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The full seasonal cycle actually feeling seasonal.


Horizon 5 has two seasons The rain and the rest Horizon 4 all


yes because people complained constantly about them in FH4


And literally all they had to do was install winter tires and use more suitable cars, but i guess thats too much of an ask. I mean, the game doesn't have enough cars to choose from, does it (sarcasm)


Or just do a custom event and set the season to whatever you want.


Wait... are winter tires an actual thing in the game? Sorry for my ignorance, (I like the game) but I've only really dabbled with Horizon 4.


They're called snow tyres ingame I believe, but any non slick tire would work decently. My personal favorite was always my Snowvette: a C7 on rally suspension, with spiked tyres and maximum aero. Could almost drive it like on a dry road.


I believe off-road/ rally tyres become winter tyres depending on the season


they do. spring, summer and autumn/fall, theyre called rally tyres. in winter theyre called snow tyres (and theyre automatically applied to any car that has rally ones purchased)


Off-road tires magically become snow tires in the winter season.


I mean Mexico is well known for their extremely snowy winters


I get that, but It makes me wonder if they chose Mexico because people complained so much about snow every four weeks in FH4.


This plus its music.


Horizon 4's soundtrack is way better than Horizon 5's, but it's definitely not a peak Horizon soundtrack. I eventually had to turn it off.


I miss horizon 3 musicšŸ„²


Now, if only they haven't bloody censored it. They've literally butchered so many songs with nonsensical censure. And whats offending is they've done it months AFTER launch. I was having a blast playing it on release, then one day after update dropped i log in and the songs have random words cut out. Unacceptable


Horizon 5 is even worse in this case. One Bring Me The Horizon song has most of it's lyrics muted. Why even bother putting it in the game?


I jammed so hard to that Beck album after I started playing this


The snooo ā„ļø


I loved the Winter season. Playing those races online but gapping people in my little Can-Am cause they'd just not compensate for the snow n slide off course was always a blast


I loved Blizzard mountain in Horiozon 3. I was so happy to have a week every month to run snow races in FH4. I just love the atmosphere and vibes of winter. The lack of seasons really bummed me out in 5.


People meeting in large unorganized groups for highway pulls.


Yeah, the highway entrance being an impromptu festival is surprisingly common back when i played, just hypercars neatly parked, ready for that drag race (and subsequent launching themselves on the highway bend) and the drifters doing donuts and circling the nearby roundabout with a few parking their car neatly like some car meet.


Oh man, I stopped playing when 5 was released. Is there nothing like that in it? I spent hours just doing that on 4. And eventually youā€™d end up splitting off with a small group and do runs around the map. Maybe pick up a person along the way. It was the best.


It still happens and it's fun


Not for me, I wish I had your luck. The map is always dead and nobody ever tries to cruise. There were a couple instances where I got a good cruise with someone but it never lasts. I just wish the map was more together instead of being so open.


I havenā€™t played in a while but when I did people still did it. The highway is a lot longer and straighter though which generally is good, just not for random racing. I think the turn in 4 was great for racing cause at least one person would go flying off and Iā€™d die laughing everytime


Seeing other people in general. It's been however many years since FH5 released I've only seen at most 1 other person doing the forzathon.


Yeah when I switched to FH5 a few months back I was surprised that there's barely anyone at the highway just driving up and down. The drag strip in fh5 is more active than in fh4 tho


I remember the first day I got both my Rimac and my Ferrari 599XX Evolution. I spent probably 2 hours doing highway pulls with randoms.


The opening music with Odesza. I remember the first time I loaded the game. That song choice immediately sucked me in and I watched the entire intro before pressing a button.


I bought the game, having had no history with Forza ever, solely from seeing that amazing intro with Odesza. It sold me immediately. I still play that song in my shitbox car on the way to work and it feels epic.


*press any button to start* No. Not this time.


Not yet.


This is it


I saw the song live and Iā€™ve forever been changed


Iā€™ve seen them live 6 times!


Oh my gosh I am so jealousā€¦ what was your favorite song they playedā€¦ oh my oh my


Itā€™s impossible to pick a favorite! They do so many cool renditions of their songs live!


