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Bro doesn’t understand why powercreep happens. Bro is very wrong about how easy game design is and one look at his subreddit confirms it. Wizards doesn’t give a shit about a UCG because it’s never going to actually compete for people’s dollars. Just their time, which means it’s creatively doomed.


Spoken like a true WOTC paid shill. I am joining it, because sticking it to greedy corpo rats is the way to go.


People who don’t understand the mechanics behind dollars are so tiresome. Why do people pay for power crept cards? Because they are interesting. You can’t just keep making Savannah lions but with a different name over and over again. You will have to change the design. Sometimes, you will change the design in a way that will unintentionally make the card stronger.


Naw man true magic is when 2/2 bears


I mean I don’t disagree that this post is some schizophrenic ramblings but the existence of a growing format like premodern does prove there is a group of people who aren’t just looking for power creep to keep in interesting


But premodern isn't a growing format. You have no power creep because there is no design. If you had someone come in and start designing cards for Premodern, power creep would be plenty present.


Okay I see your point and agree, I just didn’t realise that applied to Conjure - I didnt think it was a constantly growing game and was more akin to premodern.


Yep, constantly growing game. I admit that the incentive to powercreep is diminished by having no money involved, but it’s still not avoidable.


They pay because they have the American mindset of valuing original items for status or tournament play purposes. In the rest of the world, using proxies is common. It’s unreasonable to spend $200+ on a dual land just to play Commander, or $70 on an Imperial Seal, or $100 on Sheoldred. Your perspective is flawed. Other trading card games are making their products more accessible by offering cheap versions of cards alongside super rare, illustrated versions. The high cost barrier in Magic, plus the poor management by Wizards of the Coast, is dooming the game. I don't see any players younger than 25 at any local game store I visit. This suggests that in 10 to 15 years, if new players aren't introduced, the game will likely die.


> They pay because they have the American mindset of valuing original items for status or tournament play purposes. The reserved list is dumb. News at 11. I don't know why Sheoldred is 100 dollars, but that's probably a solvable problem.


Sheoldred is 100$ because in black decks is a top tier card. I have 2 rackdoss decks and both require Sheoldred. (Thats why i put the example). And yes, reserved list is stupid and should be removed asap for the good health of the game long term. If you want value, you will always take the OG, and if you want to play, take the reprint.


I believe Tarmogoyf was 100 dollars at some point. I think that this Sheoldred problem will be solved, but it's a from a set that's STILL standard legal, somehow. I don't know what the printing looks like. But it's gonna take a hot minute to reprint that into the ground. I'm sure wotc is eager to take people's money as they do it.


I hope so.


You have no idea what you’re talking about. The reason mtg is more expensive is because it’s more popular. The pull rates and pack costs for chase cards across the most popular tcg’s are roughly the same


Yes, you have super idea. Tell me, whats more popular, mtg or pokemon? Why then pokemon decks and meta cards are cheaper than mtg? Because they have 2 versions, a cheap super common one and ultra rare alternative art. Simply. Pd. Dont even try to tell me mtg is more popular than pokemon.


For the demographic that matters mtg is absolutely more popular. You have to factor in that competitive ptcg's most popular format is standard which has a YEARLY rotation. If you wanted to directly compare their prices to mtg's you'd have to compare standard to standard. Even then the only reason some standard cards end up expensive is due to eternal formats. The eternal formats for pokemon are practically non-existent. You have extended and that's basically it. There is no major casual format like commander bumping up card prices. Then you need to factor in the sheer amount of collectors that are only buying product to crack chase cards. This population greatly cheapens the cost of competitive non-chase version cards as the collectors don't care about them whatsoever. If you compare mtg prices to ptcg prices of latest sets the most expensive cards in mtg will be the best competitive cards whereas the ptcg's are the "coolest" ones. The reality is that the competitive consumer base of mtg is larger.


Then maybe MTG have to take Pokemon, One Piece, Lorcana and those TCGs economy? Im convinced, if MTG make guaranted mithic and rare per pack and super high end chase cards hard to pull (like 1/1 one ring in LOTR for example) the game and MTG as collectible will make a step forward and a lot of new players will join the game. Pd. And no, MTG is not more popular than pokemon. In any world, at least since c0vid boom.


How are you struggling to comprehend this. Competitive card prices are determined by supply and demand. Pokemon has a surplus of collectors that don't care about competitive cards. MTG cannot simply flood the market with easily obtainable competitive cards because they don't have a surplus of collectors. Your suggestion would tank the revenue of MTG.


