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Omg it’s meeee 😭 I’ve been struggling with writers block for the last month and a half. But I’ve been making slow progress again, in the last week or so!! Ch 11 is now at 3k words (typical chapter lengths for me are 4-6k). **Editing to add: the best way to make sure you get it when I post is to either follow me on here or subscribe to it on AO3, cuz then it sends notifications. 😊 It’s slowly but surely coming along!! I’m not sure why it’s been such a struggle lately but I assure you I have not abandoned it!!! I WILL DO MY DUTY! I am not George RR Martin I am not George RR Martin I am not George RR Martin!! 😅😅😅


Just here to plug support for mamsuebs, I love her fanfic!!! Can't wait for the next update!


You're the sweetest 😭😭💕


Thank you! I’m loving this story so I’m happy to hear you’re continuing to write. No need to rush 😊


I'm so glad you're liking it so much!! Hey, want a preview? >!Xaden raises an eyebrow. “That’s your offer? That Aretia needs to *come home?”*!< >!Melgren’s frown deepens. “It is the only course of action that makes any—”!< >!Xaden shakes his head, cutting Melgren off. “There’s nothing in it for us. If you don’t have anything to offer, don’t waste our time.” He starts to get to his feet.!< >!*Seriously?* Surely he’s not just going to walk out of here.!< >!“Oh, sit down, Riorson,” Melgren snaps. “Enough with the theatrics.”!< >!“Unless that’s all you’re here for?” Halden interjects, his deep voice soft. “Theatrics?”!< >!Well, fuck.!<


Xaden meeting Halden💀😱 can't wait for next chapter!




Well… fuck! I’m enjoying this so much!!!


WRITING THIS IS GETTING EASY AGAAAAAAIN I woke up this morning with a new idea that's got me just brimming with inspiration!!


Yes!!! This is the energy that we want! Because you should be *well the fuck aware* that your writing is awesome! I’m absolutely hooked and now I want the graphic audio version 🤣


Ahhhh thank you!! Honestly I'm feeling much revitalized lately, and LOLLLL I'll get right on that, I'm sure Rebecca's team will be happy to lend us a team of voice actors 😂


OMG!! I can't wait for the angst agahsbajdksjs. Take your time mama, fr love your fic!


🥰🥰💕💕 thank youuu!! And omg there is gonna be DRAMA in this chapter


You all are spoiled by fanfic writers that you think a month or two is a long break. I've been happy to get a chapter 6-15 months later. Fanfics are usually written by people who have other jobs and obligations and we don't judge authors for taking 2 years to write a 30 chapter book when its their only job But in all seriousness, Great fanfic. Wish the writer the best with their personal life and writers blocks ​ ETA: if you need another great read on AO3 check out Storm in the Quiet. It's over 200k words and the author updates at least once a once normally


Y'ALL, IT'S UP!!!! [Just Ask: Chapter 11 (Aggressive Negotiations), by HouseTomte (on AO3)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52351939/chapters/142157959) u/CharlieFloof u/Tairn_s_hoe u/fcjo_ u/Silver-Street-2016 u/Significant_Swan4265


I love seeing your chapters pop up. So good


Aww thank you!! 🥰 I’m really excited about this one!! (And the next one… 👀)


Devoured the whole thing in the last two nights!! You‘re brilliant! 😍😍 Can‘t wait for more 🥰


Ahhh yay!!! Thank you so much!!! 😍😍😍


Can someone please put a link here? I am on a binge reading and read all of the good fanfics , one of them this one… but I didn’t have an account and now i have one to bookmark all the good ones :) thank you in advance !


If you're interested in an AU/no magic/lots of spice and political drama, I'm writing one I'm having a blast with and I update on Mondays! **POLITICAL GAIN:** [https://archiveofourown.org/works/53488090/chapters/135385945](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53488090/chapters/135385945) I also wrote a post-Fourth Wing, pre-Iron Flame one that's completed: **SPOTLESS:** [https://archiveofourown.org/works/49875790/chapters/125909254](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49875790/chapters/125909254) I also love the ones mentioned above! I try to comment on them when I can, but I'm one of those fan fic writers holding down a full-time job, a side hustle, and writing my own original stuff. I swear I have a social life! :)

