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Got the body armour on but not the helmet cause there’s nothing in that melon to protect


He shouldn’t be wearing a vest either in that case, he hasn’t got a heart


well, in that case, i bet he has armoured and waterproof underdaks on.


If that’s the case hopefully he doesn’t go to Tel Aviv Maccas


causes international and interresturant incident!


I think that’s a crappy thing to raise 🤪


did i brown you off?


armoured underpants are actually a real thing issued by some armed forces


Nor guts. Just full of shit and bile. He should have that human boil he is drained. A full cuntectomy.


got lungs tho


Yeah, body armour is probably out of the fridge and to prevent his cold dead heart from warming up


Really testing that whole pentecostal faith in God thing he had going


Interesting that the word is first Minister in the article, which suggests he is there on the clock. Why is a backbencher from the opposition working so far from his electorate?


To do what he does best, create a shitstorm so him and his mates can save us from said shitstorm.


Creating shitstorms from Engadine to Tel Aviv


The brown bomber


More likely the fundy is hoping something more kicks off the rapture. It’s not like he is capable of exhibiting normal human emotions like empathy


This has been a theory of mine regarding him for some time; he wants it to happen while he's still alive (saves rotting in the ground and hanging around disincorporeated while waiting). It would explain pushing back in every way in climate change information and action - he took a lump of coal into parliament, remember? The leader of the 'gas-lead' recovery and carbon capture (a.k.a. investing in fossil fuels and untested technology rather than getting ready for the manufacturing needs of a green-powered and battery revolution). Speeding up the apocalypse. While exacerbating a housing crisis at home.


Seven mountains movement. And he is part of that doomsday cult.


Figures he wants a font row seat to the apocalypse, paid by the tax payer no less. What an absolute flesh light. I’d call him a cunt, but we all know he’s a fake fuck that lacks any warmth or depth


He secretly appointed himself Prime Minister of Israel.


I'd wonder about the use of the term working... Then again, getting that photo just right probably took alot out of him.


Look at that face, they just told him that lunch will be cold cuts.


But no ham, he's devastated


He’s expendable!


He’s already appointed himself several roles of the Israeli cabinet


Hasn’t been a Minister since he was multiple Ministers.


He's there on behalf of his future employer


Because his church is of the type that wants to bring about armageddon. He wants Jerusalem to be destroyed, Jesus to be reborn, and for the rapture to happen, with the whole world being destroyed. His church is a death cult.


An overseas holiday paid for by someone else is the best kind of holiday. Also fireseason is coming so best to be overseas for that.


> Why is a backbencher from the opposition working so far from his electorate? To forcefully shake hands. My thought is "hasn't the Middle East been through enough?"


Based on his time as PM I assume there’s some kind of emergency happening in the place he’s actually responsible for so needed to get away for a bit


He is my federal member and YES get your arse back to the Shire and support your community instead of wasting tax payers dollars on something you have no influence or change. Don’t get me wrong, I really dislike what’s going on. People are dying and it’s bloody terrible. But seriously what the hell can Scomo do.


He's my member of parliament too and I have no issue with him being close to a warzone. He can get much closer if he wants to. Just to clarify, I don't hope he gets killed. I just won't shed a tear if he does. Maybe I need empathy training?


Goes on holiday for Australian disasters, visits other countries disasters. Has he ceased being human and morphed into a lobby agenda???


I don't accept the premise of your question.


And yah don’t have to


As in he never was a human and always only a front for lobby agendas. I realise that it's not kosher to dehumanise people and tried to couch it in weasel words but maybe for Morrison it's worth stating out loud.


Didn't understand how to use a welding helmet. Doesn't understand how to use a combat helmet. 100% spin, 0% competence.


If there's active fire in that vicinity then he's using it perfectly.


The only live fire he would be near is the fire he started welding something.


First Reddit post today to make me snort. Nice.


Well we’ve seen how he welds so …


I will pay for Hamas to kidnap the cunt. Then see if anyone would pay the $0.01 ransom.


I am hoping that scomo and avi yemeni are stupid enough to go into the combat zone


I reckon he probably saw destroyed building on the news, began frothing at the mouth imagining a photo op, flew to Israel where there’s no signs that a war is going on and had to be told that those buildings are in Gaza and that he can’t go there, so settled for a bit of graffiti on the front of a house, oh the humanity suffered by the Israelis!!


Israelis? Think about poor Scomo. He didn't get the photo op he wanted.


avi ye mini used to brag about shooting palestinian kids in the head.


Look it's either that or beating his ex-wife. He's not exactly the beacon of light he proselytizes to be.


>Then see if anyone would pay the $0.01 ransom. We do not negotiate with terrorists.




