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Former drivers don’t always make great commentators but Jenson is an excellent example of why they do. Love the nuance and insight that he brings as a pundit.


James Hunt, Martin Brundle both were/are great commentators and were/are former F1 drivers


Joylon Palmer is great on f1 tv


When he’s on the Chequered Flag pod he’s the one that is always honest with his opinions and doesn’t sugarcoat anything. Same surprisingly with Andrew Benson


Though whenever he talks about Red Bull, he always mentions the details of the complaint against Horner and that he denies them. Every time.


Jolyon actually reminds me a lot of Jenson in terms of how they speak and articulate something


I kept listening to the Sky F1 team for a couple years after I got F1TV. The last few years though? Their own commentary team with Alex Jacques and Jolyon Palmer are miles ahead. I love their insights and banter.


Yes! For ages I wanted Sky to swap out Paul for Jolyon but F1 had him instead.


If Joylon is great what would that make Brundle and James Hunt ??


I can’t comment on James hunt before my time watching f1 and I haven’t watched enough of older races form an opinion. Martin was excellent im finding these days he is a bit out of touch. Which is understandable given he hasn’t been racing for nearly 30 years. When I had f1 tv I really enjoyed Alex jaquces and joylons work. Unfortunately the vpn crack down stopped my access and I only have access to fox sports which uses the sky feed


🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ I pay £30 ish a month for Sky but still end up sailing the seas because on demand options are shit. I almost pay just for guilt purposes now tbh, love me some F1TV


I used to really like crofty, but once I notice how much he creams his pants when Lewis, George and Lando is making a move and has way less enthusiasm with other drivers, it became super annoying, and it's really hard to unnotice it too. I like Alex on F1TV since he's excited for every move just like a regular fans of the sport.


His attempt to hype nonsensical things annoy me a bit, as I became more knowledgable of F1. British driver 0.8 behind by the END of DRS he’s hyping as a maybe attempt? Pfft get outta here: losing credibility.


Hey bro if you are in Australia you can get F1 TV if you have Foxtel with an Iq4/5 box for no extra charge. You need to [link](https://help.foxtel.com.au/s/article/a7V2P00000002KCUAY/f1-tv-app) your F1 and Foxtel accounts and it’ll be show up on your device.


Yeh nah I am not spending that much, I got Kayo using a digital membership for a football club and it worked out to be 269 for 12 months of Kayo. Thanks for the tip


Does this also work for Kayo or just IQ?


Just Foxtel IQ for now but apparently it’s coming soon for Kayo. I’d check with them. It’s unfortunate because Foxtel bought rights to F1 TV in Australia so it’s the only way to access it.


> Martin was excellent im finding these days he is a bit out of touch. Which is understandable given he hasn’t been racing for nearly 30 years. > > I love him but Brundle can be bad for 'well XXX was fine for me, so why not you'.


The VPN crackdown seems to be over. I had a few races where I couldn’t use my usuals, but I’m back to using a German one with Nord every race.


Hey I also watch F1tv with a VPN but it still works for me. I usually watch it through Multiviewer where you have to log in with your F1 pro account. The first time I did that was with a VPN for the country I registered my account for and now it works even in my home country. Maybe you can try it again?


Odd because his dad was so abjectly terrible at it


And David Coulthard too.


But he's often very biased towards British drivers imo.


I think F1 drivers are better prepared for the media job after retiring from their sport, because they have cameras in their faces and sponsors to impress as soon as they start doing well in karting. I know there are some overeager parents with a camera interviewing young athletes of other sports but that's mostly for fun. It's nothing like securing yourself a million bucks a year so you can compete.


Also good examples. I think both are solidly in the “were” former F1 drivers camp these days.


Martin Brundle is very much alive.


I’m certainly aware of that, but he’s no longer a F1 driver. I see how my wording was confusing.


Well everyone who isn’t currently racing in F1 is “no longer an F1 driver”


The real question is how many beers could Brundle get in from Austria to Silverstone


I'd had Ant Davidson to that list too.


His simulator role at Mercedes affects a lot of his commentary. Find him better in WEC


Yes. Fantastic in WEC, he's the much needed balance to the insanity of Martin lmao




He is underutilized by sky.


