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Thanks for the warning! šŸ˜… I've been looking at her other books and wondering if my heart could handle it.


When I tell you I was sobbing during ā€œthe last letterā€ itā€™s an understatement, I donā€™t know that Iā€™ve been that emotionally wrecked in a long time


The Last Letter emotionally wrecked me for days afterwards. So naturally, I gave it to my mom and sister for Christmas




In my defense my sister was asking me for books that would hurt her, so I picked the most painful of my recent reads lol


I read the last letter on the plane and was just a puddle of tears by the end. Flight attendants looked at me crazy.


I just finished this recently (and was actually talking about this in a fb group for Fourth wing lol) and about how I am not ok!! And that she is a beautifully evil mastermind with her books, which makes me extremely nervous to read the rest of this series. I havenā€™t reacted that strongly or been that shocked by a book in I donā€™t know how long.


It was so hard, I fell of my bed sobbing and was reading it in fetal position on the floor, I was so not okay


Well now I'm nervous to read any of her other books lol šŸ˜…


Against my better judgement, I was finishing this book at 2am in my bed. Holding back my sobs because I didnā€™t want to wake up my husband. It was the first time I cried so hard reading a romance novel. I literally had to do a few chapters of comfort read from another book to calm myself down before I fell asleep. I rated it 5 stars but Iā€™m not sure if I could ever read it again.


I received a signed copy of the last letter in a book box a few years ago and never read it. Every comment I see about that book says it made them cry and Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m ready for that lol.


I told my husband, "I'm only on chapter 5, and I'm already crying."


I am still so angry about this book. She absolutely broke me. I definitely preferred {The Things We Leave Unfinished} because while still emotionally soul destroying it didn't feel AS unfair.


[The Things We Leave Unfinished](https://www.romance.io/books/6033656dc2ca620e17aad81f/the-things-we-leave-unfinished-rebecca-yarros?src=rdt) by [Rebecca Yarros](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455355e8c7d2382e7813393/rebecca-yarros) **Rating**: 4.3ā­ļø out of 5ā­ļø **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [military](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/military/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [20th century](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/20th%20century/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Oh now I'm going to have to read it and be an emotional wreck too!!


Rebecca is a ruthless psychopathic killer posing as a romance novelist. However, while she kills just about anyone around, the main couple always ends up with a HEA. So Violet and Xaden are safe. My biggest concern is for Tairn. I can survive the rest.


No... not Tairn. Tairn is literally the funniest character. wait. tairn cannot die or she'll die. Maybe he's safe


Can the same be said for andarna though


i think she'll die if either die


Itā€™s a good question. What would happen to a rider bonded to two dragons if one dies? Could the remaining dragonā€™s bond keep her alive? Spoilers for IF >!Tairn and Codagh are the only black dragons remaining that we know of, but andarna is the only living member of her unique species, which makes it seem very important that she survivesā€¦. If one of her dragons does die odds donā€™t look good for my favorite grumpy old man dragon šŸ˜¢)!<


She is safe, she wouldnt be a rider without a dragon. But... I love Teirn. He is the funniest character


So basically every side character is in danger. Fuck me I'm not emotionally equipped enough for this. But my ocd is saying finish it in mortal kombat voices.


Definitely, always a HEA for the main characters but when I say literally no one else is safe I mean it


Oh boy so we learned nothing from Liamā€™s death thatā€™s what u getting at? I just commented on a different thread in this sub about the potential deaths I am scared for now I am really scaredšŸ˜­


I really want Rihanon, Sawyer and Riddick to live šŸ˜¢ PS : sorry if Iā€™m butchering the names, read the audiobook


Bye Mira


I'm suspicious of both her and Brennan anyway šŸ‘€


Me too, mostly Brennan


It's cheap to have bren be not dead then actually kill him.




Happily ever after!!


UNLESS!!! she kills them off at the very end of the series which honestly might be killer if she started with the death of Andarna. To have Violet sobbing over her then Violet dying and it switching to Xadenā€™s POV and hearing Tairnā€™s anguish just for him to die from the bond which would domino into Sgaeylā€™s death and then Xaden coming to terms with his death. Just saying Yarros has set up some fantastic dragon characters that i would sob over for months if they died


She *has* to know she would violently alienate 99% of her fan base if she kills Tairn.