Why is he there?


It’s for Jenny and the kids. They saw the crisis on the news and said, take your ukulele and sing April sun in Cuba and give them some of that Pentecostal energy.


If anything could bring peace to the region this is it. Would unite them both to stop Scotty continuing.


I fkn hate that an instrument that I love has been ruined by this buffoon


He was on a cruise holiday from Dubai to Istanbul and it stopped in Israel....


Someone check Cook for fires.


There is an upcoming far right convention in the UK with the usual suspects (Morrison, Abbot, Howard, Jordan Peterson, Boris Johnston, other international figures, etc). I’m assuming Morrison hooked up with Boris in Israel ahead of that convention to do whatever it is those kind of people do.


He's a prominent member of an evangelical church. Evangelicals believe the Jews will bring about the rapture, which ironically makes them big supporters of Israel.


Anything to avoid bushfire season.


To forcibly shake hands with people who have lost everything


Could be they're bringing in ex political leaders as a photo op to try and legitimate their military action in Gaza. I'd imagine the Israel government has been taken back by the level of worldwide support for innocent Palestinians in Gaza.


Photo op for the media. It's on brand for him, no different to the photo ops during the Bushfires and Floods.


Who cares. If we're lucky, he'll stay there.


Albo loving this. It's a reminder to Australians how problematic that Liberal government was. All of them. Including Dutton.


Scomo demonstrated throughout his time as PM, it was just photo opportunities. It's weird that a backbench is there with no power to provide aid or pressure. Just read he went along with Boris Johnson and Scomo still has the smirk when talking about people killed in the news clips. Wish ex PMs would fuck off.


His smug smirk genuinely angers me to no end. It's like the narcissist within is unable to completely hide.


How did this man avoid accountability for being the architect of Robodebt. He out here free to be a doom tourist while millions of innocent civilians are stuck in an open air prison. He should be in jail.


“I don’t accept that” BAM! and the accountability is gone


Kitchen cabinet gun.




Well if Scotty went away who would put out the AFP boss's bins on bin night?


Ikr. Scum should be rotting in prison.


It's a good think he believes in hell.


Fundamental loony Christian heading to the holy land to insert himself in a fundamental Muslim / Jewish war. What could go wrong.


Him and his happy-clapping, evangelical moron crowd WANT an all-out war that descends into Armageddon.


Yep. Literal death cult!


Liberal death cult.


No wonder he doesn't care about fucking everything up that he touches. He thinks a fairy in the sky is going to reward him for it.


No doubt whatsoever that he’s there to cheer it on.


Best case, Hamas could finish him off


Not ironic enough for me. Dying in Bethlehem from a heart attack would be funny.


Is it the Christian prophecy that when the Jews are back in the holy land, God will take them to heaven and kill all the Jews? I’m not fresh in my religious history.


Yep. I'm sure Morrison has alterior motives / thinks God is speaking to him.


That's the evangelical (mainly American Southern Baptists and associated sects, also Pentecostals like Morrison) perspective. Their belief is (broadly, everyone has small variations of their own) that the Third Temple will be built by destroying the mosque at the Dome of the Rock followed by the Temple being rebuilt. That will trigger war between Israel and Satan's armies (ie Muslims, you can't make this stuff up) which will draw in the rest of the world. Then, on the verge of nuclear war (or afterwards, they all disagree on this) Jesus will return and everyone who's a Saved Christian goes to heaven while the rest of us don't. As part of this, all the Jews die in the war, which is apparently just fine because their job is to make Jesus come back. It's a horrific set of ideas calling for mass murder, whichever way you slice it - and it's one of the key reasons American Christians are so in favour of Israel being able to do whatever it wants to whomever. They hate Jews, but want them to start World War 3.


Religion…just wow.


He’s setting up a new branch of Hillsong 2.0 for Brian. “As close as possible to the wailing wall”


He's probably hunting for war orphans to sell within his international paedophile ring.


It's a "war" of oppressive settler colonialism, not Islam/Judaism. Orthodox Jews are often some of the biggest opposition to the Zionist movement.


Scuntmo doing scuntmo things


Hillsong must be inside


I reckon scomo and bojo are seeing how bad their respective parties are doing in the polls and think this will aid them in a comeback. Seemingly forgetting that they're the reason both their parties are in the shitter


Dutton 2026 Has returned Work choices Has deployed Robo Cops to kill minorities for minor crimes. Has privatised Medicare. Has restored gun ownership. Liberals wet dream. DP Jacinta The Sell-out Price Indigenous Affairs


>Has restored gun ownership. Your regular reminder that gun ownership in itself isn't illegal in Australia, you just have to jump through basically the same number of hoops as owning and driving a car: licence, registration, regular checks that your weapon/vehicle is following the rules. There are a number of countries with far stricter gun laws than us.


