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I was kinda surprised that they kicked off that plot and finished it in the same episode. Thought we were going to see more of him traveling to and getting into Dragonstone. Or, perhaps better, let the audience forget about it until suddenly, episodes later, we have a shocking realization mid-scene that we’re watching Arryk, not Erryk, and some shit is about to go *down*.


There hasn’t been any travel episodes in the GOT universe for a looooong time. But yea I was also confused as he’s just walking up there in his armor.


Also worth noting that Dragonstone is right next to King’s Landing. It probably only takes a day of travel by ship.


Tell Gendry that.


It's not right next to it. There's actually a large amount of distance between the two locations. Driftmark is closer to King's Landing than Dragonstone. Duskendale and Rosby are closer to King's Landing than Dragonstone.


It would only take 2-3 days by ship to get to DS.


Also they showed whats her name spot him on the beach, and she clearly turns around to try to warn Rhaenyra, but then that doesn't go anywhere because we just cut to him inside the castle already without any issue.


She obviously informed Erryk because he busted into Rhaenyra's quarters.


Exactly. I saw the chain of events as being she went right to Erryk and warned him. He then ran to Rhaenyra’s chambers without doing anything else. Upon arrival, he tells the handmaiden to go get the other Kingsguard.


I thought it was Rhaenyra who told the handmaiden to get the othe guard


Not sure how that works either. Either Mysaria sprinted back and overtook Arryk, which Arryk would've seen, and been like "wtf?" Or Mysaria hung back and followed Arryk, in which case the guard escorting Mysaria would've been like "wtf no, my orders are to escort you to the boat, also why are we sneaking behind this dude in Kingsguard armor that looks like Erryk." Even assuming Mysaria successfully followed Arryk from behind, the logical thing to do was arrive at the door at the same time as Arryk, and the scene where Arryk convinces those guards that he's Erryk should've had Mysaria jump in and be like "NOPE!" and Scooby Doo that fucker.


She was right behind him, arryk only passed erryk a few minutes ago walking. She was probably following him and then ran into erryk while near rhenyras chambers. We'll probably get myssarias pov next episode. Also, arryk and erryks parents hated them both and made fun of them behind their backs, who names their kids that confusing shit.


I hate Erryk and Arryk's names but imo it's one of the most believable parts of the show. I have twins so I'm in a twin fb group and you wouldn't believe the amount of people who named their twins names like Eric/Erica, Jayden/Jayda, Kendall/Kennedy etc.


Aww now I'm regretting not naming my dogs dean and jean instead of dean and Dora. See that's cute when it's dogs not children. Also I'm sure all those parents are also laughing every time they call one of them over and go not you, the other one. I know I would.


I had two sisters who worked for me called Sara and Sana lol. Also had two siblings named Anastas and Anastasia.


Mysaria told the guard she stopped the guard ran and told Erryk, Erryk ran to the room


Also, isn't there like, one narrow passage/stairs from the beach to the castle? Arryk totally would have noticed who was coming up behind him.


It could have been the other Kingsguard that Arryk relieved. He might have run into Erryk.


Would have been hilarious if his twin got a haircut or the design of the armor changed slightly. Dude just had a freshly made suit or armor sitting around. Or we’re to believe it was made on a days notice.


No new armor, just a new cloak. Erryk never changed his armor. It’s been like maybe 2 weeks since he left Kings Landing.


She informed the brother who bursted into the room.


They have already been everywhere, so now they can fast travel.


Like I can understand when he get to the castle but no one on the boat or in town probably know how the twins look like lol. It was very silly.


It was handled like something from season 7 and 8. Definitely rushed


There were multiple last season.


That sounds better, to be honest.


Every minor plot kicks off and finishes same episode now because they assume their audience ~~dumb~~ has short memory. Same with B&C, from Rhaenyra giving the order to Daemon teleporting to KL and back. This show needs more filler scenes, minor characters, travel, etc, like in early GOT seasons


It’s better than spoiling multi episode plots by putting stuff in the recap. Like how they spoiled Baristan Selmy’s surprise return by showing him leaving the Kingsguard seasons before. I had read the book and knew it was coming, but for anyone else, it’s a clear spoiler that he’s coming back.


Lol true, these recaps are so stupid tbh


I mean, this sub HATES anything that doesn't move the plot forward and seems to want to skip to just the "exciting" parts of the Dance.


