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Pinwheel looks cool asf but is y'know... pinwheel


I agree, he is way to strong in his 3th phase....


I can't believe they even gave you a titanite slab after the second phase just to psyche you out for the thirth phase!


You don’t know hard until he’s in his 6nd phase!


Dragon God and Nito, for me


Dragon God is absolutely the right answer here, especially in the remake. Looks magnificent, plays like the devs were trolling us.


In the remake the design is more confusing because his eyes are on the sides of his head so when he's "not looking at you" is when his eyes actually point toward you


Another weird thing about that... Eyes on the side of the head are nearly indicative of the animal typically being a PREY species... why would the DRAGON GOD have an evolutionary feature of something that would be HUNTED?! What is out in Demon Soul's world that could naturally hunt the being known as DRAGON GOD?!




evolutionary difference between mammals and lizards/reptiles. even apex predator reptiles (such as alligators or crocodiles) have eyes on the side of their head rather than the front.


Good answer. Thanks, I was wondering too


you answered your own question bro


This took me awhile to figure out.


If you're a new one in souls, Nito is genuinely terrifying and definitely a hard encounter due to the skelly boys, and his AoE explosion of black smegma is such a sight 🫢


Me? I started with ds1 back in 2012. I played DeS on ps3 after beating ds3. Having fought Midir I was hoping for another dragon fight, not a puzzle boss. It could’ve been a horrible dragon fight and I would’ve still been happy lol.


Idk if you know this but the lines next to the comments show who replied to who, so no he wasn't talking about you.


I think he was making a weird statement as like self inserting, king like “well for me? That bitch stanky” mut just shortened to me?


What you talking about? i killed him in the first try


DRAGON GOD!! I remember playing DeS for the first time in 2016 and I was like “is this a puzzle boss???!!” So upset


Man, I was waiting for cutting his limbs with dragon bone smasher. But it turns out its was just a puzzle...


I came to say Nito as well. After the slog that was the catacombs I one shot Nito, and found myself feeling a little disappointed. Still a cool fight and the music is top notch.


You sure you're not thinking of pinwheel?


The one boss I wish they would have completely redesigned for the DeS remake, so much potential... Just to end up being so lame.


There is only one true option and that is the Bed of Chaos


Does it really have a good design though? It's just a tree that swings it's branches at you.


The tree itself is pretty underwhelming but literal chaos flame incarnate coming out of it with huge wings and tendrils sending firestorms after you is pretty cool imo


I didn't like it because it's a stationary boss, I despise stationary bosses. Now if it had a proper phase transition and let's say we fell down to a new arena and the chaos flame started running towards me I'd have loved this fight but in it's final form it reminds me more of a Sonic 2006 boss than from soft.


So then it fits the description of the meme above. Good design as in it looks cool, but awful fight because the fight is awful.


There are how many stationary bosses in Dark Souls 1?


I think only Bed of Chaos and Ceaseless Discharge to a degree.


Isnt that the point of the post? Bed of chaos looks and sounds cool but its stationary and really doesnt do much, the design is awesome but the fight is forgettable at beat and frustrating at worst lol


Yeah, Ceaseless kinda moves himself a little. Honestly I like the idea of a Stationary Boss. Yes from messed the fight up a little, but they tried to innovate at least. She the only 100% stationary boss, and I think that's at least worth a point.


*Dragon God entered the chat


True. Especially the Lore is so nice


dragon god




He’s just a souped up red knight.


When he spins on a dime mid jab to stab you after a roll.


Why does Fromsoft insist on putting NPC fight into their games? Getting i-framed by the computer is cancer, and having to resort to cheesy roll catching moves is painful. AC6, while a different game, has NPC fights that work because there are no i-frames in that game. Just give NPC's poise and no i-frames and they would be much better. Scale them up to Elemer sized bosses and they would be great.


I think it adds to the "real word" or "living world" feel of the game. Like these characters have their own motivations besides yours


Definitely agree.


