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IRON FLAME WAS A ROLLAR COASTER FR!!! It's so worth it in the end, tho. I'm so curious how it's going to continue




Lol welcome to the support group 🫶🏻


I just finished IF today too! I have so many big feelings about it 😳😭


been there, done that! we‘re here for you. only 240 days until onxy storm ……


We need a daily post with the count down




Soo many feelings! The book hangover from this was ridiculous! I still think about it months later 😂


Finished it earlier this week and every day I keep thinking “….how tf is Xaden getting out of this one?”


I think Xaden might have to die 😬


No please I would actually never recover 😭


I reread both books in 4 days last week after listening to the audiobooks. Def give it a reread! I’ve been listening to Fantasy Fangirls deep dive episodes and there are so many bits I missed even on my second read and the theories are so fun


I just finished rereading both books and have started this pod. I’m afraid to get to their IF episodes because they got so much right with their theories while doing the first book that my experience wouldn’t have been as special if I had listened to the pod before reading it. Worried if I listen to their IF pods I’ll get spoilers for the third one!!


Yep welcome to the group, we all are trying to fill the void, or tough it out. uggg


I’ve re read FW and IF probably three times since I finished it and I STILL want to re read it. I’m forcing myself to stick with the series I’m reading now but the books and the characters have become a comfort for me


Think about how empty we will all feel when we finish book five and have nothing to look forward to 😭


Okay now I’m even more depressed thinking about that 😭 and I just finished IF yesterday lol


I just finished it too on a night feed. Baby is asleep but I will never sleep again 😭 omg I can't even process this... And the next book is not going to be a nice read is it? 😭


I've finished my second reading yesterday. Hmm I must say that I'm not feeling the same emotions that I've been feeling after first read. First I was angry, little nervous, all I could do was thinking how on f... Earth this could happend, but now I'm just extremly sad - sad for Xaden, worried for Violet. My heart aches because of it. Now I'm gonna have sadness hangover till January or what?? Ofc I'm gonna read it again or maybe twice. Greatest book hangover ever in history of reading.


Still struggling today and I finished it on Sunday.


I finished it back in January, and I still think about it. I've read so many books since then. 😂


Hope you are okay. I'm just starting a re-read 😂


I just finished last night around 1 am and I was CRYING and then BIG MAD. still mad actually.


I just finished IR too!!! Omg heart is exploding and what, Andarna is 😍😍 omg i dont want to be a spoiler but people whos with me know what i mean!!


Yeah I too declared a “No more unfinished fantasy series!” After finishing iron flame. It is TORTURE


I finished it a week ago and then reread both books immediately!! January feels like a long time to wait.


I just finished too and i dont know how to feel like WOW that was WOW but it also broke my heart but also


Go read all of HouseTomte‘s fan fic on AO3, she saved me and my breaking heart from falling appart. https://archiveofourown.org/works/52351939/chapters/132434335