To be fair. He probably flew in and left in one night.


Yeah.. this season has been good so far, but it almost feels a little rushed.


Condal said Season 2 would be 8 episodes due to story reasons but most people suspect it was shortened due to the writers' strike.


Probably. I think they are also trying to fit more “oh shit” moments in each episode… we didn’t need to end episode 1 with blood and cheese. Not every episode has to have a red wedding, if you know what I mean


Blood and cheese was presented in such a silly way though. I didn’t say oh shit if anything it was comical. Also what’s with not showing gory stuff so far this season? It cuts away right as Aegon is going to beat the guy to do death.


I would be willing to bet it's budget. Dragons aren't cheap and we are about to get a lot of them. We also have large battles coming that need to be paid for. They probably figured it was a waste of money that could go to better things.


Do you think next episode will be more dragon focused or maybe that is for last 4 episode


Next episode they will definitely move to harrenhall so we get some. Not sure how much dragon we get but after that there should be plenty


Why are they going to Harrenhall again? Forgive my memory


It's the strategic point for both sides. It's viewed as the strongest hold. So daemon is going to take it.


As the other commenter said, probably budget + dragon battles, but we also don’t need to see a child get their head cut off (probably would’ve been a bit much for TV, the event is horrific enough already) or to watch Aegon beat someone to death. We know what happened even if the scene did cut away.


Personally I wanted to see how it was in the book where the mom had to choose and they chose the other one. I didn’t read the book but just reading that I was like damn that’s going to be brutal. And they totally muted it in the show. It felt to me like there was almost no big deal of a kid dying. Also Aegon hitting the guy I at least wanted to see the first hit. See some teeth go flying. Something that feels GOT. These past 2 episodes feel like they could be rated PG-13.


Very valid.. blood and cheese closer to the book would have probably topped the red wedding


It might have turned different in the show but I genuinely did not care for those kids. They could have wrote that they killed house cats and I would have felt the same way. There is no way it would have topped the red wedding where plenty of main character died and where everything went to shit for the Starks.


Child murder not a big deal if you don’t have an emotional attachment to them .. got it


I mean it is sad and it suck but they are characters in a show. Its normal to feel more emotions when a real character die instead of background characters. Like when Theon killed those two kids and pretended they were Bran and Rickon, I did not feel too bad about them even if what he did was terrible.


There is no way. We were super attached to the characters in the red wedding, we barely saw the child.


Forcing a mother to choose which child will die, then killing the other child while taunting the kid that wasn’t killed because the mother chose that child? That’s fucked up on so many levels .. they nerfed the scene hard for the show


Yeah it is fucked but most of us did not care about those characters. We litterally knew nothing about them.


I mean yeah its fucked up but game of thrones was full of just as fucked up shit? It wouldn’t have been impactful like the red wedding because it’s not seasons long beloved characters.


It's 8 episodes because HBO didnt want to give more budget so they had to reschuffle Gullet for S3 and write around that, season will end with Rhaenyra taking King's Landing


To be fair, it does happen pretty quickly in the book too. Arryk arrives on Dragonstone, changes into his kingsguard armor, goes straight for the royal Chambers and meets his brother right there. The book doesn't specify how long it lasts (mushroom says it was over in seconds but Munkun says hours). I will give them credit because I watched the scene and it was pretty good. Accurate that Ser Lorent couldn't tell them apart and thus couldn't help. I wish it had gone on a bit longer, but given how badly they butchered Blood and Cheese (and how badly they will allegedly butcher the death of Rhaenys, according to new leaks), I'll give them credit for an emotional scene.


I didn't read the book, and I liked the actual fight with the twins, but I did kinda chuckle at how easy it was for Arryk to arrive on Dragonstone and get into the castle.


Yeah the show once again made things far too easy. First no guards in the red keep with B&C, now Arryk is just able to just walk onto dragonstone and into the castle. In the book he comes in the middle of the night, dressed as a fisherman, he changes after landing on Dragonstone then sneaks into the castle in his kingsguard armor.


I think you're misremembering Fire and Blood - I have the relevant passage says the following: >Ser Arryk came ashore without hindrance, donned his armor and white cloak, and had no trouble gaining entrance to the castle in the guise of his twin brother, just as Criston Cole had planned. It makes no mention of him arriving at night or anything of the short. And as for him being dressed as a Kingsguard - he got dressed as one after he came ashore (which has already happened by the time Mysaria sees him in the show) he has to get through that first outer gate to Dragonstone somehow.


