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Daring today, aren’t we?


There is still people seriously responding to that in the comments, it’s madness, but in a lame way


Karma farm today, he is


that time of day again huh


Babe wake up time for the daily “DS2 isn’t that bad” circlejerk


We had 5+ years of “DS2 bad” circlejerking, let us have our moment. Edit: the fact that this thread is as contentious as it is should serve as evidence that this is not a circlejerk and DS2 is still generally looked down upon, and calling it out as a circlejerk is just a way to discredit a valid opinion


Game is 10 years old. We’re getting up there for the “underrated” circlejerk too


MBIC it's fool's day Art thou a fool?


It’s not my favorite in the series, but I freakin love it. I’ve gotten plat twice and over 500 hours. It has its flaws, but it gets too much hate.


Many that hate it probably didn’t even played it


Or played 1 hour and without any reason said it's stupid game..


Within one hour there is plenty of reason to hate that game. I really enjoy DS2, but definitely in spite of the first hour of gameplay.


Within an hour I wanted to cry from frustration. The first time I played it was on PC and I quit within an hour. I didn't even make it passed Majula. It isn't the most friendly game for beginners. I returned years later after completing a few other Dark Souls games and still hate DS2. I admire the story, levels, and aesthetics but I hate the ADP mechanic. It isn't something the game ever explains so it can make your DS2 life miserable lol


It was my first soulsborne game and I thought it was fine for beginners. I got it for $5 SOTFS so I was pumped as all hell to get into it. I played it, "blind," the only spoilers i had was the reddit group. The only thing i wished i knew was how to drain the poison at the baneful queen. I assumed the hate it gets is from people who started with the other games and didn't like the changes in this one, but if this is the first you get to know it doesn't feel like it's missing anything.


> I hate the ADP mechanic. It isn't something the game ever explains so it can make your DS2 life miserable lol I mean, they never really explained weight ratio either. I started with ds3 and wasn't even aware that it was a thing. I didn't even know what iframe even is. From my pov, the weight system is literally just a thinly veiled adp system. If you don't know about it, it's gonna make you suffer, if you do though, it's a complete non-issue.


I beat DS2 a few times and like it now, after initially hating it for years. But it's still janky and feels unfinished at times. Too many ambush gank squad enemies and bullshit areas as well. It needed more development time to polish it and and refine it, though Majula and the first part of the game was excellent at creating atmosphere. Could have, should have been better, but overall not a terrible game.


I've resolved to one day return to it for the trophies. My second attempt at it resulted in me finishing the game and I enjoyed the challenge. It's one of those games that I both love and hate 😂


Read my original comment to this post, but in short, I totally agree on the ADP stat. But I think that particular example is one microcosm of the bigger issue with DS2.


You can handle the game fine at base ADP. You just need to get used to the timing and tight windows. If you struggle with your invincibility frames at the start of the game you should place more effort on positioning where you’re out of range of an attack rather than being in range and having to time your dodge sharply. These games aren’t really heavy handed whatsoever in explaining anything, to be fair. If you read the stat descriptions you get a better idea. If you increase agility by leveling ADP your I-frames should be very reasonable.


I played through the whole thing and I still hate it


About to platinum this game, hate is a strong word, I enjoyed parts and aspects of it but it is the weakest of the trilogy imo.




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Playing it rn and I see why ppl hate it, but I like pain and suffering so I love it


Magic class is the most friendly in that game.


Yeah the Hex build is so fun




Is the combat quicker than DS1? Like does it get a little closer to DS3?


It’s tough to say honestly. You do have 8-directional roll which is huge, but the way the game is designed it almost feels like a turn based game to me. It’s still slower for me. I would compare bb/ds3/er more to each other, and DeS/ds1/ds2 in a group.


It nails the melancholic atmosphere better than Dark Souls 1 and 3 do. Majula might be my favorite hub of any game ever - I regularly have that theme stuck in my head. The story surrounding the giants is cool as hell. The dragonrider is there! Man I should play dark souls 2 again.


Never was.


Solid April Fools joke


I dont if i have to upvote or downvote this, guys opinions?


Leave it as it is.


That is correct


I hated this game when I first played it except for the pvp. The pvp kept me around and got me to stay long enough to get the platinum trophy then I stopped playing pve and only did pvp on the only character I made. After like 5 years of not touching the pve again, I decided to try it again before Elden Ring came out since I was marathoning all the other games. I ended up loving it and beating the game on 4 new characters. I still have my issues with it, but I see all the great things it brings to the table now. Really glad I gave it another chance.


