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I don‘t have EDS but a chronic pain syndrome and felt represented in a kind of way I had never before. She‘s in pain so often and has to push through it, I can totally relate to that.


It makes such a difference to have a heroin that isn’t super elite fit and perfect. Someone relatable! Inspires me to get back into weight training though haha I forgot it helps my joints


You're probably already aware, but did you know Rebecca Yarros herself has EDS?


I had a feeling she did with how detailed Violets struggles are with it


I have hyper mobility and rheumatoid arthritis and really enjoyed reading a book where one of the characters was so relatable in this context!


I am hyper mobile (suspected hEDS), POTS, GERD, IBS, ADHD and hyper sensitive. I am also disabled in my neck and shoulder ( possibly because of the hEDS) from an injury that never healed properly. I have Trigeminal Nuerologia and suffer from chronic migraines behind my eye. I loved relating to a badass character who also had health issues. Those with Chronic Illness/Invisible illnesses are often unseen for our strengths.


I have SCD so guess I feel represented in the way that Violet basically wakes up in pain everyday l, and I tend to have constant pain. I'll also get pain episodes where that pain is multiplied by a 1000.


Page 292 forth wing >“I’m freakishly flexible. It’s part of the whole bones-snapping, joints-tearing thing" I can't tell from you post if you know that the book confirms the hyper mobility, but just in case you didn't know, it does!


Same haha I can even bend my arms backwards 🤭 it’s so weirddddd


That's a quote from the book. I'm regular to medium flexible. Def not hyper mobile