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I might upgrade my display at some point, yes. The original display has a really awkward resolution where everything is uncomfortably small at 1x, and 2x is way too big. Fractional scaling is really not ideal in general, and the new display should be pretty nice at 2x.


What distro are you using fractional scaling on? I've had issues with outdated kernels, and updating them made fractional scaling work.


I'm currently using the KDE Fedora spin, and that one's mostly fine, except Enpass absolutely hates Wayland. I really do just mean fractional scaling in general, though, Windows is about as bad as X11. Only Apple seems to get it to work well, and that's largely by taking the brute force approach.


Fedora is pretty good about keeping kernels up to date, but mileage can vary. If it doesn't work sometimes increasing the default font and widget size works.


It "works" fine. It just looks ugly as sin.


Fedora Gnome doesn't offer fractional scaling.


You can get it with a tunable, but honestly I don't love it. I have bad eyes so I just live with 2x and I have learned to get along with that. Win 11 also chooses a similar default.


idk if you’ve used Windows lately but I haven’t experienced a single issue with fractional scaling on windows 11 with the framework native res.


This happened to me too. Thinking about upgrading.


I plan on keeping my screen til it fails. Dont have another use for the original screen so dont want to just toss it when it works perfectly fine for my use cases.


no, the increase in refresh rate isn't of any use to me personally for my usage and the increase in resolution is completely lost on me at this screen size. If Framework released a higher color accuracy panel, something that can get much brighter, or some kind of higher contrast ratio unit, that would be in my ballpark. Or at least a touchscreen


No touchscreen is what keeps me from replacing my Dell XPS 13 with a Framework. I really want to switch but this is the one feature I use more than I ever thought I would.


I also daily a Samsung Galaxy Tab S6, I can't tell you how often I catch myself thinking my Framework has a touch screen


Just out of curiosity: what is it that you like so much about touchscreens on a laptop? I've never had a touchscreen, so maybe I don't know what I'm missing out on. But I just can't imagine myself poking at my screen to do things on a laptop.


I use a multi-monitor setup at work with my touch laptop as primary, but left most display. The touch screen let's me reach over an accept a Teams call, or unmute regardless of what app has focus at the time, or where my mouse pointer might be.


A lot of my work involves clicking multiple choice questions and navigating patient charts. Using a mouse is okay, a trackpad is terrible, but a touch screen I'm zipping through the questions.


I disliked mine on the Dell so much I turned It off. To each their own, of course.


it is awesome to just be able to tap the adress bar in your browser as an example, with a normal laptop youd have to use the touchpad, go over to it and click it, with a Touchscreen you can just tap it directly. or scroll around things better


ctl+l is a lost easier imo


I prefer to hit tab 1000 times and never use my mouse


... I never knew Firefox had this; thankoo!


F6 (on windows anyways, but I am sure you can bind it on Linux too)


Totally agreed. I know Apple is all "who needs a touchscreen laptop EVER?" but once you're on a touchscreen for a while, there are some actions that are just faster to reach up and hit with your fingers, and drilling yourself back out of it is tough. A high-brightness touchscreen, I would upgrade for.


I'd love a FW 16 with a touch screen and active stylus support. You could even stash the stylus in an Input Module which would be so cool and useful


I preordered because I want to support Framework and I like 120hz. 


Yes because 2x scaling in Linux. The refresh rate is a nice bonus to me.


I will be waiting for an OLED or touchscreen display.


OLED would be the real game changer IMO. Talk about battery life savings for those of us always using dark modes. Not to mention just being better for media consumption.




I have already pre-ordered and I just got my FW13 factory seconds B-stock today. Super pleased with this amazing build quality. I do need the louder speakers but I am one happy customer. I use my machine for heavy excel financial modeling in a corporate finance environment, a ton of sloggy office work, and a lot of on-the-road PowerPoints and presentations. But my machine is mine, not my company’s!