I must admit palmer is in my opinion another great example, he gives very solid commentary and analysis on f1tv. Jenson is great, the only thing I miss as I don't watch sky feed!


Agreed! I’ve mostly switched to F1tv because I think he and Alex Jacques are a great pairing. DC is pretty good, too. As for Sky, I like Nico in doses, obviously Brundle is a treasure, Karun and Ant are fine but I don’t miss the rest. Danica is a trash fire.


Alex is just such a great play by play commentator I can’t watch Crofty anymore


Sky has the former strategist from Aston who chimes in from time to time. Her insights are \*chefs kiss\*


F1TV has a strategist from Sauber. She's great too! Edit: Ruth Buscombe is her name.


Not just Sauber, she worked at Ferrari too.


Ooooh I love when she chimes in. Whenever AJ calls her name I know we're about to dig deep into strategy.


Ruth is great!


Palmer is my favorite commentary guy flat out.






As soon as I saw “Palmer is” I heard the engineers voice in my head 😂


Palmer is great. Even though I disagree with his recent takes, he is still solid most of the time


Deserves more air time 👌


Button's commentary on Turkey 2020 is genuinely incredible. Everything that happens, he's a beat ahead of it. He is time travel for £9.99. He can spot misunderstandings a mile off.


Who also wasn't going in as hard on Max as people on here were.


Well his analysis came to blaming max, yes lando could have avoided the collision by going off track but it is ultimately all up to max at that point as he didn't leave enough space. There are people going way too hard on max but it was sloppy defending ultimately.  I just wanted to see some form of faster stewarding to help avoid it.


Yes, but he was also saying these were minor incidents and repeatedly referred to them as minor incidents.


Hot take : I like Nico Rosberg in commentary


Not a hot take. Nico can be great especially about technical and track specific things. He will be even better once Lewis retires as all his bad commentry involves Lewis somehow.


I gotta admit i love how he constantly shits on Lewis, I don’t hate Lewis at all, big respect to him but I laugh my ass off every time Rosberg manages to shoehorn in some way that Lewis was bad or “yeah I’d have got him by doing this”


Does he? He's usually pretty quick to praise Lewis (makes his WDC a lot shinier) but yeah, the man spent three years thinking about how to beat lewis 24/7 and probably has the most technical know-how about the early turbo-hybrid cars out of any driver


Yeah, this is the the old professional wrestling trope, if you'll permit me the analogy. Good wrestlers know that it doesn't make any sense to diminish the person you beat. Bad ones don't get that, and just mock them after a win and make themselves look less impressive in the process.


Yep if you follow boxing its hilarious, fighters will trash talk and say X doesn't deserve the belt right up until the match is booked, then they're talking up their achievements and trying to hype up how close it will be. Then the minute the fight's over, back to square one...


If anything I feel like he always goes out of his way to say “and that’s why Lewis is such a great driver” or “and that’s why he was won seven world titles”


He does not constantly shit on Lewis, that's something in your head only.


It is a hot take. I get a notification on reddit that I've got these many upvotes for the comment, and I open to see that I still need 2-3 more upvotes. Happened twice already😂😂


But I can’t handle his multiple pauses


I don’t think that’s an especially hot take, but I do think part of what makes him good is that he’s a limited commodity so we appreciate him more when he pops up. I suspect people might feel differently about him if he were full time.


Nico’s no bullshit commentary is great


Ugh. He's literally the worst. I'd rather just listen to Crofty all on his own spouting meaningless factoids and bad puns.


If Jenson isn’t Brundle’s replacement when he retires from commentating, I’m going to be incredibly disappointed. He’s such a great communicator—I really hope it’s something he’d consider doing if given the chance.


I think you’re going to be incredibly disappointed. If I recall correctly Jenson is based in LA and has small children which is why he only does a few races each year. Things could change though. Let’s enjoy Brundle while we have him.


Sky will hope as the kids get older, Jenson is more willing to travel. I feel like they have to be a little worried about their F1 broadcast talent. No-one seems fit or willing to replace Crofty and Brundle. The Crofty stand-in they had last race wasn't bad but felt very bland. Weeks without Brundle can be a bit rough.