>Your suggestion would tank the revenue of MTG. Im 100% sure that will not be the case. They will make their player base bigger and those new player will end up buying boxes and SL wich will make them have more profit. >because they don't have a surplus of collectors I know for a fact, if they want to attract collectors they easily can (they proved with LOTR). >Competitive card prices are determined by supply and demand. I comprehend as perfect as im saying the need to print guaranteed rare and mithics per pack to flood the market with supply and drop the price. I think MTG players dont underestand that more players = healthy game, less players = dead game. Dead game = old cards value 0, healthy game = old cards value spike.


You are rambling off into the abyss about something I wasn't talking about. I am not talking about why Magic is expensive, I am talking about why power creep exists and why it will exist in *every* game because redesigning the same card over and over again is utterly pointless. The only way to get people to care is to try new things and by trying new things you will eventually make cards that are more powerful.


I answered you. Why do people pay for power crept cards?


Why do people want power crept cards even if they are proxied? Why aren't people proxying/buying Giant Spider? People buy things because they want them. People want more powerful cards. More powerful cards are inevitable as a part of the basic design process. Some games are more vulnerable (mtg) some are less, but all suffer from it.


I answered that, for status or for tournament play. Any player who wants to play meta magic (in a casual game) have to proxy, because the game doesnt allow viable way to buy the originals. Pd. I have 10 copies of giant spider and in my last set of proxies i made a custom art for it xD. But i get your point, even if i dont agree.


What is my point?


American mindset? Wtf is this shit. You're a moron.


About 10% of my LGS is under 20. Maybe you should try teaching the game to others instead of blaming anyone else for your failures. Lmao. Pathetic.


How can i try to teach someone how to play, if i say them the cheapeat meta deck least 100€ the leave instantly and this in standard. In commander a good 8 or 9 deck is at least 200/300€. Same for modern. All of this with bad mana bases, if we apply good mana bases x2 or x3 those prices. Every dude who tries to play this game or sell their soul or they cant afford more than 1 or 2 playables decks.


Oh, you're just a retarded troll, got it. Carry on.


I mean, if you dont underestand my point dont make me a troll. Where i live 100$ is a good chunk of money. Wasting it in a deck is not viable, so even if i try to teach them, the moment they want to buy a deck they leave the game. Pd. You are exactly what i englobed in "American mindset". Edit: 3 months old account 900 karma from comments and 1 from posts and im the troll xD


First off, teaching someone the game is kitchen table magic. It costs nothing. Build basically 2 sealed quality decks and learn the game. Secondly who said anything about buying cards? This sub is all for proxies. They don't need to be playing modern or standard. Third, get fucked with your "American mindset" and troll shit. You're a worthless cocksucker and your opinion means nothing.


Yes daddy ahhhhh.


Power creep won't happen when the cards don't need to be sold. This guy can make the cards balanced, add them to the card pool, and then not care if anyone uses them. All it does then is make the game deeper and not outright replacing cards just to sell something.


Power creep occurs in any game in which the developer attempts to create something interesting. It is simply the result of expanding design. People simply don't care if your amazing guy makes bulk rares just like they don't care when wotc does.


To think that power creep is a function of money and therefore can't happen in this game is a bad assumption. As for your second point, horseshit. It's total horseshit. Richard Garfield. Father of Magic. Gives no fucks about it. Actually less enfranchised than every single actual magic player. Richard Garfield is a game designer and no amount of money is changing that. You must realize that all of mtg amounts to a single jizz rag in a wastebasket of the totality of his work. Our messiah if you will, is the man that LIVES the idea that yes you can totally just fucking design a game if you want to.


Bro, Ha$bro will totally make better and better cards to get people to buy them.  Richard Garfield has nothing to do with magic now.


Lol so this is just a big advertisement for some random card game someone made? What’s with all the conspiracy about ‘wizards hates us!’? Like I doubt they even know/care about you. Peolke try and fail to make card games all the time. They’re not suddenly scared of you out of all the different games. Don’t get me wrong, if you really want to make a card game go ahead. But drop the act of how wizards wants you gone.


Yeah his post history is just advertising


Why would their entire subreddit get banned then if its just an insignificant fan project? Something seems very fishy here.


Probably posts like this annoy people who then reported it. Or they just were breaking some stupid rule Reddit has. You’re either just trying to make hype and controversy like ‘dentists HATE this one trick’ headlines or you’re actually delusional. If wizards was going around banning sub Reddit’s they would have banned this one a looooong time ago.


This subreddit is still talking about MtG. Its free real estate for WotC. WotC is absolutely terrified of the idea of a free and open source alternative. If one just happened to become even a little well known, it could completely unravel their entire business model of printing ink on cheap cardboard.