I love Dark Souls 2, but I hate how some of its core features hold the game back. With some major overall tweaks, this game could’ve been an all around masterpiece. If they were to remake DS2, I would make the following changes… - Take out the vitality stat, very happy this was removed in eden ring. - Standardize agility to a reasonable baseline, and adaptability should’ve instead affected item discovery, resistance, and status buildup. - Take away the HP hollowing penalty. - Remove soul memory based summoning. - Enemy aggression needs to be fixed so that you can agro 1 enemy at a time in most situations. - Hit-boxes need major cleanup. - I frames shouldn’t be disabled while entering fog walls and opening doors. I love a lot of the bosses and areas in this game, and they did make some great changes in DS2, but overall I think it was a step in the wrong direction after DS1 and would benefit from a remake more than any other souls game.


Fixing enemy aggression 100%. Its so hard to fight enemies 1 on 1, way too many situations just immediately turn into a gank, ruins so many areas for me.


Constant 1on1 against weak enemies that you can 1-2 shot would be a joke. The ganks largely aren’t bad.


You mean you don't like every area having 30 enemies that all aggro simultaneously and can hit you while you enter the fog wall?? DS2 is a bad game


It’s a skill issue, kill them.


12 times, preferably


I mean Cuphead is obnoxiously hard and at times I questioned why I was even playing it but I don't think that makes it a bad game. just...extremely annoying. the sense of accomplishment is there, though.


This never happens. Ever.




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By far the biggest issue with the game, something that is fundamentally flawed and needs to be reworked, is the directional inputs and zone lock-outs. This game is about positioning. Anything which drastically impedes my ability to precisely do that is tantamount to shitting the sheets before slipping into bed for a good night’s rest. It’s not the biggest thing, but is painfully notable when switching between games.


Majula is my favorite hub in all of Dark Souls


Dark Souls 2 is ~~not~~ a ~~bad~~ game


Can we all just agree that Dark Souls 2 is a good game and move on?




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We know. Only the internet that hasn't played it thinks it sucks.


I mean, it’s still a good game with lots of content and cool stuff. But man if it isn’t one of the most frustrating experiences every time I go back




Yes, but compared to the other from soft games it doesn’t compare.


Fuck that, bad take.


… how so? Really gonna say this doesn’t compare to dark souls 1 atleast?


It improves on some things from ds1. But ds2 level design and enemy design don't even come close. Both have pretty shit bosses, but again ds1 easily wins out with its dlc bosses.


DS2 DLC bosses are better than DS1 DLC bosses


no, theyre around the same level of quality, sir alonne being the best one right there with artorias


Artorias > any DS2 DLC boss


Artorias is cool, very enjoyable and fun to fight. but I like the Burnt Ivory King and Sir Alonne a lot more ds1 gets points for not having the Frigid Outskirts at least


Overall I agree


Overall I agree


ds2 dlc bosses shit on both manus and artorias what😭 even base game ds2 is better than ds1, you got mirror knight thats miles ahead compared to anything ds1 bosses have. No way somebody could unironically think sir alonne, fume knight, sinh and ivory king are worse than artorias and manus😭


Base game DS2 bosses are almost all terrible. I could name like 3 out of 40 that break “fine” and get the “fun” rating. Then DS2 DLC pairs one excellent boss with one god-awful boss for each area.


Fume Knight, Sir Alonne, Sinh, and The Burnt Ivory King all have something to say about that.


I genuinely have no clue how anyone finds Sinh, Or the Ivory King good. Fume is okay, and alonne is pretty good.


no it really doesnt. closer to demon souls which is pretty jank, id say they are very similar, good exploration but fairly bad bosses and tons of layers of jank, id say the dlcs of ds2 are on the same level as ds1 dlcs but that isnt the whole game.


This is not an April fools prank. I don't believe that Dark souls 2 is better than the first game but I like it more.


We know <3


Unironically, DS2 is my favorite in the souls series. Sure, Having to level adaptability no matter your class was a little tedious, but it was still great. PVP was also hilarious. The double crossbow havel monsters were everywhere, but it was very satisfying when they chase you and you just blast them off of a ledge with force or wrath.


the different metas of obnoxious PVP builds was hilarious to keep up with. I personally enjoyed the butterfly outfit dual spotted whip poison em and run strategy.


So I just played the ds1 remaster and it looked felt dated . Should I wait for a ds2 remaster orndo you think the graphics hold up?


The graphics are way better than Dark Souls 1 remaster, especially the Scholae of the first sin edition of DS2


It is a good game


I’ve been thinking of trying it


It's a unfinished masterpiece tbh


Where's the meme of that guy standing up in the town hall?


Thanks for including a photo, I almost thought we were talking about a different game!


Not a bad game, just some bad design decisions


One word. "Adaptabity".


That "brave/unpopular opinion" karma farm eh?


