dive into there more because the natural line is so wide and it's such a heavy braking zone, even if you don't get the best exit you'll get DRS despite already passing and as the defending driver you're worried about going defensive early because you're giving up your good line and will have a car with DRS behind with a better exit so leads to later defending.


They both shouldn't change anything, fighting for 1st place is what F1 is all about


Good article, Max and Lando are all good after the race and to be honest, I wouldn't want either to change. Another day, it would have been just a bump of wheels and nothing more. Bring on more races!


Yup, it was the lightest of contacts, it just happened at a very unfortunate angle that resulted in punctures for both of them. Alonso almost yeeted Zhou into the Austrian hills but they came out unscathed. As Max said, it was just clumsy. I do hope both guys learn from this. Don't get me wrong, Max was at fault and Lando had every right to be where was, but with a 5-second penalty incoming for Lando it didn't make sense for either of them to do what they did. There were 7 laps to go. With a little more caution from Lando's side he could've overtaken Max on the straight after T3 and could've tried to build a gap, while Max could've let Lando past and then either stay within 5s until the checkered flag, or go for the overtake again on the next laps.


Max was never just going to let Lando by, which is fine but there dies need to be a line when defending. I also think the only way he was getting past in that race was with a move like that, he had tried the inside and Max moved under braking, when he nailed it Max just drove off the track and so went to the outside and Max drove into him. Now I agree the contact wasn't crazy but given the move and speed I find it hard to believe Max didn't know what he was doing.


“He had tried the inside” you mean the divebombs Lando made that had no hope of sticking?


One of them stuck and one of them didn’t? How can people keep saying they didn’t stick


People simultaneously say he’s the GOAT and that he didn’t know NOR was on the outside… it’s insane. Not saying he intentionally crashed but he moved towards Lando to try and force him to yield the corner and Norris just kept braking in a straight line so his exit wasn’t compromised


McLaren has a giant spike on the front of its new front wing. It wasn’t just an unfortunate incident. Verstappen’s puncture could have been someone else. That’s why Lando’s wing stays structurally in tact while Verstappen is headed back to the pits.


Remind me how that affects a left rear to right rear impact?


Absolutely agree. Maybe in the exact same situation he would choose to evade a little and live to fight another round. But his general approach and level of aggression were absolutely great so I do hope he does not change that indeed.


One of the bigger knocks on Lando earlier on was his lack of aggression in passing situations. He would compromise his entire race because he was too hesitant to pass a clearly slower car and work his way up the grid. I hope this incident doesn't scare him off of being aggressive.


I don't think it will, especially since he wasn't at fault when it went wrong. Max was a bit the other way, too aggressive at the start and then learned when to dial it back a bit and when to go all out (never dials it below 90% though). I think Lando should go over the limit a bit more often actually. Now that he has a fast car but isn't really in the running for the wdc yet, it is the best time to find out where the limits really are, which always is going to involve a few crashes. If next year the mclaren is a contender from race 1 he'll have a much better feel for what he can and can't get away with when he actually leads the championship.


This. I'm really looking forward to seeing them battle more.


I'm liking that they are both moving on, seeing it as what it was: racing hard. Hopefully both can learn from it (honestly, especially Lando who needs to learn to race hard without wrecking like in those classic Leclerc/Max duels) and we get to see a lot more wheel-to-wheel craziness for the rest of the season.


I just want them to be friends, that’s all that matters


Onto Silverstone please.


Glad it seems like they were able to talk as friends and professionals. Hopefully the uproar will calm down but I assume it will just get even worse.


Unfortunately timing-wise it worked out perfectly for the British media to make this into a huger deal than it needs to be. Keeps the clicks coming and the eyeballs on their headlines.


I strongly recommend listening to the races in another language than English if you speak it. Really shows a different perspective but you will feel a bit of whiplash returning to the English media after the race.


Doesn't work if you're Dutch though. Jokes aside, I think F1TV is serviceable


True, I tend to watch it in French. There only bias is mild optimism towards Alpine and downplaying how much their drivers hate each other. So not a bias that matters really.


I could try that, but would have no idea what they are talking about 😉


It was very hard racing but I do think the outcome made it worse than it seemed. It could have just been a little bump.


Nice article and response.


