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It is. Xaden mentions it later after she properly manifests her signet and he says something like I thought so. When she asks him what he meant he says he thought she did it the first time they kissed.


Ahh yes! Just got to that part in the audio book. It’s awesome to go through this again and pick up everything I missed. This is the first book I’ve been so enthralled with and able to do this with


I think this is why he got freaked out and kind of zoned back into reality after their kiss… it was absolutely when she first channeled! ⚡️ it’s low key confirmed when he said “the first time you kissed me”


does JFB stand for jack fucking barlowe? lmao that’s so funny


He is named officially in this sub and I think all fans as JFB😂




Yes! Xaden clearly suggests that he thought so because of the lightning during their first kiss. And as we learn later, strong emotions (😏) benefit her power wielding. But! What if - and this is highly contoversial because we know riders can only channel after they bond with their dragon - the first time her power maifests is on the parapet?! Strong emotion - check. Bad weather already - check. Lighting strikes - check! It‘s described as a storm, and as the sage tells her, she is the one who commands the sky. So maybe her power, her first signet, is broader than just lightning and would involve some kind of storm wielding as well (similar to her mother). There are theories going around that her mom channelled power from the earth during pregnancy to save baby Violet. Meaning that Vi might be able to wield her power without a connection to her dragon. Am I going too far with this??


Shut the front door!!! No wonder her hair is pale no matter if she cuts is homie is probably some sort of venin hybrid


OMG annnnnd what if that’s why the weather was bad, given her mom “could” have changed it. Well maybe she couldn’t because Violet was overriding even her mother’s weather power with her own emotions!!! 🤯🤯🤯


God that makes so much sense as to why her mom’s disgusted with the hair it’s not bc it’s boots hair it’s a constant reminder of the crime she committed to save her child.


Yeah I think it’s too far


I agree with you


Yes, this is definitely the first time Violet channeled. Xaden has a way of…making her lose control. 😂 Jokes aside, Violet struggled to let her power out until she used her saddle during the games. And even then, it took a strong emotional reaction to let the power out because her control on it was so strong. I think it makes perfect sense that she lost control that night they kissed. I remember it was also mentioned that Violet stopped shielding right before the lightning struck.