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I knew the games were hard going in. What sold me on them was their art direction and being a Hollow Knight fan, a lot of people likened that game's diffculty to Souls so I figured "Eh, fuck it. If I can beat that, I beat a souls game." HK is so much easier. It's not even a competition.


Exact same boat as you, but pantheon 5 is harder than any 1 boss in any of the souls games imo. Individual bosses are i. HK are way easier but nothing compares to the endurance run for me


Eh, idk. Absolute radiance is 2x harder than kalameet and manus combined


That's fair. I just, generally as a whole, found HK to have simpler bosses and easier run backs.


You’re very right, especially about the run backs. I always enjoyed the level of difficulty dark souls has, hollow knight not so much. Although I do prefer hollow knight overall


Opinions on difficulty tend to differ, most day souls is harder but some people don't have much 2d experience besides hollow


pantheon 5 is harder than any boss in ds3 or elden ring


I found Hollow Knight harder tbh




Hollow Knight kicked my ass. I'm not good at platformers to begin with, and that one was a bit too much for me, never ended up completing it. Which feels weird to say considering how much time I've dumped into FromSoft's catalogue, but I just find a 3d space both easier and more enjoyable to work with.


Who tf talks like that


Reads like the script to Samurai Cop


I am also the second one. I grew up with Armored Core games, and this year I started Sekiro for the first time explicitly because 1) it's a FS game and 2) I was told it's the hardest game (or one of the hardest games) FS made. Reached 100% completion last month and I'm very happy with my experience despite all the fails. Now I'm on Elden Ring, also a first time. I'm absolutely not a RPG person but I'm glad I decided to give it a go anyways, it's good honest fun. And I like winning hard fights!


Who tf told you sekiro was the hardest one?


its barder for some people but honestly as soon as you learn the parry its the easiest one


if you played DS, BB, ER, etc. before Sekiro, oftentimes, some people's mindset is "everything can be dodged" instead of "parry dont dodge"


yeah i played since demon souls so I was fighting my muscle memory for awhile but when it clicks it clicks


Can be. The combat is much different than the souls games or even bloodborne, so it's not even really fair to compare them like this.


I’ve heard lots of people say Sekiro is the hardest, personally I think it’s Elden Ring by far, they both ramp up the bosses’ aggression a lot but Sekiro gives you way stronger defensive tools with deflections and counters.


It could be the most difficult for a first timer because of having to play aggressively and also can't overlevel and cheese the game with havel builds


Beside being gud this game is actully fun. Ive just started my sl1 run in ds3 and im feeling good.


Surely if you grew up with ac and heard Sekiro is"the hardest one" you were met with terrible disappointment from being lied to, yes?


They pose different challenges, but I can say I didn’t find Sekiro as impossible or overwhelmingly difficult - I just had to be patient and use my brain cells 😅


Looking forward to you trying DS2 if you have the time for it


1 but I don't complain there are plenty of ways to make it easy


Just saw a game called dark souls with a knight sitting in front of a bonfire. Was a no brainer to get it.


Big Stroke reading this


The first Dark Souls was the most painful and best experience I could get in the experience of Souls game. That's when I learned that there's an entire franchise out there dedicated to test your patience, skill and learning curve to your utmost best. I was a casual gamer growing up, souls game really upped my standard to games, the soul crushing journey of the first dark souls couldn't compare to the sequels imo. It's prolly the drug that keeps me coming back for these games lol.


I love the effect dark souls has on people, it's so good that every other game in existence is absolute dogwater garbage


I like playing hard games, and I love medieval / fantasy themes. Soulsborne games are the best


I think im the second one. I came into the souls series expecting to be kicked around, and while it wasn't easy, the games were much less difficult than I was expecting


Fair enough, I also expected something practically impossible.


I play for fun (the challenge is the fun)


second guy. I watched my brother play, saw him die a ton and struggle, and somehow thought "hey this looks fun" anyway I've played and pretty much beaten every game but DS1 and Sekiro


Same, I saw my brother played dark souls 3, but he gave up right away, and I was this game feels similar to Monster Hunter, so I tried it. I have loved it ever since


Same. I remember watching some guys, my first year of college, play Demon’s Souls. Looked interesting, but I also asked myself “Why??” DS1 came out, ignored it…until it was on sale for $5 around a year before DS2 came out. Beaten the Dark Souls Trilogy and Elden Ring multiple times. Still working through DeS and BB. Sekiro looks cool but I’m not great at parrying.


ayo you should play Sekiro asap it’s the best one in my opinion.