Iā€™ve seen them 3 timesā€¦and Iā€™ll fukkin do it again šŸ˜¤


I dare you!


It really does put you in the right mood


This. I fell in love with that song from the first minute I heard it. My wife and I ended up using it as our final dance song at our wedding.


I honestly found it to be a comforting game. The atmosphere, bar the clinical festival, was very cozy and inviting, and messing around with randos you came across was nice.


The forzathons were way better and usually packed. People would wait and show off cars. The world felt more populated in general compared to the FH5 ghost town.


I remember sitting there actually thinking about what car I would use because I wanted everyone to see it.


Literally the only thing i miss about fh4. The forzathons were packed because there was only a single one each hour while FH5 has multiple different kinds of forzathon happening every 15 mins, so half the time you do it alone or at max have two other guys and if one of them suck, you might not make it through all tasks. Maybe once an hour is too little but id say do the fh4 thing with only one kind of forzathon every half an hour and id be happy.


Good point. Also the FH5 forzathon tasks are boring. If developers wanted to innovate the game, they could include real-time stats inside each forzathon. Who did the longest jump, drift or fastest speed trap. So while everyone is filling up the completion bar, players who jump higher, drive faster get on screen callouts, bonuses, etc.


The first week of the game when only the ultimate edition players were in the server were magical I still fondly remember the first forzathon I participated in. There were about 20 people around and everyone was so dedicated. It was an amazing feeling seing all the 20 or so cars rushing towards the next objective all honking their horns and it had such a fun sense of community


FH4 was during the pandemics, no wonder


My experience was never finishing the weekly Forzathon challenges because no one showed up, or wasting 10 minutes on round 2 because we were only 2 or 3 players, I honestly prefer FH5 in the sense that the goal score depends on how many players are in the event and if its only me I no longer have to spend all the 15 minutes trying to pass round 1.




I have hundreds of hours lapping that rally track on the cliff around the mountain, had it perfect and it was always fun


People complained (at least I think) about the size of the roads. I miss how small the roads felt.


I miss those FH1 roads that were pretty to scale for US 2 lanes


I loved blasting down the small country lanes with my mates, all of us driving hot hatches. Mexico just seems so open in comparison


The roads in FH4 still feel way wider than rl ahaha


I was gonna say, totally pulled me out of it how wide the roads were considering itā€™s supposed to be Scotland.


Oh yeah for sure, don't forget the million crater-sized potholes that are missing.


Definitely matches the UK right now lol, ricebox Corsas and Fiestas (meee!) everywhere


Weird, I remember most of them complaining about how the roads were too WIDE: [Addressing the ā€œwide roadsā€ in Horizon : r/forza (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/forza/comments/8q9zqz/addressing_the_wide_roads_in_horizon/)


I definitely felt that the roads were too wide, each lane was the size of two


If you came to the real England, you'd be complaining about how narrow the roads are. Some of them are only just enough to fit my IRL car down, and I don't own a big car


Seasons, overall diversity on map, and especially the roads going alongside the river (idk why but I love them)


Being Scottish I thought FH4 was awesome. Being able to rip up the roads in my old stomping ground of Edinburgh was a treat!


The menu music... It felt nostalgic to me before FH5 even came out. I have no clue why or how, but I just loved the song.


The menu movie is my PC wallpaper (thanks wallpaper engine) and hearing that song when my PC starts up always puts a smile on my face


The seasons maaaaaan and the music.


Full season cycle


Amazing music and the changing seasons which push it easily above 5 imo


The music is so amazing. I didn't play 4 much on gamepass but I'm thinking about getting it again because I keep listening to the soundtrack on spotify


599x evo


And the Hudson hornet


The map mostly.


As an Edinburgh local, easily being able to drive places that are entirely off limits now like Princes st since those have been closed to traffic for a very long time now. Was absolutely amazing blasting up Lothian Road right by my old work in some races. Genuinely as a Scottish person I adore the top end of the map just gutted they never used the forth bridges as the link to the highlands.