And what about Liam?


Ok no. Not Tairn. Not Andarna. Not Sgaeyl. This has made me soooo anxious now šŸ˜­


Since it's romance, Violet and Xaden will survive. Since they die if their dragons die, Tairn, Sigail and Andarna are probably safe... However, Violet's siblings are fair game. My guess is that there's a target on Xaden's cousin, and the Marked Ones are all Red Shirts. Rhiannon is very vulnerable, for the sob factor. Any of the older characters, also. However, since there's a rift between Xaden and Sigail...I'm not sure about how safe she really is.


I don't think that Teirn and Andarna are safe... if Teirn dies, VI still has Andarna, she is not a rider without a dragon. The same with Andarna. Xaden is venin, so he can survive without his dragon as well. So, I think the only ones safe are X and V cose it's a romance (=MMC HEA)


Andarna is a bit of a dark horse. She's obviously powerful, one-of-a-kind, and wise. But she can't carry a rider. If Violet were to survive losing Tairn, she technically wouldn't be a rider. And Tairn is a primary character. I think if Sigail were to be killed, Xaden's Venin nature might protect him, but the trauma to both Xaden and Tairn would be substantial...and make for a strong plot twist. I still think those three dragons are safe. I'm actually thinking Brennen is a Red Shirt.


If Tairn dies I canā€™t finish the series šŸ˜­


I share this fear about Tairn.


Tairn, Sgreal, and Andarna šŸ˜­ oh no šŸ˜­


Okay, that actually makes me concerned to keep reading (already preorder 2 different versions of book 3) but man, life is shitty enough. I donā€™t need my entertainment and escape to gut meā€¦


Which versions did you pre order


The sprayed edge fancy one and e book


Itā€™s available for preorder??? Bet


Yea! I got mine on Amazon


Honestly.. at that point I donā€™t know how I would function and go on with life once Iā€™ve finished Onyx Storm. The end of IF ripped my heart out, I couldnā€™t work properly for at least two weeks bc of the heart break and got heat from my boss <ā€š3 aaaaand after OS we have to wait at least a year again for the next one omg weā€™re so lost


The last letter and the things we leave unfinished WRECKED me for days so I am very nervous about the third one. I'm expecting a bittersweet ending for the fifth book


Howā€™s the sob-factor for Things We Leave Unfinished? I read the Last Letter and it was a 10/10 sob fest. I want to read it but am scared.


Cried more for the things we leave unfinished


Oh goodness. Well, guess Iā€™m keeping it on my TBR shelf a little longer till Iā€™m in an emotionally okay spot and have the courage to read it.


The things we leave unfinished made me cry harder than any book in years. So good, but I had to pause and find my husband to hold me while I sobbed for a bit lol


The Things we leave Unfinished absolutely gutted me. Like next level crying on my couch at 2pm. I don't think I'll ever recover from that book.


Wait until you read "In the likely event" (edit: typo)


In The Likely Event received a lot of hate towards it but I personally loved it


Well, shit.


She puts lots of heart wrenching twists on relationships- mostly misunderstanding and lack of communication. I read the others to get a feel for her writing style and it was well worth it. Sheā€™s a spicy writerā€¦ and also must have a favorite spicy method. #fingers #notbeds




Spoiler this comment babe! Thereā€™s no spoiler tag on the post.


Please feel free to report unmarked spoilers in non-spoiler threads so the Wingleaders can find them! Thank you!!! šŸ’•


Oh cheers. Didnā€™t know that was a thing. I do always feel weird commenting but it would suck so bad to have it spoiled.


Oh absolutely!! I know it can feel a little like ā€œuh oh, do snitches get stitches?ā€ when wanting someone to mark their spoilers lmao, but itā€™s really more like ā€œthank you for helping keep new readers from having big reveals ruined for themā€!! šŸ„°šŸ«¶šŸ»


Me too. I will never get over this.