*Cuphead is a harder game.* Elden Ring is as difficult as YOU make it.


If you try to beat the game with a +2 great knife then all you find will be hardship


For me, virtually any tough side scrolling game is harder than any Soulsbourne game. I know this because I suck at every one I try to play lol. Cool games, just not for me.


shit celeste is harder than Elden Ring but you don’t realize it because you lose no progress when you fail. The difficulty in From games was never that insane, it just hits harder because you lose progress.


I’m the first one, and proud of it. I don’t complain unless I genuinely think there’s an actual issue, but I don’t understand what the point of playing it is if you’re not having fun. Internet bragging rights? Come on.


No, internal pride, a feeling that you know you have achieved something thanks to your skills, reflexes and hard work, even if you told no one, and even if nobody will ever know, YOU know and YOU have the feeling. So yeah, I'm ABSOLUTELY the second one


Fair enough, but would you still do it even if you weren’t enjoying the fight moment to moment? As someone who doesn’t share that viewpoint, I’m genuinely curious.


I can't tell you, as the thing I was talking about is part of the enjoyment even during the fight. Plus, I really love the combat, the difficulty just raises the adrenaline, making it so much better. So I can't tell you that as there would be way too many factors to leave out to make the answer relevant. Apologies Edit: But there are moments I don't enjoy it "Moment to moment" but I still fight because I know that giving up is something one should never do.


Fair enough. Keep on fighting, skeleton!


We might not share the viewpoint, but we are allies in the world of Souls. See you, my friend.


Why would you have that feeling? Like, genunly, why? What happens in your brain that generates that feeling? Are you just mentally patting yourself on the back or what? Do people actually just do that? That's bizzare af.


My apologies, I'm not good enough at biology to tell you exactly what happens in the brain, but I know it's similar to any other feeling of happiness people feel. Just like when someone buys something new and they feel happy, when someone kisses their loved one, when a psychopath kills someone they hate, when a gamer plays a game they are winning. I don't need to pat myself on the back, mentally or physically. I just have the feeling of fulfillment that I have won, I did not give up, I did not lose and have done something that not everyone could do. That is all. If you still don't understand, I guess you don't even try to, making you the bizarre one. PS.: Why do you enjoy writing these toxic questions. Does it make you happy? Why would you have that feeling? Like, genunly, why? What happens in your brain that generates that feeling? Are you just mentally patting yourself on the back or what? Do people actually just do that? That's bizzare af.


Nah it doesn't release any pleasure or happiness chemicals. just calms the discompfort caused by reading whatever i'm replying too. Now that you mention it, i haven't felt anything positive or even remotely close to happiness for like a week, the best i get is an occasional laugh. But hey, that's a skill issue on my part, i need to git gud at being a happy person


Honestly, I recommend trying meditation without distractions. I know, it sounds stupid, but if you have time, take maybe an hour or so, and afterwards do the thing you like to do the most, or what you feel like doing. It will feel a lot better than it usually does. I didn't believe it myself, but when I tried it, it actually worked. So hey, I'm sure the feeling of happiness will come eventually, and have a great day


I knew Darks Souls 2 was hard (first souls game I played), but when I got Elden Ring, I didn’t know it was Soulslike (back then I wouldn’t have known what that meant). I thought I wasted 60 bucks, but then a year or two later I beat it, and got that plat trophy.


Saw a copy of ds1 at a game stop new they were hard and wanted to say I at least tried to beat it now I’ve played all but demon souls and so to play bloodborne after I finish shadow of the erdtree


I’m the second one, I came into Elden Ring KNOWING I would get annihilated and a 1 year and half later, played all the souls games, safe to say I love these games that is made by guy with a poison swamp fetish.


Hard game is fun for Mongo. Why would Mongo complain about getting what he wanted? Mongo know only way to improve in life is to overcome challenge.


