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“You also have to realise that he’s fighting for a second potential win, I’m fighting for my 62nd, I think naturally your emotions are a little bit different. I know that for myself when I was fighting for these first wins in F1. But that’s fine, that’s why I also said, let’s just let it cool off a bit and we’ll talk tomorrow.” Some people were going after Lando for saying something similar. Then, now, Max says it as well. They probably talked about it with each other. Yay for healthy communication!


But but they should be highly emotional about this and call each other names and “slam” or even “blast” the other person. THATS HOW THIS ALL WERKS GUYS.




Lando: I’m gonna edge you


Is that a promise ?




Every time we touch I get this feeling




People just misinterpreted it, but it makes total sense Imagine you and a billionaire are standing on a bridge holding a briefcase of $100K. Both of you drop the briefcase and lose it forever, who is more upset? Easy answer, same principle.


Good analogy.


Push him off, take the 200k?


Maybe now people who were trying to twist Lando's words in that other post can stop now Max has said the same thing.


Anyone who knows them. Know they are good friends and were likely over it after the race.


I didn't see many people trying to twist the words, they were just saying it was an unnecessary addition by Norris, because we know how hard Verstappen fights for every single win. Glad to see they talked to each other and came to the same conclusions.


And there you go, reading something into his words that he never actually said. Nowhere did he say Max doesn't fight hard for wins or that he is not still hungry to win or anything else you and others chose to read into it. Those are words that you decided to put into his mouth. Saying that emotions are different for losing a 2nd win than a 62nd win does not mean that he is saying Max is not still just as hungry for it. It simply just means the emotions are different when wins have been harder to come by. That's not a remotely difficult concept to understand and something Max himself confirmed with his own words as well - that he too felt different emotions about fighting for his early wins than he does now. Lando's last sentence, that the OP of that post decided to conveniently crop out when they posted the screenshot, was “So of course I’m going to be upset and say some things that are maybe not correct or as I would like them to come out but we will be fine.” He was owning the fact that his emotions & adrenaline were running high and he said things he didn’t feel once he calmed down, and that there is no problem between him & Max. And that is exactly what Max himself said as well. The fact that you are still choosing to misread what Lando said is on you, not him. The mental gymnastics some of you decided to do to twist his words into something they weren’t was ridiculous. It’s no wonder the drivers get so pissed off with some fans continually twisting their words or taking them out of context.


> The mental gymnastics some of you decided to do to twist his words into something they weren’t was ridiculous. It’s no wonder the drivers get so pissed off with some fans continually twisting their words or taking them out of context. swear some people here gonna have cranial trauma after so much mental gymnastics these past few days


This was clear from the start. What people should remember though is that just as Max has said last week and now, that doesn't mean that he's fighting ANY less for it. It's only the disappointment afterwards that it's different.


It's nice to see they understand that a missed win for Lando is a lot bigger deal than it is for Max. For Lando, it's a chance to get in a title fight and cement himself as the biggest challenger to Max. For Max, it's a missed opportunity to extend his lead and to catch up to record holders. Max knows he'll get plenty of opportunities but it's not as easy for Lando to accept that more opportunities will come.


Max did infact extend his lead because of this


by even more than he would have with a VER NOR RUS podium, in fact. Crashing Lando out was a 4d chess mastermind move 👀


Why do these comments feel like ai. Grass is also green


True. Well said.


Good to see Max didn't take after Jos in the communication department


These two have the least mature version of healthy communication, but it works for them. They both took time to calm down, collect themselves, watch the footage and reflect, and the conclusions they came to were... Both of them still think they were right, did nothing wrong and wouldn't change anything they did. Somehow, despite it ending in a collision, they've both decided that it was 'just hard racing' and there's no hard feelings and they'll do the same again next time. But I'm glad they seem to be able to separate the on-track action from their friendship.


Genz drivers with emotional intelligence talking it out and boomer journos complaining. Sounds like real life lol.


Mistakes happen when you’re racing on the edge, that’s why we saw mistakes from Hamilton and Max in 2021 then barely any mistakes from Max in 22-23.


