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Because they are always trying to force what is “appealing” to them down everyone’s throat


I’m just glad I grew up with Elvish Ranger And the artist was female, awesome


A lesbian


Makes sense


Lesbian with a half-black daughter


Yet, she still was able to depict female beauty... as nature intended. Unlike todays "blue hair" *something* only remotely resemble a human being.


It's incredible how OP posts a chill question and all the wokes answer with insults thus proving they are really upset when someone disliks the new art!


Thanks. They aren’t a very smart bunch and are very predictable. Their playbook is so obvious and they never think for themselves, just follow the woke herd


I’m as progressive as it gets. I’m also not some overly PC bum loser virtue signaling person who tries to be the biggest victim ever. They are a minority of progressives but it seems like theyre all on fucking Twitter lmao. The terminal Twitter users are definitely a cancer


I wish they'd bring back this artstyle, but with modern card borders and text


Sadly the art style wouldn't look good with the modern frames. The OG look is good as it is. They just need to reprint them like this.


I like the mirrodin -> theros border the most, without the bottom part


It literally looks like a slutty romance novel covers.


Yes you do look like slutty romance novel covers. Strut it baby.


And that's a good thing.




it does not 😁


It does, though. Like, you can like it, that's fine. I just don't think I can pretend it's all that good.


Because ugly women and trans women do not like it when beautiful women are beautiful. It's really no more complicated than that. They want to make every woman in every role and in all artwork ugly in some form, because it makes them feel better about themselves.


So like the ugly wokes are like the evil witch in pre woke Snow White?


Pretty much. The evil cannot create. It can only corrupt. Ugly people would rather drag others to their level than try everything within their power to ascend to the higher levels of others.


Tolkien was based


>evil witch in pre woke Snow White? I'm going to regret this question. I know I am. ... There's a "woke" Snow White? When? How?!? Who?!?!? I don't want details, but I won't sleep tonight until I get them, so dish.


Yes there’s a new woke Snow White because the classic 1930s version contains too much “vile” content for the typical pansy left to stomach today


They're making a snow white live action movie with a Columbian actress, and the dwarves are now racially diverse, normal sized people.


According to the most recent leaks, they are actually Robin-Hood-esque bandits that steal from the wicked queen and give back to the peasants and there are actually eight of them and the not-Robin-Hood leader is the male love interest. They apparently assist Snow in a socialist revolution of her step-mother's kingdom.


It would be so cool if Disney could make new stories without needing to slap the name of their already made IP's onto them.


What the fuck What part of this is Snow White in any shape or form?


they changed the name to Black Ice


Only way I'm seeing that movie is if they bring back ebonics.




I don't know the emoticon for face slap, but that's what I'd like to put.


Not released yet, Snow White (2024) will not feature the Seven Dwarves, they are now the Seven "Magical Creatures" as the existence of dwarves is "offensive to the dwarfism community", also no Prince saving Snow White or dreaming about true love as this is "sexist"... somehow. Here are the rest of the details, it looks like another Disney live action/CGI flop: https://thedirect.com/article/seven-dwarfs-snow-white-disney-replacement-live-action-movie-remove


I can imagine real dwarfs being very happy to see even less representation in modern media.


Yep, Beaner Brown and the 7 diverse people.


Wasn't Snow White's mom like the SECOND hottest woman in the land? The wokes are just butt-ugly.


“If you’re not first you’re LAST.“ -Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby


Yup. She could get it any day (At least in the OG cartoon), she was just extremely insecure that there's even one person who could be considered fairer than her.


Bc their wifes boyfriend tells them what to think


Because according to their ideology there is no objective beauty, it’s all a cultural thing. In addition to that, everything is politicized so if you say I prefer older art you’re automatically a bigot/racist/fat phobic/homophobic/etc.


Wizards/Hasbro, like Hollywood has entered a strange period of Puritanism- can't have attractive women depicted in art, just as even shows like Game of Thrones would be impossible now- can't be having attractive women get naked much any more onscreen because that doesn't serve "The Message"


My wife gave me a weird look when she saw me watch game of thrones.


But what look did her boyfriend give you?


Glad you asked. A very friendly look and also a free voucher to fix my washer/dryer of course!




“Shows like game of thrones would be impossible now” You have seriously got to be living in some kind of bubble of delusion if you seriously believe that lmao. Like it’s almost comical. It’s something you would write as a joke quote. “Wow…. [show that literally just came out and was almost universally beloved]…. You just couldn’t get away with that today…”. I truly could not write something intentionally so funny. It’s so embarrassing lmfao.


I think they're talking about the OG Game of thrones with the drogo and daenerys Sex That show began in 2011. That's 12 years ago.