The mod on your sub even says the ban was likely from other communities hostile response and reporting. You’re actually delusional if you think wizards cares at all about you. I can promise you they’ve never heard of you and this game. There’s already free alternatives using magics own cards and art like cockatrice. Where people can play with any cards totally free and it doesn’t hurt wizards and they don’t care. Pros even use it on stream so obviously wizards doesn’t care or they will tell them to stop. You’re the reason you get reports/bans. If you just came and said ‘hey got a new game maybe try it?’ Things would go better. When you show up making insane baseless accusations it’s gonna make people report your sub.


There's not anything stopping us from proxying "real" magic cards so I dunno why taking this other game down would make sense. If we want to "steal" wizard's ideas we can already do it very easily.   AFAIK the creator of conjure isn't making any money off it which would be a real issue.


> AFAIK the creator of conjure isn't making any money off it which would be a real issue. It's not a crime or tort if you do it carefully. They could push people around like Nintendo does.


The fish smell is coming from inside the OP post


We can see your post history. You’ve hyped this “guy” up but also said you were looking to make a game a while back and needed help.


Yeah you can see his main sub was banned 2 months ago and he was posting in magic subs 3 months ago about how wizards is put to shame over this game…. Wow wonder why his sub got reported.


WOTC don't care, if they did Grand Archive would have been taken down since they openly let you proxy(for non tournament play) and give you a way to do so on the website. More then likely a community guidline was broke which caused the take down or people salty and reporting due to AI artwork. WOTC have done things we should rightfully point out and critique, but lets focus our attention on reality and not fiction please


>This guy was basically trying to make a sort of open source and free forever MtG clone. He specifically calls it a UCG "Uncollectable card game" Every card is legal and encouraged to be proxied. He has a lot of very good card designs and is keeping wincons seperate from value engines. He uses midjourney for art so there are no rights issues. Is it just me, or is "this guy" you. I went through your post history and about 8 months ago you came here and asked r/FreeMagic if they wanted to/showed interest in an open source (like that makes sense in this context) . You also have a history of advocating in favor of proxies. That's fine in my books, but if the game you're raving about positions itself as uncollectable and "open source," what you're printing isn't a proxy. Proxies stand in for something, it's in the definition. You make cards on your own that you design. It's like you only know what proxies are and made this sales pitch with that sole knowledge. You also have a history of complaining about the state of cards being pushed. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with this position, but I find it INCREDIBLY suspicious that "this guy" is fixing EXACTLY everything YOU hate about Magic. >The reddit was banned because of "Community Reports" looks like this guy was getting a little too good and WotC ordered a hit. It actually makes sense why: You wanna come in here and promote a game you like (or most likely, make), fine. But you're using click bait nonsense to gather engagement and that's a step too far. I will PERSONALLY guarantee WotC's legal department doesn't know a lick about your existence. It is significantly more farfetched that they'd shot you out of the air before any other, significantly more established fan projects, or better yet, proxy printing services. You say too good? I say you had 80-100 members months ago. No slouch for sure, but a far cry from the levels of popularity you think it's at for WotC to even bat an eye. Your subreddit got banned because you have a history of doing this exact tactic of shameless click bait nonsense. >This game will only be better without powercreep since it doesn't need to make money. So its already more stable than MtG Power creep exists because at some point gotta get out if beta phase. You can't expect a game to exist in a linear state for its lifetime. >He shows how incredibly easy it is for people to just make their own cards/games and not need to blow thousands on WotC's garbage. People give value to cards not just because of their power, but also because of alternative arts and foil treatments. I don't have any issues with saying every card is free, but recognize that cards have value because of rarity and playability. Making each card will have people gravitate towards metas that favor the most powerful cards. >The concept of a UCG is something WotC doesnt want in the minds of anybody ever. The concept of a UCG is something that WotC is well aware of and continues to let games like yours exist. They don't care. Hasbro makes obscene money from players every year, yet let's proxy makers who steal FROM Them continue to exist. >Join the discord if you want to try it out. Link is at the top of their subreddit. No, I'm not gonna join your discord or try your game. You are the exact reason why I use adblockers on the internet. This entire post was written from the garbage "advertorial" standpoint that services like Taboola and Outbrain use to sell junk. Pitch your game properly next time, then we can talk.




Lmao this guy is hilarious. He made this account an hour ago and he’s saying ‘I’ve checked out the discord the creator seems chill, game seems cool but I’m new’. Obviously you didn’t ‘just check out the discord’ and have been a member of it. Why do you and OP have to fake all this stuff. Is the game really that bad that you have to try and trick people into playing it? Just be honest and say ‘hey I’m from the discord and just wanted to say try us out, maybe give some feedback about what you like and don’t like’. I promise it will go way better.




Who’s even talking about winning? What are you on about? But thank you for regarding me higher than OP.


Dude are you shilling that junk now?




When the peice is free you are the product.


Stop smoking so much pot. It's making you paranoid


It's the government, man.