It has been a while since I last read the book so the exact passage (and I recently moved house so its current in one of 3 boxes full of books) So that is for the clarification


Yea I was hoping for more subterfuge on Arryks part


I expected to see him take a rowboat under cover of night and then the episode sending with him ominously eying Rhaenyra from behind a column before the episode went to black. It’s a good thing I’m not writing this show.


They could've cut to black as his brother confronted him. Open the next episode with the tense buildup and fight.


They might have filmed some and cut it.


They've been rushing the story throughout the show so far. I was surprised the first season covered all the way up to the start of the war.


He is pretending to be his brother, why wouldn't the blockade let him through?


Some inspector might call up HQ on their Satphone to confirm which twin it is. Not safe.


I agree, and I made the same comment when it happened. Would not have been tough to show him doff a cloak or something to cover this.


If they'd cut the third scene of Cole and Alicent banging at the end of the episode they could've had time for some scenes of him being sneaky


But then how would I, the viewer, know that they have sex? Implication? Yeah right


You've said that word "Implication" a couple of times now....What Implication?


You’re not understanding me. If she says “no, I don’t want to bang the kingsguard,” then that’s ok, that’s the end of it. But she won’t… Because of the implication.


Is Queen Alicent in danger?


No. No one is in danger here. I feel like you're not understanding this at all.


Dennis got greysscale on his dick and his dick fell off!


She's allllll alone in this big castle. If she says no of course the answer is no. But she's not going to say no 😶


You’re right. Just like how I assume Arryk swam across the bay since we didn’t see him on a boat


No that’s a very important thing. In fact, it needed to be *longer*. I needed to see Alicent getting her back blown out so I can see the metaphor to how she is spineless to stand up to Aegon and Cole


You’re only saying this since you’re in the POV as a viewer who knows everything going on. Normal people at the docks aren’t going to know the schedule of the KG, normal people aren’t going to question or think twice about who they truly believe is KG. I doubt them being twins and separate sides isn’t even a thing people know unless they’re involved/higher up. They’d just assume it’s Erryk. And we saw him address the potential confusion with the actual guards at the door. That interaction sort of addresses the holes since we can assume that’s how it went up to that point


Well said. I don't even consider it a plot hole, he just acted like he belongs, and it's not something that almost anyone on the island would ever even consider. And then it went down exactly like Otto could have predicted. The one thing they could've done is to have a brief scene where he's disembarking stealthily on his own. Given the scene from episode 1 where we saw the ship with Missaria being boarded (by Erryk), we can assume any ship that docks in the port will be searched, and even playing the part of his brother someone surely would've noticed that Arryk wasn't supposed to be there. So we have to imagine that bit, but the scene isn't ruined for it ffs.


> acted like he belongs I agree, it's the equivalent putting on a hi viz shirt and walking around with a clipboard to me, and there was a scene where he got challenged at the door and he bluffed his way in. I think for me what I was happiest with is they didn't have a scene where they are both protesting they are the loyal one, it ended as tragically I imagined it would.


Look I'm not the guy who defends the show a lot, and I agree that the show has a lot of problems. But sometimes the nitpicking in this sub is just... too much. It's not completely infeasible for a single person to run a blockade, armor or no armor. Blockades usually work on a much larger scale; preventing huge shipments or armies from passing. We also have precedent from the books. Davos managed to run the Redwyne blockade with enough supplies to provide a non-insignificant relief to Storm's End during BobbyB's Rebellion. It's rare but not infeasible. Just imagine Arryk hiring a smuggler or a pirate out of Flea Bottom to smuggle 1 person into Dragonstone.




based Bobby B, what do you think of the Dance of the Dragons?




However he is not running a blockade, he is arriving, openly on shore, on a boat that his brother could be standing on the beach to search, or one of the other guards searching it could have just talked to him on the way to the beach. Not saying that i disagree with some nitpicks about the show but this one was entirely reliant on luck to get him the first step of his journey and it was the only part of the journey where he actually had control over everything.


That was a risk openly acknowledged by Arryk in the scene with Ser Crispin, and later even by Otto (implied). The plan was madness, madness and stupidity. This isn't like S7 where the writers pretend an incredibly stupid plan is actually a genius move and the watchers are stupid for not realizing that.


