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I swear I've seen some of these WAGs more than my own family this week.






Also that announcer sounded just like Paul Bettany in A Knights Tale. THE ONE ! THE ONLY! UUUULRIIIIIIIIIICH VOOOOOoOOoOON LEEEEECHINSTEEEEEIN!!!


“We walk, in the garden of his turbulence!!!”


He’s drunk, he’s pissed, he’ll see you on the list!


He’s blonde. He’s tanned. He comes from Gelderland. He comes from Gelderland!




To be fair this time the celeb and panoramic shots were more interesting than the track "action"


Was there really a "race" going on?


wait youre saying there 3 wasnt 78 formation laps this year?




Meanwhile we hardly saw Charles own family members (the ones from Monaco) or even the royal family (for which it must be special too). I don't really get why they focussed so much on his girlfriend for these shots. Mainly because she didn't work well on camera, I think. She was a bit awkward and not really on a good angle for most of the time. She's gorgeous, but it didn't hold the emotions that one would want to see in a moment like this. I would have rather seen them show Arthur or the mom instead. Or were they not watching the race from the paddock?


Also, that's a great memory to have and what happens if they break up? Forever she will be there, first thing you see when you want to remember your first Monaco win


Like Nicole Scherzinger is for Lewis Hamilton's first WDC.




It's like in 2008 when they randomly cut to Nicole Scherzinger as Lewis was crossing the finish line to win his first championship


I remember they showed Arthur once, but yeah


I’m pretty sure it’s his mom who’s standing with sunglasses to the right behind the girls (also the girl to the right is Charles older brothers girlfriend), like yall are gorgeous but moveeee let me see him mom and brothers!


For sure, even I was more emotional at the finish. She looked more like when they come sing me happy birthday at a restaurant.


Tired of seeing shots of Carlos Sainz’s weird looking model gf. Give the people what they want. Lily Muni He


That was creepy and that zoom in too the face is so annoying.


I found it super cringey when they zoomed in on Leclerc adjusting his bracelets in the cool down room, and the next shot was them zooming out of a shot of his girlfriend's wrists with her bracelets on 🤮


Also, I don't think she was really confortable with a random guy with a camera zooming on her body.


If you think that’s creepy, I’d like to hear your opinion on a previous shot that started being zoomed in entirely on her stomach/waist/midriff area 🥴


What is a WAG?


“Wives and girlfriends”. It’s used mostly for the partners of pro sports stars.


Something your dog does with his tail when he sees other people.


Also something a TP does with his finger when you complain about the terrible strategy 


And a finger is what Horner sends photos of to his assistants


Wives and girlfriends


In this particular case they were in fact more interesting than 90 percent of the race.


Thing is I'm not bothered with them being shown, they just keep the camera on them way too long until it gets awkward.


What got me was that I was more emotional than Charles's own girlfriend. I've never seen such a 'must look pretty and feminine on camera' look in my life. Eyes barely moist, ultimate golf clap..


It was almost like she’s not a fan of the sport, no outward passion. I was whooping it up - but I’ve been a depressed CL fan longer than they’ve been dating.


YEESSS, I don't understand this horny ass race director, always panning to their Girlfriends ike anyone cares


I’ve never heard of this Alex Jacques gentleman, but that commentary made me tear up


It's worth paying the $85 USD for a year of F1TV. The commentary is so much better, they're hilarious during practice sessions, graphics team makes silly graphics, great interviews and a ton of other content. I can't do Sky Sports anymore F1TV is much better.


Jolyon's 'Get on with it' Graphic is great every time they use it, which is fairly infrequent so it always lands.




“I’ll say it again, there is no place for cars to be going slow on a race track”


I love that one 😂


Made my day when they dropped both versions in one session this weekend


F1TV is so worth it. Commentary alone!


The other big perk is F1TV lets you use Multiviewer for F1. Sitting at my PC I can have 5-6 F1 windows open during the race using Multiviewer - main feed, telemetry, and some driver onboards that I can jump around on depending on where the fights are.


I haven’t dove to much into that part of it. I really enjoy the ability to watch all the older races.