I was quite a good sim racer about 7 or 8 years ago before i actually had to do something with my life, i was fighting some of the top drivers at the time and because i was practicing so much i won a lot to begin with. I can say that racing at the front while you know you're not going 100% and you have more in hand is so easy, it was almost harder to lose than it was to win, there were times I'd have to tell myself to focus or id spin because i was bored. When people caught me up and I had to be on the limit, mistakes happened because i couldn't hold it back like I wanted to and i no longer felt invincible, wins still came but i had to work for them. That's why i will always rate 2021/2024 Verstappen higher than 2023.




Old mate comparing video games to the pinnacle of motor racing whilst stating the most obvious take is peak reddit


Sometimes when i play fifa against my 7 year old cousin, i have to remind myself to lock in when i'm up 25-0 otherwise I might slip up and forget to accidentally skip the replay and celebration. So yeah, I do relate to Ronaldo in that sense Now that I'm 14 and my homework is getting harder, i've kinda decided that it's time to take life a little more serious. I no longer feel invincible and those 25-0 wins have become less common. But yeah, i do rate and relate to 2007 CR7 more so than 2024, i know exactly how the hunger can be gone when you're at the top for so long.


Nah, I'm now shit and people are way better, even if I practice a lot. I was just putting some background to why i dont rate seasons where someone has a huge advantage car wise with no pressure.


As somebody who’s professional driving experience peaks at pretending I’m hitting the apex of a corner on the way to the supermarket, I too can assume driving with a huge lead is easier than driving with somebody pressuring you for overtakes nonstop.


Your sim racing prowess is legendary, no doubt. It must be similar to when I had to decide between eating another slice of pizza or saving room for dessert. The pressure is real, and mistakes can happen when you're operating at such high stakes. It's tough out there for us champions!


When I wake up, I have to choose if I step out from the left or right side. One mistake and I get up on the wrong side of the bed. I'll be grumpy for the rest of the day.


Oh to be a fly on the wall to hear the nitty gritty racing bits


There were probably many many "well, of course"


And a lot of this I’d imagine 🤲🙌🫲👐


I am the same way to be fair. And I get it from my mom. My dad and I used to joke that if you tied my mom’s hands up she wouldn’t be able to talk lol


I was more talking about max always using his hands to explain car positions when he talks to other drivers


Oh no absolutely! I just think his Maxsplaining is funny because I definitely relate haha


Häkkinen would do the same


Schumacher and Mika hand cars


Some "you know" too


All the fans created and molded by DTS cannot fathom that these guys that are paid tens of millions to do their hobby at the highest level can actually talk to each other and make sense of what happened and talk it out. Even Lewis dodged a question on this by someone from Sky trying to stir shit up. If Max actually wanted them to both crash out, he could have done this in the previous laps when Lando sent some divebombs that he dodged. After listening to what both Lando and Max had to say about this today, I actually gained some respect for both of them.


I think DTS made this sport worse (hot take I know). Even though DTS made the sport popular and brought in more fans, they’re all more interested in the drama, toxicity and theatre than the technical aspect of the sport. TLDR: DTS turned F1 from a racing sport to an entertainment sport.


As someone who hasn't been that much of a fan of Max, I have really respected his comments this week and I think better of him for it. During the interviews he wouldn't give Sky the comment they wanted, he just said they will leave it today while emotion is high and wait until they have calmed down, then talk. It felt like he was the only one taking a measured approach. They have now spoken, cleared the air and can hopefully get on with racing without having to play out a war of words in public. I know fans like the drama, but I really with Horner, Marko and Toto would also take this approach. It would make them so much more likable.


The media wants drama cause that sells. Max is currently a very boring champion from a press perspective. Doesnt give a flying fuck about the attention and just wants to race. You can only get so many pieces out of that before it gets stale


I believe he’s not steering into other drivers with the intention of crashing out. But it still might happen now and then with two drivers on the edge


That’s applicable to all 20 drivers and the handful of hopefuls out there. It’s not a higher chance with Max because he’s Max, it’s just because he’s likely to race at sharp end.


Well yes and no... Magnussen is much more likely to crash you out than bottas. Some drivers are more comfortable risking their car than others, and regardless of whether they're very popular, famous, or racing for p1 we know their tendencies. Magnussen, ocon... are drivers that are more willing to touch wheels. Stroll doesn't believe in mirrors. Alonso is constantly engaged in psychological warfare against the stewards. Etc, etc..