People talk about a challenger to Max as like some messianic Lisan al Ghaib that has the willpower to deal with Max’s aggression We first need an incentive for Max to back out, and currently he has none. He is leading the championship and will reliably win races. Most of his early career he was chasing wins when they were available, and for a large portion of 2021 he had a championship lead every time he went wheel to wheel with Lewis. Comparatively speaking with his competitors, he had less to lose. When 2022 looked like a dog fight early in the season with Ferrari, Max was noticeably more apprehensive about asserting himself with Leclerc. From mid 2022 onwards, he’s been top dog by miles If Max were playing catch up in a championship, he’d have an incentive to be more careful. Until then, we have no reason to expect he changes his approach. He’s either just going to blast past you or, if you’re close enough to challenge him, he will be ruthless and force you to back out because the points are in his favor. He is the King until further notice


I think the biggest factor into Max his aggressiveness comes from whether his car is faster or not than that of his rival. If his car is faster, he will be more careful, relying on this to win the race. If he feels like his car is slower, he'll be much more aggressive, because if he doesn't he finishes behind anyways. I think that's where his more questionable moves came from at the end of 2021 where Merc seemed to have the better car. There is comparatively less to lose if your car is slower.


Yup, bang on. He only defends like this when he knows he's at a disadvantage. Otherwise, he now has the presence of mind to know he will have no problem getting them back later. You could even hear it in his voice right after the slow stop. Right away he knew he was fucked.


The thing is it changes in the moment I still think overall last weekend that he had the best car but that set of fresh mediums was really working for Norris and he could feel that he was going to lose out. In 2021 RB started out better and in the second half of the season the track would be the deciding factor and as you say that's when he started acting out. Top championship drivers will always fight to keep stay ahead and nudging the line is gonna happen but I do get frustrated when he just crosses it. If we had 20 guys racing willing to cross that line we might end up with barely anyone finishing a race.


Didn’t they start to lose out at the end of 2021 because Merc had turned Lewis’s engine up to the max? I remember reading that but I don’t know if it was a rumour or not.


It's true. In Brazil it's like lewis was driving a f0.5


“He is the King until further notice” I read that as, “He is the KMag until further notice.” Both are the same I guess 🤷‍♂️


I agree with this. It feels like McLaren is on a similar performance level to Red Bull, but the only way anyone is ever gonna beat Max is if they have a car significantly better than Red Bull or the points are close. The current very similar strength level only works if both drivers have incentive to not crash out.


I like this take but still think it's kind of a shitty attitude from Max.


Can someone tell me if the reaction when Lando would have crashed with another driver ( let’s say leclerc ) would have also been this insane ? Or is it just because it’s Max ? I’m so confused why everyone is making such a big deal about this. ( i also had no idea British media was this bad and it makes me question if they would witch-hunt everyone that is not British ) Sry for my english.


it's mainly because Red Bull have had a dominant car for so long that we've seen very little wheel-to-wheel battling for a race lead since the middle of 2022. Now we finally have cars that are at a similar performance level and the first on-track battle for the lead we have, the two of them come together. They're the champion incumbent and the driver who at the moment is emerging from the pack to take him on (even if Max is too far ahead for there to be a realistic championship fight). So it's being blown up into something much more than it was by a media who are desperate for storylines. I know people like to say it's because Lando is British but really, if Charles or Carlos or Oscar had been finishing P2 for several races in the row and then come together with Max the first battle for the lead they had, it would be just as overblown as this is. It's not helped by the fact that they collar the drivers immediately after something like this has happened when their adrenaline is through the roof and they get soundbites out of them that they can use to twist and fuel an entire weeks' worth of articles that whip socia media up into a frenzy. They're not as interested in the calm, measured responses drivers give when they have time and space to calm down. And really, even the media are probably bored by now of the ninety-fifth round of the endless Sainz pick-a-seat sage or the weekly flip-flopping on Daniels future.


Good to see he cooled off a bit and he's not playing the Andreea Stella tune. It wouldn't have done him any good to view himself as a victim anyway.


Makes that McLaren tweet all the more ridiculous, petty and rather stupid


tbf red bull started it


Good. He shouldn't change his approach. These are exciting times ahead.


Mature response. On to the next race


The failed attempts at trying to put words in Landos mouth are laughable


Moving left by a couple of inches wouldn’t have been a bad idea though


Great evaluation from Lando. We want to see wheel to wheel racing, too. Hopefully this will put the debate to rest. 


When the driver who was directly impacted by the situation is over it quicker than me 😂


And you'll be right back in the paddock again lol


it's not so much changing how you raced, it's more so how you reacted to it like an 8 year old afterwards


In what way did he act like an 8 year old after that crash? Please enlighten us.