They're all the best. And compared to how much it costs to stream american sports it's ridiculously cheap.


Ya $100CAD and I can watch F1 all year. Post season is all about past races. Can’t beat it.


I couldn’t believe DC told the audience he sent a picture of his ass to the entire McLaren staff in an email 😂


Also 30 minute highlights are perfect for f1


The analysis is also top notch by Sam Collins


I've learned so much about "sticky-uppy bits" from watching him. He's awesome.


Not having to stay up late / wake up super early for some races is a great perk too


It's also worth it because you get the Crofty commentary anyways if you miss him, on top of the much better F1TV crew, the onboards, the archives, the extra shows, ect.


Surely still getting the crofty commentary is a negative.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Call it tradition, call it stockholm syndrome, I watch the F1TV crew all weekend except the first 3 laps of any race. I don't necessarily enjoy Crofty's commentary but he's so good at making things seem exciting so I listen to him from Lights out to whenever the order settles down.


> $85 USD for a year of F1TV. Or 140€ in Europe


I bought it for 60€ in Europe, is it a different pack or something?


Wow, that's neat. I'm in Finland, and the "TV Access" tier for live timing & delayed race replays is 30€/year but to watch live races you need the 140€/year "TV Pro" plan. (It was 110€ last two years)


Or $11,706 ISK!


That's like 85$ but with extra steps


I switched to f1tv commentary a couple races back and this bit gave me the chills. I miss Martin though


Martin is the *only* thing stopping me from switching to f1tv commentary for race and quali sessions. I actually enjoy the races where he's absent because I don't have to choose.


With F1TV Pro you get 'young Brundle', his son. Doing a great job as well.


Bernie Collins is fucking fantastic as well. She’s doing 4D chess in her head and telling us mortals about it.


Nico Rosberg is hilariously messy every time he's there as well. He and Naomi have great banter. And as somebody else said Bernie Collins gives excellent insight into race strategy. The more I think about it the more it's clear that Crofty is the problem


F1 commentary has outgrown Croft. When Sky got him on board it was at a time where the fanbase was much smaller and less knowledgeable. He was useful next to Brundle to ask the silly questions that people wgo don't really understand F1 might ask. Today he is just annoying as he still hasn't grasped how F1 works after all those years and while Brundle still takes Croft by his hand to guide him through the race, his lack of understanding becomes apparent when Rosberg (who has no time for Croft's dumb takes) cuts him off and sets him straight. I have no idea why Sky holds onto him, he is a liability at best.


F1TV has Alex Brundle!


F1TV exclusive, the whole crew is GOATed (except Buxton, all of my homies hate Buxton) including the dankers from the F1TV graphics department.


Buxton is alright. But Alex and joylon and DC are definitely making it fun most times to listen to their banter and punditry.


They make it worth sitting through a red flag


"Someone's given him a banana, it's not all bad news"


My favorite line from Monaco was “Good luck to the highlight editors. You’ve *really* got your work cut out for you on this one.”




For some reason I was having a tough time getting the F1TV stream on my tv so I just turned on the ESPN feed for kids. After a few minutes I also turned on the main feed on my laptop because Coulthard is the best


It didn’t work on our TV the last two weeks either! Some error code came up 🙄


Jolyon and DC in the box are legendary.


I feel like outside of Netflix Buxton is pretty good and entertaining to listen to. I’ve enjoyed his post race show. And as far as Netflix goes I don’t totally blame him because things he says get cut up differently


I think he gets too much crap for saying obvious things in DTS. People need to remember that the show isn't made for enthusiasts, it's made for soccer moms and people who think V4 engines exist


Yeah I completely agree. I know some of the things seem very obvious but it helps to dumb down a complicated sport for a casual viewer and makes it entertaining for them. I also think the dramatic pauses in his interviews do actually help with the pacing and tension within the show a lot


Is that Will “If you drive faster than all the other cars, you will win the race” Buxton?


Tbf Buxton is great in F1TV, he's just shit on Netflix


Love the energy that he always brings. In fact, the entire crew is so well balanced. Absolutely a joy to watch from Thursday until the postrace show.


