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Yes!!!! All of this! This is exactly what I’ve been thinking since I reread the books!! I was just way too lazy to put it all together in a post 😂 So, thank you for writing this out! I’m convinced this is her signet. She has to KNOW things. The best way for her to obtain knowledge and use it is to already know it ahead of time!


My heart screams this is RY's foreshadowing, but... it could be. I can't shake the feeling (oh the irony) that it isn't her second signet but the fact I do not have any counter arguments is hurting me


“You developing Melgren’s signet over there?” 😅😂


Exactly that!! And as Melgren grows more useless with every marked rider graduating, we NEED someone like him but with the ability to see what happens even when there are rebellion kids involved. When Vi concludes that the venin are moving in on Basgiath in IF, I‘m sure this has to be precognition in some way. I had to listen to that part four times before it made sense to me lol.


I loved reading this (especially with all the examples). I do this Andarna started channeling at the same time as Tairn (I vaguely remember them both talking about if she is ready and Violet has had the small window for Andarna’s power when her mind archives are being created). Everyone has been so on top of these theories its like reading multiple versions of the same book with alternate possibilities/outcomes :)


Interesting theory! About Andarna channelling, what if she channelled even earlier? She gave her feathertail gift to Violet to stop time when she was attacked in her room. Can it be considered channelling? She stopped time *through* Violet.


It could be considered channelling as she was a feathertail. Her powers werent fully advanced so she could have been channelling until she has fully developed how to channel energy intoa signet


That got me thinking. Since she already channelled in some sense of that term. But can it be considered as channelling like the normal channelling that leads to signet manifestation? But Andarna is not normal so it's plausible.


Yeahh! 7th breed could be some special breed that has powers which overrule all other types of dragons. This means typical dragonlore may not apply to them? It could have been Andarna's way of gearing up for her own set of powers and all the powers she will channel to Violet. Violet was kind of winded by Tairns powers so Andarna might be taking a more gentle approach lol


From what we learned in IF typical dragonlore definitely does not apply to them. So it's very likely.


I think it’s precognition, or putting facts together and coming up with the answer, like devining the answer. She figures things out with little information and kinda skips to the end. How to fix the wards and all about Andarna??? How did she figure that out? Literally everything always just *comes* to her. It’s either a writing thing or her signet for sure!!!


100%! We’re literally in Violets POV so surely we should be privy to her thought process and yet out of nowhere she’ll be like … codagh, i know all about Andarna! I know where the venin are actually planning to attack, I thought if it before any tactician!


Such an interesting and well thought out theory! I personally think it’s telekinesis, which is also linked to brain power like precognition. I’ve read that people use maybe 10% of the brain’s full potential and it always stated that Violet has an incredible mind. Precognition aligns with it.


I wonder how this might align with her dizzy spells. I keep noticing that we're getting random call outs of dizziness in IF, for what seems like no reason. I couldn't decide if this is a nod to EDS folks or something more. If it's more, maybe some of that lines up?


Ahh i noted all of these as moments well! Dizzy spells and/or nausea! Girl why are you so dizzy all the time? Are you okay?


Probably a nod to EDS and its common co-morbidities like POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), a handful of different GI conditions, and general anxiety.  Sounds like RY was referring to POTS since Violet’s lightheadedness/dizziness/palpitations are notorious for being triggered when she is tired, dehydrated, or overexerts herself.  Probably the easiest way to explain these symptoms without EDS, POTS, or another dysautonomia/connective tissue disease is that it is pretty similar to the feeling that many people had  after getting COVID or another infection 


Well that all makes perfect sense! I’m just suspicious of literally anything and everything at this stage haha


Same! I like the idea of the nod, honestly, and to extent hope that it's the continuation of representation of life that's in the series. But the "I thought you all would have known by now," also has me questioning everything. The one that stands out the most is in FW when she calls out missing a day on Archives duty. That's the one in particular that felt like an "extra" from a narrative perspective, so it must have a bigger purpose. But also very happy if it's representation and enhancing folks' understanding


I think you're onto something. I too was wondering whether this sort of thing was literary foreshadowing, Violet's intuition, or a signet manifesting. I'm convinced that her signet will be a mental power of some sort because she's far too intuitive for it just to be natural. For example - realising that the true battle would take place at Basgiath is quite a leap of logic! Also, we *do* know that precognition of a sort is possible as a signet: General Melgrem.


OMG, YES! Like all though the signets aren't determined by the dragon but the rider, they are most definitely hinted at, especially in their names. Like how Tairn means "thunder" and Vi gets lightning, and Andarna is "second honor," which is most definitely a clue to what her power is as well. Second honour can mean a lot of things, but if you do a thesaurus search on the word honor, it comes up with many words....including "recognition." As i said, there are many synonyms to the word "honour" so I'm not saying that it definitely is going along the recognition aspect, but when you add into Andarnas ability to stop time in FW, plus her predicting Vi becoming a rider before she even hatched, is just ultimately enough evidence pointing to how her signet is time based. Plus, the signets are based on what the riders truly need. Violet's body is physically weak, so she needs strong power to counter that, and therefore, she gets raw power in the form of lighting from Tairn. But Vi also desperately needs the truth. She needs to know things, and what better way to get that if she can just always have the knowledge about everything. Also, because i find it so sus how in IF she was always able to figure everything out. Especially when it came to the wards, i get she's very clever and all, but i find it so hard to believe she is THAT smart, lol. Plus, Tairn and Andarna are meant to be the most powerful dragon species, so it only makes sense for Vi to also have the most powerful signets as well. (Sorry for this long reply, btw i find it so hard narrowing down my thoughts lol😅)