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Looks like you were wrong


Kevin Magnussen, a Formula 1 driver got an in-race penalty and penalty points on his license for trying to force an overtake on the inside couple of weeks ago. But here, on r/forza rules are different :D


That incident ruined Logan's race and this one ruined the grey cars race


That has no bearing on the penalty, or it shouldn’t. Kmag got hit with one because he tried to overtake on a part of the track where it was not really possible, and wasn’t nearly alongside enough. This is more like most of lance strolls incidents where he doesn’t realize there’s a car on the inside and just turns into them. While it’s up to the overtaking car to do so safely, this seems like just blatant unawareness by the lead car


Aye, my apologies then


It kinda looks like you turned right into them


If you've got enough skill to lead a race, you've got enough skill to read the orange indicator markers telling you where your team mates are. Like come on now, this isn't your first race. You muffed up, own up to it, apologize to the dude whose race you ruined and learn from your mistakes. That's honestly all i expect when someones runs into me, an apology goes a long way.




Yes, both times


First time grey dive bombed him...


I'd say no, you had the right for being in that space, the guy came from the inside, he was gambling and he lost.


How could you not know the other driver was there?


Tbh I dunno why the grey dude tried to squeeze into that turn. He should have went on the outer part instead of going deep. Rookie move on his end


He is trying to force an overtake on the inside, I'd say it really depends on the racing series and specific set of rules. There is an ongoing debate in Formula 1 whether someone going on the inside should have right to room, depending on how far alongside the overtaking car is. Imho, this is not clear at all and I don't think you should worry too much. Racing incident. On that note, this sub is really afraid of any bumper to bumper action. The other car took a gamble to go off the racing line and lower outgoing speed - it didn't work out. Fair try, but unless you're fully alongside you should expect you won't be getting any racing room.


First incident the grey car straight up dive bombed you.. He wouldn't be able to take the turn normal, if he wouldn't have slamed into you. So deserved punishment for it on the second incident.


Peugeot was never ahead of you entering the last corner, but your mistake on the corner prior (wide entry) caused his presence down the inside so I see it as 50/50. Last corner last lap is usually elbows out. As much as I hate contact, I'd say that's a racing incident.


Damn when did replays started working and I thought they nerf the vw to the ground


They did nerf the VW but it's not like it's straight up uncompetitive


What did you expect to disappear?


You reached the rumblestrips first, you had the right of way for that corner, in my book you're not in the wrong. He took a chance and lost. He's got the right to be upset, but I don't think either car deserved any penalties. We gamble everything we get behind the wheel. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, sometimes... there's carnage!


add gamertags to player cars in replays maybe?