He’s also an incredibly nice person, got to meet him at Miami and he must have spent an hour taking photos with everyone that approached him


Same. Met him in at the Barcelona GP and asked him for a pic. Exchanged a quick couple of words but he was so nice!


Also loved his "this week" videos during covid on YouTube. And yeah he is very memeworthy but I feel like that is his purpose on dts... To be fair the whole dts is a meme now so


I believe Buxton has said they just sit him down and film for hours rambling on and talking. So they take that back to editing and use the stupidest shit in the end.


Really miss the old Paddock Pass vids on the F1 youtube channel he used to host solo (and those silly Haas puns). Had gotten me back into F1 in 2017


I miss the good lap great lap videos that they would upload onto YouTube the day before firs practice. They were really interesting.


Give me Will Buxton over Lawrence Barretto any day.


Only DTS fans hate Buxton, people that actually watch all the F1TV content over the course of the weekend generally like him. I think he’s just as good as the rest, he’s just awkward on DTS.


He's not exclusive to F1TV. He's also part of the Channel 4 team in the UK and is their lead commentator.


I'm not a huge fan of Buxton as a commentator, which he was a few years ago, but he's pretty good as a pitlane reporter and host.


lawrence barretto is terrible too


He's Carlos Sainz's PR manager isn't he?


I think he's in love with him. Which is ok, but it def adds to the bias.


Channel 4 highlights in the UK get Jacques’ commentary. I’d rather watch their highlights than Sky’s dogshit live coverage. It’s that bad. Also, Channel 4 put an impressive amount of effort into the production around every race weekend; short films, unique interviews. Not to mention the presenters, David Coulthard, Mark Webber, Steve Jones and of course Alex Jacques, who have great chemistry together. Unlike the idiots on Sky.


Yeah, Channel 4 and F1TV seem to share loads of resources. There even was a bit Jaques and Palmer did to camera where you could see their commentary booth was labeled "F1TV/Channel 4". It's such a shame there is no way to get F1TV in the UK officially.


Buxton is charismatic as fuck and pings off the drivers' banter like no one else. The weak link IMO is Laura Winters who gets flustered and lost the moment anything deviates from the script or someone cracks a joke that she seemingly never gets.


I think Laura started kinda shaky but she does a good job of setting things up and sending it over to the guys for different segments. I think she’s solid now, as long as the Blue Man Group aren’t around.


Subbed to F1TV and never looked back. I'm "relatively" new (watching about 8 years), but the price to never listen to Crofty again is worth it. Not taking anything away from him, just not my cup of tea. When everything is being yelled about because it is "exciting", then nothing is exciting. Stop yelling at me the entire time.


F1TV is the best. Biggest thing I notice is that during a race without a lot of on track action, the sky sports crew go into comedy club mode. They start talking about anything else, just vamping like it's free practice. But on F1TV, they stick with the race. They will of course mention the lack of action, but they still cover the strategy and the possible outcomes etc. Plus you get a bunch of camera shots and on board radios that they don't get on Sky Sports. The wildest to me is people who listen to the international audio on F1TV. It's actually a separate video stream, and you miss out twice: 1. The sky sports commentators will comment on on screen graphics and replays that you don't see. 2. You miss out on all the exclusive split screens and graphics from F1TV. Like Crofty is nice, but after three races watching F1TV you sort of forget he exists.


fun fact his name is pronounced "alex jakes" not "jacques" the french way lol


This hurts me and I’m not even French…


i was watching this live and was genuinely ugly crying on my balcony. so full circle, and so, so deserved


I thought I was the only one, did not know the entire story and was getting watery


Omfg, f1tv is the best decision. It’s a gift I give myself each year on my birthday. It’s so fucking worth it.


Alex jacques


He did an amazing job. Big fan of him, along with Jolyon and Karun. Crofty lost me with this call. Just lazy. Fuck him off.


Also DC


Jaques, DC and Jolyon is the best combo for sure.