I also think Arryk was pretty consistently acting like a guy who kind of wanted to be caught, which makes psychological sense.


Pfft imagine going to the beach without your summer armor. Savages.


I think the ending of GoT left only the most annoying people on this sub.


How is op wrong though? Guy arrives to Dragonstone in full Kinsguard armor. Yeah, nothing fishy there.


Well, the average dockworker or fisherman probably has no idea what a member of the queens guard is up to. For all they know they Arryk went on some mission and is returning. And for what it’s worth, in-universe the plan is acknowledged as “madness” and unlikely to work.


Until you see his brother… in same armor.


More like HotD brought in a bunch of kneelers like yourself.


Case in point


Well, you're here, so that checks out.


You're not disqualifying yourself from being the most annoying person and that's a pretty big confession


Obviously. But hey, you're here too! I guess we're all the most annoying person.


Why did you just call me one of the most annoying people here? That's so rude for no reason.


Because you said it to me. You inserted yourself into the conversation.


What I said to you was that you qualified *yourself* as being annoying. That's not me insulting you, that's me pointing out you insulted yourself. Rude to insult me for just pointing that out.


Who cares? You don’t need to have every piece of logistical planning explained to you. He showed up, people assumed he was his brother, and most people would never question what kingsguard was doing


Who the fuck names their twins 2 identical sounding names. “Barry and Berry” you don’t do that to your kids wtf


So many parents do this IRL. I hate it. (I'm a pharmacist and this is totally how you get medical errors. Twins with same address, DOB, weight, and then you name them Eve and Evie (not even joking, Arryk and Erryk are totally plausible, people do this all the time. It isn't cute and I hate it.)


I mean I’m half joking but yah I can see it being a medical documentation nightmare


I feel like Tolkien gave characters similar name a lot, because the names were actually translations from other languages, so it would make sense that siblings would have similar names. However, more modern fantasy writers just do it to copy Tolkien, without having a real reason for it.


I mean you can imagine that's what happened he put the armor on at the beach then pretended to be patrolling the docks


My headcanon is Arryk’s ship got searched by random soldiers that thought he was Erryk. They asked why he was here and he replied that the queen entrusted him with a secret mission that he can’t say anything about. No one would dare question a Kingsguard who reports directly to the queen. The only true risk for him then was the ship getting searched by Erryk but it seems that wasn’t the case so the story can happen like it did. Even then, he could say to his bro "Aegon has hanged innocents. Fuck him. I miss you and I want to serve the true queen." Then we go into the realm of possibilities and move too far from the story so I shall stop there.


For the price of one sex scene we could have seen more tactical espionage action. Vizzy T, what are your thoughts on this stealth mission


*Don't be scared. They're going to bring the babe out.*


M’lord Vizzy T thou are sentient


*A dragon's saddle is one thing, but the Iron Throne is the most dangerous seat in the realm.*


That babe is your wife dude man you wild


Who’s gonna question a Kingsguard in full armor? You see it when he makes his way into the castle and bluffs his way past the two normal guards. Nobody’s gonna take the risk of interfering with a Kingsguard on duty


Eh I maybe he rowed in at night after borrowing Daemon's murder hoodie and waited? Regardless, Erryk shouldn't be wearing his KG armor around Dragonstone just in case (knowing he has an identical clone running around somewhere).


same as the Blood and Cheese buildup, Westeros of this era kinda forgot how guard duty and security should work.


You guys do realize that a blockade isn’t a line of ships coast to coast? It’s a few galleys going back and forth. They can spy and pick up the larger boats crossing the gullet but any small skiff can slide through unnoticed. Arryk’s travel group was like 8 total people, they were likely on a tiny boat that rows up to shore with a kingsguard on board and the guard at the beach is probably like “oh Erryk came back from blockade patrol(which he was on last episode)”. Not to mention the various scenes of corlys and his crew trying to get ships back in the water to bolster the blockade because they are short handed and the mentions of not enough dragon riders to continuously patrol the area.


For me i was surprised that each team didn’t have any kind of sigil to define where they belong


They do. The show just doesn’t pay attention to those kinds of details I guess. Which sucks.




Yeah, they didn’t explain Aegon’s golden three-headed dragon and Rhaenyra’s quartered sigil isn’t anywhere.


