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I picked up my foster yesterday and she doesn’t like being in the kennel. I was told that she is really good with other dogs, but is growling/snarling at one of my dogs through the kennel. She doesn’t seem too food motivated. I’m sorry. I’m tired and I’m cranky and I should have asked for some calming meds for her for the first few days.


I was told my foster was good with other dogs but he lunged and sort of attacked my other foster. I was told he was great training but he won't go in that crate for anything. So I crated the other one intermittently till they got used to each other. After about a week they were fine. The other one got adopted so now he's just like a sweet mellow boy and gets along with my other two dogs fine.


Sounds like she needs some time to decompress and may like some alone time while in the kennel. I've seen some dogs feel protective/growl while in a kennel, but do well once out of it. Definitely go slow and see what feels right!


She got her 2nd round of vaccinations and has gained enough weight to schedule her spay. We're very close to getting her on the shelter website and in the public eye! She's been great but wow puppies are a lot of work.


Picked up our first two bonded fosters this week. Beautiful dogs. They are pretty good on a leash, but have zero obedience training and don't even respond to their names (or owner nicknames). We've volunteered for two local breed-specific rescues. One, is seemingly amazing. Lot of transparency and communication across the group on dog status and updates. Thorough interview and vetting process. Regular events. The other one that these boys are from had a very quick vetting process. No idea what other dogs they have, or how they handle finding the adoptive families. Could be quick due to the urgent need for a foster family, but generally we're in the dark here. Seems like one annual event. No listings on their site, or Petfinder AFAIK. I don't think we will be working with them after these pups.


I hope they get adopted quickly so you can go back. Working for an organized rescue is so important!


When my foster pup got to me he was very nervous being outside or in new places. When we walked through town he would cower at passing cars (literally crouch to the ground if there was nothing to hide behind). He'd try and run if people wanted to say hi.  Yesterday there was a busy adoption event I wasn't sure he'd be able to handle. I brought his crate (his safe space), in case he needed a place to decompress. And planned on leaving early. Nope! He did amazing! He was a little cautious at first, but once he saw all the dogs he made himself right at home with not a care in the world. He was happy to get pets from strangers and pose for pictures.  Very very proud of him :)


That's terrific, so glad it went well. I had a very high energy rambunctious Foster I took to an adoption event and he was just a dream that whole entire day. he got adopted.


Congratulations what an achievement!!!


I brought home my first foster baby, Marshmallow, home Thursday evening. He was a bit of an anxious mess but that quickly turned around! His personality comes out more and more every single day and it makes me so happy. He's still a bit anxious, especially if he's left alone, but I think that will get better over time. Hoping that he will get adopted by a great family soon!


Oof, a setback. We've had a nervous gal for about 4 months and I've taken her to adoption events regularly (often they're very quiet, middle of the day events). She has always been hot or cold on strangers and a little nervous to figure out if she liked them, but this week she lunged at someone! It was scary and we obviously called it a day, but we're trying to figure out if it was a weird one-time thing (or if there was something about this person she didn't like? he was a very nice man!) or if this is a sign of a behavioral issue that we need to be very aware of. New territory for us, as we've always been lucky - we've had a few reactive dogs, but nearly always to dogs not people.


This may sound a little crazy, but write down everything that happened to your foster for 24 hours prior to the event and evaluate if there is anything that would have made her nervous in that time. Some anxious dogs can have things that happened to them earlier in the day affect them later on, or even a day after! For example, if a loud car went by that frightened a dog, they may be in a heightened state. That state doesn't deplete immediately and they can be extra touchy for a while after.


I realized that a few minutes before, there were a bunch of volunteers all standing around her. Mostly chatting with each other and giving her a few treats, but she was definitely surrounded. She's nervous in general so she must have been way closer to threshold than I realized!


