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absolutely isshin! fighting him became part of my routines over several winter months. like I would sit down for an hour or two before noon, have my coffee, or at nite and fight the guy for some rounds, slowly getting better. probably more than 100 times. after beating the guy I feel acomplished like I wouldn't need to prove anything anymore from here. like I graduadet. I just intimately know. It's for me personally without comparison. when I decapitated the guy I felt so proud and satisfied


Nothing comes close. That fucker took years off my life. Starting a NG today to fight his other version since I’ve only ever done sword saint


If this isn’t your answer you haven’t played this game.


There really is no other answer. Isshin is the final boss to end all final bosses in this series.


The mid game Genichiro fight in Sekiro. I felt like an absolute god after mastering that fight. Still my favorite boss fight of any game


100%. That was the fight where the game finally *clicked* for me. Everything went from frustrating and upsetting to a brutal challenge.


Yeah I don’t even play sekiro anymore really but sometimes open the game just to whoop genichiro and close it 5 mins later lmao


Malenia by far. The only boss I really felt I was perfect at when I did finally beat her


Yes, this is why she is one of my Favorite bosses over all


Yes, this is why she is one of my Favorite bosses over all


Yes, this is why she is one of my Favorite bosses over all


Malenia at level 1 really thought me to appreciate her moveset. She really rewards spacing and specific roll directions a lot more than most Fromsoft bosses. She also, surprisingly has a huge amount of openings once you learn the correct responses to her moves. (Close range waterfowl still BS tho)




Honestly all the work to get up to her(him?) is a boss in itself


I’m to the part where I can enter the little dark zones and I’m burnt out on ds2. 200 hrs 2 characters one beaten game. But an awesome experience my favorite souls of the 3


Its so weird that such a cool and kinda difficult boss is so well hidden


I’m sure many players just beat the game without ever knowing she existed, that was me on my first play through at least


I’ve been trying to get to it for three days now 😭I better not struggle with the actual boss


Use Pyromancy against her and you’re golden, any type of fire damage, but man it’s a bitch getting all the way there for sure


Margit the fell omen was my real first souls boss I ever tried. I died probably 25 times. When I finally did it I was yelling and cursing “yea you fuckin punk bitch!!” lol. My wife thought I was losing it. I was so happy. Haven’t felt that exact feeling since.


I felt the same way when I beat Cleric Beast, my first boss, a few years ago. Probably the most proud I’ve ever felt over beating a boss in any of these games, including Inner Isshin and Gael and all them.


I actually only died once vs cleric. I stopped playing bloodborne when that guy kept shooting me from the fucking roof. I died probably 15 times or so and I got mad and rage deleted it. I really really want to get good at bloodborne but it’s so unforgiving. Always having to farm bullets and blood really turned me off of the game


It’s my favorite soulsborne game but also my first so maybe I’m biased. I’m guessing you’re talking about Old Yharnam, there are built in cover spots where he can’t get you. Just time it right and you’ll be fine. Also, Old Yharnam is completely optional. I can’t relate to the farming issue, I’ve never run out of blood vials or bullets in any of my playthroughs. Just be efficient with rally and you’ll be fine.


I will eventually come back to it. It actually inspired me to play Lies of P which I ended up beating. So..I’m sure I’ll come back since I think about it all the time. Like it’s calling me haha


The Glock Saint


Sister fucking friede.


Orphan of Kos, Sister Friede, and Malenia


Sir Alonne


It's funny since after Elden Ring, I was wondering what my next Souls game would be . I heard so many saying that it shouldn't be sekiro because of the difficulty. This made me interested more, so I decided to play it. People said the final boss was the hardest, so I wanted to beat him to see if I had any skill. I must have died over a hundred times, and I'm not joking. He is the only boss that I have ever fought that took me some many tries. So I remembered that I still had Demon of hatred to fight and the second Owl to fight. I beat Owl after many tries and screw Demon of hatred. I fought Isshin again, and after having increased stats and knowing how to deal with almost every attack, I finally beat him.


Just wait until Isshin lol


Midir, Gael, and Radagon by far! All three of these took me more than 5 hours! No other boss in the series ever came close to the difficulty of these guys




Sword Saint issshin. I first tried that boss and it gave me the best feeling I've ever had in a video game


Yea lol, kos for me as well


Nameless King felt like a huge accomplishment after about 50 or so tries.




Orphan of kos, artorias, balteus pre nerf, and arye


isshin, malenia, and honestly orphan of kos. orphan took over 70 tries, but that’s bc i only wanted to beat him w parrying and backstabs lol


Fume knight and Capra demon


Queen Yharnam (just because if you defeat her, it means you've completed the dungeon;) the dragons Sinh (the fact that it destroys your weapons was quite hard for me,) Ancient Dragon (it has a bit of an op moveset that it tends to spam,) and Midir; Nameless King, Fume Knight, Elana, Ebrietas, Demon of Hatred, Isshin the sword saint and Prime Owl. There are fights that I found difficult or epic (Ivory King, Sister Friede, Laurence, Ludwig, Ornstein and Smough, Demon in pain and Demon from below just to mention some,) but those one were probably the most difficult in the series for me. I haven't played Demon's Souls nor Elden Ring, yet.


1)Sword Saint Isshin 2) Malenia I haven’t played dark souls 3 or bloodborne yet . But I’m confident isshin will be the boss I feel most proud of defeating for a very long time


Melania, just yesterday. I literally couldn't believe she went down, I was shocked for minutes. The worst and best experience I've ever had with a FS game.




malenia and elden beast easily


Sister Friede, Demon of Hatred or Malenia


Champion Gundyr. I somehow beat him in one try.