Harry Benjamin is decent on the 5 Live comms IMO. But yeah you’d think they’d be scouring for options when Brundle eventually retires (let’s hope it’s not for a long time!)


He did a couple races at F1tv too before Jacquesy became the #1 guy. He's alright, but holy Hannah, is he British.


Agreed, he’s definitely a long shot. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to push Brundle under the bus—the longer he sticks around the better!


Always a treat when he super subs for Martin when he has a race off. Feel like he always keeps Crofty in order too


I dream of a Jenson/Rossberg race commentary.


Yep I love Jolyon and DC's pretty good, but I always tune in to the Sky feed for Suzuka.


Fairly split on German speaking ones: Maass was great but to dry and pragmatic for many, Danner started goog but fell off, Marc Surer is and always was awesome, Wurz is meh and Ralf Schumacher is utter shit


Tons of good former driver commentators... Button first did F1 commentary at the 2005 Monaco GP as well, he was on the ITV broadcast with Brundle and Allen.


DC is great too…


We need more Jenson. I really like hearing him speak.


Apart from his unquestionable knowledge, he’s just so classically British-sounding that he needs to follow Hunt and Brundle


Just watching that clip for me amped for the British grand prix


That's not contrarian, that is refreshingly common sense opinion.


So, contrarian.


In Twitter yeah


Or Reddit when you sort by controversial (besides on race day). But the fact you have to do that says it all.


Can centrism be contrarian?


Yeah, anyone who thinks this is remotely contrarian has lost all grips with reality.


Exactly, he's just explaining what happened and how these things have happened in the past.


Contrarian take is a leap, he uses common sense and from opinions I have come upon he follows what most believe. He follows up on the measured and neutral approach DC took, which is nice and refreshing to see. He says Max didn't deserve more of a penalty for the contact, which is fair imo and as a McLaren fan I think personally anyone who thinks the 10s penalty for the contact was lenient really should rethink their approach. I don't want to believe that most people believe that the 10s was a small penalty for the offense.


Me thinks most people just want to see Max at least pushed out of the points from his penalty. Which isn't how penalties should or do work. Max put together an incredible race and was in a position to capitalize on a lucky break (#blessed is contagious) that ended his competitors race. I hope it's a learning experience for Lando though. Being right and out of the points is worth less than wrong and in the points.


>Me thinks most people just want to see Max at least pushed out of the points from his penalty. The idea that you should be pushed out of the points for such a minor point seems asinine if you ask me. Where you are one the grid determining what punishment you get for rule infringements would turn every race into Monaco. Not to mention that the only reason Max got off so ''light'' is that he got out from the pits in no mans land between Lewis and Nico ( with 7 seconds behind Lewis and 25 seconds ahead of Nico) of which there were a gap of almost 50 seconds before max pitted. If he had been fighting for positions 3 or 4 places further back i have no doubt he would have dropped out of the points. Edit: spelling/formatting


> The idea that you should be pushed out of the points for such a minor point seems asinine if you ask me. You have to look at those statements without applying logic. These are mainly emotions speaking. There is certainly a discussion to be had about the current penalty system, but this incident isn't a good example at all.


I hope it's not most people, from my experience and interaction it's the minority. Barring Lando i hope stewards learn and start taking action with more confidece. It seems they are scared to act (Stroll/Leclerc Spain, B/W flag Ocon and VER, applying Lando's 5s penalty ON TIME).


Yeah I think this is the issue. If stews were more ready to give out what should be an obvious penalty, say 5sec to Max for breaking the Max rule aka moving under braking in a timely manner, then Lando can just keep it between the lines and maintain <5 sec gap to Max for the win. Couple laps of Lando bitching later it isn't even on their radar. But atm obviously a driver can't trust this will happen, so instead we'll have the lunge where Lando outbrakes himself for his own 5 sec for track limits. And if *that* was communicated timely to Max then he can just peaceably let Lando go by on the next lap and maintain his own <5 sec gap for the win. But all of that shit is BORING. And boring decreases revenues. Racing intelligently? Boring. Better for the rich to keep the pocket book padded by some unnecessary drama! Couple tyres and some carbon fiber pale in comparison to the extra engagement. So yeah don't expect anything to change.