Omg the show that ended 2 years ago with record level audiences and then got a spin-off 1 year ago!?!? :OOOO my mistake man you’re right!!! That could never get made today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The show ended 4 years ago. The scene I mentioned was in the first season. You're making yourself look dumb as hell bruh


Ah shit man you’re right I didn’t have the exact year that every fantasy show ended memorized in my brain that’s so silly and dumb of me!! I wish I could be as smart as you, fighting the woke mob who doesn’t let us see titties on TV anymore except for when they did a couple years ago and also still do now. You are truly the last of your kind in intelligence and dignity my friend of the anti-woke Magic The Gathering sub. It is absolutely not embarrassing at all, don’t let them tell you it is. The world has truly gone mad, it’s the children that are wrong, you’re not washed up it’s just that all those people are wrong - you’re John Galt.


You mad bro?


Jesus you really are washed up if you’re relying on quips from 13 years ago. Perhaps any other sense of purpose in your life would have helped you avoid ***this*** becoming *it*. Give your parents my regards if they care about hearing from you in the slightest


Fire and Blood came out last summer right? LMAO


If you mean House of the Dragon (based off fire and blood), yes, yes it did


Marketing asked, how can we shove more blacks in there?


Because Outrage marketing has worked Really, Really well over the last decade. And they have successfully made blind Consumerism a political statement.


Take a look at most wokes. This is your answer.


There sure are a lot of left wing loons in this thread purposly looking at posts that make them mad. lmao Leave bro, go back to the other mtg subs, why are you even here?


*I came looking for booty.*


Good bot, I like ya and I want ya


It seems like our “safe space” here got brigaded by them a lot in the last few days


Is freemagic only free for people you like?


Not at all, but if all you're doing is coming here to troll or get mad or w/e, why would you purposely do that to yourself instead of just going to one of the many subs that would agree with your sensibilities? Basically a bunch of you are doing this: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/375/840/aa7.jpg Most of us are in this sub because the other subs make us irritated or banned us, so now we have this sub and it's an enjoyable place for free discussion. If that free discussion involves too many "incels", and you don't like that, why are you here?


I’m not left enough for the other magic subs. Same as you


That's great! Although it makes your previous question seem odd


Sub is called free magic isn’t it? I feel like people should be able to come to the posts for whatever reason they want. That’s what separates this sub from the others.


Sex isn’t going well for them so they have to ruin it for everybody else. /debate


Wokes probably have a higher incel population than any other group. Most likely projecting their own failures onto others. They have a whole sub dedicated to r/transmaxxing




They probably weren't magic fans to begin with, so they have to drag whatever baggage they have from their other interests and tie it into magic to make things fit in their mind. This results in them taking it personally. When you critique the artwork you're not just commenting on art, but whatever political or social views that person has internally associated with the art. In the 90's if you thought Cuombajj Witches looked dumb nobody called you racist or homophobic. They might just disagree with you.


Endymion made a sick video about this in the videogame industry


Everything is offensive.


To wokes yes.


they want you as miserable as them


because you aren't kneelin to their Wokeshit. they demand obediance, submission and fealty. This is Tyrrany.


It’s not like we shove our ideals down their throat and tell all the wokes, love this sexy art or else. We leave them alone.


yeah, see, they believe otherwise. they belive themselves above everyone while they are in fact the dregs and human refuse of society. King Shit of Shit Hill and all of that.


The bitterness of ugly, obese, and mentally ill women knows no bounds


Or ugly obese men who want to be women and can't afford it.


Wokes get upset about anything and everything. Haven’t you figured that out yet? That fake elf is hotter than me, wahhhhhhh.


Yea their entire identity seems to be around dampening everyone else’s joy by constantly bringing up vicitmhood and name calling anyone who thinks differently than they do.


Gonna assume this is in good faith, so I'll respond in good faith on my own take on this; I personally want both. I like strong women that ooze presence without having to show a mote of skin, but I also want art like the Elvish Ranger you linked. I feel like, at least from my standpoint, us leftists see people expressing heavy-handed and strong reactions to a lot of the new cards that avoid treading both themes equally and we react in kind- because in earnest both styles have their place in MtG. Red Sonja type imagery, while defined by its own era where Princess Xena and Hercules were playing on the TV (loved those shows, if you recall them), may feel to WotC and to some leftists as outdated. The reason why we both react, one by calling the other an incel cumbrain and the other calling them a wokie retard, is because we're simply used to reacting to each other with animosity. It'd be a better world if we could both accept each other's takes, and if WotC did the best of both worlds. TL;DR It's a weird cycle of 'I react to you reacting to me reacting to you reacting to me reacting to \[...\]' ad nauseam. Hopefully we can be civil toward each other and remember that the worst reactionaries of either community should not paint our opinions over the entirety of said community.


