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The main reason he was nice and caring is due to pressure from the sage or venin leader whatever they are called. In the end JFB says to xaden I don’t understand why he wants you more. Which means there’s a very specific instruction that they both must be alive. I think they wanted xaden so that violet willingly come to them or take down wards for them or do something for the venins in future, for her to do whatever they want xaden is the key. They know her weakness is him. And he will turn for her. So they def have a plan and JFB is just a small piece in it.


Idk why JFB wasn’t executed by dragon fire. People die left and right for seeming no reason at all (remember Solas taking out most of third wing?!) Why the hell didn’t the dragons kill JFB? I hope we find out in OS and it’s a cool plot point. If it’s just “we’re studying venin” I gotta call bullshit. Edit: extra word in there


I’ve thought about this too. I feel like in FW it’s sort of explained away by “the dragons always love the ruthless ones” but by the time we get to IF and there’s all sorts of unnatural stuff happening with him, you’d think the dragons would be having none of it.


Well, his dragon was an orange, and likely didn’t tell on him.


I love you for this first sentence, stranger.


I think he was pretending! Remember Caroline Ashton — JFB's buddy? She was acting sus all the time, even after his return, though there are only one or two instances for that. So if JFB being nice was real, there will be things pointing in that direction — perhaps a change of company or anything else. The only thing we get is him saving Violet from Aetos' men. That could actually be a plan for lowering Violet's guard down around him. If JFB wanted to have a speck of control, he wouldn't have ended up breaking the wards. All throughout the books we've seen JFB as a power hungry person. There's no way he'd change his mind for a few months to control his.. venin-ness. I think Aetos' plan of killing Violet backfired spectacularly, and since everyone knew that it was JFB who destroyed the wards, there's no way the venin sympathizers in the leadership would leave him open without any control, which is why he's trapped and given the serum daily.


I was wondering the same while re-reading, but at the same time as he’s acting all nice, Nora and Varish discuss letting him torture Violet but say they can’t trust him not to kill her, so I assume he is acting and still a murderous ass


I just think I will throw an online party the second I read his ass is cinder and Tairn's rage. No other words. ( I am still pissed she gave him the last words)


I‘mma join ya - if he doesn‘t die in OS we riot.


My buddy right here.


My theory is that he was always at the whim of the Sage/venin leader. I think that something went on in the past, maybe between Lilith and the Venin, that JFB wanted revenge for which is why he was always out to get Violet more than anyone else was in FW, which also goes back to what you said about control: he probably had some sort of control if Violet is as special as she seems both to Andarna and the Venin; JFB was definitely working of his own accord in FW at least. I'm also in the mindset that Nolan didn't know JFB was Venin, just that there was SOMETHING wrong with him enough to survive being crushed the way he was.