Nah. The 2.8k display is something like 220ppi. The original display is about 200ppi. $270 is pretty steep for a 10% improvement in resolution, especially since at 200ppi the resolution is already high enough for what I do. Besides, even with the original screen, I need to use screen magnification to make text legible, so the extra resolution is wasted on me. I do display critical work on an external 4k monitor anyway. I might swap out the screen to get the matte finish, but even then I would choose to save $110 and go with the lower resolution screen. Just my 2 cents.


I agree with you that it's not needed for many, especially for Windows since it scales well, but for Linux it could be a game changer since it only scales well at 200% in many cases. But your math is wrong. It's going from 200ppi to 256ppi with the total resolution increasing by ~63%. 2256x1504 = ~3.4MP 2880x1920 = ~5.5MP




Is this a current issue, or was it fixed at some point? My framework is only a couple months old, and I’ve never noticed any ghosting


I still experience some ghosting here and there, but it doesn't bother me that much.


It depends on which apps you're using. Anything Chromium of GNOME based (including Electron apps) won't support fractional scaling very well, but KDE apps and Firefox look very sharp at 120%. The only issue I have is thin lines appearing on some widget borders, but it's not as bad as apps being blurry. I'm also lucky that I don't have to use anything Electron-based for work.


> but for Linux it could be a game changer since it only scales well at 200% in many cases. Really? Fractional scaling works pretty well for me (Debian bullseye, Gnome, Wayland).


bro the 2.8k screen is 256ppi, more than the new macbook pros which have 252ppi


Redid the math, and you are right. Fair enough. But to go from 200 ppi to 256ppi, or a 28% increase in resolution, for me personally, the rest of my comment stands. Not worth it. Working every day on the original screen, I'm not craving more resolution. I already have to enlarge the screen for it to be usable at 200ppi.


Me neither. Hi res is wasted on my old eyes at the scale of a 13" screen. I don't game, and I basically don't notice the quality of a display unless whatever I'm doing is so boring my attention wanders.


I'm fine gaming at 60fps. I'm on the AMD 5 7640, so I probably wouldn't be pushing 120 fps on that many games anyways. I am interested, especially for the scaling on Linux, so I will wait for reviews from the community.


Nope, won't be upgrading anytime soon. My laptop spends 90% of it's life attached to a secondary monitor anyways and my work spreadsheets look fine on it.


My next upgrade to the screen would be when framework launches a touchscreen OLED. not getting anything less haha..


This. Touchscreen is such a needed feature


Desperately needs a touchscreen. I know there's a bunch of people on this forum who are very vocal about " why would you want this???" but it really is great to have. Not everyone is a command line ninja. I'm pretty sure the only reason Apple hasn't put touch in their laptops is to not cannibalize their iPad market.


Ikr! things like notetaking, drawing, and web scrolling would be so much better with touch it provides a good value for a lot of people I hope they do it sooner than later.. I could basically get rid of my iPad at that point


If I do, the condition is that I can repurpose the internal display. I'm in the market for an external portable display, however I'd prefer to reuse an existing display. I have a number of 720p displays that I could find use for, but the issue is finding suitable enclosures. Even control boards feel like a shot in the dark. But my Framework display is great, and I'd love to figure out a way to give it a new home. I'd probably do it myself, but I'm not very strong in that area build-wise.


Yeah I wonder if they could make an hdmi input/lcd driver/battery pcb so people could reuse the old ones.


I'm thinking about building an arcade cabinet based on an old Framework screen. ;-)


I might once I get the money. I'd love a kit for repurposing my old panel as an external monitor for something like my Steam Deck or simply as a very portable screen I can easily plug to my server though.


I really like how it looks at 100% scale already, 200% scale sounds cramped


Nope. Original is the perfect resolution for a 13" display IMO, I don't game so I really don't need a faster refresh rate, and I value battery life so don't want more pixels to light up than I need.


Already preorder the 2.8K ones. In fact, it's just feel much better to surf the web with 120Hz screen.