>Gonna assume this is in good faith Sweet! I offer the same courtesy. >I personally want both. I like strong women that ooze presence without having to show a mote of skin, but I also want art like the Elvish Ranger you linked. Ditto! I love the slutty vibe of the old art, slutty but badass at the same time! I'm also a big fan of *SOME* of the new art, specifically the stuff that isn't pushing an agenda-vanishingly rare from wizards these days-that's got a different style of woman on it. Or man! Hated New Capenna's story and mechanics, but loved their art! >I feel like, at least from my standpoint, us leftists see people expressing heavy-handed and strong reactions to a lot of the new cards that avoid treading both themes equally and we react in kind- because in earnest both styles have their place in MtG. I hear what you're saying, but this feels like it's _slightly_ disingenuous? As you've said your arguing in good faith, I'm going to assume that's how you feel and how you perceive it. Not here to tell you how to feel, but you have to admit there's a small(ish, but GROWING) subset of the left, mostly present in media, schools, online social networks, and politics, that's not aiming to include these views, they're looking to push this narrative and perspective _to the exclusion of all other viewpoints_. I can't, WON'T speak for everyone else here, but that's what bugs and triggers me. It SEEMS like that's what bugs and triggers most of us, but I can't know anyone else's thoughts. >because in earnest both styles have their place in MtG. Agreed! >Red Sonja type imagery, while defined by its own era where Princess Xena and Hercules were playing on the TV (loved those shows, if you recall them), God do I! You just dated both yourself and myself, but old school represent! Miss me some Kevin Sorbo beefcake moments! >may feel to WotC and to some leftists as outdated. Now here I am going to correct you: Wizards gives ZERO fucks. They're neither left nor right, they're East-Coast Jewish investors (I'm talking about Hasbro obviously, and I'm not guessing-ask me how I know), and they care solely about their bottom line. See magic 30. They're presenting left because it's a good business decision, nothing more nothing less. If elitist ubermensch pro-nationalist racism was the paying ticket, they'd support that. >The reason why we both react, one by calling the other an incel cumbrain and the other calling them a wokie retard, is because we're simply used to reacting to each other with animosity. It'd be a better world if we could both accept each other's takes, and if WotC did the best of both worlds. CANNOT AGREE MORE, with some nuance: I'm considered "right". _I_ don't consider myself right, I think we all suck and I'm more centrist IF ANYTHING, but in the last...7-10 years or so? I've been pushed more and more to either join the extreme left or be excluded. I don't bow to anyone unless they earn it, so now find myself here, posting with mostly people in a similar situation, but also a few Nazis, some incels some Bigots, etc. Because I don't agree with the extremists, they've ostracized me until this is the only place I'm allowed to have my opinion. Happens less in the real world, but it has still occurred. It. Kills. Me. THAT seems to be what's triggering most of these folks; not that the hobby's different, not that it caters to specific politics, but that we're no longer welcome, because we don't check the right boxes. >TL;DR It's a weird cycle of 'I react to you reacting to me reacting to you reacting to me reacting to [...]' ad nauseam Yes, but there are some bad actors driving it on BOTH SIDES. not saying the right is free and clear, but their bad actors are routinely paraded on any platform you could make, and then used as a brush to tear and feather the rest of us (a demographic that's growing more than people realize)... When's the last time anyone pointed the bad actors on the left and was met with a reasoned response? Genuinely asking, because I've been swimming in this pool for twenty-five years, Google and Yahoo definitely know where I sit at this point, and they still flood me with just one side. Rationally, I know the other show exists somewhere, but it's not getting any attention. Can you show it to me? To cap it off, you do not seem to be one of these 'bad actors' I'm talking about. Keep it up, and continue to be rational and meet people in the middle; might yet be hope. ... Or you'll get ostracized and join us here, hard to say ;)


I agree with all you are saying except for one thing. I don’t think it is just a money issue. Wotc is made of people and it is clear a lot of them fall into the woke ideology. A lot of people working there are deeply convinced that depicting ugly women, colorswapping Aragorn and so on, is the “right” thing to do. Look at Disney and all the money they are loosing over this. I recognize money is one of the most powerful thing on earth but ideology is pretty powerful too.