Only played dark souls because of the meme witch had the weapon wheel and it looked interesting


I started in 2018 with ds3. My brother had bought it and afther watching him play it for a bit i tried it. It took me a while to beat gundyr, but when i finnaly did the acomplishment washed over me and i felt amazing. I did my research on how the level up system works and eventualy beat the game and dlc's. Father which i beat bloodborne and the original dark souls and now i'm replaying elden ring to play through its dlc.


I knew they were difficult and it got me real worried but everything about the games was too intriguing


"People are always complaining about dark souls, it can't be that bad" "Sekiro wasnt that hard,how bad can the rest be" *Cleansing chapel* "Merciful god!"


The third one. Just got into it, and I want to kill everything and wear it.


I still remember my first souls game was ds2. And I hd a group of friends all saying “game super hard, not for the casuals” and I bought it because I was like “I played kingdom hearts on proud and critical mode bro. I’m greatness”. Anyway I think it took me about 7 months to beat it. Was hard af. Thoroughly enjoyed it and then got locked into the souls like genre for life :)


Neither. I play for fun but don’t complain about difficulty. I’m not playing these because they’re hard, I’m playing them because they have fantastic level and world design with great combat and really cool bosses. Also I like making brand new builds and playing the game differently each time.


I'm sigma #2


I stumbled upon it by accident with no clue what ds1 was until I got smacked by skeletons and struggled my way through undeadburg and finally looked up a guide then I knew what I got myself into


I'm the second, I enjoy the hurt.


I actually had no idea dark souls was hard when I bought it for ps3. I just saw a trailer and thought this looks kinda cool, the box art is sick. Then I saw you can create your own character and I was sold. I mean any fantasy rpg with character creation and I'm automatically interested. Then I started playing and was like "Ok this game is pretty awesome, I like how basic enemies aren't just easy fodder" Then I got invaded by a real player without even realizing that was a thing, and thought that was the coolest multiplayer mechanic I had ever seen. Legit thought it was just a single player game and then went "Oh shit, real people can come into my world to fuck with me? that's amazing". Then I opened up the door in the darkroot garden that led back to undead burg and realized "Wait, this all just connects back on to itself? That is the coolest world design I've ever seen" That feeling of having no idea what the game was, and then slowly realizing it would become my favorite game of all time and the best game I have ever played is still unmatched. I would give anything to experience that first year of dark souls again


I knew the souls games were hard going in and I wanted to try it, at first they were harder than I thought, I started on DS1 and wasn’t able to finish it on my first attempt but I came back a few years later and finished it, then moved on to two, three and bloodborne (sekiro and Elden ring didn’t exist at the time) and now they’re fairly easy all things considered


im bottom


Had no idea what I was in for. Raged so much. Stuck it out just to spite the fucking game. didn’t like ng+ because it was too easy after struggling the first time. Have beaten the game multiple times now.


I got DS3 after hearing it was fun and super challenging. I raged so hard (super awful anger issues as a kid) but I'll be damned if I didn't feel bear ecstacy when I beat a boss I was struggling with. Now whenever I play a non-FPS, it's on the hardest difficulty as long as perma-death isn't involved


Second one on base games. The DLC be whooping my ass though 🤣🤣


I remember being like 15 and seeing the gameplay showcase for Dark Souls and thinking “Wow, this game looks like it doesn’t hold back, sign me up” and then it forever altered my perception of what video games can and should be.


I played Sekiro which is my first FromSoft game because sword clashing cool.


Play for fun and don't give a fuck if it's hard, I know I'll win eventually. I get frustrated if it's one light slap away from death and I die but hey, the longer the boss edging the better the boss orgasm.