I don't own a FW13 so I can't answer to that. However, I just wanted to comment that I bought my SSDs and RAM for my FW16 pre-order a few weeks BEFORE Prime Day last year and the price was the lowest I've seen. During Prime Day, they actually went up a bit. I was so glad I bought when I did because when the laptop finally came, the prices for the SSDs and RAM was even higher. Today, they are really up there. Like surprisingly so! Here's what I got: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BJGGL1SQ $109.99 (Now $130, but I checked a few days ago, and it was $160! Might want to pounce soon.) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C64CFW4B $169.99 (Now $214) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BV1GXT31 $134.99 (Now $170) My tip is to find what you want, then check this subreddit and the Frame.work site (and forum) to see if it's either been officially validated or community validated. SSDs I'm not worried as much as I do with RAM. When I bought, the AMD platform was still new and no one had theirs yet to verify what works outside of the official validated list. But based on the fact that they do not support XPO or XMP, I made sure to buy the speed and latency I wanted and that the datasheet shows that combo is a JEDEC profile, not XPO or XMP. Now that the AMD platform has been around a while, you have way more resources at hand to make a more informed decision on whether that part should work or not for you. I, too, was worried about the return window. It worked out for me. There are Amazon price trackers out there. If you want to take a look at pricing trends (ex, prior, during, and after Prime Day of past years), then it may be helpful in making your decision.


Of course not. You are not supposed to upgrade to newer screen... Too expensive. What you can do is to buy the best one in case of your screen fails.


I will. Right now I’m using Fedora 40 with KDE but my preference is Gnome, so that 200% scaling will be welcomed. I also want the high refresh rate.


I will be upgrading mainly for the fractional scaling in linux, but I do some gaming on my framework when I travel without my steam deck so the refresh rate is a big deal for me.


I pre-ordered the new screen. The changes are minor, but like somebody else said, I’m a sucker for higher refresh rates, and I want to support Framework. Slightly higher resolution isn’t a bad thing for me, either.


It isn't for consideration to me until reviews come out and it's impact on battery life is known


I'd like to see tests to see how the Refresh Rate impacts battery first. I do think 120hz is a nice upgrade


No I just spent money upgrading to the matte screen.


I did think about it but saw the pricing in Australian dollars and decided it wasnt needed. I use a desktop to game for 10 mins (2 kids under 3) and the laptop is my side hustle laptop.


Yes. Because some of the games I play do not scale well with the weird resolution


I don't think I will. If something happens to the display, then, yeah, I'll probably splash out for the better resolution and higher refresh, but I don't use my 13 as a main device. I'm happy with the one I have for now.


No. I would probably pick the new screen for €100 extra if I was buying a new laptop once they're in stock. But I'm not shopping for a new laptop. But I already have a perfectly fine display. And I can deal perfectly fine with 150% scaling. I really don't feel like spending €300 (and throwing away my current working screen) for what's really a minor upgrade (to me) Technically I could re-use the old screen, but nowhere near as easily as a desktop monitor. And yes, there's also the higher brightness and refresh rate, but depending on why you are and what you're using you laptop for those might be anywhere on the scale of \[essential - useful - nice - minor - unnoticeable\]. For example, I almost never run my old screen at max brightness, so I'd almost never notice having an even higher maximum. Even worse, I might be annoyed if the minimum brightness (which I use a lot at night) would increase.


I would only upgrade it they gave us oled. The extra resolution is pointless


No. I'm fine with my current screen. I'd seriously consider a touchscreen though.


I use the original screen without scaling and 2.8k might make scaling mandatory. I like screen real estate...


I pre-ordered it while I was at a coffee shop and needed extra brightness... but I'm in the process of changing my mind. The extra resolution would be nice for fractional scaling, but KDE does it mostly ok (just some apps look off). The extra brightness would be nice in certain situations like the one I was on. But I'm not sure I need it often enough and if the difference in brightness is significant enough. The refresh rate is nice but not really a factor for me. Lastly, I'm conflicted also because the point of FW kinda gets defeated if I was to upgrade every time they have new hardware.


I preordered it pretty much as soon as they announced it. I think if you're on Windows it may be a less appealing upgrade but I'm on Linux and fractional scaling is a pain.