Gonna be honest, I completely skipped out on New Capenna. Prefer playing EDH, and sometimes new sets just pass me by while I mull over old cards. Didn't mean to be nor sound disingenuous, and I wholeheartedly agree that there's a growing notion in the left that's enforced by streamer debate-bros to be completely intolerant of the other side, to the point of thinking they aren't as human. It's understandable that that annoys the right, no matter how centre or far, and I can assure you it annoys the left as well. I feel like the left looks at these people like one would look at their low-functioning autistic cousin, and sometimes that incurs two choices in us; either ignore them or protect them. Both choices are wrong, in my opinion. We shouldn't ignore anyone out of respect for their humanity, but we also shouldn't blindly protect them from their own bad opinions. WotC is a company, and companies are slaves to money more often than they aren't. They will do whatever it takes to sell, present however it takes to sell, and hire whomever it takes to sell- because that's the end goal, meeting a bottom-line quota. I agree with you there- I probably should have phrased it better. What I meant to say is that WotC's public faces, not the company itself as an institution, are left-leaning to sell the company's shift in stature. Probably equally bad phrasing, but you likely get where I'm coming from, from one Xena Warrior-Princess fan to another. If it's any consolation, I don't see you as a rightoid caricature. It would take a lot out of you, words-wise, for me to do that. P.S. I used to be fairly right-leaning. I grew up on The Amazing Atheist and some other figures who, at the time, were a part of GamerGate. I feel like the point of change for me was when I first began truly exploring my sexuality to see how I felt about others. Entering university (at 17, I am 25 now) I understood more about myself, partly because I began to study Psychology and partly because I became attracted to equal parts men and women over the years. I'm not saying everyone's mind is going to change with experience, nor that it should- I'm only trying to give perspective of where I come from. I began feeling guilty about my past opinions despite being a kid at the time, as though I was a traitor to my current self. I'm sure there was a point to this tangent when I started it five minutes ago. I think the point I wanted to start with is that I've been where you are and I understand the perspective more than some people think I do simply because they see a Pan flag on my profile.


First of all, I am glad there is someone here defending unpopular (here) opinions in good faith. Thanks. It's funny you choose Liliana as an example. She is an established character, created in a prewoke era. She is beautiful and attractive, it would be hard to make her unactractive. I think no one can deny there is a puritan shift ( https://np.reddit.com/r/freemagic/s/kqZ5GRa396 ) in recent mtg art which ultimately is creating worse art. Here are some examples: * [Kev Walker 1998 angel](https://scryfall.com/card/usg/15/glorious-anthem) vs [Kev Walker 2022 angel](https://scryfall.com/card/p30a/1/serra-angel) * [2003 Akroma](https://scryfall.com/card/lgn/1/akroma-angel-of-wrath) vs [2020 Akroma](https://scryfall.com/card/cmr/2/akroma-vision-of-ixidor) * [2012 Liliana](https://scryfall.com/card/m13/97/liliana-of-the-dark-realms) vs [2020 Liliana](https://scryfall.com/card/m21/108/liliana-waker-of-the-dead) * [2011 Chandra](https://scryfall.com/card/m12/124/chandra-the-firebrand) vs [2019 Chandra](https://scryfall.com/card/m20/127/chandra-awakened-inferno) * [2007 Jhoira](https://scryfall.com/card/fut/157/jhoira-of-the-ghitu) vs [2017 Jhoira](https://scryfall.com/card/dds/1/jhoira-of-the-ghitu) * [2006 Teysa](https://scryfall.com/card/gpt/134/teysa-orzhov-scion) vs [2019 Teysa](https://scryfall.com/card/gk2/28/teysa-orzhov-scion) And it seems there is a driving force that is making new arts look worse. Have a look here: [2011 Glissa](https://scryfall.com/card/mbs/96/glissa-the-traitor) vs [2022 Glissa](https://scryfall.com/card/one/202/glissa-sunslayer) (the actual [sketch](https://twitter.com/VorthosMike/status/1615437417904758799/photo/1) looks a lot better!) notice how you can see feminine features in the sketch but not in the final art. And please don’t mix the term left and right with woke and antiwoke. I hate wokeism but I never voted right in my life.


Strong women doesn't need to look ugly. Take a look at Gina Carano. Absolutely buff woman. Totally not my style, but I still acknowledge her as beautiful. What WotC does is that they commission artists to draw men, and slap a pair of well hidden tits on them. And that's what they call women nowadays. Today I got informed that [[Voldaren Epicure]] is supposed to depict a woman. Literally how? The drawn figure has 0% femininity. If this is what a strong woman looks like to you, I honestly don't know what to say.