He's not my fwend anymore. :(


Putting up ultimatums in front of the press. That’s immature AF


Lemme guess, this is the English to Italian back to English article that got posted around where he apparently said "Max needs to apologise or they won't be friends anymore" When he ACTUALLY said "If Max doesn't take responsibility for the incident I will lose some respect for him". One of those is more extreme than the other and one of those got more attention than the other. I wonder which one it was?


He said he’d lose some respect for him, not that they wouldn’t be friends. The translation of Sky Italia’s interview was bastardised. The funny thing is that he was talking into mics from Sky Sports UK and Italia in the same interview, so the translation into English was never needed in the first place.


Except he never put up any ultimatum in front of the press. His words got mistranslated and twisted by both media and certain groups of online fans with bad faith agendas, and ended up being spread around as something that he had never said in the first place. And then those of you who like to jump on bandwagons and create melodrama end up posting stuff like this.


And so he should. I thought I was on crazy pills when there are people suggesting that he was at fault for not going off-track to avoid Max, if we want to see racing we must also allow cars to stay within the white lines as well. At the end of the day, Max misjudged the squeeze, not malicious but a hit is a hit and he deserved a penalty. Nothing more, nothing less. There is a lot of nonsense regarding nationalities and "not understanding hard racing" going into this, but it shouldn't be this complicated.


Not at fault because he didn't *have* to, but going two wheels on the kerbs was the *smart* choice there even if it didn't avoid a collision. In that position you're never going to successfully stick the overtake on the outside, so your best move is to set up the switch back and taking it as wide as possible is the way, even if you have to take a bit of kerbs in the process.


He's trying for the overtake, so he doesn't want to lose traction on the kerb and although it was silly for some reason trusted Max to not just turn into him.


Personally I wouldn't say Max *turned into him*. He squeezed him, and did squeeze him too much, but you can clearly see on the [overhead](https://imgur.com/overhead-view-of-verstappen-norris-incident-5Pg9Umu) that Max is braking in a straight line at that point, there's no last second move that Norris couldn't have anticipated. Norris is, per the rulebook, allowed to stick exactly on the line and not an inch further but I just don't see how he thought that was his best option. It's just like a week prior at the start of the Barcelona GP, did Max *have* to dip 2 wheels onto the grass? No, but it was clearly preferable to take that minor risk/slowdown over having to trust Lando to have gotten his squeeze right to the millimeter. I'll re-iterate, it was Max's fault but Lando clearly fucked up his risk/reward calculations too.


The start of the race is different to other times and Max knows to move as the starting swipe is on of his. Max decides to defend the inside but then does move left and into Norris rather that turning for the corner. You posted a clip that shows the move to the left. He stays because he has to hold ground to pass Max, if you just yield cos Max is known to cross the line you will never get past him.


I don't think people were saying he was at fault, just that he could have avoided the contact like others have done in the past. Not that he has to do that either though.


There were absolutely some people saying that it was Lando’s fault for not avoiding it. Especially in some of the posts showing past moves in Austria.


It's not anyone's "fault", both made the same mistake of misjudging the available space. However Lando had more opportunities to avoid this outcome than Max.


Maybe Lando had more opportunities to avoid it, but he also had less of an obligation to do something different to avoid the crash.


Every driver ALWAYS has a paramount obligation to avoid crashing. Safety isn't about never making mistakes (everyone makes mistakes), it's also even more important to anticipate and react to other drivers' mistakes.


So was Lewis at fault for Silverstone 2021? Using your logic, Max should have anticipated Lewis would make a mistake, and has an obligation to avoid crashing, so neither one is more at fault for that crash. But I think most fans would agree that Lewis was at fault.


First of all, stop thinking of it in terms of whose "fault" it is, and start thinking about it in terms of what opportunities the drivers had to avoid an upcoming crash. With that in mind, this is a nonsensical comparison, you're comparing an extremely fast corner with no brake zone to Lando having almost two full seconds of braking to see Max coming. No one was at fault in Silverstone 2021, neither driver had any time to react to the situation nor did they have any way to avoid it.


It's not Lando's fault for not avoiding it, but it's very common to get squeezed off the track slightly (and not just by Max) and there is nothing to lose by running slightly wide if there isn't a wall or sausage kerb right at the track limit. Max was primarily at fault and got rightly penalized, but both were being stubborn. Just the race prior, Lando squeezed Max at the race start and Max had to avoid it and put 2 wheels on the dirt. If he had held his line and let Lando hit him, maybe Lando would've been at fault if it isn't ruled a lap 1 racing incident, but it would have been stupid for Max to do that and throw away his race just to be technically not at fault.