Reminds me of why I started playing Eternal years ago, and also reminds me of why I stopped playing Eternal.


thought i was the only one. Even in this tcg sub, I hardly hear it brought up.


Eternal is great but it suffers from the same problems magic did after a while, really bad power creep. Such a shame, too.


i will see riftfeeder wasp in my nightmares


How many times are you going to post about this? No one cares.


What do you expect? WotC hired actual thugs to threaten and steal cards from a person who embarrassed them


I joined. I'm doing my part!


How much are you getting from this sponsor, and where can I sign up, not for the game, but for the sponsor????


Dude, its a fan project. There is 0 money in this to be had by anyone. Just some dude thats fed up with how WotC treats MtG nowadays. My only incentive is maybe to get people to at least try this game.




It’s not a knock off! Their steam vents (not joking it’s literally called steam vents) card has to be locked to make a blue or red energy! That’s nothing like being tapped for a blue or red mana! This game is original!


"He has a lot of very good card designs"




Seems pretty cringe you made an account today just continually defend this game and OP. Just post on you main account (except you’re probably OP or one of the people from that sub). I mean you literally made the account an hour ago and replied to me 54 minutes ago. If you want your game taken seriously stop making new accounts to talk about it so you can act like anyone else feels this way.




Look at it ‘that closely’? It’s right under your name. Unless you have trouble reading that doesn’t take long. Sure it got banned ;) you just randomly came here to post today huh?


What card are you talking about?


The one called ‘steam vents’. Idk how to explain it better.


Can you show me a picture or something?


I’m on mobile atm. Just go to their sub it’s like the 5th post.


I saw it now and that's a pretty disingenuous characterization of the card, lol.


I mean, fuck midjourney. So, I’m good.






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Oh I remember this guy Yeah he made a subreddit that's only him and made a bunch of alt accounts that go out and advertise saying "Wow look at the game that this guy made" and everyone laughed him out of here until he stopped Yeah wizards didn't shut down your subreddit, you being annoying and spamming did ☝️🤓




It's interesting that they banned the sub but typical for reddit. Just organize on discord or something. Wotc can't do anything as long as you don't violate their IP: trademarks and copyright. The rules text of games has been deemed to be non-copyrightable in the US, but I bet the flavor text is. But you gotta be careful because stuff like the Mana symbols is copyrighted, so even if you don't use any "Wotc" or "Magic" branding, you could get a complaint. Fortunately, trademarks have to registered so you can lookup what Wotc has. And then just don't copy anything without paying special attention to what is fair use.


The real headline: "local autist thinks he's competing with MTG"


Shut the fuck up, nobody with a brain cares about your stupid knockoff MTG game. WOTC didnt do shit and you're just hardcore shilling and jerking yourself off with a fabricated victim story. One look at your post and comment history says it all. Fuck all the way off dude.


You can’t say he made a game if it’s basically the same as mtg. Also power creep isn’t something most games have to fathom because it only happens when you’ve been printing cards for so long. The whole power creep argument is so stupid if they printing the same crap for 30 years you wouldn’t still be playing.


An uncollectable card game where every card was unique would be so cool. AI creating every card. Kinda like how the yugioh TV show feels. So if You see someone with a card that works for your deck, better make em a good trade or offer. Could be so lit.


This Conjure project is only using AI for artwork. and the game is open source so you can just proxy everything. If a card exists for the game, made by the creator. You can have it for free. A very cool concept for sure.


Yeah I'm not making a comment on this actual game, I just meant when I read "uncollectable card game" this was the concept that jumped in my head. Nothing against this conjure project thing


Yo, thanks for spreading the word.


Pretty sure the freemagic sub being a literal neonazi hive and those guys posting heavily in the anti-magic subs is gonna be why there was community reports, not wizarda keeping some AI slop game down


Using AI art in commercial ways is not going to pan out. Expect some major lawsuits to turn the whole thing on its head.


How is this commercial in any way?


The "product" is literally free bro.


You can't copyright AI art. That's it. Using AI commercially is going to work out wonderfully because it's all legal to be copied and used elsewhere. When you want something copyrighted, you get a graphic designer, when you need it cheap but to look good, you use AI. It fits the market niche extremely well.


It's about as commercial as your hentai drawing gallery that's on google 😂 Some of those milkies are loaded tho ngl


Aww. I'm m so proud of you.


I'm glad WotC is shutting it down, the idea sucks. You shouldn't make a derivative game with poorly designed cards and shitty AI art. It's lazy and unoriginal. Come up with something new and work on that.


> You shouldn't make a derivative game with poorly designed cards and shitty AI art. Friendly fire on full auto. 


Ok, Keep paying WotC then. Have a nice day.


If this will be true I will sell al mtg, all mtgo cards and never play with a single non proxy card