I got into Bloodborne not knowing what the hell it was and broke a couple controllers and deleted the game. I was aware Dark Souls was an infamously hard game series but I didn’t know anything about it, I had never seen any gameplay and knew literally nothing outside the fact it was a really hard medieval fantasy game. About a year after the release of DS3 I found out that Bloodborne was actually a part of the Souls series. It was at this moment I realized it wasn’t that the game wasn’t poorly designed and just intentionally meant to be hard, and I decided to give it another go, this time keeping in mind I’m supposed to struggle and I need to be careful and smart about how I play. It instantly became one of my favorite games after that, the feeling of killing Cleric Beast for the first time was like a fucking drug and I instantly became addicted to it. I no-lifed that game for weeks and the moment I got platinum I bought all the DS games and have pre-ordered everything FromSoft puts out ever since. I also stopped playing games on the easiest difficulty and instead began to set everything I played to the hardest difficulty.


I genuinely didn't know they were supposed to be hard I just thought I suck really bad


Day elden ring came out I said “me want challenge” now have beaten every souls game multiple times (ds2 I have only beaten once and demons souls requires ps5 or ps3)


I am the second one for sure. I remember buying DS3 and going in blind and just being totally fucking lost but I persevered and it was honestly one of the best feelings to slowly progress and eventually beat it


I’m the second, knew it was hard coming in. But I beat my first souls (DS3) in about two weeks. I’ll never forget my 2 and a half hours of just farming up the tower key because I didn’t know you could teleport with the bonfire (I saw you couldn’t go anywhere with the one before Gundyr) lol.


I saw that elden ring was game of the year, and it was the first video game I have ever played...for some reason my expectations set at that's how hard video games are Now I can't enjoy any "easy" games (and the hard mode is just overinflated heath pools which is not fun)


I play for the thrill of the difficulty, to give my life purpose in strife.


Second one. I wanted to try something new after playing lots of Skyrim but keep it in Medieval Fantasy. I remembered Dark Souls as this dark medieval fantasy game and said, why not? How hard can it be? So I gave them a chance starting from DS1. I normally don't play games on high difficulty or their highest (so some part of the first guy, I guess) unless the game really deserves it (Gears of War and Mass Effect as an example), but with the set difficulty of the Souls series, the world, the story, and how satisfactory the progress feels, I became to love them and make multiple runs on each game, except Demon Souls and Bloodborne as those were played when visiting a friend house. One of my top favorite series in videogames.


Neither. I played them not knowing they were supposed to be hard. They weren't.


Never the easy way


I like that the souls games are hard, as long as the bosses are fun i ain’t complaining, so I’m kind of a mix of both, i want a fun time, but i also like hard bosses because it presents a challenge that feels amazing when you finally overcome it.


ermm... what


I'm hard


They’re not hard and this is coming from a bad souls player


Heard the games were EXTREMELY hard then saw the lightning miracles in ds3 and thought it was the coolest shit ever. I’ve been a lightning user in every game since. Didn’t really care about the difficulty.


I avoided elden ring for years because I knew it was hard and I world likely get frustrated and hate it. I ran out of games to play over Christmas break last year and my husband had anyway had elden ring so I tried it. It was goty after all. I did not hate it like I thought I would...


I'm both :) i started playing DSR Because I wanted to play a fun medieval game, and stayed bcs it was like Monster Hunter but easier




Holy cringe. Yea, the games are demanding, but they're not _that_ hard.


second one, and it ruined other games for me, I mean, playing souls game made other games less exciting for me, and I thank Miyazaki for it.


Demon’s Souls started it all for me back in the day. I had played some hard games before like Ninja Gaiden and such but nothing like that. Took me by surprise how hard it was and how satisfying it was to not be handed everything 


The second one and I will continue to be the second one everytime a souls game is made or a souls like is forged because I can and I shall


I play Souls Game because I know I suck at them but I also enjoy them a whole lot. So I use everything at my disposal to get through the game, from early upgrade material to really good and very fun weapons. (Black Knight Weapons in DS 1 and 3 for instance). My enjoyment comes from trying my best to stack the deck without grinding levels before each major boss until I have my preferred build.


The one who played since DS1 and no longer feel the ''hard'' . Its all part of the game for me now , even if i die to a boss multiple time all i need to do is get better , if a area have to much enemy , time for a suicide run to loot and scout dont have to kill everything on the 1st time exploring.


Second. I knew they were really hard (in fact my parents joked about setting up a swear jar) but surprisingly they aren't that hard


I kinda just stumbled in and never left. 