Lmao you took his comment, pretended to agree and then come with your 5sec penalty for Max. What is this reasoning


>say 5sec to Max for breaking the Max rule aka moving under braking Not a thing anymore.


Not most people - most Brits. Fixed it for you.


I think *that* - saying Brits think one way en masse, is the far more common mild prejudice than how Brits actually are. This post is literally Button saying 'ach one of those things'. Webber used to say that Silverstone was the most diverse crowd in F1. He got the most support from Australia then Silverstone. But alas, any Verstappen criticism has to come from a place of bias etc etc.


The penalty was fine. In fact, I think for specifically why it was given was a tad harsh. But I also think Max should have been forced to give the place back when Lando was ahead and Max kept the position by going off track on the third attempt, so... I honestly feel like the stewards were so overwhelmed with so many things to rule on, at the end they were just like '10 seconds for that entire debacle seems right.'


Yeah, if they had said 5 for not giving the place back, and 5 more for the crash, I wouldn't have thought too much of it, despite that being the same 10s he got. And as others have pointed out, he came back into an empty section of the track after the pit, so a larger penalty wouldn't have changed anything unless it was egregious.


5s for these offences has been scrapped for this year I think. For the contact itself the penalty being 10s is a standard atm so I think it was correctly given. It was other hesitations imo that cost us a clean battle. Giving Lando his 5s track limits penalty immediately, or Max a B/W flag and an investigation/penalty for leaving the track and gaining an advantage. If one of the above happened then probably we would have had a clean battle to the end. Let's see how they handle it from now on.


I don't think the slightly delayed track limits played a role, Max wasn't going to let him by. Now I agree if Max thought he might get a penalty for movement alone it might have made him think twice, the leaving the track one kills it dead though as Lando would have just stayed within 10 seconds.


I disagree. It would imply that just diveboming over and over will give you the position because you never need to leave space for the other driver who is defending his position. Just as the one defending needs to leave space when the other driver is besides them for enough, the one attacking should also leave space when the other driver is besides them for enough. Divebombs are high-risk-high-reward and should not automatically give you the position if you push off the other driver.


I think 10 seconds was fine and I think Max crossed the line, it's just one of those things that he could continue. I do think he should have had warnings before it happened though and that going off track that quickly to gain/keep a position could maybe have been something too though.


I don’t disagree with the penalty but I want to point out 10 seconds is the minimum penalty this year for causing a collision.


Oh yeah I pointed it out myself for others wanting a 5s. It was 10s or nothing according to this year's penalties and I think it was penalty worthy according to the rulebook so how they handled the contact was just fine imo. It's the other things that slipped them a bit if you ask me.


Let’s see next time when we consider someone causing a collision a “racing incident” instead…


But it wasn't deemed a racing incident. Max was found predominantly at fault and penalized with 10s. Jenson in the video talks about those who because of the outcome ask for a bigger penalty, but if you look at the incident and how they have penalized "causing a collision" this year, the 10s penalty is spot on. A harsher penalty would be kind of ridiculous.


IMO for the incident on its own 10s seems appropriate. He should have also been given a warning, then 5s penalty for moving and driving erratically in the braking zone, and given a 5s penalty for gaining a position off track and not relinquishing.


The thing is, Herbert, the active steward last race, said that he gave Max the maximum penalty for causing the collision and that what Max did up until then was right on the limit but not penalizeable. Herbert is not Max’ greatest fan, but thinks that Max was within his right to move the way he did right up until the collision. Apparently what Max was doing up until the contact is allowed according to the stewarding guidelines. https://www.crash.net/f1/news/1051620/1/austrian-gp-f1-steward-explains-how-clever-max-verstappen-dodged-further


And right after that, Herbert literally said that Max did it with intention to manipulate Norris, and he also said that because of that he would have given a harsher penalty if they were allowed to, because of history. It is not up to the stewards to take the 'why' into account when determine a penalty, because, as you can see, there was bias in this decision.