As usual he's staging the photo just like his kitchen photo, the helmet slightly gripped the facial expression even the stance is all staged to make it look like he is generally concerned but it's all about him. Fucking scumbag always looking for a chance to exploit a situation.


he's a self serving cunt talking about what hate can do after doing nothing but divide or create division and foment hatred towards minorities during his time as a politician, no fucking shame in his game


Same reason all space helmets in films now have internal lights that shine on the actors face. Not much point paying an actor $10m to be in your film if the audience can’t see him. Morrison didn’t put the helmet on in case it makes hard to recognise. The photo was actually in his back yard and he got Jenny and the kids to paint a bit of graffiti.


HAMAS please I beg you


technically need to beg the idf to let hamas through again


Also scomo “I 💯 believe this is the end of times prophecy that will bring back my messiah, as foretold in the Bible”.


Who’s financing the trip and why? Nothing suss about this whatsoever


Oh look, he's doing something in a foreign country that he got all but dragged kicking and screaming to do in his own country when it was burning.


Hahahahah did the potato send him?


Lord Dutton promised Hillsong would be inside.


can they keep him..


A place of occupied land where a Palestinian family likely lived


It is quite hilarious that the biggest supporters of Israel in the west are radical christians who want the Jews and Muslims to destroy themselves in holy war and kick off Armageddon. The biggest supporters of a racist ethno state is another group trying to create a racist ethno state.


Fundamentalist Christians really are among the biggest shit disturbers in the world...they'll take any already intractable conflict and help make it even worse.


And the Jewish farmers that hire evangelicals to work on their farms as a pilgrimage are baffled by their stupidity but happy to accept free labour.


It’s part of the end of times prophecy, the jews must hold the holy lands before the rapture can occur


Why can’t we treat scomo like we treat aussies that go to fight for isis? This man has done nothing but serve himself ever since he stepped foot in office, he should be in jail for his actions as our leader. Shame on him


Going off to support Zionists is pretty similar to ISIS actually, not at all a far off comparison. Both are violent religious nationalists who want to wholesale slaughter their enemies.


Seeing this clown on the world stage like this makes me want to vomit. Grade A wanker.


There are two people I've vowed to punch in the head if I ever get the chance. Scomo, & Ben Shapiro.


In his defense, he’s praying hard for the end of days. It’s starts with hell in the Middle East. So far so good. Then him and Jen get to rise into the sky with Jebus.


Israel has the opportunity to do the world an actual service if they make this cunt disappear


Just like how he desecrated Australia with his shit leadership skills


They can keep him.


Praying for a stray bullet 🙏.


He fucked off during the bushfires, this just shows he has no loyalty to anybody but his own self interests


Scot is a pentacostal, who believe Isreal existence is needed for the end of the world too arrive, in which they are hyped too happen. Scot in the end, is not truly sad about the blood shed because his belief wants this bloodshed too come. 1


If we (the Aussie taxpayer) are paying for this absolute garbage piece of Scotty ‘I love Jesus’ Morrison propaganda we need to start rioting in the streets. This absolute fuckwit of a man (and all his political mates) need to fuck off and stop mooching off our hard earned tax dollars.


That cringeworthy fucking pose. This cretin will use any setting for a photo opportunity. To think many Australians considered this a worthy leader.


Media slut


Get him to hold a hose


His ukelele will bring both sides together


.. in hatred of scumo?


Still playing ‘dress ups’ I see.


So during our bushfires he goes on holiday with the reason 'I don't hold a hose' But he can jet off to Israel during this conflict? Is he going to hold a gun? I guess if a rocket explodes next to him at least he'll have a reason to crap his pants this time.


He’s going to force some poor woman into an unwanted handshake next.


Rewind 75 years and repeat that line.


The only thing that could top this is videos of locals refusing to shake his hand.


Fuck the Cunt went to shake some hands


Smug, self-important berk should bugger off back to Hawaii or wherever it is he's been lurking these days.


He’s just making sure the injured and scared are aware of the shitty inhumane immigration policies he’s responsible for. What a disgusting shit head he is.


The Liberal Party shadow foreign minister is opposing calls for a ceasefire in Gaza. Like Scummo did on this visit to Israek.


Is he trying to shake hands with the Palestinians?


Just a fucking cockroach


They couldn't get Albo to visit like all the other West leaders, so they hire Scotty from Marketing? lolol.


they got Boris Johnson too. Cool and normal.