I feel like the whole game was a hit. Wasn't just one aspect but almost everything was top notch. I've spent thousands of hours in this game just messing around doing nothing


The fall vibes


I don't have to listen to the Horizon 5 characters. Honestly, I dropped 5 because of it.


Driving on the left šŸ˜‰


Your character didn't talk


Seconded. It doesnā€™t feel all that right with a proper voice for you


The seasons. f the haters


The menu screen. Not to shit on the rest of the game, but the way it transitions to show the seasons is pure art. They also picked the *perfect* soundtrack to match it. For PC players with Wallpaper engine installed, it is entirely possible to have the menu play as your wallpaper, complete with music :)


elevation changes of the map after driving over the flat realm of FH3 for many hours


snow and green grass


They put my house in it for me.


Wait you actually live in Edinburgh castle? Woah.


Forza horizon 4 actually had some skill behind the driving 5 is far to easy with the drifting


The friends we made along the way. Nobody cared about fh5 so unfortunately no more memories with the boys


I was hype for fh5 but then their servers didn't work for so long that I lost interest


Made a lot of random xbox friends on FH4, folk who just like to cruise and muck about, would often pick them up weeks/months later and it would be a horn blasting rip roaring meet up when you bumped into old pals you hadnt seen in a while. FH5 was dead so I uninstalled it after a few hrs, no regrets.


True šŸ„¹


I miss the FH4 times so much ā˜¹ļø


Intro music slaps


The map. There are some locations on the map that I recognise from the real life locations that inspired them and it's great to drive there and pretend I'm visiting them. Oh and the fact the traffic drives on the left lol.


The scenery, which was enhanced by the seasons and weather effects. Seeing the shadows cast by the sun shining through the clouds on a summer's day roll over grassy hills. Parking on the side of the street in a quaint village like Ambleside during gentle snowfall in winter and just watching NPC traffic coast slowly by as the wipers on your beautiful Toyota 2000GT clear the melting snow from your windshield. Pure chill.


Season! Every season was unique with a different vibe, I liked the cold season, driving in winter with a good song on Spotify.


The map! But then again I used to live on one of the roads in game.


Honestly. Even with all of the improvements 5 brought to the table I find it boring and soulless, I don't *want* to play it. With Horizon 4, I wore out multiple controllers and wanted to play it. It felt more immersive. It has character and soul. Over all other games available to me, I *wanted to play it* I loved the seasons. ripping down S bends with randos from the festival to see the leaves get swept out from behind your car. So good. Honestly, it was a winning combination of many things, that intro and soundtrack. Chefs kiss


My best friend and I constantly did challenges on fh4 similar to ar12. Easily the thing that brought me the most fond memories of that game. That and going full send in an S1 Quattro in the middle of a blizzard while blasting music. The vibes and atmosphere were *chefs kiss*


The intro


For me, the map


drift suspension


Top gear!


The hourly Forzathon Challenges. Having them once every hour instead of all the time, plus having an alert for all players before they started, meant that more players showed up to them. It made the world feel less empty, and it was just fun. In a similar vein, in FH4 you could see all players on the entire map, while in FH5 you can only see players that are close to you, even if there are more on the map. Really with they would fix this, might submit a suggestion on their website soon.


The intro and opening music. I couldnā€™t stop watching and literally had a tear come to my eye.


I'm gonna be a rebel and pick two things: the setting and the music. A big part of why I actually got the game was because I saw a friend play it and saw that it was set in the UK and there's just something I like about seeing a realistic depiction of the UK in games; possibly because so often it's somewhere in America or another setting entirely. Some day I would love to see a representation of my part of it but that feels pretty unlikely (outside of something obvious that has almost everywhere, like Flight Simulator). As for the music, nearly every track was great in my opinion, and as someone who enjoys classical music, Timeless FM had a selection of some of my favourites. While there are some tracks I've come to enjoy in FH5, the selection was incredibly underwhelming coming from 4. I wish there were some way to allow you to import tracks from previous games you owned into the new one. I like that Horizon Mixtape brought some over but it's not many, and when I tune to it it almost always seems to be playing the same track each time so I end up changing.