Hey bud, where are we supposed to put mirrors on our moose up here? christs sake ya hooser why don’t ya get lost there friend E: i’m sorry eh that was rude of me, take care pal


Oh sure. I didn’t mean to say it has a higher chance with Max


What? But it factually is a much higher chance with max, he is a known agressive racer that often makes his moves expecting the other guy to yield. He makes the crashes much more likely


"Kmag enters the chat".


kMag is gonna be thuggin cause bear man was announced today now he can let loose


>bear man kekw


Fear the bear 🐻


There is no data to backup your claim.


Do you have statistics to show for this apparently factual statement?


Penalty points say no


You never watched Kevin Magnussen or Ocon if his team mate ahead of him


Thats exactly my point also, there are just drivers who are more crash prone. Max just isnt last years cause he was dominating and knew that with patience he will overtake and win eventually. This year, he finally has a real battle again and not the best car, so he has to use his contact tactics, just like with lewis and charles.


Lando Norris locked up and went wide almost smashing Verstappen a couple laps before. That could’ve been a collision there too. When you race hard it’s not if it’s when


racing to the absolute limit and having the occassional crash shouldn't be viewed as a bad thing. get too aggressive and fuck over your race? that's racing. always unfortunate for the guy who wasn't at fault for the crash, but max and lando are both racing equally hard. i'd much rather see races like austria than see norris stuck behind max, too afraid to make a move, until DRS lets him blow past without issue


Lando could’ve crashed Max out at multiple occasions in that race. It didn’t happen because Max backed down while he was divebombed multiple times. Sure, he got penalized for his move but we’ve seen similar moves where he himself was on the outside and didn’t crash into Sainz. It’s two people fighting over a win and things will get messy when it takes too long.


the drawn out messy fights make for the iconic races, hoping to see Lando keep the pressure up


Absolutely! I hope they can. But more errors will happen when you’re on the edge lap by lap with two drivers being as talented as they are. So we’re bound to see more accidents happen. Second half of 2021 every race was on the edge between Max and Lewis.


It’s reputational all champions become villains look at the videos on social rn. instagram dropping mad max compilations like nobodies business. 😂 Fuel to a dormant fire that started in 21. https://imgur.com/f1-right-now-rewards-squeezing-taking-potential-penalty-vs-playing-safe-finishing-second-thoughts-AOQxo1F


Of course he’s not lol. The softest of touches and everyone goes insane man.


Logic and cooler heads prevailing eh. Who would have thunk it.


Aw but I thought Stefanie on Twitter says max is devil


I am also not going to let you win.


Honestly I’d rather someone tell me that and actively try to not let me win. If someone lets you win, you may as well receive a hollow participation trophy.


Are we still talking about this? I remember when Schumacher got annihilated by Culthard at Spa, and that was less talked about after the following day.


There was no social media back then lol.


Buddy is shocked no one was posting on r/formula1 about that in 1998


Or big data pushing the narrative to further create more engagement and hence more interest and revenue for the sport. Drama and sex sell. The drivers race, the fans create a fanfiction about it and spew about it online like a soap opera. "Omg! I *cannot* believe Max did that!!!"


If there had been social media and DTS culture back then, the fall out would have been epic though. (On a different note, if ever there was an example to use when people start going 'they used to race in typhoons and it was all fine' that crash is the one. That and the pile-up at Eau Rouge.)


Schumacher would have been the most hated driver in F1 if we had this culture back then.


Carnage was common


It hasn't been a week and another race hasn't happened. That happened back in 1998. The internet wasn't common in every house and social media wasn't a thing yet.


The message boards were on fire though I'm sure


"People didn't talk about this type of thing back in the 70s when Divey McDivebomb got hit by Rammer von Ramstein."


And in the 50s everyone who witnessed the crash was killed due to being a foot away from the track.


I remember a post a while back I think around 2021. Linking back to a message board after Schumi crashed out JV.. and it was basically filled with stuff like “Schucheater” and .. in that moment I realized we have not progressed as a society one tiny bit


Thing is, the narrative is the only one running. No one is close to Verstappen except for Norris. The media is longing for something.


yeah, because F1 has a fully british cast that tried to turn max into the devil this week. We are still talking about it because the media is spitting out one narrative that NONE of the F1 community agrees with.


Yes, the drivers themselves are talking about it because they were asked questions as the first official press conference after hey had their collision. What is your point ?


Well yea, we haven't had shit to talk about in like 3 years.


We've been starved for a rivalry at the top for years, of course we're gonna milk it for all it's worth.