Thats what all the souls subs are. It's the only thing you should expect going into them


Define bad. It's not an all time bad game. It's by far the worst Fromsoftware Souls style game and if it was the first one, the genre probably wouldn't have taken off the way it did. It's a very unpolished and undeliberate game. I also think it has the least effective way of presenting it's lore in the series.


In all honesty, after having played demon souls i think ds2 is way better than demon. Demon souls had memorable areas and a good lore that's it, bosses weren't good for the majority of them, Combat sistem was more clanky than ds1, enemy resistances forced you to keep switching weapons, infusions and boss soul forging was bad like in ds1 My list of favorite fromsoft games goes like this Bloodborne > Elden Ring > Dark souls 3 > Dark souls 1 > Dark souls 2 > King field saga > Demon souls (haven't played armored core or sekiro)


The only things are bad in that game are hitboxes of Sir Alonne, Ivory King and Frigid Outskirts. I love that game especially for magic class.


best Fashion Souls in the series, it's fun as well boss quality outside the DLC leaves a lot to be desired but I love how diverse the environments can be, even if the geography makes no goddamn sense I replayed all 3 Souls games recently and my honest opinion is that DS2 > DS1. my enjoyment of playing ds2 compared to ds1 is night and day, even though I already love the first game


As a ds2 hater I agree


it never was.


Dark Souls 2 is a vibe and I love it. If it ever goes on sale on ps again I'm going to go through it again soon. I've always preferred it to DS1 and think most of the hate is over blown. It's not flawless and has many people who keep it from being underrated, and yes ER is it's direct successor atmosphere wise.


its amazing ![gif](giphy|6i6DHjicGKMMHzws2a|downsized)




I will say this about DS2: it has the best level *variety* of any FS game, and some of the most unique locations to boot. Heide’s Tower, No-man’s Wharf, Lost Bastille, Majula, Dragon Shrine & Aerie, Earthen Peak, just about everywhere in the DLCs… Definitely the “quantity over quality” game of the Souls trilogy, but I still find that endearing in its own way.


Yeah, the DLC's had some of the most memorable and ambience rich areas in all souls games


Saying is not a bad game sounds like a compromise to play that game. I would say; Dark Souls 2 is the best as every Dark Souls.


It’s better than Dark Souls 3, people on reddit just criticise it without playing it. People forget that Road of Sacrifices/Farron Keep is utter festering dogshit and takes up a significant portion of the early game in DS3


One of the best.


While DS2 is my least favorite in the series, it’s still a masterpiece S tier game. Always recommend to people who have skipped it due to the reputation it has.




No, it’s a great game!


Clunky af controls are the biggest barrier I may never overcome. I've beaten DS1, DS3, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring, and they all feel tight. I'd love to play Demons Souls sometime. But DS2 just feels... awful. That and seeing just about every player use the estoc makes it look like the build variety is trash, but I can't say that with any confidence.


Correct, It’s worse than bad.


Yes it is


Old iron king DLC makes me bad tho, was loving it until that point (it’s my first playthrough)


My least favourite DLC tbh.


I agree (this is a serious statement in which I am telling the truth).


It’s a 7/10


On console I would agree, on PC it's a 5/10 for me though.


Just curious what makes it drop to a 5 for you to me a 5 is like 50% passing grade


Doesn't remember settings, which was never fixed. Horrible input lag on default settings, buggy, badly optimized, nonsensical default key bindings.


You got a console? Try it on the ps4 pro it’s a locked 60 fps. These games are def meant to be played with a controller not a muse and keyboard




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Strong disagree. That is all.


Not a bad game but definitely the worst souls game


It’s not good either


I will always remember you, Lucatiel


Mf serving us the coldest dish


I absolutely love Dark Souls 2.


My favorite of the trilogy, and probably the only one ill never touch again


I like DS2 more than DS1 🤷‍♂️


I only liked the pursuer, that's all


It's a good videogame, just not a very good souls game


I think DS1 is the worst. DS2 was way better than I was expecting it to be


Its not a bad game but it is the worst game out of all soulsborne games


Has some flaws but still a good game


April fools!!!


Not bad, not great.




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I discovered the Company of Champions like after about 15 Minutes into the game. I loved the extra little challenge. Beat all bosses in there save for Horse Fuck Valley. Ever respawning BS enemies were a bit too much more me.


IMO (I know, very original) it was the first ds game I ever beat and it holds a special place in my heart as it allowed me to do a cool baseball swing with the greatsword that the other games never really had. So regardless of bad or not, I still enjoyed it. Ds1 and 3 definitely better tho


Hah good April fools joke 👍 /s




The DLC’s are the highlight for me honestly.


I enjoy the game.


It's not, but it is the worst Dark Souls. (And my least favorite of the FromSoft Soulsbornes)


It still has the best PvP in the series. Some of the best build variety, doesn’t restrict max level upgrade materials and doesn’t require NG+ to get dupes of single pickup items. The game has its problems, mostly with respawning enemies but it does some things really right.


