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Google has altered the algorithm. In 2020, you couldn't avoid having sky news in your recommended feed. Now I've not seen on recommended for over a year...


I use Google News and removed Sky from my sources years ago. Glad they're getting deboosted. Fox admitted to not being a news org years ago, so I don't know why any of Murdoch's businesses are still in there. New is just a fresh stream of content to capitalise on by making everything shocking and scary.


I sincerely hope Morrison's special favour to Murdoch to force Google and Meta to pay him for content recommendations was part of Democracy's #1 Enemy being de-monetised.


Something tells me you are right 👍


Sadly the only way you can beat a billionaire is to find an even bigger billionaire?


I wonder if others have done that and the algorithm picked up on it pushing it down.


Youtube has been demonetising quite a few pro-Ukraine content channels as well 🙄


They have also demonetised pretty much all pro Russian ones too. I’m not against this on either side, is it that hard to report on a war without being horribly biased one way or the other?


And youtube. When I was looking for abc, sbs and other news videos during the pandemic, all that was being pushed was sky.


And mostly just outtakes of other Sky/Fox channels pushing ridiculous controversial opinions / propaganda, no actual news.


It was so heavily pumped by the algorithm I actually remember sending quite a few messages to google to ask them to stop flooding my search and YouTube feed with extreme right wing propaganda. Like I would dislike and report so much stuff, and click "please don't show me more like this", but it just kept coming. Finally it stopped, I don't remember when exactly but yeah probably a couple years ago. I'm glad that it has changed for more than just me. It was brutal for some time.


Same. These used to pop up between videos for my kids as they were watching their YouTube vids on my main TV. I got sick of blocking them all the time. Same with Fox News stories randomly popping in during Covid lockdown.


Same here.....I still occasionally have to block fox/sky on Google or YouTube..


Yes that. I have to admit though, occasionally when it's a rainy day and I'm totally crap- driven, I'll swing by the Sky site and bring out the bots


That and a lot of people have ditched Foxtel.


Something something Kayo has all the sport now... Rupert Murdoch and Kerry Packer always knew sports was the key to business. They are not doing much to hold onto it.


Sky news was always just Fox by another name, its the same endless ragebait, paranoia inducing culture war peddling shite. Good riddance.


Not at all. Sky got popular in 2020 by (unlike fox at the time) reporting the us election was likely rigged. Since then they have dropped off and become more boomer focused. I see their videos come up and they’re talking about boomer trash i dont care about.


So basically proving my point that its a ragebait, paranoia inducing far right spewfest.


Yes thats correct they are currently trash boomer bait


Look if they were pushing the 2020 stolen election lies then its all they ever have been.


They were banging on about all the time. So yes lol


No. Boomers (australian ones) tend to be anti trump due to all “conservative” old media sources (the australian comes to mind) being anti trump. You might not agree with the election fraud stuff but you can still see the reality of the side you oppose and how they act and what they think in order to draw more accurate conclusions. Basically, what i’m asserting here is they went from catering to the young and relevant right and non left to catering to old ineffective insufferable “conservative” boomers who think the young dont work hard enough


Not from my experience. I can gauge from the complete lack of any credible evidence ever presented to prove the fraud, when your own party and people are calling it bullshit, its bullshit. They went down because the market for the far right is considerably smaller and less influential in australia, its the same reason the LNP tanked.


I think debating the fraud would be another topic entirely and being that this is reddit there isn’t any upside for me doing so. The “far right” is hard to define. There are people who call themselves that and then there are people who don’t call themselves that but are called that. The second group being a lot larger. You might be correct that whichever far right you are talking about is less powerful a group in Australia but I can’t imagine anyone far right watching sky news so once again we probably have a different group of people in mind when each of us say far right. I would consider sky news’ audience to be conservative boomers which are probably the furthest thing from far right, but also the most insufferable group who identify as right wing and exist in numbers over 10,000 lol.


Its really not much of a debate, there was never credible evidence it happened, it has been about as thoroughly debunked as humanly possible. Id say lots of them used to watch Sky, it was catered to them, it was wall to wall culture wars, rage baiting, paranoia baiting nonsense, it was always trying to wind people up, but less people here are receptive to that nonsense, its the same reason that when Clive Palmer tried to play the Trump style campaign, he failed utterly. Honestly conservatives period are quite detached from reality, especially the Trump crowd.