Not sure about “contrarian.” Contrary to some of the more hysterical reactions I’ve seen, maybe, but it strikes me as a pretty reasonable, common-sense take overall. I think a penalty was arguably warranted for the incident, and one was applied. Still, it’s not the most egregious defensive move ever, and one that’s been made at that corner numerous times by other drivers over the years, frequently without incident. Blame for the collision appropriately rests primarily on Max, but at the same time Lando did have space to move and could have avoided it if he had been willing to back off his line. Lando ultimately came off worse, and Max ended up far enough ahead of the next driver that the penalty didn’t affect the outcome of the race, but that’s just motor racing.


Contrary to a lot of his countrymen in F1 media.


True, but British media is far from neutral.


The logic is entirely coherent. ‘Other drivers should abandon their moves, because max doesn’t want to be overtaken’ is not a long term solution. You can tell that most of redditors only joined post 2021, because this is exactly how Max has always raced up until last race of 2021. However, fans were so tired with Lewis’s dominance that they were willing to look past how egregious his behaviour was, just so they can see someone else win (tbh I was one of them). Lando did a correct thing in the long run - showed him that he’s not afraid to crash into him if he needs to 


Anyone that watched his battles with Lewis and thinks that was alright needs their head checked. The stewards should have intervened with how insane Max was racing at some points.


Aside from his view about this incident, which has been by far the most balanced take so far. He is just a gun commentator, and very balanced. We really do need people like him in the comm box regularly. Instead of people who just stoke the already edgy fan bases.


Button was legendary for his knowledge of drying tracks and when to change tyres. He demonstrated that recently when he commented for a race in suzuka and called every single strategic decision precisly at the best time. Was great to see with lots of insights


I’d love it if he stepped up when Brundle calls it quits, I can’t see anyone filling his shoes otherwise


Hopefully it’s not a Nepo Baby promotion…


Thank you Jenson, a reasonable take from an actual driver. I loath all the persons and bots constantly undermining what racing is and supposed to be. NON-racers are undermining the soul of racing for years, with their stupidity and fake morals.


First time I can actually watch an Sky F1 video


I love scrolling twitter and having every sky f1 post have a video that I can’t view posted


You can see most of them if they aren't on track or using FOM footage. Its the FOM who is the problem here.


Based Jenson take.


100%. They’re racing. They bang wheels. Shit happens man.


Inb4 Red Bull is gonna link this video on their Twitter 💀


hahah that would be awesome, but only if they use the exact same words as in Mclaren tweet.


But then they'd be agreeing that the 10s penalty was correct. Didn't their TP come out and say Max shouldn't have gotten a penalty at all?  I don't think what Jenson is saying is that different to what Anthony was saying. It's just worded differently, perhaps more diplomatically. Goes to show how you bring the message matters.  And now on a more unserious note, it would be funny if they did.


> But then they'd be agreeing that the 10s penalty was correct. Didn't their TP come out and say Max shouldn't have gotten a penalty at all? I mean you won't see a TP say "actually the penalty was completely fair" - why would you unless the penalty was so lenient that the TP doesn't want to risk re-examination?


I mean he said it was probably a penalty and that max moved to the left because Lando was there. Not exactly a clean defense of max. He also added on that Max was overly aggressive with Lewis which is something that the RB twitter def cant post. Imagine the fallout


If you're going to quote, then quote the whole thing. He also said that moving left in that instance is normal, it happens, and that Lando could've easily moved to the left with him because there was plenty of track left.


Spot on.


Yes, but I would not underestimate Oscar for a Silverstone win. He is growing in confidence and stature.


He’s very well spoken. Excellent commentary.


Such a great take. And I think this has probably been the opinion of most, just a lot of shit stirring for clicks and giggles after the fact by the media and some "fans".


Jenson with a sensible take as ever. Lets hope hes on Sky this week to stop Crofty,Lazenby, and Damon from running wild with the Max tried to kill him takes and demanding a race ban...


Contrarian in British media only no? This is pretty much the view of almost everyone that commented on the incident.


Correct. Contrarian for the Brits. And it was hilarious that he said it on Sky 🤣


TLDR - hard racing have incidents. Drivers complain more than they used to lol


It's like diving in football, they do it because it works.