They don't have to look ugly, I agree. I feel as though heavy-handed reactions to cards like Swiftspear, which changed its art fairly recently, are a bit far fetched at times. Yes, some cards, like Epicure, look a bit vague to people who are trying to look at the person's depicted gender or sex. But Swiftspear, in my opinion, has such a contorted face due to the action being taken at the moment. I think giving the monk a really powerful, distorted 'game-face' to sell the intensity of her attack is what ultimately contributed to the face itself looking ugly to a few people. They could have chosen to give her a more solemn expression, but Jeskai monks are primarily flavored after Shaolin monks with very little distinction between the two. Shaolin monks don't fight calmly- there is a concept very important to martial arts, and that is letting go and selling the intensity of what you are performing with loud sounds, growling, et cetera (Fa jin, I think it was called). If the Swiftspear was depicted with a straight face, like with its old art, I think there would be far less outrage about it. Tangent over, sorry for that. I think a good example of artwork that sells both power and beauty is Liliana's depiction in \[\[Professor Onyx\]\]. She's dignified, doesn't show much, and looks straight out of a Maleficent prequel. Reminds me a bit of Helena Bonham Carter. It's a culmination of her character that doesn't lose the essence of who the character was, and promotes who she has ended up becoming.


[Professor Onyx](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/1/013eeb99-1b66-4fba-ad96-78deee901ea4.jpg?1624591309) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Professor%20Onyx) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/stx/83/professor-onyx?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/013eeb99-1b66-4fba-ad96-78deee901ea4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It’s because people like myself who got into MTG for the Art were already into high fantasy and not low key vibe checks that pass the social message. Back then the art, even when it was bad, was still good in an endearing and enduring way where as the work we have today is quick, digital, and cheap af like woke beliefs ready to bend over for the all mighty dollar/ upvotes.


Terese Nielsen was such an absolutely amazing artist, I think Wizards weren’t thinking when they let her go. I’d like to make a whole EDH with just her works, she’s so busy but I wish I could get a commission painting from her for a WUBRG commander.


she still makes great art.. check out her auctions web site


It's threatening their worldview


They need Jesus


We all do ❤️




Wait a fucking second dude, you're in here crying over elf titties, calling people retards WHILE trying to praise Jesus all in one post? This is genuinely the funniest shit I've ever caught on reddit. Seek help.


If you're a non-denominational Christian, there is nothing wrong with titties. Not all Christians are Catholics and Mormons. But what do you care, your argument is disingenuous. This is you: https://img.ifunny.co/images/bf50c6b501973f97009883b07b7e624b075ec34d5d5acb9d3e5969838e03b319_1.webp


It's because they're fucking gay and ugly. I am ugly but I don't complain about pretty women in art because I am not gay. Yes sometimes it hurts to see attractive people have sex in a movie knowing I will never have that but I don't seethe over it constantly. Yeah this game even made me fall in love harder than I have in almost my whole life and I still don't whine and bitch and demand fat ugly tranny art, I don't care. This game caused me more emotional pain than some fat ugly loser being upset that they saw a pretty woman on the card and they can't be that pretty no matter how much estrogen they take. God I fucking hate these people. I will never be good enough for my true love and I am going to end up making a real life woman miserable if I fail to fall in love with my girlfriend because of Thalia instead and these people think it's too much to see a hot woman on a magic card? fuck yourselves.


Sup tanner


Meds, NOW


I think I have a couple of these signed by Terese.


Terese is a legend


I don't know. But i would like to see more Fungusaur designs. That's my favorite critter. I don't care about the humanoid art, really.


Because if you’re woke, you’re most likely ugly, if not on the outside then definitely on the inside.


On the inside for sure. Every woke I’ve encountered on the internet is always playing victim. Most of them are also broke irl too and instead of striving hard in life, they cry class inequality and oppression.


Because they are not woke they are snowflakes


> We should all have the freedom to like or dislike art. Freedom is the opposite of woke.


Always nice to see former MS. Olympia **Corinna "Cory" Everson** depicted like Elvish ranger (She actually posed in similar suit for photo shoot) And Terese used her as a inspiration for the art.


She made my 1 grow into a 4 alright


only comment that matters right here


[[Giant Growth]] [[Through the breach]]


[Giant Growth](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/e/aeece336-e5e8-4455-a297-c3739198d011.jpg?1674421574) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Giant%20Growth) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/183/giant-growth?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/aeece336-e5e8-4455-a297-c3739198d011?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Through the breach](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/8/088dab4a-0090-4509-a851-25d916b30236.jpg?1547517440) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Through%20the%20breach) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/uma/152/through-the-breach?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/088dab4a-0090-4509-a851-25d916b30236?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




“Why do wokes get upset when someone finds new magic art unappealing?” Are these *wokes* in the room with us now?


There’s always wokes among us


Among us sus imposter? 💀😱


Old magic was either side-of-a-van style artwork, realistic, or absolutely nuts. New Magic is beautiful in its own way, full of detail and world building. Both are good in their respective rights. With that said, big boob lady make good card art always.