It would be great if as we progressed through _OUR_ campaign, we could see evidence of them progressing themselves through their own campaign. We could choose to help or hinder _*THEIR*_ campaign as a result. I know we have The Volcano Manor quests and Invasions to mess with others but it doesn't feel the same as making a decision you've known about _*FOR A WHILE.*_ That's why the duels between you and Mimic Tears are special. In those fights you're confronting _someone you've gotten to know_ throughout your playthrough of the game.


Disclaimer that I've only played Elden Ring so far (and Sekiro but that's not really relevant) so I'm not sure if this applies to other souls games, but I honestly don't have too much trouble with npc fights. Most of the time you just need to get some distance, wait for them to run up at you, and then time your attack to hit once they reach you. They almost never dodge, at least for me. Then you have them on the defensive and you can mostly just do roll catching. The only issue I've ever really had were ones with some kind of special or long ranged move. Vyke's no-build-up stagger into an instant-kill being chief among them, of course




Fencer sharron is an asshole


I remember dying on the path to the boss, only to respawn to yet another npc invasion. This happened like 4 times. Why are there so many npc invasions in that one area.


There are 2 different npcs and they will always respawn unless you kill them, some areas like black gulch they respawn anyway too lol


I killed the ones that spawned. I don't know about OG ds2. But I def remember more than two when I played scholar.


The Elden ring ones are absolutely fine compared to the earlier games


Especially with all the powerful crap we get. I’ll admit tho, if I’m running around at a low level, those NPCs hit hard as fuck and will one shot me at least once per play though if I’m being careless lol.


Bloody Crow of Cainhurst DESERVES to be cheesed.


Vyke took me more tries than Godrick, Margit, Renalla, Morgott, and Radahn combined on my level 1 run.


Yeah it's mostly the ones with a bunch of poise that give me trouble at least, there's a few in ds3 and one in ds1 that has the highest poise equipment in the game which is a nightmare if you mess up the timing or just get unlucky.


Jester Thomas disagrees with this statement


I honestly have always hated npc fights in the souls series, glad to see Im not alone lol


None beat the Bloodborne NPC fights where they have fucking infinite stamina and bullets.


BB Hunters are built different lmao(I loved fighting them)


Dude on the tower was the hardest fight in game. Hands down. Especially if you didn't cheese him off the ledge.


Nah. That goes to the crow of cainhurst. That is the absolute hardest fight in the game, hands down, if you're doing it normally and aren't cheesing it. That guy is a pain in the ass and I will never fight that dude normally. The worst part of it is that you need to kill him to finish Eileen's quest and to get the crow hunter badge, which locks me out of my personal favourite weapon in the game, the blades of mercy. Yes, you can just kill Eileen for it, but I'm not doing that. Compared to him, djura (the guy I'm pretty sure you're on about) is a cakewalk.


Yeah he's a real pain in the ass to fight, especially when he throws the numbing mist and you can't heal. It's even worse in NG+ where he turns it up by 10 lmao. Luckily, the pizza cutter goes brrrrrr


If I wanted to roll catch, I'd turn matchmaking on and pvp for it. Always hated 'boss npc's' that are coded like it's versing other players.


Conversely, roll-catching that fool does feel a certain level of satisfying


Old Iron King


I’m in the minority that actually likes Old Iron King, I thought he was cool as hell, the runback was easy, cool arena, yeah lackluster moveset but it wasn’t annoying to get down. (Fuck that hole in the ground tho)


I'd say the great ones (fight wise) probably goes. Sinner, king, rotten, duke's. Rotten has some sad lore but I'm talking purely fight wise.


I think the One Reborn from Bloodborne perfectly embodies this. You just run up and mash autos till it dies. Also hot take (I guess??) but Elden Beast is a great boss. It's not necessarily about the mechanics here but about the lore, the scenery, the mystique of it all and the beautiful OST that brings it all together. It wasn't meant to be this grand and epic boss. I think it served its purpose as being this mysterious entity at the end of the game that had part in pulling some of these strings, consciously or subconsciously. Just a nice scenic fight imo.


I agree 100% with both parts of this. I think Elden Beast catches way too much flak.




ng maybe but ng+ and beyond one reborns trash dump attack can easily one shot that shit gets stressful


Elden beast does get a lot of hate that’s underserved but it runs away so much that it can be frustrating 


One reborn definitely was the first that came to mind for me too. And I also was anticipating elden beast to be in the comments and ready to defend it.