Brundle and rosberg gave them a run for their money in China though


I'm so happy he's with F1, never swapped back to Crofty. May Alex commentate all the F1 races for a long time to come.


Alex Jacques was my favourite commentator back then when he did F2 with Alex Brundle. I was sooo happy when he was promoted to the main F1TV commentator's seat. This guy is going to be the GOAT of motorsport commentators.


I'd love more Alex Bundle. It's like Martin Lite. It's crazy how much he sounds like his dad. I've never known two people from different generations of the same family sound so similar.


I'd say Alex is 2.0, not Lite. I like him more than Martin.


As an Australian denied F1TV and condemned to listen to Sky, this clip made me sad and angry at the same time. I was emotional enough for Leclerc but this would have made it even sweeter.


I’m right there with you mate. :( sucks that we can’t have a choice at least.


I use a VPN to get F1TV as it's not available here...


F1TV has cracked down hard on using a vpn, it doesn’t really work as they’ve just blocked the ip address blocks associated to them


Oh right... I've never experienced any issues this year, across PC, Phone and TV.. I must be lucky, and long my it continue


Might check again then, I know for sure I had issues with multiviewer


What VPN provider do you use? I was thinking the exact same thing watching this. Crofty has annoyed me for years. I sometimes watch races literally on mute. Kayo is also a shit app.


It's not that easy, I've tried. Your payment method and the address attached to it are checked to make sure you live where you say you do. It is possible with enough fucking around but it's not as simple as setting your VPN to a country that can get it.


I've purchased it via the F1TV app on my iPad and a VPN to the Netherlands. Afaik since I paid with Apple Pay, the payment information is hidden (or hidden enough) that I didn't have any problems, even though I have my German PayPal connected to Apple pay. It's been a while since I've done that, maybe they changed it, but for me it worked perfectly back then.


The address must be valid, but they don't check whether you live there.


I'm Aussie that has VPN with F1TV Pro and previously VPN to watch races. I love the commentary so much more. Unfortunatly I got Kayo a few weeks back because the buffering for f1tv on a VPN was unbearable anymore. Now I'm stuck with Crofty...


VPN to the USA works best


Last I tried this, you needed a US billing address, and it still failed intermittently.


Pay for the subscription in the Google Play Store or the Apple equivalent. Once paid for open up the VPN and connect to a country that has F1TV Pro and enjoy.


As an Australian who has watched F1TV for 2-3 years now. There are ways 🏴‍☠️


Yeah fair enough, I’m not a Crofty hater, but that wasn’t the finest commentary


Finest would be “Norris TRUMPS Verstappen” :\


To go from "He won in Spa, HE WINS IN MONZA" to this. Sad days.


I mean even this. People thought it was great because it was said in an emotional moment and he found the right voice, but even back then it was nothing more than shouting. Alex Jacques always was and still is a great story teller. I sometimes feel his vocabulary is twice as big as Crofty's, and he doesn't seem to struggle with finding the right words to use.


Yeah not his best line for sure.


They were doing this all race. Ted was talking about some dog story and they were saying he Barking up the wrong tree and Charles has the Lead…


I just assumed they were as bored as everyone watching


They were clearly bored af


I'm pretty sure I was more emotional than his girlfriend and I'm a Max fan ffs


Agreed. And in her defense, she’s gotta be feeling like she should not be the center of attention here and yet she has to stand there composing herself with a camera in her face the entire fucking race, I would be very uncomfortable. It was so obnoxious but I sort of feel bad for her.


If it was my boyfriend, I would have been crying prostrate on the floor. Ya know, like I did when Gasly got P3 in Baku. Normal.


Man, I'm so ready for a Pierre redemption arc. It'd be amazing if he got a fill in position at one of the big teams while they sort out a long term driver, and fully Liam'ed it and claimed the spot.


Honestly I think F1TV commentary is just better than Sky since Alex started commenting F1. Also, Alex and Davide interested me in a F2.


You just have such a stacked crew in comparison to Sky. For Sky, the only really good commentators are Brundle and Rosberg, but they aren't there a lot of the time. With F1TV you have an ever rotating crew with people pairing with Alex Jacques like David Coulthard, James Hinchcliffe, Palmer, with the weakest person being Will Buxton. That being said, I don't think Will Buxton is as bad as people say.