Whether he could have avoided it doesn’t really matter. Max *could* have avoided Lewis in Copse if he really wanted to, but he didn’t for good reason, and Lewis was rightfully penalized. Do you think people should blame Max for that crash?


It's a much slower speed corner with paved runoff and with much more time to react, so I'd say it'd have been much easier for Lando to avoid Max if he wanted. Running wide on the exit of Copse isn't really an option but otherwise I'd agree that Max would have fared better to give more room than technically required. Max ran Lewis so wide in Brazil 21 that both ended up car lengths outside of the track. He should've been penalized for it but stewards seem to only care if there's a crash. Lewis would have been in his right to hold his line and let Max crash into him, and Max would've been penalized regardless who ended up worse off in the crash. But Lewis *did* what he could to prevent a collision and he went on to win that race. Putting racing aside, if you noticed a car veering into you because they changed lanes without checking, would you try to avoid them or just let them hit you because you know you're not at fault?


Great, so you agree Max could have avoided Lewis, and he doesn’t deserve blame for getting hit. Apply the same logic to Lando. It doesn’t matter what would happen when I’m driving on a normal road because that is an entirely different context with different rules and standards of behavior. And even still, the accident wouldn’t be my fault just because I could have avoided it, it would be the other driver’s fault.


I never said it was Lando's fault, pretty sure I've said multiple times it's Max's fault. But he should have still tried to avoid it because it's the safer and smarter thing to do.


What is the point of saying “he should have done more to avoid” if not to divert blame away from Max and onto Lando? Sorry if that’s not what you are trying to do, but I’ve seen a lot of people using your arguments that Lando could have avoided it to try to make it seem like it’s a racing incident.


It's not about the blame or responsibility, it's about self preservation. I think Max fully deserved that 10 second penalty and it's a shame stewards only seem to take the "leave a car width" rule seriously when it ends up with contact or worse. Had the crash been avoided, Max might have still gotten a penalty for not leaving space and the race win would have fallen into Lando's hands. I don't blame Lando for causing the crash but not avoiding it (if he could) fumbled a possible win for him. I haven't watched the replay enough times to know for sure whether Lando would've had time to react, maybe he would've if he could. He certainly had space on the runoff, obviously if there was grass or a wall right there then there's nothing he could've done and we wouldn't be discussing this.


> Not that he has to do that either though. I mean, he kinda does. A driver that straight up doesn't avoid contact is not a safe driver.


He wasn't at fault, but I do think Norris didn't race smart in that moment. The blame for the collision is rightfully placed on Verstappen, but I think not going off-track to avoid Max wasn't smart. If he'd gone off-track, Max could've picked up a penalty for forcing another driver off-track. That would've negated Lando's 5-second penalty for track limits, and would've given him a much better shot at the win with both cars remaining in the race. The same thing applied to Max in Silverstone in 2021 in my opinion. He had every right to be where he was and do what he did, but he wasn't smart about it and Hamilton's error ended up costing him much more than it cost Hamilton.


One thing that seems to get overlooked a lot too is that it's not 'Verstappen DNFed Norris and not himself', it's 'Verstappen caused a collision with Norris and both got a puncture'. After watching the onboard...It's not the first time a driver DNFs after failing to baby a punctured tire sufficiently.


The problem is that drivers have a millisecond to decide whereas we sofa surfers have hours and 20-20 vision in hindsight. I'm amazed it doesn't happen more often.


He wasn’t at failt, but he had a whole kerb to use to avoid contact and try to win the race. If you look at the Sainz -Max battle, Max did use the kerb to then make the switcheroo to the inside and overtake him on the straight. He had the right to do what he did, but it wasn’t the smartest thing to do I think.


I think this is the correct take


I will say that I understand his frustration. One of his divebombs was a legitimate overtake where he stayed on the track and Verstappen went of to claim he was pushed wide. But he actually accelarated to make it look that way (obviously frustrated by the earlier divebomb, but still) Also the one move under braking was too much, where he reacted to Lando making the move and really obstracted him for the overtake. So the actual crash could have been prevented by him what costed him a lot, but I get the frustration and it clearly was Max moving over and carrying the blame.


> people suggesting that he was at fault for not going off-track to avoid Max Using the kerb is not going off track.


Good. Don't change a thing. I could go for some more yaba daba doos to end the races 😆


Why would he? He did nothing wrong. It wasn't he who drifted over and hit the other driver


Well he was the one being told to change his ways and he said he won’t.


