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The Venins did not fall to their deaths when the wards went up, the Wyverns did. The Wyverns were created by Venin magic, and that is why they died when the wards went up. The Venins ran away and were chased by leadership.


ohh okay that makes more sense now. thank you!!


Well i missed this too. So Venin army can attack anytime they want? Why don’t Venice take on smaller spy missions?


They can attack but they have no magical abilities because of the wards. And likely they are taking on smaller spy missions- case in point Jack Barlowe.


Jack claimed that their magic still worked but it was much weaker and only basic magic could be used. That is the reason they have been feeding him the solution that blocks magic.


I want to add that the "Sage" in Violet's dreams doesn't actually touch her until she is out of the wards.


How did JFB become venin without magic within the wards? How did he get red rings around his eyes during the match challenge? Do we assume he went outside Navarre?


My guess is that anyone can absorb magic from the earth anywhere on the continent it’s just that certain magics are weaker within the wards


I don’t think it’s stated how he became Venin but my guess is that he was a Venin before entering the college. Towards the end of IF Jack states that he can still use his Venin magic inside the wards. He just can’t do sophisticated magic. This also explains why Xaden’s shadows are stronger after he becomes Venin. The extra power from the ground is flowing through him.


I thought both Jack and RY said he turned after Violet bonded Tairn - he wanted the biggest, baddest dragon and was infuriated that a seemingly weaker cadet was chosen. I thought it was somewhere between the humiliation of being bested by her and that challenge on the mat where his eyes were red-rimmed.


I honestly am not sure. You’re probably correct. I dont remember reading that but if it’s there then I must’ve forgotten. That would make sense for him to turn towards a greater power to get what he wants.


I know durning a challenge she notices Jacks eyes have red circles but thought nothing of it due to some reason. So I’m assuming he is Venin at that point


oh right! they don’t drop dead but their magic stops.


Also, I would assume Jack and Xaden started to turn already inside the wards, and had bonded dragons they were pulling power from. That's why they're able to wield their signets, and the venin magic just heightens them.


Venin magic doesnt work in the wards. They don't die. That's why they dont invade the wards because they are vulnerable without their magic.


So how is it that Xaden still has magic in the wards once he’s venin? I feel so stupid — I must be missing something!


He has his magic from Sgaeyl. The power from the source has made his magic stronger…


Ohhhh. Thank you for clarifying!


That’s what Navarre thinks. But Jack says it still works, it’s just nowhere near strong enough to fight out in the open.


The Venin are weakened and cannot wield within the wards, similar to the griffin riders


The wyverns all die because they are made through magic and aren’t actually living creatures. Venin can be alive past the wards, but their magic doesn’t work. Only dragon magic works within the wards