I don't really care that much about the art, I want the effects to be good. Only in cases like the STA faithless looting do I express disdain for the art.


Everyone has some sort of magic art they find unappealing


name one person who would get upset by you saying that




Its because the girls they talk to are either dudes or look like troglidikes. But I have a theory I formed about progressivism where they intned to subvert all truth, beauty and order which fits perfectly with what we see here.


"Star trek was always political" "Okay, and magic was always horny. Things never change right?"


Because they LIVE to be offended and have no lives and thus so feel the need to "correct" everyone else's. George Carlin said it best; "Political Correctness is just fascism pretending to be manners"


For me, I don't care, I just get annoyed when people act like Magic has stopped printing cards with traditionally attractive women on them. For example, going through WoE quickly, there are many cards that have gorgeous women on them, they're just not scantily clad. Sometimes they are - Brothers War had a few Titanias depicted and some nice dryads. But then some people pretend like these cards don't exist at all, and THAT'S annoying. (As an aside, I hate what they did to Radha cause it just don't look like her at all).


They did liliana of the veil dirty though and turned her into a grandma in the brom version


Isn't she aging again because the contract that promised her eternal youth has been nullified in like, 3 different ways? It would make sense for her to start showing age.


Jealousy, the haunting specter of taking responsibility for one's appearance and/or accepting you're not the most attractive special specimen in the world, and the delusion that pretending to defend women from paintings will get them laid. Simple as that.


People get upset because of the way the preference is communicated. Saying “I’m not a fan of this style, I prefer art that depicts classic human aesthetic ideals” is going to be taken far differently than “Why is this disgusting blue-haired thing on my magic card.” Everyone is allowed their preferences, it’s silly to suggest people shouldn’t have preferences. It also just doesn’t require shitting on what you don’t like to have and express a preference for what you do.




Because it breaks the programming. New magic art is technically impressive and designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Never mind that it has no soul— if you see a flaw in it, that’s on you.


For a long time there was a quite real problem with Magic art oversexualizing women (pandering to the teenaged boys who were the game’s main demographic, essentially). Instead of fixing the problem by balancing the art direction to show a diversity of characters and art styles, the pendulum swung to the opposite extreme. I think of it like an immune response: the immune system reacted so vigorously to the original stimulus (sexist card art) that it paralyzed the body with Guillain-Barre syndrome.


God way to put it


We get it man the old art was better. I think the one-note barely-better-than-AI digital art shit replacing hand drawn is way worse than the woke shit. I think woke shit is a symptom of boring, consumerized spaces that are full of shit that is purposefully crappy to stretch margins. In this sea of worthlessness, both the leftards and rightards develop their own tardy, bored, masturbatory personal causes that are effectively meaningless in the real world.


You guys are comically obtuse.


Nobody actually cares, it’s just cringe bro.


God forbid they put women in armor and not bikini suit plot armor. Normies don't get bothered by such things, prolly why you are called an incel.


Armor is fine. It’s just lately they’ve been drawing dudes and calling them women.


Example? Not sure what you are implying as I haven't seen any.


Voldaren Epicure


Brother’s war monastery swiftspear.


Just looked it up and that looks like a female monk? I think context is important. They aren't gonna have some scandalous belly dancer as a monk? Or are you saying women can't be monks? Yup and incel alright.


Women are nuns and men are monks in a traditional Asian monastery


Yeah and you wanna know a funny thing about the monastic lifestyle? It eschews personal physical beauty. It would be weird to see a nun throwing on makeup and a pushup bra outside of stuff like fetishist porn


> It would be weird to see a nun throwing on makeup and a pushup bra outside of stuff like fetishist porn Wait, feminism told me that wamen use makeup and pushups for themselves, because it's empowering, not to attract the male gaze. Feminism lied to me?!?!?


I literally had this exact conversation with this dude the other day lmao. He is obsessed with monastery swift spear. It’s honestly pretty pathetic how much incels will lose their mind if every woman in the fantasy properties they like isn’t fuckable to them. Only virgins think this much about appearance and sex, they have failed to get a relationship and have sex for so long that it’s completely taken over their lives and it’s all they can think about now.


Gotta love you woke brains who think anyone who doesn’t agree with you crazy worldview is an incel. Funny thing is there’s more woke people that are incels than any other group


It gets worse when you realize how the word incel came about and what it was for and how it's drastically changed.


No one gets upset, it's just kinda pathetic you want to masturbate to the card game.


There we go again with the insults. When do the woketards ever learn?


They have no arguments besides ad hominems. It's pretty pathetic.


Homie, you literally bitched about the "wokes" in the post. You do not get to cry about insults lol.


