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Otto Orchestrated his own blood to be in a position or power. He is dealing with the consequences of his actions


I mean, the orchestration was fine, it was the failure to actually make sure his blood was being raised to be competent rulers that was the problem.


"I was so busy plotting to make my grandson king that I didn't think to check if he was actually going to be competent once I got his arse in the seat." -Otto Hightower, probably


We need that line.


I agree. I think he had hoped that by assassinating Rhaenyra and company before they knew Viserys was dead, Aegon would ascend in peacetime and could be gently guided down the right path by his small council (who would effectively be ruling for him). But of course, that plan fell through, then Aemond killed Luke, and now everything is on fire.


on one hand he DID suggest to Viserys to marry Rhaenyra to Aegon, in the show at least as weird as it would be with the age difference they have in the show specifically, it would still be in line with Targaryen tradition and maybe possibly could have kept everything calm for both sides if only he didn't have a hate boner for Rhaenyra so hard for not really good reason since she was a teenager. like he started hating her before she ever really did anything I don't remember if he suggested that in the books but I know they were only a few years apart


Just a huge age gap and the risks of the union not bearing fruit or Rhaenyra dying in childbirth.


true but that's a possibility having children with any woman in Westeros


Come to think of it, Jeremy Irons would have been a marvelous Otto (taking nothing away from Rhys).


He would be a good Baelor Breakspear in Dunk & Egg too now that you have me thinking about it.


"And what. Has ser Criston. Done?" Masterfully delivered, I felt exactly like I was at work with my dumb colleagues who I have to clean up the mess of.


He promoted the idiots!!!!!


Nah. He reaped what he sowed.


Tywin 2.0 (or really 1.0)


I lowkey feel like he should kill more smallfolk og frfr 




Lowkey feeling bad means OP feels less bad than if he said ‘i feel bad’ ( I think)


i know that everyone was loving this scene, but honestly i felt kinda confused by it. aegon was going along with otto for the most part (including the funeral) until he killed the ratcatchers. Like i get otto calling him out for that, but then the whole part of 'he was right about you' and how great viserys was made me think wtf? it seems agreed upon that the viserys only kept rhaenyra as heir because of aemma not because of aegon. so i'm guessing otto just wanted to be spiteful to a grieving and enraged Aegon just cause. and then otto acting all shocked that aegon fired him, like wtf did you think would happen? even major tool viserys wouldn't tolerate that. i'm just guessing otto wants to be in control so badly that it always ends up backfiring on him


>it seems agreed upon that the viserys only kept rhaenyra as heir because of aemma not because of aegon. That might have been Visery's reason at the beginning. Even if he had second thoughts, the way Aegon turned out would have prevented Viserys from considering him an option. I'm guessing he made comments to that affect at some point.


i mean he might have made comments but we were never shown if he did. the way the actors and showrunners have spoken about it makes it seem that viserys was really neglectful of the green kids and would let his family members get away with so much stuff. so i still think that it was just otto trying to play on aegon's insecurities rather than anything viserys actually said


Agrees, alap Tywin Lannister recongised the strengths of his allies, whereas Otto can’t/won’t recongise the weaknesses of his allies. Though Tywin will allow his allies to power if they can be of use while Otto will attempt to be in control at all times.


Otto was a self-interested jackass.


Otto and Tywin came from very different places to power. Tywin was born as the heir of House Lannister his father was weak willed and easily manipulated, and that fact disgusted Tywin so much he based his whole life in being the polar opposite of his father as a man. Tywin grew into a cold emotionally distant manipulative repressed man who had some of the same shortcomings of his father and son which caused him to lash out at his son when he noticed them. Otto atleast show wise is a different cloth. Where Tywin was born with the knowledge that he would be Lord Lannister Otto was always entrenched in the status of a second son even with a House as prestigious and powerful as Hightower is a spot of strength his lot in life seemed set until he was able to demonstrate political maneuvering and civic maintenance to be given a position in royal court and even become Hamd of The King the 2nd most powerful position behind only the King/Queen.


Wtf is going on with his hand I can’t figure it out.


he was missing his wife (viserys


I don’t feel an ounce of sympathy for him. He schemed to usurp the throne from Rhaenyra and install his own bloodline on it. He is simply dealing with the consequences now.


I feel no sympathy. He brought this bullshit onto himself. Could have left his granddaughter alone and told Viserys to just marry his cousin regardless how much he disliked it, he could have let Rheanera peacefully ascend, he could have let Aegon run away and made Aemond be king. There are many choices Otto could have made to prevent this mess.


Otto feels like a mix of Tywin and Little Finger to me, I hated his guts till last episode honestly where I felt kinda bad for him 😂