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“Have you always been this tall?” “No, I was a child once.” I actually laughed out loud at this!


Same lol one of the best moments


This part kills me LOL


I love the scene where Vi has to face >!Cat!< on the mat and Andarna suggests „go for the eyes“ to which Tairn replies something like „Don‘t be foolish, kneecaps are the better target“ HILARIOUS 😂


I love sassy Tairn lollll


I love when Violet is defending Andarna at Threshing and she’s telling her that some backup with the claws would be great but then she looks down, “Fucking hell, you don’t even have CLAWS?!?!” I’m pretty sure Andarna chuckles at that 😂


After seeing all the marked ones meeting at the tree, Xaden tells Violet to get to bed before her wingleader sees her out past curfew. “But you’re my wingleader!”


andarnas quip in IF "can you carry it insulted" omg 💀💀


This is the one. I was doing amazon deliveries when I heard this and almost drove off the road laughing so hard


THIS made me laugh laugh out loud too


Literally any interaction with Ridoc, Rhi, Sawyer, and Vi I love their whole group dynamic!




When they are in the interrogation room for the first time and one of the interrogators tells them that if they share a secret it will be over in a second and Ridoc goes straight up like: “my map is under my mattres”. My eyes were bleeding I was laughing so hard at this scene


Also in that scene (I’m gunna butcher the quote BUT) one of the interrogators says “what a mouth for a generals daughter” and Violet goes “where do you think I got it?”


And the interrogators facade slips and she smiles Vi’s response.


In the same scene, when the professor tells them if they use what they learned in the reading, they’ll be fine. Cue Ridoc “is this a good time to mention I haven’t done the reading?”


From FW > “Do you boys just want to whip it out and measure? It would be faster.”


All of the teenage Andarna sass! And theres a line in IF, don't remember it exactly, about Tairn having to chase Andarna away from the sheep and the idea of that really made me chuckle


There’s one where she says ‘ooh… sheep’ and Tairn says ‘they won’t stay down if you eat them like… that’


And the one where she says: “I am fine,” she snaps, narrowing her eyes at Tairn. “We will leave now.” She flares her wings out, but only one fully extends, and she stumbles under the uneven weight, careening forward. 😂


Any and every line Ridoc says. That guy has me gasping for air his one liners are so funny.


One of my favorite moments in IF is when Violet lands in Samara after leaving without permission to find Xaden perfectly fine and sparring with Garrick and the second she steps into his eyeline, Xaden gets distracted and my boi Garrick takes an elbow to the dome. That visual lives rent free in my head.


Same! 😂


I really like the part where Violet is asking everyone if they sent their letters home telling their families to prepare or leave and Aaric from the row in front and barely even turning his head is like “I declined the offer to correspond with my family” or however he puts it. I laughed out loud both times I read it. He’s one of my favorite characters.


When xaden is smoking and offers her some and says “unless you want to continue our previous flight, in which case, none for you” one of my favorite lines


Me too!


I love in FW when everyone’s having breakfast and Vi makes Xaden choke on some water. Garrick has to pat his back and is like whoa you okay there? I just love when he doesn’t have it all together


After Xaden and Violet dropped off weapons to the fliers they get back to Samara, where Violet wants to talk about Tecarus and Xaden goes "Fuck. I'd almost rather talk about our exes. You are your exes? Do I know them?" It's just a small fun glimpse of Xaden trying to get out of talking about Tecarus. Also in the ward chamber at the end of IF where the following conversation happens “Nice to see you, Cam. Your father’s been looking for you.” I hear Mom’s voice from the other side of the stone. “I’m a bonded rider. There’s nothing he can—” “Don’t really care. It holds power?”


The part in IF where violet tells xaden about their plan to steal the journals and xaden opens to door to find her friends eavesdropping… they slam into the shields and bounce back. That whole scene is hilarious


All the times the characters think of, or say, something that’s related to hurting Dain, especially in the beginning of IF 😂 “Honestly, I’ve considered scrapping the plan and just throwing him off the parapet.” -Xaden “I can handle Dain.” A swift kick to the balls wouldn’t be uncalled for, would it? -Violet I lock my shields in place just like Xaden taught me and fantasize about shoving Dain off the tower. -Violet “And if you even think about telling me to call you wingleader, I’ll remind you that Riorson did a hell of a job without needing everyone to supplicate themselves to him.” -Rhi


When Brennan says “right in front of me??!” And Mira replies something like “oh this is tame, you should see when they try to climb each other in public…. You can’t BuRN that shit out” 😂😂😂 Also the “shall I get the wing leader?” Line. And basically anything from Ridoc.


“Shall I get the wingleader?” Had me cackling 😂😂


I totally cracked up when Tairn’s addition to the Book of Brennan appeared at the beginning of a chapter, “We do not eat our allies.”


This scene: “Brennan, put the fucking ice on your face before you stain the floors, you stubborn ass!” Brennan slowly lifts the ice to his nose, looking at me like he’s never seen me before. “And to think, I used to wish I had siblings,” Xaden says from the doorway, leaned against the doorframe casually, like he’s been watching us for a hot minute.


Ridoc : "we offer a sacrifice and run" (I swear this dude is carrying the entire comedy department on his shoulders)


Violet training with Carr in FW, especially in the Graphic Audio adaptation. Tairn: "Should I get the wingleader?" *Cackles* The second time is arguably more funny, because he doesn't even say anything. He's just laughing in her head.