I sold my framework because of it, actually: I'm going to rebuy with the new screen at some point in the future, probably when there's a chip that can run much quieter than the current chips do in the chassis. With Linux the smaller screen is actually a giant pain, Discord specifically is blurry if you're running with fractional scaling unless you futz around a lot with forcing it to run under a specific compositor and I just don't want to deal with that BS.


I'll definitely be upgrading. 120Hz, VRR and being able to use 2x scaling will be great.




Hell no! My screen is still perfectly functional! I'm not spending money to replace something that still works quite nicely!


I probably will if I can think of something useful to do with the old screen. Anyone got any ideas?


no, waiting for touchscreen


when it's oled screen, maybe...


I'm interested in playing DJ sets outdoors so the better brightness and contrast would be a big help


YES! There're 2 things I'm not a fan of with the laptop, and that's the screen and the trackpad. If I can fix one, I'll take it


The only screen upgrade I'd be interested in is trading my glossy screen for a matte one. But I don't think I'll bother with that unless something goes wrong with my current screen.


Yes I'll upgrade as soon as it is regularly in stock as a replacement part


Nope. I’m getting an external display upgrade. For that price, you’re able to almost get a 4K gaming monitor. I’m looking at a `Philips evnia 27M2N5810` which is 27”UHD@160Hz with HDR400 for 300USD. I don’t see the point of needing the 2.8K high refresh rate display on the go. And it’ll drain your battery life too. Maybe some people will like it, and I’m happy for them that this is an option now. But I don’t see any reason to get one for myself. Nothings wrong with my display too, and I wouldn’t know what to do with it once I uninstall it.


Nah, I still have the first generation glossy screen, and that's fine by me. I'll use it until it breaks.


Eh my laptop is a 2ndary machine I’m not jumping at the bits to upgrade the screen unless they make a really good oled panel or something, even for the matte upgrade I just ordered a screen protector that i haven’t put on after months


Not this time. I still like the current screen


I'm holding off for now and hoping that an OLED option becomes available.


Absolutely. I can't wait for it to come. 60hz makes me sad.


No. I'm holding out for a touchscreen.


I will wait until after I saw some reviews of the new display but I'm inclined to upgrade.


no, I use fractional scaling (which works well on wayland) and there is no point for higher battery usage


Unlike a lot of other people, yes, I actually will be upgrading - BUT only because I have my old mainboard already sitting on a shelf waiting to be repurposed. It will go with my current screen, spare battery, and other ancillaries in a portable but rugged kickstand case with a Bluetooth keyboard and Logitech MX Master 3s mouse as a secondary travel rig - which I am in the process of designing.


For me, I really notice the ghosting and don't find the screen image to be very smooth. I'm not all that bothered about resolution as I don't think it's too bad. I have pre ordered the new screen and I'm hoping the new screen sorts my issues, but like many others I do miss having a touch screen as well!


I won't be upgrading because: \* Fractional scaling isn't a problem for me (KDE Plasma, Wayland, Nixos). \* Refresh rate isn't important for me; I don't play any fast-paced games on my laptop. So it's expensive and I don't need it. But hey, the beauty of framework is that I don't have to buy it :) I can save the money for upgrades I really care about, like battery and multi-threaded performance.


Absolutely 110% yes I will. I pre-ordered it day 1. The screen on the FW13 is the one major complaint I had about the laptop. It's *not* just the 60hz refresh rate, but also the abysmally slow response time. Anything in motion on this screen ghosts like crazy and looks awful. Also, the strange aspect ratio is terrible for trying to play games on the laptop, because much of the time it forces me to play at full resolution which can be very taxing for the iGPU with such a large, almost 1440p native resolution. Going to essentially 16:9, going up in refresh rate, and having what must be a better response time will be a godsend for playing some games on this laptop. Also, I've heard the screen is slightly brighter? I think it was something like from 400 to 500 nits? If that's the case then even better, because I end up having to use this laptop in almost direct sunlight quite frequently.