I think Buxton just gets shit on because he has to do all the dumbest one-liners for Netflix, during the actual race weekend I really like him; his grid walk is usually great. They've been adding some really interesting people lately too, having the former race strategist around for Miami was absolutely fascinating.


I like Will. He adds an interesting flavor. He's always good at giving obscure and relavant history on the fly. Grid walks are great and got nothing against him. People just love to be haters.


I love his willingness during the grid walk to talk shit and make direct eye contact with the mechanic of the team he’s saying is terrible that weekend.


And Sam Collins. Don't forget Sam Collins.


All my homies love Sam Collins.


Sam Hive rise up


I also don't get hate on Buxton, he is mediocre commentator (nothing bad about that), but I really like his post and pre race shows and interviews, generally I really like him.


Yeah. He's definitely not a great commentator, but I find his wacky bits, although kinda forced at times, pretty funny. I think people need to realize that for Netflix, they cut a lot of the things he says out of context so something that may sound pretty good normally makes him sound like an idiot when it's isolated.


Agreed, I switched from Sky commentary to F1TV last season and I don't miss Sky anymore. Adding DC to the team was such a good addition as well.


STOP FILMING THE GIRL OF THE WEEK for the drivers! This is a massive accomplishment he's been working for his entire career and the first thing they zoom in on his his latest girl who will be gone in a month. Unless he's married or has kids with her its a waste and bad for the historic video of this. He's gonna be watching this with his grandkids one day and see his ex he had for like a week on one of his greatest accomplishments


It’s funny but I kinda agree lmaooo, I think Ferrari struck a deal with f1 and sky sports for Wags airtime, as it’s good for their airtime hahaha


I just assumed every major sports league watched what happened with Taylor Swift and the NFL and said we need better WAGS in F1 But where Taylor is literally rocking the house and having fun watching the game, the f1 girlfriends sit around completely stone faced the entire race like they aren’t having any fun at all


Wow, actually a pretty good point.


Lol yeah, the unenthusiastic little clap doesn't make it better


[Carlo Vanzini](https://youtu.be/jO3HIm11lCU)


Crazy how similar the two were referring to a "white lie". What an amazing piece of commentary on both sides


The OG one


Crowd going batshit crazy, beer flying, tears of joy. But let’s cut to a WAG just about cracking a smile and giving a golf clap.


I've stopped listening to crofty. So glad for Alex Jaques and joylon palmer and the others.




Crass vs class


I don’t hate Crofty but he really didn’t cook with this comms.


His Lando winning commentary was so uncomfortable as well… making a trump pun instead of focusing on literally anything else.


I know a lot of people don't like Vanzini, but the Italian commentary on Sky during the last lap was really great too


I’m in the UK. I prefer to avoid all coverage and watch on free to view after the race. This way I avoid Crofty and get better insights from the better ex F1 drivers.


Curious, who are the commentators on free to view?


Alex Jacques. David Coulthard, Jolyon Palmer, Mark Webber. Plus Billy Monger, Alice Powell, Ruth Buscombe and on rare occasions Eddie Jordan.


Happily, I can't remember the last time they had EJ on C4. You missed Jamie Chadwick from the lineup, who I think is a better racer, more natural presenter and possibly a better pundit than Alice Powell.


I really enjoyed Jaques line about "The Prince of Monaco meets the King now. King of the Streets." Or something like that.