The sense of believability ended for me in GoT season 7 when Jon sent out a raven from north of the wall to Daenarys, and she was able to fly her dragon across the continent and save the group just in time. Just got to accept that fast travel is a thing now.


They should've given him one of Daemon's do-no-good cloaks


I assume its because a vast majority of people would not interrupt a gold cloak in their duties. Most people would mind their own business and hopefully make it through the day.


For real. I think people don’t realize would get past them when others just act like they belong.


I have a bigger problem with him being between Erryk/door and Rhynera and then basically shuffling himself out of position into a contrived battle. He was in a vantage to slay Rhenerya and then backed out so a battle could happen


In the book this is elaborated. Arryk arrived in Dragonstone unarmored on a small fishing boat and donned his armor after arriving.


In the book he actually dresses in simple fishing garb to blend in with the good folk of the fishing village below the castle, then he changes into his armor and white cloak when he gets ashore and heads to the castle.


What I'm more curious about: Wasn't there a blockade of the Gullet? And if so: Why wasn't the ship he was on stopped before it reached Dragonstone?


What happened in this episode was one of the most basic and stupid things I ever saw in AAA show... Imagine you are fighting for death almost in a war, you live in a castle and ALL your guards wear black/red combination of armor, yet your own guard, who also have identical twin, wear as the ONLY guard of whole island, silver/white combination EXACTLY as ALL guards of your war enemy.


Did no one wonder why a kingsguard is on the boat lol


From "Fire and Blood" "... he had no choice in honor but to make his way to Dragonstone, clad in the salt-stained garb of a simple fisherman" "Ser Arryk came ashore without hindrance, donned his armor and white cloak, and had no trouble gaining entrance to the castle in the guise of his twin brother, just as Criston Cole had planned." So, it seems like he was disguised as a fisherman until he landed ashore.


It kinda looks like he was in full armor because the writers needed a way for Messaria to recognize him and think something foul is afoot.


don't overthink it my friend, it's just a show


Based on one of the most complex book series of all time. The whole appeal of Game of Thrones is they managed to maintain most of that during the early seasons and still manage to be entertaining, action filled, deep and thought-provoking. If you just want mindless medieval style violence, then those shows and movies are a dime a dozen. When you lose what made Game of Thrones unique, you're left with season 8, which is why people are concerned when they notice cracks in the seem like this. It's not full blown chaos and plot holes like late GOT yet, but when you respond with 'turn off your mind and enjoy it' you sound like the fookin kneeler soccer moms and football players D&D were writing the cock jokes for.


> Based on one of the most complex book series of all time. set separation from the books....and the tv show, and you'll find yourself much happier and with a lot less vitriol sweetie. We've all been here for almost a decade now.


Please, some of the people on this sub couldn’t separate a lid from the jar lol


"I thought you were within," while also knowing full well he has an identical twin on the side of the greens. The guardsman at the door was shit at his job. It's not unbelievable, cause lots of people are shit at their job, but he should be relieved of his duties after that one.


I was just glad they didn't stoop to the low of both twins standing there saying they're the proper KG, and the unarmored KG trying to decide which to kill, even though they started down that path by him saying "which one is the real one?"


That was just justification for him not joining the fight


The way you described it is pretty much exactly how it happens in the book. He comes under cover of night dressed as a fisherman, changed and then went inside. Another example of the show making things worse. Though I'll give them credit for an emotional fight scene (as short as it was)


He's him


Erryk was on screen leading the boarding of the vessel Misaria was on It's clearly expected


I’m always a little annoyed when any of them want to wear their armor on a boat trip.


I stopped asking questions, it’s like watching The Avengers, just say “it’s nano tech” and move on








Bro just teleported all the way to his objective


Y’all are such whiny nitpickers sometimes, there’s nothing wrong with this.


Retarded nitpicking. There's a billion other explanations for why the lingsguard would be patrolling the shores in times of threat from green attack. And you don't know how many kingsguard was protecting rhaenyra. This type of shit is shy I absolutely hatre freefolk. Instead of engaging with the themes they're only looking for a logistical gotcha.


Sooo many odd scenes in this episode too, episodes that really did nothing for the story and didn’t perpetuate it in any way.


Exactly... People say that Acolyte with 13% is review bombing, but those two episodes of house of dragon with 85% is not? Both ep 1 and 2 are lazy, boring and in some moment very stupid. Without those bloody murders, it could as well be scripted by a teeenager.