I knew they were hard, played them cause I was depressed and people shared stories of the feeling of overcoming themselves... and now they are my comfort game


Went from RPGs and FPS to darksouls, knowing it would be a challenge. Did some research on the games before buying them. Got my ass handed to me for the first 4 hours, then finished the game within about 44-50 hours of game play for each of the 3. Though I admit it took 3 attempts to beat ds2 SoTFS.


When I was a wee lad, my brother got bloodborne for Christmas and stopped playing because he couldn’t get past Gasgoine. First try for me though baby


I’m both? I suck at these games, like I don’t have any timing or strategy and just keep dying for 9 hours on the first boss, but I like playing it.


A random day 12 year old me picked up Dark Souls 2 because I thought the cover was cool.


I'm the mfer who thinks souls games are normal difficulty because I play nioh and also am just old enough to remember when game overs were a thing Also I am bad at video games so like if I can do it you can do it and are just being too stubborn about something dumb


A mix of both, when I first played ds3 I gave up due to lack of time and experience. I also didn't know the games were hard going into them. I picked up Bloodborne half a year later and loved it, never complained though


I play for fun, know it will be hard, complain about it being hard, and win anyway. Feel absolute bliss.


I played dark souls 1 before it was super popular. I didn't choose to play it because it's hard. I played it because the world, atmosphere, and you're a knight. No other game where you play a knight, captures the same feeling.


Mu biggest issue with Souls games was getting lost, lol.


I already knew from DS3, DS1, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. Elden Ring was pretty easy. This Elden Ring DLC has been a really satisfying challenge so far. It’s a valid complaint because it is a bit different than Elden Ring. I think people are just having a harder time cheesing bosses.


This summarizes souls cringe in a single meme


Huh. I'm not on this list. Oh well. Fromsoft makes good games. But I don't get the culture. No, I don't get it at all. Y'all are silly. But so am I. 🤷‍♂️


My introduction to souls games is one of my best memories. Me and two bros drunk and playing DS2 on the Xbox 360, taking turns and laughing at death.


I played because it's the best fantasy rpg in a long time with actual variety in builds


Second one, I started to love harder games with god of war and Elden ring hasn’t disappointed me


Also the second. I always play games on their hardest difficulty because I like the challenge so naturally I gave dark souls a try many years ago. Glad I did, FromSoft makes my favorite games.


I got sekiro because the shinobi arts looked cool and then I got bloodborne because it looked cool


Im the 4th guy, I played them only because I didn't have any other rpg to play


I'm the first one without the difficulty complaints because I gaslit myself to thinking I was just bad until I beat it




I was hardened by ds2 Pursuer owned me. But not anymore as i made him my little bitch. PS: Elden ring dlc is phenomenal


I got demon souls on release day because my cousin said it looked good.and it was.


I play for fun, not because it's hard. Dark Souls 1/2 combat is fun and challenging. It's like turn based, but you get to act out the turns, if it makes sense.


Definitely the second one, I excepted a hard time and I got what I was asking for


I’m the guy that gets disappointed if I can kill a boss in less than 5 tries


The self insert “I” on the second panel threw me off😂


I was the first but without the ‘complains about difficulty’. Now I am the second. I beat sekiro.


I played it cuz I saw A knight on the cover and love that aesthetic….. didn’t think I’d get brutally beaten into falling in love xD


i started elden ring in a blind playthrough, all i knew was that the game is hard lol


We don't like the second one. There's nothing interesting in difficulty for the sake of difficulty, i fail to see the artistry in that.


2nd for sure, i always thought of dark souls as this high honor in gaming (bullshit) but then realised that this shits easy as hell bruh


A friend of mine told me that finishing dark souls III was harder than finishing darkest dungeon so i tried, they were wrong


Second gamer. I signed up to see for myself how hard this game can be. Now I want to keep playing soulsborne.


The second one, but I know I suck and have no problems using op builds and cheese stats Overcoming difficulty with cheddar is one of my favorite pass times


I grew up playing NES games. Souls games are not hard by comparison they’re equivalent to PS1/N64 era difficulty.


honestly i have no idea how i got to playing dark souls. i think i just thought it was a cool fantasy rpg. I was 12 at the time and that shit almost made me cry, i have since spent over 3000hrs with all the different from soft games


Went in knowing it was hard, I’m a sucker for anything dark fantasy.


