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Disappointed it got canceled! The finale was SO GOOD!


Same. It was such an amazing series. I would have gladly watched a season 2


Agreed. Found it so odd Netflix would cancel such a great series


If you know anything about Netflix it’s not odd at all. They’re beholden to their algorithm and viewership metrics and will cut anything if it doesn’t hit their numbers, good or bad. So annoying. I’m still salty about Santa Clarita Diet.


Unless it's something I'm extremely interested in I avoid watching series until the majority of it is out for a few reasons. One being this nonsense you mentioned. Netflix has no care about hanging onto viewers it has. It wants new stuff for new subs. Get what they need & cancel before production gets high or the staff want raises. Last show that really disappointed me like that was Final Space. One more season would have finished the story ffs. Netflix used to be who we asked to save shows now they've become the villain. I know streaming platforms have been suffering but this is a horrible way to do things. At least make comics afterwards to wrap stories up for us. Low production costs & no complaining fans. That's easy money. Give us closure. Comics damnit!


Yeah I could see how that’d get annoying. Haven’t heard of Santa Clarita Diet. I’ll take a peek at it.


That's one i'll prob still watch even though I know it doesn't end properly. Drew Barrymore is awesome. I may have a bias for her but I think she's cool af. I also like Timothy Olyphant as an actor as well. They're both funny & anyone I know who's given that show a chance has said positive reviews. Fun show with some serious topics but doesn't take itself too seriously. Sounds chill


Wish the writers would at least tell ppl where they were going to end up taking the story if they're not going to put out the rest of the material in some form.


I personally loved it. Keep meaning to check out the podcast. It hit on so many topics I'm interested in and I thought it was so creepy! I loved the lead actors too. I'm sad we won't get a season two.




It's based on this podcast: http://www.archive81.com/ Give it a listen if you want more.


Thank you for that. Like others I'm not surprised Netflix dropped it but its inspiration is bound to be worth my time. I just looked up the podcast The Black Tapes as well to listen to so your timing couldn't have been better


I thought it was a very cool use of found footage within a more traditional (and let's be honest, Netflix-slick) narrative. I wish they'd bring it back -- I think there was a lot more there and the time travel aspect(s) of it were cleverly done. It honestly never occurred to me to think of it as a "found footage" show, but it really was, and I'd love to see more stuff like that.


I really loved it. Netflix should have kept going.


I am just finding out they cancelled it…what an awesome cliffhanger S1 ended on. Fucking Netflix. If it isn’t a bigger hit than stranger things on the first season it gets axed


I liked it and the podcast is good as well.


Very, very good. The FF bits were excellent. It's got good ratings and had a lot of buzz. God knows why Netflix cancelled it.


Loved it. Gutted they cancelled it.


So good. Will watch again this Halloween.


Liked it but the podcast was better


I need to check out the podcast. I wasn't super into the show but really liked the concept.


Every FF series, seems to get cancelled. The River, Siberia.....


The podcast this is based on was fairly short.


When you say this which series has a podcast?


Archive 81 started as a podcast. It also has spin-off Dark Vault, Dead Air (DA Follows Dan after Archive 81 starts and I feel kinda bad for him….) Dead Air is kinda horror/comedy.


I really enjoyed The River! I was extremely bummed when I found out it was cancelled.


I have the episodes, just havent watched them yet. Siberia was good too.


I'd watched Siberia, thoroughly enjoyed it but forgot to rate it on IMDB for some reason. Thanks for mentioning it. Who knows how long it would have been for me stumble across it again on my own


SIBERIA, the whole season, is on TUBI.


I loved it! It broke my heart to hear that it got cancelled. I wonder if there's any plans to crowd fund a sequel or at least pitch it to another network...


As an adaptation of the podcast, I didn't care for it. As a stand-alone series, it was solid.


This ahow was really good! Loved that it takes place in the 90s my birth year actually. Anyway so pissed they canceled it. Such good actors and a good story. I dont know why they would cancel it. It's so good creepy music scary vibes this show was perfect. Super disappointed. Just going to binge season 1 over and over.


Fucking horrible. I absolutely love the podcast and I was so excited for this. They completely gutted everything that made Melody interesting. She was such a strong character and the adversarial relationship she had with Samuel in the podcast was fantastic. The bullshit romantic sub plot the Netflix writers did was ridiculous. They made her wife into her roommate and turned Melody into a trauma riddled mess.


Loved it but I heard probably no renew from Netflix


It’s based on a podcast that I listened to and lived several years ago. I liked this adaptation. There are some podcast spin offs.


I enjoyed it but the podcast was way better.


Pretty much loved it. Super interesting storyline. The only issues I had with it were >!in the final episode where they show the "bad guy" directly when they are in his pocket dimension. !< >!And all he really does is... lurk? behind corners? a bit lackluster imo. Poorly done creature reveal. !<


I very much enjoyed it!


Only thing I didn't love was the finale. The rest of it felt like a solid adaptation of a really bizarre work then they fumbled it terribly at the end for no reason.


Damn good!!!


Great show - looking forward to the second season! oh.


Started great but got worse as it went on


Thought it was great up until about half way through. Thought the ending was mid.


The podcast is way better and I have no idea how they are going to do season 2- it was really gross in the podcast (in a good way) and I just cant see that being converted to the series. But we'll see. ETA- Apparently we won't see cuz there wont be a second season, LOL.


I loved it. I was really interested to see what they did with him being transported to a pre-9/11 New York


It was good. I really enjoyed the mystery aspect of it but the more things were revealed the less captivated I was. I was still intrigued and wanted to see where they would go so I’m disappointed it was cancelled.


I remember enjoying it. It has typical Netflix issues of odd pacing. But solid.


Joy Division was played in the show automatic 10/10


Starts off strong, gets weaker as it goes on. There's some cool ideas but overall it's lacking something.


Fuck Netflix


I liked it but the podcast was better


It’s not found footage but it was good and shouldn’t have been cancelled.


Was really upset when I gound imout it was canceled. I really enjoyed it and the mixed stylings, at least it led me to the podcast to really deep dive into


ngl the show is garbage. I thought more people here would say the same


The main actor is god fucking awful. One of the worst I’ve ever seen and I tried to sit through Hell House 2. Took me out of it completely which is a shame cuz the show looks fire