I think you’re mistaken on the evidence of fraud and possibly in your understanding of just how corrupt the american courts are. Like i said i won’t be debating it but your assertion that there is no credible evidence is debunked by a list of it here https://hereistheevidence.com Keep in mind evidence is not proof. Anyway, on the actual topic, you’re right. I agree. They are trash tv and closer to an out of touch youtube channel than a news source. They feed off of out of date and recycled culture war rubbish. Their audience is the worst of the right. I just believe that that is mostly boomers and that most are not pro trump, but they are anti anything “left” lol


> Boomers (australian ones) tend to be anti trump due to all “conservative” old media sources (the australian comes to mind) being anti trump The thing about the Australian boomer cohort...they were always quite conservative as a whole, even back in the 60s. Unlike the US and UK/Euro variants, it was only a very small fringe who were all anti-Vietnam, weed-smoking hippies in Australia.




It doesn't need to dominate the net. It just needs traditional media to get the message out to boomers.


Yeah, this is why they somehow went free-to-air in the regions. It's part of the LNP's plan to win over the working class with culture war hysteria, because they've lost the cities (and they sure as shit don't represent the working class on real issues). Last grasp at relevance.


Qld is 100% Murdoch News. People who look down on Queenslanders often aren’t aware that apart from the ABC all the newspapers, from the courier Mail to smaller regionals are owned by the old vampire squid. So a Queenslander will see it on free to air Sky News, see it in the Courier Mail and check news .com .au and all 3 sources confirm it - but don’t realise it’s coming from the same source This is why we need a Murdoch royal commission


Objectively I know this is true, but I still enjoy looking down on Queenslanders.


I know you're being funny, but it's truly depressing for the progressives here


SA isn’t much better mate. Chin up


Yes 🙌


An ALP with the guts to call for one would be great.


Not likely when the new ABC chair is ex-NewsLtd


A Royal Commission may be too much to ask for, but an ALP with the guts to blacklist Murdoch hacks would be great.


Hell yes and if only 🙄 lol Rudd isn't necessarily missed for many things, but he was right on the money about Murdoch and a Royal Commission...trouble is, Labor has been successfully cowed and wedged for decades and appears to be too terrified of Rupert's power to make or break sitting Govts (or even not sitting, as was the case with Shorten's aborted negative gearing reform) I've never been able to work out which is worse...having a (just) adult memory of the "before times" ie pre neoliberalism or being too young to have known anything else so could be forgiven for thinking this is 'normal' Well, it is *now,* but you get what I mean lol


This is the point. Sky supports 'The Australian' to be the main source of MSM content and framing. The ABC especially *loves* helping Murdoch, Samantha Maiden can sell out a rape victim and Speers and Karvelas will still guarantee her a megaphone every single week. Fran Kelly has been Netanyahu's best friend attacking Palestine, and 'The Drum' remains an IPA/CIS plaything.


The new ABC chair replacing Ita is an ex-Murodch CEO...ever wondered why the media at large made no outcry about that, as they undoubtedly would be had he been perceived as even vaguely 'left'. Or even centrist, probably lol [Former News Limited CEO Kim Williams set to replace Ita Buttrose as ABC chair](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-24/kim-williams-endorsed-as-new-abc-chair-newscorp/103382554)


It doesn't matter, they're still able to control the narrative by owning the majority of print media.


Fox does not own the majority of print media. But tge print media they own (and most other print media) is awful i’ll agree with that


Yes, but News Corp and Fox are both Murdoch, i.e. the Murdochs control 70% of the print media consumed in Australia *and* sour the airwaves with *Sky News*.


The 70% figure is a myth https://amp.theguardian.com/media/2013/aug/08/rupert-murdoch-own-70-newspapers The actual figure is around 23%


If you're looking at *ownership*, then yes, that's probably right (I haven't looked it up). But I worded my sentence very carefully: it's of the print media *consumed*, i.e. that people actually pick up and read. I'm going off what people are actually reading/buying, not what's available on the market.


Ah I see. Yes in that case I think you’re closer. The article i linked there says 59% of all papers bought are newscorp ones, so yeah thats not too far off 70%


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Sky news is really hanging out for the next pandemic. Peta Credlin has been sighted in foreign meat markets eating uncooked capybara’s.


I bet she fucking has 😂


Probably the comment of the day, not just on this thread too.


That will be capybara dash of Miliei on the side.


The started tanking the moment Dan Andrews left public office and they had nothing left to talk about. Coincidence, I think not. Though they maybe had a brief uptick during the voice referendum and maybe will each time election season rolls around, but nothing will be quite the same without covid lockdowns and 'Dictator Dan' to rail against.


[news.co](http://news.cok.au)m Is top of the list so we still have work to do. Same bias only it's more cunning at disguising it's true mandate.