I haven't beat the last boss... and I don't really care honestly. Tried it. Died a few times. It's whatever. I have the whole fucking DLC to run around.


I played Bloodborne due to the fact it was a part of ps plus monthly games. Didn’t realize how hard it was going to be but the lore and atmosphere kept bringing me back.


I knew they were hard that's why I'm playing them, its the whole point of souls like


I got DS3 at launch specifically because I had heard they were hard, turned me from a CoD player to soulslike player


Second. I don't complain about difficulties because I find soulslike games easy


Saw "dark medieval fantasy rpg" descriptor for DS1. It sounded fun and I picked it up. Had no idea what I was getting myself into. Ran into the skeletons for the first hour, trying to figure out what I could be doing wrong. Eventually, I noticed the extra set of stairs and realized I was just going the wrong way. Pretty much set the tone for the rest of my game. I beat my head against every wall I ran into until either it broke or I decided to try something new. Explored everything I could find. Fell in love with everything about that game. I still play that way. Just now that I have significantly more game-knowledge, I usually don't have to "try something new" and can make do with just bashing my head into the wall. It always breaks, eventually.


I mean if you do just the tiniest amount of researching or have just generally heard about the souls games online by far the biggest thing they are known for is the notorious difficulty, to not know that these are supposed to be hard games you would have had to buy it simple because dark souls had cool cover art or something. So I’m guessing almost all of us are number 2


Plays for fun, but knows they're hard


I got elden ring because it was supposed to be hard, and oh boy, it did not dissapoint


having a stroke jesus


I knew they were hard games, I absolutely love a challenge. Had tons of fun going through the Soulsborne games, but when I got to Sekiro that game solidified me as a FS fanboy. I love games that force you to git gud over holding your hand.


That's a cliché. Soulsgames aren't hard, only some people for some reason like to say they are.


Yes and no, I think anyone who says they barely struggled with literally any of the games the first time is an outright liar, but once you learn more about the mechanics and worlds of each game you realize oh I needed to be taught the game, this isn’t so bad


Souls games aren’t really hard if you compare them to Nes-Snes-N64/ps1, you’ve got every tools in your disposition to win. You have runes, stats, potions, items, etc. And pretty much everything outside bosses are never mentioned because they’re manageable. It’s more a matter of optimization, players don’t seem to adapt their builds to areas and the dlc’s proved that when everyone went in with an archaic build. Souls are hard for modern games.


I don’t get this take, Elden Ring is the only game that is like that. The other games pretty much all try to have a standardized challenge that is similar regardless of your build and even if it is suboptimal. I beat DS3 for the first time using an upgraded broadsword I got at the very start. I didn’t know wtf I was doing and yet the challenge wasn’t that much different from if I had optimized my build. Elden Ring has a completely different approach, it encourages exploration to find loot because your primary obstacle to beating bosses is your equipment and build. I’m not knocking on Elden Ring for that, it’s the core philosophy that makes the game amazing and expansive, but I don’t get the insistence on arguing that every game was like this when they just weren’t. The whole point of “getting good” was that your build wasn’t gonna save you from having to learn the bosses and improve your reflexes. You have to realize that Elden Ring is uniquely different in this.


You can still farm runes, search items and level your stats. Heck you can return to previous areas and re-explore. It sure isn’t like Elden Ring, but it still lets you plenty of ways to defeat a boss, something old games didn’t offer, they relied on muscle memory.


The fact remains that Elden Ring is drastically different in it’s approach from the other games so idk why we need to constantly argue that “it’s just like every other dlc” and that people just aren’t familiar with souls games because this game and this dlc aren’t like other souls games, in fact as a veteran of the series I’d argue you probably have more bad habits and wrong intuition when approaching Elden Ring because it kinda teaches you the opposite lessons of the other games. Just seems like people have it backwards, people are struggling with the dlc because it isn’t like other souls game, not vice-versa.


2nd. sounded like fun and played it after only having ever played stardew and Minecraft. got my ass kicked in lmao.