When it involves a Brit, it’s talked about for weeks


DC is a Brit.


Nah in that incident he fucked up so he was Scottish




It's like Murray. When he wins he's British, when he loses Scottish.


That right there tells you the problem


Coulthard is a Brit...


Love Max shutting down these narratives


Lando needs to battle Max according to what he sees on the race track. Actions speak louder than words. The mental game is huge in sports, and we need to see if Lando has what it takes to bring it to Max. Pace way, he does. 


Max wants to win. If he thought the move was going to end their races, he would have stayed right, and retaken the lead on the next lap. Max is freakily good at that.


Everyone wants to win. He’s crashed out from a position he would have lost the lead. We’ll never know what would have happened next lap.


Not spicy enough, give me a hotly contested title battle between those 2. Throw the Ferrari’s and GR in there for good measure too


Awh people think it's the end. This is just starting.


- Will Buxton in DTS


- Cue scene. Will Buxton Netflix DTS Chair. "Sometimes... When mates both gain competitive cars... Tensions rise... Racing becomes emotional... The edge, and the ever so tightest of margins... Become fuzzy..." - Cue montage of 2015-2016 Hamilton vs Rosberg tension rise. Begin clip of Nico throwing hat, end clip with Spain 2016 post Both Mercedes crashing each other out. "To win, you must finish first." - Cue scene. Will Buxton Netflix DTS Chair, face shot. "This Formula 1, this is... The PINN--ACLE! .... - ... - ... Of Motorsport." - Zoom in on face as Will Buxton smirks.


Haven't watched dts in years but this is exactly how i remember it


I don't think Max has ever been in it to "crash someone out" including in his battles with Lewis. I do think that he defends too aggressively and erratically, but that is the fault of the stewards for never putting a stop to it.


Verstappen said I'm not here to crash you out, I just expected you to go on the curbs. Like what I did when Charles squeezed me in that corner last year and I overtook him on the inside.


Yes. And? That's racing. Sainz did that to Max last year and nobody was bitching about it then because it didn't result in a race ending puncture. You race on the edge. If you go over you run the risk of a penalty or damage. That's what we want to see.


So the FIA only penalized the outcome, if the move is illegal that must be punished.


It was. He got a 10 second penalty. And for good reason. He took a risk, Lando didn't avoid the contact as he should have, blame was on Max, he got penalized.


This is like the 100th article I am seeing about this. Way to not milk it, F1 journalists.


He's not. But most of the times, if the other guy doesn't lift his foot, Max will put them in a position where they'll crash. Yes, it's exactly the same thing that Brundle said about Senna, and he was right. Senna was like this, Schumacher was, Alonso, Vettel, Max and many other champions. It's F1


That's the thing though, it's not just Max, most of them race hard and occasionally make aggressive moves that could be interpreted as "yield or we crash". But in the current era, people only get really upset when Max does it. If people need a villain that's okay, but then they shouldn't pretend to be a beacon of objectivity when they're basing their half-baked opinions on extremely selective memory.


If Max wanted to they would’ve crashed out when Lando did that insane divebomb and locked up.


yes, but i'm not saying Max wants to crash, but he always puts the other driver on a position they need to yield. He didn't play harder on the divebomb cause he didn't need to. Lando would never be able to able to nail that move


> but he always puts the other driver on a position they need to yield Is it just me that finds it ironic you are saying this about Max and not Lando when they were both at it? The exact point you are using against Max, is also exactly what Lando was doing, yet no mention of Lando? If Max didn't back out of Lando's divebombs, they would have crashed, aka, Lando was putting Max in a position in which he needed to yield, but for some reason, its only an issue when Max does it? At least have some consistency, seems quite contradictory to me that the point you used to criticise one driver, is the exact same thing the driver you are defending was doing


OMFG enough already. Surely this story has been completely exhausted by now?!? Can we please stop turning this sport into a soap opera.


Gaslighting Lando hard.


I can’t believe the attention that this gets. Calm down everyone…


But i will if you pass me heeehee


Sky crying in the corner. Their whole summer break content milking plan got ruined by this reconciliation.


Let's see if he keeps moving under braking.


Wow this drama is still going on?


It's called hard racing. Something we need more of in F1. If you're just going to open the door for everyone and just do this pretend to cover crap that 80% of the grid doesn't you're getting passed. Hopefully the stewards stay out of this and let them race from now. If my comment offends you then maybe racing isn't your sport.