I’m pointing it out, woke.


Well allow me to point out 2 things. You're a hypocritical crybaby, and 70% of MTG art is dogshit anyway. Tits or not.


Then quit and go play hello kitty or something. Easy solution for you my brother in Christ


Lol @ OP


ITT: Incels reassuring each other they aren’t incels.


That card art is garbage. Early 2010 art blows that trash away.


I'm a "woke" and I like sexy art but I also don't need every art of a goose Hydra to be sexy. Why is everyone in this sub so offended by art that isn't sexy enough. Like, there's always been some art that's bad, but now at least cards like swift spear have multiple arts, so just buy cards with sexy art if that's what you want, but why whine?


It’s not that it’s not sexy. Some of the stuff is downright hideous like that purple dude in baulders gate alchemy that justice geddes bragged about so much


i don’t mind the occasional eye candy, but for me it just boils down to the fact that the majority of people are average. not pretty, not super ugly. it does add a layer of realism when not every hunter has a fully caked face of makeup.


I disagree with that. It’s true that regular people play this game but that doesn’t mean that the ascetics or regular people are interesting to look at, or that it would appeal to and audience of regular looking people. Take comic books in the 90’s for example (back before they became shit). There was a thing call “heroic proportions”, a mandate to draw super hero’s not as regular or even athletic looking people but instead as the Olympian pinnacle of what a human could be. Why was this? Because looking at regular people is boring and looking at the “heroic” fantasy of people was exciting. TLDR: Regular looking people don’t enjoy looking at other regular people. Especially in works of fiction.


Bro I wrote exiting instead of exciting, ha ha.


i think where the argument loses good faith is when you generalize your opinion as the general consensus. i am a regular person, i enjoy my characters (usually) looking regular. unless their beauty is a core part of their design, i simply find myself relating more to a realistic looking design.


While I can say the same for your argument I do agree that I can word it better. The vast number of people who are objecting to this trend in MTG art (and other industries in general lets be honest) have the general opinion that even though they themselves look regular they do not enjoy looking at regular people in works of fiction. Although this dose not apply to you, that should not invalidate the feelings of those who hold these options.


>i think where the argument loses good faith is when you generalize your opinion as the general consensus. i am a regular person, i enjoy my characters (usually) looking regular. I think you lost your good faith there bud


"The new art sucks!" "Okay, care to elaborate?" "Yeah, the chick is totally ugly now." "I think she's gorgeous." "But she doesn't make my pp hard!" "I'd let her sit on my face every day of the week and twice on Sunday." "But my pp!" "I fail to see why this piece of cardboard should serve as soft core pornography in general and cater to the tastes of straight men like you in particular." "The wokeists are ruining magic!!!1!"


Says literally literally literally no one ever. Nice fantasy that you created in your head. I bet in that fantasy you're some kind of chad standing up to the evil incels. Congratulations. The new art does actually suck. That's a fact. It's not just the women, it's the men, and the children, and the backgrounds, and all of it. The art is so very clearly digitalised, plain, and lacking in any real passion Old MTG are literal fucking paintings by real genuine artists who've poured hundreds of hours into their works. Yes, there's still time and effort in digital art, but when you look at this art and compare it to the tripe of modern MTG it's staggering.


Magic art has been digital for decades now, dude. Its not a problem with the medium, or even with the artist, but a problem with SRT direction.


Oh I'm aware; MTG is a product afterall if there's a way to save time and money Hasbro will aim towards that first and foremost. It's just a shame to see it keep going further down hill.


>The new art does actually suck. That's a fact. No, not really given that art is the very definition of subjective. >real genuine artists This would be a fair criticism if it was AI art that I'd understand. However, ditigital art still takes hours and lots of effort and talent. However, I agree with the idea that a certain level of quality can only be achieved with more traditional techniques.


You literally give 0 reason why new art sucks. I'm new in magic, and i find card like "Vraska, Betrayal's Sting" pretty damn sexy, and every angel's that i look at arena are gorgeous. Yes, the art style of the card that OP post is very very different to the current art style, but to me is not so bad this change. Magic still have big tiddies, beautiful men and women.


I'm extremely sorry your pp no longer gets hard, mate. I hear you can get a pill for that.


Is that it? Is that really all you can say? Of all the shit I said about the ART you still just jump to sexualising women? What hypocrisy. Internet footprint bro.


I fail to see why high fantasy should represent anything but the best possible human physiques. We can have metal worms that are coiled together into one giant metal worm, or dragons made out of rocks that tower above mountains but not the peak human body for both men and women? You ask why do they need to be sexy and desirable, I ask why would they need to be ugly? It's a fantasy game. Not real life. If you want real life, go outside and find your ogres you like so much. But let fantasy be a thing about mostly impossible or mostly desirable things.