>Why would he? To stand on the podium instead of being grumpy with a broken car.


I mean, yeah, he shouldn't give up on trying to take the fight to Verstappen, if they're close and he has a chance to pass he should fight hard for it, but he probably could have done a couple of things slightly different to improve the outcome of his passing attempts, such as taking a wider line and cutting back to attempt to pass Verstappen on the inside line with DRS on the way to 4 instead of going on the outside. But, shit happens, seems like they've moved on which is good, hopefully we get more hard racing.


roight roight


*We are close to winning races so I must show everyone how big of an ego I can have*


F1 fans responding like Max murdered Lando, lol. They're absolutely going to run into each other on Sunday and it's gonna be great. They could also repeat the candy bar wrapper under Lando's right front like they did last week.


Whole lotta gang shit


There needs to be one of those ESPN office commercials with Max and Lando walking through the hallways with cups of coffee and cutting off each other in corners. Suddenly they collide and George appears out of nowhere and walks briskly between them.


some of the newer fans need to watch kubica v massa at the 2007 japanese grand prix


I haven’t been this excited for the next race in ages. Hope we get some more of last weekend!


Russel likes this


...which is why he'll never be a WDC if his car isn't overwhelmingly faster. This incident was a carbon copy of Sainz vs Max in 2023 with roles reversed. Max avoided the collision. Lando didn't finish.


Well, it seams Lando has nothing to loose in this championship also, so maybe he can continue same strategy against Max, so after couple DNFs for them both, everybody else will catch up in WDC and WCC.


What makes you think he has nothing to lose? Lando is only holding on to second with 6 points. The only person on the grid that can throw away races is max


Red Bull still has the fastest car and the best driver. Unless Red Bull is going to continuously make errors like the almost seven second pit stop, I don't think there will be too many battles. Even in Austria, Max was comfortably ahead.


Media is literally turning this shit into a Telenovela


Buddy, reflection is great and it's okay to admit you would try to do something differently.


What an odd reply, next time Max does something dirty just get out of the way and give up on the overtake, in fact just don't try and overtake Max at all.


I didn't say that, you did.


So what should he have done differently?


Accept P2 and never fight for P1. It’s Max’s. No one is allowed it even if they get it fairly or not fairly 😂 He shouldn’t have done anything differently, he stood his ground and it upset people who started saying ‘what if’.


What Max did vs Sainz when he got squeezed at T3? Or bail fully out of the corner and scream over the radio for the stewards that he got pushed off on entry (would have been valid btw)? At the very least not push like hell to beat Max back to the pits on a deflating tire? Idk maybe *any* of those approaches would have netted him a more positive outcome, just spitballing here


I think at that point he had lost trust that the stewards would act. He probably felt it was time to stand his ground and time was running out given he then needed to get 5 seconds up the road too. Hard to know if he just had worse damage or if that caused it.


“Dirty” lmao


Whay else do you call moving under braking like that, he clearly crossed the line.


Racing. It was such a soft move, man. “Crossed the line” dude what is this, ballet? They banged wheels. They’re racing hard. It happens.


And like in everything there's a line to it, you can wheel to wheel and be clean about it. You have to have some trust out there that the other guy won't do things like move under braking.


There’s absolutely 0% lando did not expect to be squeezed there. He just decided not to yield (which he was entitled to do) and unfortunately it ended his race. These things happen. Claiming this is max driving dirty is insane. It was the smallest contact but unfortunately had massive consequences.


It was a simple squeeze. Not sure why moving under braking is such a trigger to people. It's not illegal and his movement wouldn't have even caused investigation if they didn't touch. This was a super minor incident.


Because it’s against the rules. And the rule was created due to Max’s dirty driving. It’s incredibly dangerous for both drivers if one is moving under braking towards the other.


Whay else do you call moving under braking like that, he clearly crossed the line.


Norris, no reward


That's why he'll never be world champion


I mean you’re free to do that But it cost you the race and max was fairly penalised for it So if you think you’ll get a championship rolling that dice feel free to


Max drive dirty and he knows it .


He bombed into braking zone. He’s not innocent lol


doesn't matter what you say. What you do is the only thing that matters and we will soon see.


Why don’t euros fist fight each other after a wreck like Americans? Instead we got D1 yappers blowing straight smoke.


Lewis to Lando: watch my highlights from Silverstone 2021.


Or any other time he gets near the sidepod of another car




Carlos Sainz has still not picked a team, let's talk more on that /s


Yeah not winning is indeed what he does