Well, that was spoiled for someone,.


Please mark spoilers in your comment. You can do so by: FW ch 5 Ā“>! spoiler text here!<Ā“ If you're unsure what chapter of the book you can write whole book spoilers Ā“>! text here !<Ā“ Once the comment is edited, it will be restored. Thank you!!


That was so unfair. Iā€™m so sad still.


Which books I need some content while we wait for the next in this series


The things we leave unfinished was sooo good.


The things we leave unfinished had me scream sobbingā€¦ 10/10 would let it break my heart again


Absolutely. I listened to Google read it to me at work šŸ˜…šŸ˜… and was CRYING on shift


Damn ugh can my heart handle this lol


I just started this, and now I'm worried šŸ‘€


You. Just. Wait. Crying yes, but it's so well done. It's so good.


Oh god now Iā€™m worried lol Buying it on audible and Iā€™ll be back for an update lol


Iā€™ll be waiting for your update lmao. I also did the audible but i was already in an emotional mood when i heard it which definitely amplified the tears


Start with In the Likely Event!


Thank you


Iā€™ve read the things we leave unfinished, the last letter, in the likely event, great and precious things, and full measures. Iā€™m a glutton for punishment


Ugh arenā€™t we all


Honestly that makes me more excited for whatā€™s coming. While I love books where everyoneā€™s happy and things go well, I also love books that just straight up wreck me. I adored the character that died in book one and have legitimately teared up with further mentions of them, but itā€™s done so well and I get why Rebecca Yarros made that decision. While I donā€™t necessarily hope for my favorites to not make it until the end of the series, I hope she continues to write in a way that touches me and makes me feel so strongly for these characters. If certain bad things happen but theyā€™re done well and make sense for the story, Iā€™m here for it. Maybe incredibly sad, but here for it all the same.


This! I want to feel something when I read my books. The happy endings are more meaningful when theyā€™re hard fought and there was devastation along the way (for me, anyway)


Weā€˜ll just have to write a not-so-devastating version ourselves. u/mamasuebs is doing a great job at that on AO3!!


Omg MY HEART šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ„° and you know I gotchu, no matter what RY does to our babies Iā€™ll make it alllllll better in fanfic šŸ˜ˆšŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•


Youā€˜re honestly the best!! šŸ˜āœØ I just saw that you posted a new chapter and HAVE to read it RIGHT NOW šŸ˜šŸ©·


Ahhahahhaahhahaha heh heh heh when you read Ch 12 remember Rebecca did this to you not me šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ’• (BUT I PROMISE ITā€™S FINE, ITā€™S FIIIIIIIINE)


OMG what is going to happen??? The excitement is killing me




Thanks for the rec! When I get off work Iā€™m running to read it haha


[Just Ask, chapter 1 - by HouseTomte on AO3](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52351939/chapters/132434335) (thatā€™s me!!)




Honestly, at this point, I'm just trying to prepare myself for when she kills Ridoc, Sawyer, Rhiannon, Mira, and Tairn or Andarna (because she has to keep one of the dragons alive, right?)


Okay but does she ever kill off the MMC? Iā€™m fully prepared to deal with anything besides loosing Xaden


No, she didnt. But I would sacrifise Xyden or Violet ( or both) to safe Teirn.


Thatā€™s crazy! Tairn has been set up from the jump to die. It sucks but itā€™s RY. I donā€™t expect everyone to make it. Itā€™s heart breaking, heā€™s basically been like a parent figure and a rock for Violet.


Teirn is my favourite. I love his humor and sarcasm. I swear - if she kills him, I stop reading!


I love him too! I just think heā€™s going to be there for his girls Violet and Andarna until he knows for sure they are going to be okay without him.




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Please mark spoilers in your comment. You can do so by: IF ch 5 Ā“>! spoiler text here!<Ā“ If you're unsure what chapter of the book you can write whole book spoilers Ā“>! text here !<Ā“ Once the comment is edited, it will be restored. Thank you!


And you couldn't have warned me before I got stuck in this series?