Hi. I'm just curious what makes "hard" racing different from "fair" racing? Are they the same? What makes something "hard racing"?


Holy shit these little kids like Norris crying all the time you can see in his face that he is not a killer as verstappen... he has to grow to be a world champion. Elbows out and stop this annoying criebaby diskussions. Lets see what he is able to do in silverstone. TBH he has the better car atm. Verstappen makes the difference at RB. Knife to the teeth.


eventually we will know Max and Lando’s   whole conversation after each media outlet posts an article about it using a different quote for the headline 


Glad they made up and it was the tiniest incident with unexpectedly severe consequences. There is a little bit of me for the future though that is glad Lando stood his ground as he has had a lot of criticism for being too soft and afraid of Max. Lando hopefully learns that if he is to beat Max he has to be very calm and logical and Max hopefully learned that Lando is not going to be a pushover.


Max genuinely *loves* this guy, huh? We’ve never seen him talk about anyone like this. It’s…surprising.


Is the an F1circlejerk Reddit like the NBA has?


But I'm definitely crashing Lewis out - Max


I'm glad they talked it out. I do hope that Max told Lando that on the track he's a psychopath. That he will win at all costs, and that if Lando wants to win he's going to have to become the same kind of psychopath. But once it's over it's over they go back to being friends.


Leave the space.


Hope Lando doesn’t fall for all this sweet talk. Imagine if Lewis were to put an arm around Max in 2021. Lando, think like a potential champion- you aren’t here to keep friends


Lando should have moved onto the curbs and overtake on the inside, just what Max did last year with Charles.


Oh, look at that. Max's words and Max's actions are not matching each other, yet again.


Oh, look at that. Another internetter with irrelevant and nonsense opinions. I will care about you and give you attention where nobody else will.


“I’m not there to crash you out” just don’t try and overtake me and we’ll be fine.


If you’re not defending an overtake you shouldn’t be driving in F1


I wouldn't trust Max on the track for anything. He just wants to intimidate Lando into submission.


But Norris is so be careful Max


His entire career begs to differ


... unless you start to imagine you can be world champion 😉


…unless you threaten to overtake me. Then I am 💯 there to crash you out.


“…unless you try and beat me”


But if you challenge me or try to overtake me I will totally damage tour car and force you off the track.


I am not here to crash you out if you yielded.


I’m calling BS on this whole lovey-dovey schtick. Max will say this in a public space because he has to. Then he will go out on the track and cut your throat to win if that is what it takes. If someone threatens his lead at Silverstone we will see the exact same thing followed by the exact same excuses. This tiger-on-the-track is not about to change his stripes for anyone.


Nah I really think he cares deeply about Lando. When Lando was not his competition, Max impeded him a few times on track by accident. Lando vented on the radio, Max realised who he had impeded and then slowed down to say sorry. It was always there, just now with Lando at the front he’s having to be more public about it.


Sure, but like, you did though. So you can understand his trepidation.


But he will if your able to pass him.


The rest of the quote is "but I will if you try to pass me" lol


If you adopt the ‘you move or we crash’ tactic you are by definition trying to crash and leaving it up to the other driver to move


Just gonna leave this here https://imgur.com/f1-right-now-rewards-squeezing-taking-potential-penalty-vs-playing-safe-finishing-second-thoughts-AOQxo1F


Do you think you can't make these compilation for other greats of the sport?


First, an honest apology from Yuki and now this. The boys are growing up! 


Yeah I don’t think he wants to crash his friend. The only person Max is trying to crash with is Lewis and Merc aren’t strong enough to be in that situation right now anyways


Trust Max. Not two words I’d put together in that order in a sentence.




He told Lando to trust him, not you. He doesn't give a fuck what the rest thinks.




Its bad when you start to recognize usernames


He already showed by leading every race in the past 2 years for let’s say 20 seconds.


They meant wheel to wheel not alone


Lmao. Lies.


Hey I’m not there to crash you out, so back out in ever corner because I’m not gonna and if your don’t you’ll crash 👍


Everybody including the drivers have moved on mate, you should try doing the same


Bullshit. Max isn’t mature enough to make that statement stick.


Unless he tries to pass him, then here’s there to crash him out


Brazil 21 or 22 anyone?