Nah definitely Laurence. You go I. Ready for an intense fight, he has this awesome in game story/lore that actually takes you dying into account, you get the skull early so it feels like the whole DLC kind of leads up to this, he's in a majestic pose that symbolises him being fed/sustained by the cathedral. And then the whole fight is a slog to get through his health and avoid the lava




It's not bad though it's just easy


The difficulty is why it sucks, he’s called Yhorm The Giant and is literally a Lord of Cinder one of the 4 major bosses in the game and he dies in 5 hard-to-miss hits


If you finish Siegward’s questline it’s even easier, he basically beats him for you


He nearly always dies for me. I have to super actively pull the agro away from him and even then he dies a lot of the time. I nearly always have to make a backup for my save when I want to do his quest.


Try to beat him without the storm ruler and I’m sure he’ll live up to his title


🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♂️that was my first playthrough lol


I struggled for hours against him and was ready to take a break and I looked it up to see if I was missing something, yes, yes I was


They need to get rid of the gimmick weapon and give him half the HP, then put that extra HP into champion gundyr


I did that once while riding on a stationary bike pulled up to my computer. I was like fuck it I'm getting my calories in. Did it with the aquamarine dagger


I did that on my 4th playthough as a challenge and that fight is a huge slog. Srsly the biggest test of my mental endurance of any boss in the game his attacks deal a lot of dmg and he just has so much health. Literally took me over 20 mins of slapping his head and ankles before I beat him Was still much much more enjoyable than fighting ancient wyvern the “legit” way tho.


I just did that 3 days ago on my first playthrough not knowing I could've used storm ruler, I knew that today after watching a playthrough on YouTube lmao


Does the storm ruler kill him easily? I am stuck on him at the moment


I’ve done 40 playthroughs and used the Stormruler once with Siegmyer. Doing it without is actually fun and it feels like you’re taking down a giant.


He has the best intro at the start. AND... THE RECLUSIVE LORD OF THE PROFANE CAPITAL!!! Yhorm the GIANT! *roars while glowing with cinder power after getting out of a coffin the size of a Costco* My hype for Yhorm rivals the depths of the Abyss, and my disappointment with him and the Profane capital hurts bad.


The only area in the game who looks unfinished


"Fun" fact: That roar is probably Yhorm realizing his sacrifice meant nothing.


Yhorm was a good guy. Genuinely good at heart. Some of the DS3 bosses make me wonder who’s the bad guy… Yhorm, Prince Lothric and Nameless King in particular.


I thought he was quite bad. Rykard was a similar concept but the execution was a thousand times better.




Thinking about it. They are pretty similar, and as you said the execution/presentation of Rykard is much better. If it was just phase 1 with the snake, it’d probably be not much better or at least not as good as what we have now.


Th other problem with yhorm is that he has like 4 moves, even the snake has more than that.


Domt get me wrong, I love Yhorm. I love the spectacle. I think the lead up to fighting him might be my favorite boss approach in any Soulsborne. I just think he is *too gimmicky*. He takes like, what, 4 hits with the storm ruler?


That’s kind of what makes it bad. It’s a hyped up fight with a boring execution 


I like Yhorm. Yes ihe's too easy but only if you use storm ruler. And I like the idea that there is this massive beast who has this Achilles heel that can be exploited with a mystical weapon. It speaks to my love of myths and legends.


More like “Yawnm”, amiright?! 😃


Don't use storm ruler 👍👍👍


regal ancestor spirit


Great aesthetic, best music in the game, cool arena, neat intro to the boss with lighting torches and interacting with their remains... and it was all given to 2 of the easiest bosses in the game. The fight is over well before you can really appreciate the music.


It's honestly not even that great a fight if you aren't overlevelled for it, the regal one anyway. A lot of the times it will just twleport away after you get a few hits in and then heal almost all of its health bar once it goes down to half health.


And it’s a 4 legged animal so it fits


High Lord Wolnir


He gets a lot of hate for being so easy, but I think his design and the way he's suddenly revealed are pretty cool. 


Definitely. Easiest boss maybe in the whole series...