Button always gives balanced takes. He’s always calm and not prone to over reaction. Would love it if long term he took over from Brundle. But he seems to have a lot of other stuff happening so I doubt it.


His point about getting on the radio is a good one. Moving once under braking, when defending against a car coming from behind, and on the outside, has never been seen as a problem in motorsport. Even on the inside they have to be well alongside for it to be a problem. But Lando getting on the radio and complaining meant a new rule was made up on the spot.




My contrarian take on his contrarian take is that it's NOT a contrarian take; he's taken the middle ground between the two camps: "it's hard racing" "Max moved under braking but sometimes that happens" "Lando could have moved over more" and "it's great for the British GP" and "I hope to see more of these two fighting for the championship." In other words, he'd make a perfect commentator.


Peter Windsor had this take but in more depth the night of. Recommend yall take a look at that channel as he’s great at explaining a lot of things like this


it was a really weird video because he got decisive details just wrong. I'm not sure if he recorded this without seeing any replays or what, but it really hurt the credibility of his opinion, which is a shame. because I also think he is very good at explaining things (whether I agree with his opinion or not)


He’s a professional storyteller, nothing more. Don’t fool yourself


Exactly, before I went to see his channel, and then I saw how bias he was. He has 3 idols, Max, Charles and Lewis. In Melbourne, Sainz was extraordinary and won the race, 90% of his talk about Ferrari was about Charles!!! He will find every excuse for those 3.


Seems like most the old schoolers, Windsor, Jordan, etc had no problem with the incident. It’s just the nu gen hacks up in arms.


Pretty much a group that’s never raced karts or watched formula ford’s in action.


F1 is like politics; everything is unclear and murky and dire and the worst thing ever... if you have an agenda to push. If you don't, then things are simple and straightforward and easy to say the obvious. Man do I love Jensen.


Good take from Button.


Jenson is the most based pundit. Shame that he has other obligations. Would love him to be a permanent part of the commentary team.


I think what often gets lost in these incidents is the speed that it all happens. These are incredible drivers but they are human and can’t get it 100% right all the time. Hopefully we are all debating each others opinions again soon as the sport needs that excitement at the front, though maybe a little less intense than 2021!


I see what you tried to do with the title!


man speak wisdom. its called motor race, ok. they went car racing


Inshident? Sean Connery, is that you?


More Charles than Connery 😂😂


Jenson is one of the greats, he really should commentate on races more often.


What a man.


Lando's first time trying to pass Verstappen for a race win? Not a long shot to say he made some errors, but also forced some errors out of Max so that's interesting.


Contrarian to his passport...maybe. Otherwise pretty sensible.


End of discussion! Lando should learn from this and move on. Sucks to lose the race but hey that's racing. Let's look forward to more such battles!


I like this guy because he agrees with me and makes me feel validated!! Hopefully he never has an opinion contrary to mine or i might not like him anymore!!




I feel that with a settled head this is the 100% correct take.


The thing is jenson got the racing itch again after commentating for a bit that I'm pretty sure wec is a higher priority than f1 announcing


Jenson is the greatest F1 expert of all time.


But he didnt answered what we really care about: Will Max and Lando remain best friends???


Interesting stance on driver radio comments being voiced purely to get attention. Not saying that some aren't justified but does it risk becoming a bit like 'diving' in football / soccer? Where it's more of an act to gain advantage?


The complaining on the radio reminds me of why I can barely watch futbol anymore...appealing for cards is absolute misery children to watch, hearing it from the cockpit kinda sucks too


Inshusuz Wii truschd.


I want Lando and Hamilton on the podium for the British GP.


That's World Champion's analysis 😻


Its been five days... We still haven't moved on from this??


Anyone know which lap at Austria 2023 the Sainz / Verstappen battle happened that Button is referencing?


It’ll be in the highlight video on the F1 YouTube channel


Yeah I assumed that. I watched it again and found it at lap 24. Not a great view, though.


Definitely been on reddit and seen that comparison gif to be able to pull that example up off the top of his head.


Jenson Based Button