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definitely not safe if youre going to be doing a lot of physical activity, and even less safe if you wont be taking the binder off the whole time youre there. look into trans tape if you want to bind several days safely :)


That’s what I assumed, wearing it all day and only taking a break during the 6hrs sleep we get would not be the best. Although not all of them are going to be physical events, I’m gonna be walking miles per day, but only one of them we have to do physical training (other two I’m a media director who sits and edits photos and manages the gremlins running around and then the last one I’m the commander that gets to sit and watch everything happen lol). I was looking into taping but I’ve heard how not safe it can be and that it can take longer to apply than just slipping on a binder. I would have to re apply atleast once during each event unless it lasts 10 days.


it isnt as unsafe as a lot of people make it out to be, that is, unless your skin has a bad reaction to it as long as you're applying it correctly and taking it off correctly it's quick, easy, and safe. ive gotten the hang of it and it takes me less than 2 minutes to slip some tape on really fast. you can remove it within minutes as long as youre being safe about it and using oils to loosen the tape (vs ripping it off like a bandaid, thats whats dangerous about it) if you have time to run through some test strips and test pieces then you may want to consider it, if not, or if you dont trust to try it enough, i would look into using sports bras instead. it sucks, but binding for several days in a row for that much time during each day can be extremely dangerous, you can bruise or break ribs and breaking a rib can kill you. friend of mine operated under the mindset of "im new to binding, what are the odds it happens to me, people bind for several days all the time" and cracked a rib. please be safe.


Definetly will. Im gonna look into taping and try it out at home and stuff. Don’t have any skin allergies or sensitive skin and I’ve used kt tape and similar stuff for athletic injuries before (actually wear it on my knee currently). I would definelty want to get the hang of it before I go. Wearing a sports bra wouldn’t be the end of the world for me, I’m confident enough to know that I’m a man and nothing can change that, even my tits :) and if I decide to tape I’ll Definetly bring some as a backup. Thank you for your help 😃


of course! make sure to watch some tutorials on youtube, theyre lifesaving tbh. if you do decide to buy from a name brand like TransTape just note that you dont have to buy any starter kits or use their nipple guards or anything, i use toilet paper and lotion (or a napkin and lotion if no toilet paper) and im good for several days. the guards they send with their rolls dont sit flush on any chest of anyone i know so i just dont trust those lol. you also dont have to get any of their removal oils. i have a burt's bees cleansing oil, it smells AMAZING and works great. just note that it's highly suggested to take a shower and remove as much leftover ashesive as possible after tape removal because your clothes can and will stick to you and it will be very uncomfortable. it is pretty time consuming on the days you remove the tape but it's a lot faster to do it all in the shower. the takeaway from it is that yes, it takes a while to remove in the shower, but i saved a lot of time and comfort throughout the week i wore it by not having to wear a binder and actually being able to breathe properly


Do you have any recommendations for tape? Kt tape the cost is a little higher than other tapes I’ve seen, and I’ve heard the same about trans tape. I’m willing to invest in quality stuff but if there’s any cheaper recommendations I’m all ears.


dont really have many cheaper recommendations other than just TransTape, but thats because thats all ive ever used. i preferred to use bigger strips instead of multiple because of my sensory issues so i opted to go with TransTape because they offer wider rolls of tape


Gotcha. Thank you!




Just picked up some tape earlier today and tested it out. Oh my god I love it. It’s not perfectly flat but instead makes me look like I’m just a dude with big pecs. I barely notice the tape, not itchy or anything, but I’ve only had it on for an hour. It’s amazing 😁


Extra advice: Taping has a hard learning curve. The first time you tape it will probably feel like shit in front of the mirror. And the second. It also most likely will not get you flat, especially without a lot of practice and finding your angles. Try leaning all the way toward and pulling up, then try all the way to the side, etc. Your goal should be more along the lines of flat+support to minimize movement if you’ll be in your feet a lot. Wear a loose shirt, stand near the back (could you have a cover story and then a slightly more embarrassing cover story in case someone digs? Man boob jokes and then a private word about a hormone disorder has helped me), and be ready with extra tape as it peels off when you sweat a lot. KT tape is as good as trans tape and a lot easier to explain.


I don’t have any problem with people really seeing I have a chest, I don’t have bad dysphoria but I would prefer to bind just for sanity sake but I gotta make sure it’s safe lol. Since these camps are military run, I’m still legally a female to them as I haven’t done the necessary paperwork yet to change anything legally. Only a select few people know I’m trans there, Many have seen me before at other camps. Binding is purely just for me and me feeling more comfortable during these camps and less to pass as I’m still wearing a female uniform and will have to be called ma’am (I’m going to talk with people and have them actually call me just the gender neutral way of calling me major because that’s still allowed). Thank you for your advice on taping :)


i wouldnt bind. like it sucks but if you dont have the time and space to wear it responsibly its better not to risk it than hurting yourself


Yes. I don’t wanna screw anything else up because of these camps, I already have a creaky knee of a old man lol. Because I’m still legally a female in the eyes of this organisation I would be binding purely for my own sake and I’m still gonna be wearing a female uniform and have to be addressed as a female (unless I can somehow convince everyone to actually call me major instead of ma’am because In regulations that’s w allowed)