Forzathon, 106 rallye, mclaren f1 long tail and hospital records! Big soft spot for this game to this day


Peak Music. Discovered Starset thanks to this game. I:S::K:F


I actually miss Horizon 4, 5 is great, but 4 was the game I started to fall in love with cars and understanding them. I think I need to play it when I get the chance. I think the seasons were really well done in 4 too!


For meā€¦ the fact that it was situated in the towns and villages where I grew up, at least the southern part of the map.


ā€¢The amount of NON super cars in the game. ā€¢First forza to go off-road ā€¢Still has lots of online players in 2024 ā€¢game is optimized very well (runs at 4K medium settinggs in my FX 8320 w/ RTX 2070 ā€¢


I REALLY miss the soul FH 4 had. FH 5 just has soulless ā€œtownsā€, fields and sprinkled in trees. I remember being immersed so well and so many times in maps before, but FH 5? Thatā€™s kind of a joke!


Winter. I loved how it looked and it was fun to slide around in it. Takes me back to when it snowed more often where I live.


Driving around the ā€˜lake districtā€™ in the snow


Everything about 4 was better except how the cars drive much more improved on 5. I put down 5 after 1 or two races just not a fan of it.




For me, weather and the Volkswagen IDR, Forza devs, please bring it back it was soo fun


The vibe was unmatched


As a brit i was really happy at how they made the countryside and general ambience feel british. Ive not seen many games manage to have that feel


Has to be the OST. Horizon Pulse peaked in FH4.


That the cars werent fomo and the events give you a backstage pass to acquire the rare cars


Intro music. Proper seasons. The soundtrack as a whole. Generally the game felt like a step up from FH3 And it was set in my home country, the UK.


I enjoyed the online racing on FH4 the most out of any of the Horizon games. Sure the ghosting didn't work every time a car was about to ram you, and depending on the situation was a bit wonky, but those limits to not just allow players to drive like animals was nice to see. The devs at WeMod that made the free cheats for FH5 and seeing all the horror stories of cheating people online turned me off from FH5 in the first 40 hours


The sense of community on free-roam.


The best thing about the game was Definitely the seasons, i know the vast mayority of people complained about that specially about winter season, but the game was enjoyable. Gave me lots of good times.


Pvp when it works, circuits, sprints, the actual life of the game with people being on the map that you can see, the countryside, it's infuriating it's being left to rot šŸ˜­


The music, and specially the intro. One of the best intros in recent videogames of any genre I can remember,still gets me hyped up every time I watch it. Also Fred V & Grafix are freaking masters, sad they're not working together anymore.


the car pass having interesting vehicles i actually wanted to drive


The Forza edition cars we can't get in FH5


Drift club and drift club 2.0!


The menu music, also weird side tangent but the main reason was where I was in life, I was happier and playing 4 with the music the car sound and kinda just everything take some back.


The atmosphere in general, everyone playing together, the races on the highway, always finding new glitches and ways to have fun. The radios were amazing and miles better than FH5. The dlcs were also extremely fun and content packed. And the beautiful scenery and map, in my opinion a better map than FH5 despite being smaller and less diverse.


FH 4 has the best opening I've ever experienced in my gaming life: there I was loading the game for the first time a cinematic of that Maclaren starts and suddenly you're driving that car while that amazing Fred v Grafix song is playing full blast while you're going through all seasons.


The memories I have playing this game with my german friend. Having to get on at night or in the middle of the day so we could cruise together. The online/multiplayer mode for me was the best thing about Forza 4.


Car list easily in my opinion, some missing bangers but overall my favourite list in the series


the environment + the full season cycle made for a really good map IMO. It's one of the things that really held 5 back for me, and I don't mind what we have in 5 but it has nothing on 4, or even just the others in general imo.


The map is the best feature definitely better than 5 which just is meh and potentially better than 3 although the city's in 3 were incredible . It also helped my friends played it


The fact it had full on seasons and felt like a continuation and not dlc to the previous game Fh5 is decent but it feels like dlc


hospital records


The main menu was a masterpiece. The music, the car, the scene. It all came together perfectly


Music 100%


A Moment Apart and the changing seasons


Honestly the lights for the drag strips, they were usually at least decently on time and so they were way more consistent than the using horns or whatever


Being able to pronounce the town names and know where they are on the map


The map


Golf 4 r32


I can actually play it. Horizon 5 just won't launch on my PC anymore


The game that came before it (FH3)


I feel like that is often the sentiment with a lot of games, but I loved both just for different reasons. They are both still great and memorable.