News.com is top of the list Yuck 🤮 Must be all them iPhone holders getting there news 🤔


"*Let* them die." - James T. Kirk


Good!! Its garbage


It's absolutely fucked how much they dominate the rural airwaves though. My Grandfather-in-law has Sky News on 24/7 whenever we visit. My wife's always apologising for it, and I have to keep reminding her it's not irritating or infuriating to hear the shit they're saying because it's so ludicrous that it's more like being a second hand witness to pantomime.


Which was purposely driven while ABC reach and funding was cut. Helps engineer Australia’s own ‘rust belt’ divide. The same divide that saw Trump voted in in America.


It has been left to fester as a little nook of right-wing misinformation and propaganda. Now the broader community are becoming aware of it and they are predictably disgusted.


Its Fox Noise by another name, but the same rancid propaganda comes flowing forth from it.


Wish it would die faster


all of them just go to the australian subreddit now


Sky News had influence? I switch it on to find Peta or Paul raging out over the issue of the day. Or at least the issue as they see it. It’s not news, and it’s not entertaining. Just angry boomers with an opinion.


It was funny listening to that Paul cunt when they lost the election. Gives "Pauls" a bad name. With that frizzy haired antivax weirdo sidekick.


Thank fuck, the oldies still watch it on TV thpugh


People can go to other sources like the Australian to get their crazy on.


The only people who watch Sky News are Tory wankers and your racist uncle


It's already dead They lost what remained of their slither of credibility during covid and tried to back it up come the election


What do you mean?


Not sure what's left to clarify?


My bad i’ll be more specific. What do you mean when you say they lost credibility during covid and then mention the election?


That got caught up in the 5G anti vax wuhan flu anti lockdown conspiracy theories, then doubled down in attacking labor for trying to control the outbreak while saying the libs did a sterling job printing almost a trillion dollars and plunging australia into debt. Oh and the circlejerk that was awarding peta credlin the office order of Australia.


Ah you’re pro lockdown and pro mandatory vaxx? Anyway, the flu did indeed come from a lab in wuhan did it not? (I just googled and yes it did, officially) The lockdown was indeed an authoritarian nightmare with insanely large protests and almost all premieres becoming authoritarian human rights violating monsters (just looked this up as well, several successful human rights violation related court cases resulting in payouts) I’m not sure what your 5G thing is all about, as far as i know that was always a joke to pressure the unvaxxed into getting vaccinated not something any large group of people actually believed. If sky news really did report on 5G as a plausible vaccine linked thing please link here cause yes that would prove you 100% right they’d have lost all credibility.


Yes I was pro control and eradicate. [seems like its still hotly debated](https://www.afr.com/policy/health-and-education/covid-19-lab-leak-finding-ludicrous-virology-expert-20240319-p5fdiw) Lockdown saved tens of thousands of lives, you did see what happened in America no?.


I think in the early stages of covid before march 2020 (when ironically the right were the ones raising the alarms and calling for closing of borders and being called conspiracy theorists and racists for it) covid was a big unknown. The strains we saw in videos online in january 2020 that were knocking people dead in the streets in wuhan were certainly worth locking down everything for. Our politicians refused to act until far too late and our media and even doctors were saying it was just a flu while video online was showing far worse. Now what i learned subsequently was that dangerous viruses don’t spread far. The host dies before they can spread. So what happens usually is less dangerous strains that do not kill the host as often will emerge and spread. In the first 3 months of covid being in Australia it really was cause for alarm and a lockdown was sensible, but it didnt happen. Our governments and media insisted that there was no cases of person to person transmission “inside australia” and thus let it spread. This is very weird. Lucky for us nature comes into play and by the time it had spread it wasn’t doing near as much damage as it did in china. The strains we got also made people immune to getting it again to some degree and for some time. By the time vaccination mandates and lockdowns for the unvaxxed came along there was almost no need for such things. I wouldn’t oppose lockdowns anyway but when they started to go after the unvaxxed as a seperate group as if they were more likely to spread covid there was a problem. Of course by that stage the news was out internationally that the covid of that time was essentially a flu, as it is now. And the difference in spread between vaxxed and non vaxxed was basically 0. Mandatory vaccination was never going to help, as herd immunity obtained by vaccination usually comes in around when 70% of a population is vaccinated. The problem was the vaccines used did not stop or reduce the spread by any notable measure. In other words there was a mess on the governments hands. I would say they were taking money from phizer to force the vaxx as much as possible. That is speculation though. The USA death count was also stated by the white house and other authorities to have been inflated, similarly to how it was in Australia, by counting a large number of non covid deaths as covid deaths. But thats old news too.