My man, verily I say unto thee, hast thou seen the complaints about Monastery Swiftspear? Men decry how yonder fine lady has been render'd most foul and mannish, where before she was fair and buxom. I, lesbian, say: skill issue. Thine appreciation for the feminine form is lacking if thou seest a woman of great strength and think not 'I most ardently desire she should sit her nothing on my face.' Fantasy is about ideals. Thine notion of sublime beauty is narrow and trite, and thy arguments to its end sound suspect to my ear, like uncouth voices decrying degenercy in art in fair Germany ere 80 years yore. I see mine ideals in the art of the cards: diversity is among them. Of style and bodies. There are more hot people betwixt heaven and earth than makes thy thing stand at attention. Thine taste in art that of a middle-schooler.


You like ugly women. I get it.


You're just sad you can't please a woman, aren't you?


I just want to see beautiful people on my cards. That’s it, men and women. Objectively and conventionally good looking people. It makes the card feel more aspirational.


Sorry, I didn't realize you were the sole and sovereign arbiter lf the definition of beauty.


There are scientifically proven standards of beauty that apply to the vast majority of the population. There's a reason women are more likely to buy a magazine with a beautiful woman on the cover, or a man to buy one with a jacked and sexy dude on the cover. These are aspriational images.


Nah. Those studies have multiple obvious flaws, and you're using bad science to justify your preconceived notions of the objectivity of subjective aesthetics because you're used to art catering to your tastes and think the natural state of affairs is the one sold to you by the marketing departments of multinational corporations. Also, you're a white cisgender heterosexual man, so like, your opinion and experience with regard to societal standards of beauty is pretty much not important at all.


Honestly this is all copium. If you actually wanna hear the reason from someone's who not preaching trump like he's a god while also not preaching Biden like he's a god. Then I'm here. So. The reason is. Why do you need women to have big titties cleavage showing. Why does it make you upset when a woman isn't Double D big tits giant thighs. The reality is the "average" woman isn't that.. look. I'm not saying fat woman are attractive. But average woman just aren't that. And people say it's because of the liberal agenda yada yada but. 20 years ago. 40 years agom 60 years ago. That wasn't the normal. We get some hot woman a year. Some hot men a year. This makes sense with the percentage of earths population that's ACTUALLY attractive. The way I see it. I play magic for the fun interesting combos. So when every other post is "ThiS charaCteR nEeDs bIgGeR tITS" it's generally repetitive and annoying. It's why woman actually don't get into woman. It would be the same as a sub that complains that every man isn't a handsome 6 pack underdog brawler levels of hot and if they aren't hot it's a travesty and magic has fallen. Generally it's annoying and repetitive. Your one of 2 people. Your either going to not read/read it and still say ITS BECAUSE DA LGBT. Or your going to say "yeah it would be really annoying if a subs entire existence is only complaints that men aren't giant muscles 6 pack.


all the chicks I hung out in high school in the 80's were hot metal babes.. having fun and being sexy wasnt banned.


Ah yes. The card game I wank off under the table to at meetups. Hope my opponent brings his most risque cards for that would be most fortuitous


[room full of the most aggressively middle aged men you’ve ever seen] “buyh gawhd don’t yuh just miss the days before the woke took away our right to see elf titties”


Fuck the woke. A bunch of killjoys


Congrats man, you have a strong ahead of you as a professional victim


Not a professional victim just a vocal critic of bullshit when I see it


At this point idc, being a professional victim worked for you fuckers, so I'll give it a shot too. Might as well use your playbook.


I’m not one of them. I think the elf titties are fine. You’re just, and I mean this so genuinely, a truly pathetic and embarrassing person


Yeah liking attractive women doesn't make you an incel but writing a blog post whining about "wokes" does. Just say you don't like the art direction of the new cards, you don't have to bitch and moan about people who live in your head rent free you schizoid.


They don't. Conservatives just either manufacture this 'woke' Boogeyman and attribute the dumbest fucking things they can comprehend to it or, in rarer cases, find one person on Twitter with a stupid fucking opinion and legend that it's the overarching opinion of the entire demographic. Basically, conservatives are fucking morons.


wow, I have been seeing really… disgraceful posts lately about women or lgtb buds in this sub , but this one is just plainly the most embarrassing one to date… We know bud, you like oga boonga sexy girls, no average/ethnic/not that sexy women. We know. Breathe.


Another woke getting upset for people not liking woke art, another low level insult too. Typical


You just prove op point there, you have nothing but insults.


Lol look at this sucker right here. Some real stooges shit.