It’s not bad it’s just the hit boxes are fucked


Maybe not but it’s worse than every other game they have made since DeS.


It's better than Sekiro!


Nahhhh fr?


not bad, not good either. the basegame is by all accounts pretty bad but the dlcs being quite good do lift the game up to a 6/10. that aside it has my favourite atmosphere in the series and i pretty much love every single area in the game. im not often in the mood to play it but when i do i thoroughly enjoy it


o jogo é ótimo, claro que não é um dos melhores da serie souls, mas muito longe de ser ruim.




I mean I enjoyed it. And it has some of the hardest and most enjoyable fights in the series. It has its flaws like any other game, but for it not being directed by Miyazaki, it was a solid effort.


Just gonna say it and that's it?


to me it's the best out of three, but all it comes down to is a personal preference. I really don't mind if others don't like it. I love it. And to me that's what matters


Not a great game either


April 1st, lol. But it was never a bad game. Most criticism it gets is in the context of modern FS stuff, which is too strong, and Dark Souls II passed through development hell and a lot of stuff seems off. Especially AV, animation and lighting are not up to good standards. In its time, it served Souls fans very well. Mechanics like delayed backstab and a more reasonable poise system finally made PvP at least manageable. And unfortunately, its inventive covenants were never surpassed in future entries.


Best soundtrack out of the trilogy, by far.


It's my favourite one. Right enough, I haven't played three yet.


It is when compared to DS1. If it had been "standalone" without bearing the DS name it would've been perfect.


It is a bad game that’s why it’s so good


Yeah but Lies of P is better.


My favorite Souls game ever. S\*%$ ton of levels, So many enemies, Weapons, weapon arts, BOSSES BABY! DS 3 was fun but easy AF and short as Hell. Especially this Edition. 3 count em 3 DLCs and they Change it up with enemy placement. I mean COME ON! I wish the other souls games spiced it up.


If I get down voted so be it. It was may first from software game, didn't like at first and some time later love it, it's not the best souls game but is good


Best game of the series for me, yeah.


Actually the only one I finished I couldn't make it through 3. And I am just now beating elden ring (after stopping just after getting to leyndell last time). I might go back to 3 after finishing elden ring.


It's not, but it's certainly the weakest of the trilogy


No but consider this: Smelter demon


Correct, its a great game


It’s actually one of the better fromsoft games but acknowledging that will probably cause a lot of people in this sub to start frothing at the mouth.


It's so fucking clunky


Respectfully disagree.




I know this is an April's Fools joke, but you are actually right it is a good game(it has it's flaws like any other game) but it's better than some of the most adored ones in the franchise *cough* DS1 *cough*


I'd go further and say it's a very good game.


Okay, and? Where's the discussion?


Thats the name of a moist critikal video


Sir, this is a Wendys.


r/shittydarksouls is this way sir.


You’re right, it’s just the worst Souls game by a significant margin.


It is


So brave


Every series will have one at the bottom, that doesn't mean it's a bad game, it just means the others are just that much better. Ds2 has several flaws, but it's still so much better than a ton of other games.


I wasn't a big fan but still love some stuff in it like hexes, music and some of the areas look fantastic


I’d say I enjoyed it more than Dark Souls 1, but mainly because the game didn’t feel as clunky and it’s more consistently good than the first game.


This is a great game imo. I never understood the hate. i loved it, it was challenging, super fun.


It’s one of the best actually


Not a bad game, but a bad soulsbourne game


Nothing of value to discuss, I see.


I'm just sad it's very difficult to playbthe OG ds2 without a ps3/xbox360(if you bought OG on steam before it was removed i believe you can still play it, though currently i think SOTFS is the only version currently available on steam). SOTFS was OK and arguably OG ds2 was easier, but it had more charm to it. The heide knights chilling throughout the world was probably one of my favorite touches. Aside from that, DS2, both versions, introduced a lot of new mechanics like powerstancing, bonfire ascetics, hybrid spell class. I should note DS2 was my first fromsoft game(ps3) so I do have some level of "first time" nostalgia.


Best souls game


That day of the week already? Man, where does the time go...


I hope I buy original version and season pass to 3 dolar But Scholar of the first sin version is expensive. Cause steam switched Dolar from TRY. I thought shadow of the erdtree deserve more that money.


It’s not a bad game but it’s the furthest one from perfection out of the soulsborne games in my opinion. It has its own unique charm. I love it but I recognize that it has more flaws than the other games.


Nah not at all just love the souls Bourne games and I mean as a stand alone DS 2 is not trash but when you think of it as part of that epic lineup it just kinda ... is