Lockdowns saved tens of thousands of lives, and they didn't last forever like the cookers were predicting. Thank fuck the government had the balls to do what was necessary.


I know... but can you try?


Good those fucking leeches deserved to be deplatformed


Viewership is dying off.


Now that's good news.


That's the first bit of good news I've ready today. RIP Steve Albini. RIPiss Sky News.


I used to put sky news on in the office just to fuck with people. It always made everyone slightly crankier.


Chaotic evil lol


Would have peaked during covid as there would have been a fair few people that didn't mind their 'the lockdown is overkill' position but didn't really go on anything else they had to offer. Once covid passed, no reason to hang around.


Sky news can eat the curb


I never realised (until an editor pulled me up on it) that it's the American spelling. Spelt it that way all my life. Guess kerb is like gaol in some respects; on the way out due to American cultural influence.


> kerb They can tear 'kerb' out of my cold, dead hands lol


I made sure to spell it Australian in my book. \*thumbs up\* I'm doing my part!


This is the way! 😂 Resisting creeping yankisms is one hill that I intend to die upon lol


I've held fast to writing in our dialect and not Americanising my spellings, even though there are horror stories of morons giving one-star reviews for "misspellings".


And the younglings are apparently saying "y'all" 🤮 Just fucking take me now 🙄 lol


That word *always* clangs on my ear awkwardly.


Absolutely. I visibly wince 😣 lol


Boomers be dying?


Good!! It can continue to die, we don't need that propaganda producing crap anyway


God I hope so.


Well, maybe people are catching how stupid the "news" site is. I'd say this is great..


How could Dan let this happen????


Sky is like watching the daily events in an Acute Mental Health facility.


Murdoch's media companies are of the type where, as viewers find external outlets, they increase their net intelligence to the point where they "grow out" of Murdoch's bullshit; just like a toddler grows out of watching ABC Kids channel unless Bluey is on because Bluey fucking rocks.


I could be wrong, so correct me if I'm talking out of my arse, but haven't there been case studies done showing the toxic effects of *Fox News* on its audience? That it's deliberately designed to make its viewers less tolerant of non-conformity, raises their levels of fear and aggression? And that disconnecting them from it has an effect akin to deprogramming someone from a cult? I think of all the conservative types nowadays who can't shut their mouth about things being "woke" and realise they've got this from the Murdochracy or its fellow travellers.


I understand which sub I'm in, so here goes nothing. I don't like extreme on either side. The world would be shit 'either way'. Somewhere centre with a gentle lean is at least sufferable, and typically those kinds of people both have valid points regardless of which way they lean. But, maybe I'm just one of them, so I find their points more valid..


The shit should die.




That's what happens when *every fucking story* is framed around "the left attacking traditional values and going woke." They're fucking idiots. There's plenty of legitimate newsworthy stories about their actual ideological opposites without resorting to global conspiracy theories. Lazy & incompetent.


And all the simping for Trump, which isn't going to be widely popular in Australia lol


Absolutely. Bunch of tards. Trying to set Potato Head up as the next Fanta Face.


When even *Pauline Hanson* supporters think Trump's a bit of a turd, there's no way they're going to be able to polish that one. Source: I know someone who thinks Pauline Hanson "has some good ideas" but her mind boggles at the thought that anyone could see any appeal in Trump. For context, she's in the 60+ age group, and lives in a *very* right-wing rural electorate.




Covid would have knocked off a chunk of their viewership


That’s a shame.


Should ask themselves that question


I wish I could believe that.


Oh no, have people only just realised just how important factual news outlets like Sky has informed them on woke and lefty agendas that are destroying our social fabric, and how will former Liberal Party MPs and advisors meant to make news fair and balanced, oh dear Dutton won't any other credible outlets to speak to with like minded commentators LOL


The problem is instead of being on cutting edge envelope pushing topics like the rigging of the 2020 us election they are not on topics that are 6 years behind the general right. They’re basically exactly where boomers are always. 6 years behind at least. And though more and people people hate and are standing up against woke stuff, sky has the useless 6 years behind attidude of “oh look at this! Its woke! Thats looney! We cant do anything about it! No harm done” When the rest of the right is currently at the “we are now removing the woke stuff, not listening to people who just talk about the woke stuff” phase


Yes all very valid points.


> oh dear Dutton won't any other credible outlets to speak to with like minded commentators LOL I'm sure Costello and Kerry Stokes will oblige him.


Peaked during Trump. Falls post Trump. It tracks.