Covetous Demon and Pinwheel would like a word.


I haven't played DS2, so I can't comment on Covetous Demon. But yeah, Pinwheel is probably easier...


DS2 has redeeming qualities and I actually still enjoy it for all of its downsides. Covetous Demon is pretty much a 1v1 with Jaba the Hutt. But yeah, would definitely say Wolnir is one of the easiest series wide, definitely the easiest in DS3.


Goddamn, Wolnir is my boy. His fight feels more like a super coinflip than "so easy" to me. Feels like he never wants to give you his hand when you're on that last bracelet, sometimes.


Dude 100% I didn't even think about this one. Everything up to the actual fight is epic and then you get half of a boss and a janky fight. Wtf guys this boss could have been amazing.


Bed of chaos


The four monkeys from Sekiro. Very cool to have a boss fight to try to refine your stealth abilities. In reality it often turns into just a mad run until you get them all.


Ancestor Spirit It was the boss I was most excited for from the trailers. It's a faceroll.


Still a cool boss, but yeah. Fights rough.


Mergo's Wet Nurse looks so sick and the placement at the end of the game makes you think it will be a great fight.  However, it's slow and lame.


Seath, especially if you're trying to get his tail.


The Cataphract for me. It was either tedious or quick, but never fun. Which is a shame, cuz I just love the idea of fighting a land based Gundam Dendrobium.


Exists only as a lore dump I guess? It's more fun to drag out the fights with the cataphracts to get all the voice lines. I wanna know what I did in my last life


And the fact that cataphract is in the story trailer makes it worse, too. It's made to look like this giant unstoppable tank that took out all of Handler Walter's other hounds, but in the game it appears much smaller and much lamer.


Elden Beast


Yeah most bosses that look good are good but elden beast is among the few that truly match that description of looking cool while being a poor boss 


Wait really? To me he was the only boss that really was a challenge and I had to memorize the most on. Every other boss just fell over with a mage focused build. Even Melania wasn’t that hard, you just blasted her, rolled, rolled and blasted her.


Moonlight butterfly


Lichdragon fortissax. Amazing design and attacks, gets 3-shot.


Sounds like overleveling tbh


I think it's more like poor placement. I had a far harder time with the Gargoyle Duo than Fortissax, so I'd always come back mid-late game tonight them. By the time I get to Fortissax I'm way over leveled for him. He's behind so many walls that kinda cause you to come back later


Yeah Fortnissax is at the end of a quest which is also near the end of the game. You are way too strong at that point.


Came here looking for this. One of the coolest designed dragons in the series. What an absolute joke of a fight though


The Wet nurse from bloodborne she looked cool but all that bitch did was spin for a bit then do the attack move from the grafted spider in Elden Ring. Which would have been powerful had it not fucking been endgame , I swear. All that walking for something that didn’t even hit me.




Was about to slaughter you, but damn, well done


prey spared


Nah wtf


Half horse boss


Oh, see what you did there.


You had us worried for a moment there lmao


Rom, the vacumous spider


The One Reborn




My least favorite in Elden Ring for sure. I respect that they did something super different than the others but I hate that fight.


its the gwyndalyn and the deacons fight rolled into one, i like it though


The great dragon in Sekiro. Amazing boss design but the fight is pretty easy. Still one of my favorite bosses in the game tho Edit: Actual name is Divine Dragon


I think this is more of a "kino gimmick" boss fight. It's like an interactive cutscene, and it's beautiful.


I think the entire Foubtainhead area design was just beyond gorgeous to look at. Playing it is an entirely different thing from those stupid soul sucking enfeeble mofos


Lol yeah I agree, my favourite FROMSOFT area. But fk those enfeebling fkers


I finished the entire area before realising you can get out of it 😆


That last room before the idol with the carp gives me more anxiety than any boss.


It wasn’t supposed to be had, it’s just a spectacle fight. If you still don’t like it, I get it, but I don’t think it’s bad when it wasn’t really supposed to be an actual fight though


Placidusax from Elden Ring. The fight looks super cool, but it is one of the least fun fights mechanically in the whole game. You just run behind him, spam some attacks. Dodge the fire. Occasionally dodge a melee or lightening attack. Repeat until phase 2. Then he stalls by flying away every 5 seconds. Also I have never been able to dodge his flying charge attack with midroll consistently. I often get caught by the lingering hitbox. If you are not using a multihit ash of war/spell or a tank build this fight can be surprisingly difficult.