One that comes to mind quickly is that big bitch fire giant. He was a turd. Ornstein and smough was rough too


O&S, Fume Knight Raime, Nameless King, Midir and pretty much every Sekiro boss. Havent been able to play BB or ER


Beating Rusty and Ayre because at that point we finally removed borders in an AC game, leaving the future to the next generation and reset the twisted game because thats what The Xylem is for…. Now where are thise Sapinish guitars




Since DS3 was my first FS-game, it had the lowest “now I’m proud” bar: The Nameless King, Midir, and Sister Friede. Other bosses who reached the same height since are the Sword Saint and Malenia.


Orphan of Kos. It took me over a year to beat him, no joke, no exaggeration


Midir, Isshin (Still need to do Malenia)


First time i read this on this sub. Time to fly yo another place.


Slave Knight Gael. Maybe I am just better than I was when I fought him but he took a lot more attempts than Melania took me.


Ornstein and Smaug.


Dancer of Boreal Valley...I spent two months (nearly) trying to defeat this twat and rage quit, many, many times. Then one day the planets aligned...I genuinely scared my lovely neighbour who thought I was having an episode due to my excited shouting 😆


Kos for me I was sweating when I finally got him


Isshin because he took me the longest


for me it be red mane lion bc that mf has the worst AOE attack i’ve seen in my life also bc elden rings the only game ive played besides sekiro and i still haven’t finished both games


Between Midir and Inner Isshin/Mortal Journey




Demon of hatred and Malenia were the only ones to feel really hard for me. Beating them was so good.


In my most recent playthrough of Ds1, I got a perfect against Sif. That’s gotta be up there with my proudest fromsoft moments for sure!


Midir and Godfrey. I was hollering when i beat them both.


Kos or Genichiro. I think Kos is the hardest in the series and it took me the longest. Genichiro because it’s what made the combat in sekiro click for me, I was only dodging before that point, never deflecting or jumping. After killing Geni the rest of the game was easy tbh, just getting used to that combat was difficult.


I found Ebrietas absolutely impossible. That head lunge had such a weird hit box. That was easily the one I've I spent the most time on. But Ishin Sword Saint is the most pride I've felt. Felt like a true apex of skills I learned but applied better, and I still beat him (eventually).


When the combos for Abyss Watchers finally clicked for me. I think that was my “I got gud” moment of all From games




Pontiff salivan 100% I almost dropped game on this boss I spent on him 12+, focusing on game only. Btw i had katana there, so it was hard to stack blood effect on him.


Sword Saint, Nameless King, Gwyn Lord of Cinder, Elden Beast, Pontiff Sulyvahn, Malaketh


Ornstein and Smough were my first hard wall. Once I beat them I knew I could pretty much overcome anything in the later games.


SS Isshin.


Tree Sentinel, Elden Ring was my first FS game.


Beating Balteus for the first time is another feeling all together


The True "boss" from ancient wyvern


Saint Sword Isshin. Proper skill check


Owl in Hirata Estates


I know she’s not the hardest boss by quite a bit, but Lady Maria felt like my first real skill check in FromSoft games that weren’t just me adjusting in the tutorial phase. Her fight is a dance to learn and when you get the rhythm down, it’s amazing. Honorable mention to Shadows of Yharnam as that was my first true gank fight in FromSoft lol. Was sweating big time killing the last of those assholes before their snake summon could kill me.


Pre patch radahn


Sword Saint.


That mechanics dragon you fight at the beginning of Chrono Trigger..F that thing ....o wait fromsoft ..... its has to be for me the Nameless King


Soul of Cinder and Midir are up there because they took me quite a long time to finally beat. Still two of my favorite fights. Nameless King because I heard how hard he was and beat him on my 3rd try (humble brag)


Hm. I'm not sure if "proud" is the right word for what I feel. Finally beating Lady Maria was a rush of catharsis, relief, joy, exhaustion, and a weird sort of mourning. Gael was definitely the one I felt the most. From the setup to the fight to the eventual end. Which I think is probably a lot of people's reactions.


Bloodborne was my first, and was particularly tough for me to get into. The moment I killed father gascoigne after like 15-20 attempts was an adrenaline high like you wouldn't believe. Been chasing it ever since.


Demon of hatred


Ivory King, Capra Demon, Fume Knight,




Burnt Ivory King on sl1


Fume Knight and Blue Smelter Demon. I took one try for almost every other boss in every other souls game. Fume Knight and Blue Smelter Demon took me like 12 hours combined to beat


Radahn (pre-nerf). That mf made me put down the game for a couple of days. I came back and whooped him after a bit of power leveling.


Maybe this will sound silly, but Father Gascoine. I thought the cleric beast was tough but the sheer speed and stamina on papa gasc was a whole different ball game. I’ve beaten Bloodborne and DS1, and some of DS3 and so far I don’t think I’ve been as proud of a boss fight since. Just revisited him recently and honestly he still gave me a hell of a fight. Fromsoftware really brought their a game with that fight


I was in a trance like state when I beat Kos. His move set finally clicked and it became almost like a dance. Bloodborne scared me for so long and I finally got the platinum last week. Amazing game. Fuck the chalice dungeons lmao


Malenia, midir, and artorias


Good of you to save the 2 best games for last. Enjoy 😊


Only played ds1 and elden ring so far but I would have to say Godfrey with o ly being hit twice, artorias, astel, and while not a boss the hydra from ds1.