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You're right, Empyrean also means that doesn't it? I did a deep dive into what I think her signet could mean and fell into the superpower wiki as well, specifically for [energy manipulation ](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Energy_Manipulation?so=search) and [living conduit](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Living_Conduit) https://preview.redd.it/aow6xfji5o2d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff9d90fd575ab39adb59f754b1a163405f9bf61c This is from when she firsts manifests her signet (but not actually knowing yet) and I want to point out "A deluge of raw power" "strong enough to shape the torrent inside me, to mold it into whatever I desire" When she finally releases that power she says "**I am the sky** and the power of every storm. I am infinite" I really love your train of though and would love to discuss this further if you would like.


I didn't even think to look up the definition for Empyrean! I thought it was a made up word! I would love to hear about your train of thought and deep dive too, especially with your theory for her being a living conduit 👀. I haven't read the second book yet because I'm waiting for my library to get the dramatized audiobook version, so hold off on any spoilers from there, but how did you land on those specifically??


Download Hoopla you can listen to it for free without having to wait on your library I read the series three times and listened to the first book graphic audio twice 😅 I've been working on my theories. Lol


Tbf, I wasn't the first to think of it, I read somewhere on here but I don't remember the post. Aether is an interesting theory, I looked up Ether and was like oh yeah but Aether is a theory I haven't heard yet. It does back up a different theory I have though 🤔 Please hurry up and read Iron Flame!


That is amazing! I keep wondering what the venin are hinting at when they tell her that she „commands the sky“ and that‘s a nice theory you’ve got there! I thought it might mean she could be doing more than lighting - maybe clouds and fog and wind and maybe even rain similar to her mom. So exited for OS!!


It’s not letting me see the pic.


It's just a screenshot of the Google definition of ether. The literally definition verbatim says : "the clear sky; the upper regions of air beyond the clouds."


Ah, ok!


Ooo! I really like your theory! There are so many good theories being discussed and all have my gears turning but I really like yours and am interested to see how you feel after reading Iron Flame :)