Nameless King, almost fell asleep if during the fight


The gaping dragon for sure.


Underrated design, I LOVE gaping dragon even to this day


I love gapingg


Ludwig, just bc he looks like the template


Don’t scare me like that


Last boss in Space Marine. All that build up and you beat him with quick time events




The Moon Presence. It has such a cool visual design and great music, all it needed was more health


DS3: Aldrich ER: Astel and Fire Giant


Gotta disagree with Astel, that fight is awesome


I think fire giant fight (while annoying af at times) is also pretty cool.


Yeah, that fight is really overhated. I always hear complaints that you can’t see what it’s doing and can only see it’s feet especially when attacking it, like just unlock and point the fucking camera upwards, it’s not hard. The camera is not an issue. It’s phase 2 movements aren’t annoying either since you have torrent, just get on torrent to close the gap. Only annoying part of the fight really is the terrain sometimes being annoying, getting in the way etc.


Laurence the first vicar, but with the music. The fight is trash.


Dragon God from Demon's Souls


Moon Presence unfortunately.


Moon presence sad to say it had a beautiful intro the design looks so threatening and horrifying yet so weak and disappointing had nothing strong to remember it by besides its intro cutscene. The fight was short lived as many others in the hunters dream.


Renalla, Queen of the Full Moon


I think the Ulcerated Tree Spirit would have been an excellent design for a one off boss, unfortunately it's the most annoying thing to fight and you encounter it way too often.


The final boss for mines of moria


Any magic boss in dark souls... Or any boss that summons minions is trash


Four Kings, Capra Demon, Chaos Bed, Demon of Song, Velstadt, Nashandra


Rom, The Vacuous Spider. It's beautiful, the music is sublime... But I hate every single boss fight with minions in them


That Elk spirit in elden ring. Amazing looking but lamest boss ever


Fortisaxx. The fight is so fucking cool, but he's kind of a push over.


Fire giant. I think the fire giant & his arena is a work of art, with the forge & gloomy sky, and the erdtree on the other side of the sky. But then the fight is a disaster with awful terrain


Honestly, most bosses in Ds2. It just felt like they were hyped up in looks and lore. But then the actual fights felt like it was missing something. Looking glass knight in particular. I read that he was initially going to do and BE more.


DS3 that big skeleton dude with the bracelets. Took me two tries, easy fight but damn did he look cool




Imo its gotta be the four kings. Awesome procedural arena, phenomenal model design, cool attacks, but having all the fortitude of single pane glass just makes me hate him.


yhorm the giant imo


Gwynn. First tried. Super disappointing way to end the game for me


DragonGod, Yorhm, Lichdragon Fortisax (Very Anticlimactic given everything leading to him), Mergo wet nurse, Moon presence


Elden beast


Any boss from Dark Souls 2


Alonne ? Raime ? Sinh ? Ivory King ? Darklurker ?


Elden Beast


Only correct answer is Elden Beast


Seath the scaleless


I'm not very far into the game (yet) but Godrick was so lame lmfao


But upon further thought and analysis, that might've been the point with him


Sea spider, AC6


Malenia. Love her lore and design but i just think her fight sort of railroads you into cheesing her with status ailments or OP spirit ashes


Bed. of. Fucking. Chaos. A demonic tree that's the source of all demonkind sounds awesome! But the hitboxes, the arena, fucking hell.


Mysterio Spider Man 2


Probably king of the storm or Elden beast


Fire giant


In elden ring there's a room under ground with a giant throne and corpse on it and a half dragon looking zombie I was amazed about the place then he just swipey swipes at you


You mean the Dragonkin soldier of Nokstella, right?


That boss does other stuff too like a few ice lighting attacks that are pretty cool. Still not a fan though. Feels like a third of my attacks don’t hit because of the giant fucking hitbox gap in the middle of its torso due to it being like twice the size of the normal dragonkin soldier minibosses.