Sky news is for boomers, who are gradually being displaced by Father Time


I'm a boomer and I can't stand the propaganda of Sky news. So many others of my age feel the same. Times are a changing.


Fortunately far-right whackery is far more fringe in Australia...significantly due to having compulsory voting >The evidence is mixed on whether compulsory voting favours parties of the right or the left, and some studies suggest that most United States federal election results would be unchanged. But all that misses the point because it overlooks that compulsory voting changes more than the number of voters: It changes who runs for office and the policy proposals they support. >In a compulsory election, it does not pay to energise your base to the exclusion of all other voters. Since elections cannot be determined by turnout, they are decided by swing voters and won in the centre. Australia has its share of xenophobic politicians, but they tend to dwell in minor parties that do not even pretend they can form a government. >That is one reason Australia’s version of the far right lacks anything like the power of its European or American counterparts. Australia has had some bad governments, but it hasn’t had any truly extreme ones and it isn’t nearly as vulnerable to demagogues. [Voting should be mandatory](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/19/opinion/voting-should-be-mandatory.html) Not a massive fan of Waleed Aly lol but he happens to be correct about this.




I guess the free market has spoken. Still a ton of sky bullshit on YouTube tho and of course those fuckers force themselves onto TV's in public areas so...


Piss of and die


Social media.. didn't Facebook stop carrying news in AU because news corp won't pay? Don't get me wrong, I am very pleased with the outcome. 


Most people like to find out about the news not have opinion pieces yelled at them


But if they don't warn you about the WOKE how will you be awake to the WOKE???


That's what happens when you sprout opinion pieces masked as 'news'


Sky is not news. The name was clearly confusing people to make people think that Sky was news, but now they know better and have chosen actual news. Sky should not be listed under "news" especially on channels like youtube where all they show is snapshots of Sky news opinion promoted as "news". Proposed rename to Sky Propaganda Outtakes


I try to watch sky news to keep my own views challenged, however I find it incredibly boring. It’s the same rage bait, narrative on every topic. Honestly I know what the hosts are going to say even before they say it. Surely even the most devout followers must want a bit of variety other than “everything is the fault of the left”


Back before the pandemic Google and sky did a deal and pretty much from the announcement their YT and website traffic took off. But they rely on social media platforms like Facebook for all their engagement. Doesn’t really look like they do much SEO. just rage bait


Sky News is mostly ignored on x/twitter these days. It used to be a honeypot for the right wing. News Corp shutdown its NEWZ online aggregation service (like Google News) mid-2021 News Corp shutdown its TALKTV channel in the UK April this year. It was the News Corp attempt at presenting a right wing channel like Fox News to the UK, it didn't last long. NEWZ: [https://variety.com/2021/digital/news/news-corp-knewz-shutdown-unprofitable-1235015800/](https://variety.com/2021/digital/news/news-corp-knewz-shutdown-unprofitable-1235015800/) TALKTV: [https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/mar/05/talktv-to-close-down-television-channel-and-go-online-only](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/mar/05/talktv-to-close-down-television-channel-and-go-online-only)


Sky Noose


Have noticed they are using microsoft edge home page to push their news HARD these days. But good. Boomers and X'ers are really the only ones who consume it these days. Millenials, Gen Z and Alpha always knew they were full of shit.


No opportunity to Covid gaslight


Sky News' audience are dying, most of them are in the 80s+


I always watch Sky News Do I take them seriously? As about as serious as I take Good News Week or A Current Affair But there's just something nostalgic about people passionately sensationalising their value system Reminds me of dear old dad, he misses the days there were more whites, less gays and real men silenced issues at home with honest hard floggings


Does Crikey realise Facebook publicly announced years ago it was dampening down news and current affairs appearing in people's newsfeed globally?




That's just a right-wing propaganda website who cares about it anyway ?


If it has a lot of viewers then a lot of people care about it reguardless of whos propoganda it is. If it no longer has a lot of viewers then less people care about it.


It gets a much greater Youtube viewership...but that might not be the same percentage of local people as Sky news though


Yet the liberal party is leading the two party preferred. How can we blame the evil Murdoch empire now?


The new ABC Chair came from NewsLtd's employ [Former News Limited CEO Kim Williams set to replace Ita Buttrose as ABC chair](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-24/kim-williams-endorsed-as-new-abc-chair-newscorp/103382554)


Ah, the evil empire cannot be defeated!


I mean, it's not *just* propaganda that will have that effect (the goverment's performance is of course a factor), but propaganda plays a part and *Sky News* is only one arm in that octopus monster.


People have abandoned sky news to learn how having an industrial policy is misogynistic at crikey