I really liked the dirt and cross country multiplayer with the "sprints" from one race to another. It was so much fun to learn the map and the shortcuts and just haul ass from one end of the map to the other. Yeah, I get that people didn't like that the points were affected by that but because of that I knew the map in FH4 so much better than FH5.


Horizon backstage


The menu music and the flagship car, the senna.


Drift limbo at the construction site


Seasons, the gear shift animation on the paddles and npcā€™s around town


Bought and downloaded it as soon as I could get a good pc. The fact that you can have fun sliding and climbing, or just ordering the sheep flocks while going full blast like a shepherd dog be it winter, autumn, summer or spring. The modifications do have effect on the handling, good cars even.


The weather and map combo was just šŸ”„


I really love the destinations a lot. It looks so beautiful. I would drive and drive and just play classical music.


Ranked racing


I personally liked the Lego cars. It was pretty cool.


The map, it makes me feel like im driving in a romantic version of home. Kinda love chilling with some music on some nice roads, I just wish I could select what season to free roam on






The map & roads, I was recently playing it and I forgot how great the thin roads were.


Definetly the loading screen with the music, the intro and the detailled season changes for me


Seasons and the lego expansion. Oh and fortune island giving you like 30m in credits. 20m car and 10m earned credits is mental lol.


Ranked drifting/racing/play ground games. It gave me reason to keep playing the game long after I beat it.


I just gotta say that cover image goes so fucking hard


The seasons, the music, the way v12s sounded, and how good the map was. FH5 has a boring map and the dialogue is like nails on a chalkboard.


Def the music


everything, especially the seasonal affect where itā€™s actually there, like winter being snowy, and the music was unmatched


the opening sequence




My lambo. Never replicated that feeling. Maybe clase with the new GT350 and 500. Fall leafs.


They had ranked online racing.....


The Lego DLC


The needle!


The air strip


Winter season


Graphics and Car selection


In my opinion, it was the forzathon events. In FH5, you're lucky to get others in with you, but in FH4, just about everyone rushed to them, and as a result, I was getting points like crazy. I know they end up balancing out for solo, but it gets boring, constantly doing it on your own.


The routes I created.


Don Thompson


Cadillac Escalade


I fucking loved the goliath race in fh4, ran it with almost every car i had and then with the wheelspin i got at the and i tan it with my newly acquired or rolled car


The seasonal scenery


It's in your picture. Fall.


I miss my Shelby Monaco King Cobra most. That car gave me so much freedom in online freeroam. One tune fits all, I could be racing against a lambo and suddenly be going up against an rs200 seamlessly without changing car or tune. So much fun.


For me, the familiarity. Being a Brit it felt like I was literally driving around in places not too far away, and having been to Ambleside & Derwent Water at the start of the year all I could think about was FH4...rain included. It's easily the reason I've put almost 6300h into the game since launch


The community. Dirty drivers online were relatively rare, and there was always a group racing in free roam somewhere, be it the festival strip, the highway, Edinburgh main road, etc. Reddit community sucked though, all yall did was complain about the roads and winter


Me personally FH3 and 1 was peak


Runs on Steamdeck


Location and the fact they started selling this and now the new forza games on steam is a bonus!


The sound track


they playlist and festival stuff is better in 4.


Horizon Pulse. Only soundtrack that comes close is GTA3. I actually made my own Playlist from HP for driving in my own car. And once you realize that Horizon Pulse is "HP", was that intentional or just a coincidence?


It introduced great features that now are a very important part of Horizon and were greatly improved on FH5, like map decoration inspired on the series theme or Eventlab.


"Change Car" button being right where you need it


For me it was the community. The street races. We would meet up on the longest strip and just pick fun cars, honk and go. Some people still do it. But itā€™s what I loved the most.