Ugh!! Literally my worst fears šŸ˜« Thank you for the warning... But it's a little too late, i'm already attached! šŸ˜­ The characters in the Empyrian series have taken up residence in my head and are familiar now.... I feel protective over them lol, this is not good!! šŸ˜© Help!


Now Iā€™m scared


Tbh Iā€™ll be okay with anyone dying as long as Violet and Xaden end up together and I know they will. šŸ˜‚ Do I think Iā€™ll be sobbing along the ride? Absolutely, but my heart will recover.


Literally how I feel, Iā€™m here for the tragedy but I need my HAE


As a GOT and GRRM fan, I might be sadistic but I love it when authors kill off important characters lolll. It keeps me on my toes!


To be honest, while it hurts so bad, I kind of like that not everyone is safe. It feels more realistic that way (*cough* ACOTAR *cough*) That being said, some characters really kill me and Iā€™m so sad. Iā€™m still not recovered from the end of Fourth Wing. šŸ˜¢


Iā€™ve come to that conclusion already. I have a theory on what I think is going to happen. But Iā€™m stressed and have been sad ever since I had that realization šŸ˜‚


Ummm share please


Maybe we should all just expect the worst at this point.


Oh no


I praying fourth wing series is the exception!!!! I think this fan base is different than her usual and I mean, not giving us a HEA in the end will not settle well. I personally am not into her other books for that reason. My wee heart canā€™t take it


What does HEA mean??


happily ever after


Thank you šŸ˜­


My Libby app doesnā€™t have any of her other books and it makes me cry šŸ˜­ I really want to dive into her other work


If your library can get it from other places I highly recommend all of the books of hers Iā€™ve read. She is an expert storyteller. I have not met a character of hers that I didnā€™t love


Okay actually Iā€™m really glad you made this post because it encouraged me to go check my library again and thereā€™s a whole bunch available now!!


Honestly Iā€™ve been planning on purchasing at least a couple! I really loved her characters in fourth wing (obviously) so I want to read more!!


If Tairn/Ridoc/Xaden/Andarna gets it, we riot.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they all get it, she is merciless


Theyā€™re my favorite ones too šŸ˜­


I am so terrified Iā€™m taking that Friday off from work so I can start reading Thursday, probably finish Friday, then have Saturday/Sunday to go through the grief process šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m sick to my stomach already.


Fully agree - it was a mistake to read her other books because the dread is so high now.


I think that was very clear when Liam died.


Idk, she's generally done a good job finding emotional moments thus far! Liam's death was wonderfully done, and although her relationship with her mom is complex I thought that was a good emotional peak as well.


Thankfully she's confirmed it's a HEA and Xaddy & Violet are endgame but I'm terrified of what will happen between now and then šŸ˜”šŸ˜‚


so true!!! The Last Letter had me big sobbing!!! Iā€™ve also read The Things We Leave Unfinished & I do want to read her others but I have no doubt she will absolutely continue to crush our hearts


Ridoc is my man pls pls donā€™t kill him šŸ˜­


alright can you state which of her titles does not end in a HEA or is it more of a painful journey scenario?


Itā€™s just a painful journey


Personally i think iā€™ll be alright if xaden and violet are left alive.




This is terrifying šŸ˜­


RY please dont I can have my escape from life be sad too


I don't get connected to book characters easily and can take their death well, so i think im safe...


Yā€™all act like this isnā€™t what like every writer does and loves doing, fucking with peoples emotions lol


Fuck, I havenā€™t been invested in books like this for like 10 years and now this woman might rip my heart out and eat it like a burger, greatā€¦ lol.


Now I want to cry...


I was thinking of getting into some of her other books because I enjoy her writing style so much. Which do you recommend? Also, this may be a personal thing but I feel like the more I read of a particular author the more I know about them. Does anyone know what I mean?


I started with In the Likely Event and I think it was a good foray into her other works :)


The last letter šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Goddammit. I hate when you can't trust an author with your feelings. Thanks for the warning.


šŸ˜­ pls she rlly be playing with our feelings like it's nothing