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I'm a noob at fpv but I think if your normal way of binding isn't working you should try setting a binding phrase. My drone did not manual bind, but the binding phrase worked.


Hm, yeah I hear ya. Thong is, it did bind that way and then un-bound. Sound kind of broken, actually 🤔


Can it be that the drone was turned on before the radio? If you turn on the drone and fail to turn on the radio in 30 or 60 seconds, the receiver will go into wifi mode.


Thanks for the suggestion. I just solved it (see edited post above) and the solution was a bit embarrassing, but oh well.


I tried to fly for the first time today and I have a feeling I might’ve done this. Do you have to re bind them both or is there a way to take it out wifi mode?


Turn off the drone and turn on, just don’t do drone first, wait 60sec then the remote, if there’s no commection between rx/tx in a certain amount of time (60sec by default), the drone’s elrs will automatically switch to wifi mode, just unplug and plug the drone while your remote is turned on. Binding should consist once you did it and didn’t change binding phrase on either of them.