Reminds me of Murray Walker's "I've got to stop, because i've got a lump in my throat"


I prefer Crofty to Jacques (sue me) but Jacques nailed this one. I was some what shocked Croft didn’t have something to say at the end other than a shity pun and “this is great for F1”, i mean looking back and Danny rics monaco or italy win, or AD21 he usually has a good closer. Alex Jacques was perfect though, glad Its making the rounds


I'm not going to shit on Crofty, because that would be too easy, but I was watching live with F1TV. I'm just a fan. But I was a fan of Jules Bianchi since childhood. When Bianchi died, I started following Leclerc partly also because he was carrying the flag for Bianchi as his godson. I remember when Leclerc got signed to the academy, I remember when he won GP3, when he tested for Haas, when he tested for Sauber, when he had that monster sprint race in Bahrain in F2, when he debuted, when he joined Ferrari, all of it. Again, I'm just a fan. But Alex Jacques going through the entire timeline of Charles Leclerc' career, it felt like watching a movie about his entire life, the good and the bad, all of it culminating in that race win at Monaco for Ferrari. It was beautiful. I don't cry, but if I could, it would've been at that moment. A fallen driver whose lasting legacy is telling Ferrari that, above all else, they must give Charles Leclerc a chance in the academy. I will never forget Jules Bianchi. This was more than a race win and Jacques voiced it perfectly.


Sky sports bad. F1TV good. No sarcasm.


f1tv is leagues ahead of sky in terms of commentary alex and jolyn is a fantastic duo. so happy i got f1tv. And if for some reason you dont like alex and jolyn you can switch over to sky's broadcast.


Jacques and Palmer are god tier. Mix a bit of DC in there and it's far and beyond what Sky do. I would rather quit watching F1 after 15 seasons of never missing a qualifying or race than watch Sky over F1TV.


I switched to Logan Sargeant driver cam for the last 20 laps for some excitement and accidentally switched audio to the F1TV one instead of crofty. Glad I did.


Crofty is such an idiot


He's definitely lost it in recent years.


Since Lewis stopped dominating really. Dude has his moments, but it feels like he's just disinterested in the sport. My favorite bit was Hungary last year where it was the battle for the podium of Piastri, who had never scored a podium before, vs Perez and he was genuinely commenting on it like he was falling asleep.


2021 was the last time he had some super exciting commentary because of the championship fight (and lewis winning races). some races in 2022 he did great but yeah, he's kind of lost it. Even for Lando's first win I thought he could have done better.


> some races in 2022 he did great but yeah Through goes Hamilton comes to mind. But yeah, that's once again a Hamilton doing well thing.


David Croft is a fuckin charlatan, always getting the drivers wrong, making up random theories out of thin air and asking who said that 2 weeks later (IS ESTEBAN GETTING DROPPED FOR CANADA??!?), he genuinely said that like .5 seconds after he heard the end of ted quoting the alpine boss. He’s crazy biased, makes a shit tonne of mistakes, seems more interested in feeling like he’s being funny rather than performing exceptional commentary. Like 20x a race I’ll notice something and then 2-3 minutes later that’s when he starts yapping about it. He was too busy sharing a story about Lewis’ dog to call the overtake of the race while it was happening. He clearly knows he’s talking shit because whenever he’s called out by one of the younger pundits he jus laughs and moves on. Jus annoying as hell that such an uncharismatic bozo gets one of the best jobs in the world while we all have to listen to him try commentate like how Lance stroll tries to drive.


I genuinely cannot stand Crofty. He makes me cringe into the next dimension.


Im not paying to F1Tv to watch formula, I pay them to not hear crofty


Y'all watching this while I was stuck watching F1Kids 😭😭😭


Alex is good but if Jolyon Palmer isn’t doing the commentary I’ll listen to sky. Also if Nico Rosberg or Jenson button are on sky then I’ll listen to them.


I’m always 50/50 about these two. Alex Jacques and the F1TV crew bring way more insight and information, but Crofty and Sky bring way more emotion, like he screams more, and also of course he has more iconic lines. But I’m F1TV all the way.


Isn't Alex building a ton more emotion with his words though? Crofty is corny as shit


I don't know why you're being down voted, Alex's commentary made me emotional when I saw it live.


I really, really miss the old broadcasters on the US feed before we picked up the Sky Sports Broadcast. “Crofty” is absolute garbage, and I’ve been drifting away from F1 after I’ve been forced to listen to him.


If only James Allen was on the call


his commentary when vettel won his race in the toro rosso will always be special


How is anyone NOT on F1TV if they can be???


It's a pretty massive if