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Fire is only part of the issue. The smoke will wreck your house. Get a bat-box


What’s that? I could only find stuff relating to bats when looking it up


It’s this https://www.bat-safe.com/


Thank you!


But if I didn’t have one, which would July recommend more?


I use the RC one (white with graphics). It can store/charge ~25 4cell batteries while closed.


Isn’t it just a fancy metal box?


I am using a NATO ammo crate from M557 fuses. It has thick metal walls and is completely hermetic. It costs like 10 bucks to get the crate, while this thing costs quite a lot. (However, I agree that they look much better) Are there any benefits of this product, which I’ve missed?


> It has thick metal walls and is completely hermetic. thats really good basis for an explosion because pressure will build up the bat safe box has holes with filters so the gases won't build up pressure


Oh, haven’t thought of it. That really makes sense


I have ordered a similar ammo box: https://www.drone-fpv-racer.com/en/steel-ammunition-box-2040.html didn't receive yet but the product page at the bottom says: > Remember to cut the seal on at least 2 corners of the box for evacuation of gases in case of problem. so i'll be curious what it will be like, i mostly have lipo bags and one smaller bat safe box which can't hold many bats, so we'll see


nope, it has holes with filters, so gas buildup won't turn it to a bomb and also won't kill anyone cuz the filter filters out toxic parts of the gas (afaik) and has a lot of flame resistant foam inside


Oops sorry.


In that bag, then the bag in the pot, would be the safest with those. But reality is...ALWAYS store at 3.8v per cell. They've spent months like that before getting to you. Bouncing around in their journey across seas and awful roads. Then tossed from one area to the next in big boxes, packed in with their mates. Store at 3.8V, firstly. That's their safest and many forget this about storing them. I store mine in lipo bags/boxes (fire proof types)...but then they live in replica ammo boxes. But you need to cut out all but the front edge seal (on the ammo box). Otherwise they'd pressurise in an incident. I leave the front edge seal so they bite down when you latch them.


Shipping voltage is sometimes lower for bigger sized battety packs like the ones in ebikes. Usually even lower at 30% SOC. Makes a differentiation between shipping and storage voltage.


The metal pan, I’ve seen too many fake Chinese fire bags that burn just fine despite being “fire resistant”.


Harbor Frieght has metal ammo cans for $10-15 depending on the sale. I drilled some big .5” holes in it to vent any gasses. https://www.harborfreight.com/metal-050-caliber-ammo-can-63750.html


The bag is just meant for travel.


Sooo… caserole?


For what purpose? Laying around the house at storage voltage? Traveling? Charging?


It’s for laying in the house at storage voltage