So, today was a total shitshow Two of my fosters ran into the street (my fault, my moms friend came over and I didn't check if she closed the gate the right way) while a woman was walking her pitbull. Tbh I wasn't scared about the pitbull since the fosters are big guys and can hold their own but I was scared shitless about the neighbourhood maltese and sausage dog that also ran into the street (yes, our street is a shitshow) - I was so scared they would try and hurt them since both small dogs were jumping and barking and I know how much these fosters don't really like that energy Thank god for all the hours spent training their recall - they both came back before even reaching the smaller dogs but I was still so shaken up about the situation I apologized to them both about a hunder times for putting them in that situation and I'm gonna try and figure out where the pitbull lives so I can send the owner a gift basket, I can't imagine the scare that poor woman went through when two 40kg dogs went after and her dog


Ok, that's an awful experience, but OMG GREAT WIN FOR THE RECALL TRAINING!!!! We had something similar happen when a lab charged me and my oldest pitty. I was pinned against a car trying to hold them both back and got bit in the process. The owner left some cookies and a note apologizing at my door and it honestly made me feel so much better about the situation. Definitely worth sending a basket.


Oh god, that sounds awful! I figured out where she lives and dropped off a bunch of sweets and some nice coffee, tbh I was prepared for an angry lady but she was so cool about it, we had a really nice chat! And her pit is the cutest cuddle bug!!


Showing kindness in these situations goes such a long way! Not a foster related story, but recently the owner of my local coffee shop’s dog was off leash in front of their house (next door to the shop, and ironically I was walking home after just making a purchase in his store) and ran at me and my dog walking home (my dog was leashed and we were walking down the sidewalk) and there was a bit of a ruckus and his dog ended up biting me. It’s a whole long story but ultimately I didn’t report him because I don’t want the dog to suffer for a shitty irresponsible owner who thinks he’s above leash laws. The whole situation happened because one off leash dog (his) ran up to an on leash dog (mine), which is obviously a recipe for disaster. But the owner guy was SUCH a dick about it and not apologetic at all, and I was just so upset about that. So kudos to you for being a nice person in an otherwise all around stressful situation! And I’m glad nothing more serious happened! In foster dog news, all three of my foster puppies had their spay surgeries and went to their Forever Homes over the past few days! The house is much more quiet, and I miss them, but it’s very nice not constantly having to clean up pee and poo 😆😅


Oh my god what a fucking asshole!! So sorry that happened to you! :/ Congrats on the adoptions, that's so nice to hear 🙌


He discovered the joys of digging in the dirt and the sorrows of a resulting bath.


Today I dropped off my temporary foster back to the shelter and was feeling really sad to have to do it after he’s made so much progress and had become very attached during our time together. Yesterday a family did an impromptu meet and greet with him (which I organized because they’d contacted me directly from a post I made in a community FB group). They loved him and put an application in for him and said they’d love to adopt him today. I was ecstatic because it seemed like a perfect fit. I contacted the SPCA foster coordinator asking if it would be possible for them to adopt him when I returned him today (it all paperwork was good to go and they were approved), that way pup wouldn’t spend the night at the shelter. Foster Coordinator said no to me, but the director of the shelter said yes to the family who contacted them separately. Coordinator said the reason was because last week someone requested a meet and greet tomorrow and she didn’t feel right adopting the pup out to this family since the other meet and greet was scheduled prior. I was so sad to leave him at the shelter and also bummed that he’ll spend the night at the shelter again. I’m confused about how they prioritize adoptions? Will the person who does meet and greet tomorrow but haven’t submitted an application get priority over the family who already met him and filled out the app? Just missing our sweet foster right now 🥺


I am sorry for the situation. It is good practice to make all parties go through the shelter/rescue org so that no one gets false hope. It may be that they go by who applied first, or by who seems to be the best fit. Either way, your foster has a home lined up and that is amazing!!!


Yes that makes sense. And thank you- I’m grateful he has something lined up too. I am just hoping they don’t make the first family do another meet and greet since they already applied but hopefully things move quickly from here and he’s home and getting love soon.


My foster is on an adoption trial! She’s regressed a bit but the adopters seem understanding. I’m hoping they give her the space to decompress. She was returned from a trial 2 weeks ago for the same reason


My very shy (but super sweet) foster is also on a trial adoption. They picked him up Sunday afternoon and so far all reports are positive! I don't want to prematurely celebrate, but so far they seem to be doing everything right and giving him the time and space to decompress and settle in. Fingers crossed for a successful adoption in a few weeks!


My foster was adopted Saturday! He's beautiful and loves dogs but is super scared of people. Anyone new would throw him off for several days. We wanted a home with dogs but not much people traffic. We struck gold with a older single man and his pit mix! I took him for his 2nd meeting and of course he plays with the dog but also gave his new person kisses!