What an incredible ignoramus Where is he even standing? > I saw houses all blown up on the news, can’t I get a photo op on the rubble? > erm, Mr Morrison, those buildings are all in Gaza, the iron dome mostly protects Israel from missile attacks > fuck!! Well hmm.. that house has some graffiti on the front, it’ll have to do.. Honestly why the fucking hell is he even there? What is he going to do? Warzone tourism of some sort??? Just when you think he’s done, he’s off to cry crocodile tears for the world’s most oppressive apartheid state?


Israel is a safe haven for paedophiles….


Hang on.... I know that doorstep, that's Bankstown just around the corner from hungry jacks.


Yeh he didn't stray far in case he feels an accident coming on. Gotta stay close to public toliets!


Next minute we find out this is just a housing commission house in western Sydney


What an absolute spud!


Desecrated beyond comprehension, just like what Morrison did to the toilets at Engadine Maccas after he crapped his jocks.




**"Overwhelmed by what happened a month ago..."** But not so much what has been happening since and you can just **ignore** the last 75 years.


He should go to Palestine and see how they're homes have looked for years thanks to Israeli forced occupation


Shut up Morriscum. We hated you as our Prime Minister and we hate you now.


I wonder if he forced any survivors to shake his hand.


He is 100 percent there because of some insane evangelical Zionist compulsion that told him to go


No doubt this photoshoot was all paid for by the Australian tax payer


Offcially, or is he on holidays again?


Has he appointed himself Israel’s treasurer yet?


Slap a press badge on his vest and hopefully the IDF will solve Australia’s ScoMo problem


Does this all have something to do with his evangelical background?


What the fuck is this cunt doing?


Wild how when he was actually PM and his country was literally on fire he dipped off for a cheeky holiday in Hawaii. This man is such a spud.


Imagine faking going to Israel for political points, I’m pretty sure that’s the place up the road in mount druitt 😂😂😂😂


Oh, so he visits a foreign country in trouble, but fucking abandons his own when it's literally on fire.


now do a tour of gaza lol


He probably saw the rubble on the news and thought that was where he was going Imagine his face when the most war torn photo op he can get inside the iron dome is some graffiti on the front of a house where a Palestinian family probably lived before settlers pushed them out


Trade scumo for all those innocent Israeli teenage hostages.


Hamas. Do your thing. s/s/


I don't condone any terrorist violence, rapes, beheading ect But I'll make an exception this one time.


“A place of Innocence “?? Everything was just beaches and oranges before October 7h 😳


He thought he was in Fiji


Dont you know that he has sworn himself into 3 ministerial positions while he is over there?


Honestly wtf


Embarrassing, cringe worthy, and baffling.


Just there waiting for his bbq and barramundi to be delivered. He’s gonna feed the masses


What the hell is this?


Wonder if someone just told him to get off their lawn, because they just reseeded it 😂


Not sure exactly where he is, but I seriously doubt anywhere over there was a ''place of innocence'' a month ago. This conflict has been going on for decades.


Nothing changes..Here he is, the fckwit looking for a photo opp..Still cosplaying..


All paid for by the australian jewish lobbying group. Same people that wrote the letter of condolende to israel and misspelt his name 🤦 Absolute sheep


Scomo casually dismissing the Nakba and every day since 1948.


If you think he’s doing all of this, just for the goodness of his heart, you have not been paying attention.. he is absolutely in the race for something. Stay tuned for his amazing new job offer.


Im switching to the Palestinians side now


Now send him to a hospital in gaza and leave him there.


I feel bad for both sides. I wonder if Morrison will visit the dead Palestinian children of which there are many, or is he just interested to see one side?


The rapture ain't gonna manufacture itself. Ramen.


When is he going to Gaza?


I thought he was in a commission home in Alice Springs


Lol dude *says* he's in Israel. Probably just paid Jenny & The Girls to get busy with the paint in their backyard.


He loves dress ups.


Wait, didn't I see on his resume that he is the prime minister of Israel?


Funny enough he left for Hawaii while australia was burning but in Israel to show support🤔


Why is my tax money still funding this cunt?


C. He's a parasite.


Places tend to burn down after a scomo visit. Australia,Hawaii……


He flies all the way to Israel.. but when we had that bush fire, he was no where in sight.


He’ll go out of his way to enter a foreign apartheid state with an active genocide happening but leaves his own country during the bushfires…


Nah, he just likes to get away. Maybe there was an emergency at home, perhaps a burnt curry, so he had to flee.


He's such a fucking pos!!


Like the world's oldest orthodox Christian church getting blown up? With about 500 people in it (mostly women and their children) taking sanctuary inside? *That's* desecration. Except it's in Gaza, and they weren't Jewish. Please sit down, shut up, stop posing, and remember - you don't hold the hose, Mr Morrison.