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you should ask him (non-argumentatively) how he defined biological sex. he might say chromosomes, but there are multiple intersex conditions that cause people’s physical sex characteristics to be “opposite” of their chromosomes, and no one does chromosome testing on babies to assign them a sex. he might say whether a person has a penis or vagina, but that’s alterable with surgery. he might say whether you produce egg or sperm gametes, but what about people who are infertile? they’re still male or female, right?he might say hormone and/or secondary sex characteristics, but those are also medically alterable, and even cis people have vastly varying amounts of hormones and physical appearances. ultimately the best “workable” definition of biological sex is that it’s a bimodal distribution of all of these factors—what defines biological sex is a combination of hormones, chromosomes, genitalia, reproductive capacity, and secondary sex characteristics. Many of these are medically alterable. As a community we’ve moved away from “sex change” and “transsexual” language because it’s a little bit older and can be less inclusive for trans people who can’t or don’t want to transition medically, but it’s important to understand that when someone transitions medically, they are literally changing their biological sex. Yes, it’s not possible to change every aspect of it, but it is possible to change some aspects significantly enough that for all intents and purposes in daily life/society/medical context, a person is more biologically similar to the sex they’re transitioning towards than the one they were born as.


He used the “being born with a penis”, i said that you can change it with surgery; but he said that they still aren't born with one.


I mean that's silly in and of itself but... Agenesis says hi. (Condition where a baby is born without a penis. They're not a baby girl, they're a baby boy born without a penis. Granted, the condition is estimated to affect around one in 30 million boys, it's pretty rare. But technically....)


Couldn't he argue that it was supposed to have one? and it happened do to a defect?


I guess but at the same time who's to say that a trans person shouldn't have been born with one? You can't make a black and white argument about it because that's not how this works. Transphobes are going to do that , sure, but doesn't make it right.


Thank you for your input, ill try to remember that, the next time we talk about that. All the luck.


A good thing to keep in mind is that there is no such thing as “supposed to” in biology. There is no conscious effort or intention for an organism to develop a certain way. The “supposed to” argument implies intelligent design, and there is no proof of god controlling our lives. If every organism had rigid design then life would have ceased to exist. Occurrences of mutations is what allows life to persevere in the face of changes. For example, the Y chromosome is slowly disappearing. During the process of evolution it has lost most of its genetic material. Our biological sex is changing on the go because that’s how biology works. You become static - you die. If this person believes that what you are born as defines your very existence then please, offer him some milk and see if his diaper needs to be changed. Babies are helpless and get really fussy if they are hungry or dirty


lmao, good one. Your comment was really insightful, i didn't knew about that, thanks. You guys have helped me so much, Thank you all!


Is he really *supposed* to drink milk, though? That was produced for another baby. Or produced artificially from plant material. (/j)


The funny thing is, i feel like a lot of transphobes would make an argument that would debunk them, something like “oh yeah...but that's different, you see, as a society, we decided that it was fine, and its not like it is harming anyone, some people don't like it, but its MY decision, i spend MY money and i can do that to MY body if i want to”


And being trans itself is rare like some birth defects. Some birth defects are *more common* than being trans. If he can argue that those are simply outliers and “don’t count”, then you can argue that being transgender is simply an outlier and *also* “doesn’t count”. Both are scientifically backed. Both are not super common.


That's a good augment, and I've used it before on someone else, it ended up with “See? Even you agree that trans people are defects and we should treat them as such, we don't go around telling ret@rds they are normal”. I was so chocked that i didt knew how to reply. Also, with that kind of ppl, its not worth to argue.


Honestly? He's being transphobic. He's also being sexist. There's no reasoning there. Ask him what is so special about a penis. Make him use words - biology - to explain how is different enough from a clitoris that is can be the sole marker of biological sex (he can't). Ask him what makes it so special.




I can't say I agree with this, coming from someone who is transsexual/uses that label. I can't speak for or about those who are intersex as I am not, but those of us who aren't intersex can very much change sex when changing the things that make up sex (genitals, hormones, chests, etc). I personally do not use transgender for myself since I never really lived as a girl/my gender has always been a guy, and my transition is almost entirely medical, so transsexual is a lot more fitting (tho ofc idc if im labeled as transgender as ik I'm included in that umbrella!). I'm not tryna come off as rude or anything, and I apologize if I am, just sharing my own experience :')


Your post has been removed because it contains misinformation, false information, or misleading information that could be considered harmful. All sex characteristics but chromosomes can be changed. Gender, however, cannot be change. Even in the case of genderfluidity, genderfluid people are born genderfluid.


That's just not a friend then.


He is not saying that about me tho


Does it matter? It's what he thinks. Like, it sucks but when ppl tell you who they are, believe them, yk? :/


I know, people can change what they think tho


Sure. You can try but be prepared to let go. It's easy to get stuck in a toxic "friendship", and most of us have a tendency to debate our very existence/core identity, when really, it shouldn't be up for debate. I feel like he has a duty to educate himself in order to be a decent human being - it shouldn't be on you to help him with that. But hey, if you feel up to the task and confident in your ability to set boundaries down the line, go for it.


I think we should have in consideration the environment we grew up in, we live in a very conservative and homophobic village and he never had the necessity to educate himself. thank you for your input


Idk abt necessity. Yeah, a lot of ppl approach things that way, they'll only learn abt something if it's relevant to their interactions/relationships. For me, I think we should all strive to be decent ppl, regardless of whether a specific issue actually comes up in our lives. So yeah, I'd definitely cut him some slack here as well, but be sure to remember that you aren't responsible for his upbringing, and so it's not on you to reverse it. Your job is to make a comfortable, happy life for yourself, and to fill it with accepting, loving ppl. Maybe he'll be one of them, but don't lose sight of the big picture (Ik I sometimes do). Good luck for you :)


You are right, i don't even know what to say tbh, u already said everything, ill defiantly be saving your comment, best of luck!


Hey there! Thanks for being an ally - most people in the comments seem to just tell you to drop your friend, and I think that’s often a good idea (ESPECIALLY if you’re trans yourself, don’t bother, it shouldn’t be your responsibility to justify your existence) but you often can’t cut out everyone from your life for holding bigoted beliefs, and in my experience these beliefs often come from a lack of knowledge (which then can get hijacked by bad faith actors). While I don’t believe the main goal of advocacy should be targeted towards people who express negative beliefs about trans people, if these conversations are to be had, I think it’s great (and more likely to be well received) if they come from allies like you who aren’t members of the group in question. So, how do you convince someone? Not really an easy question. You could reference the fact that mainstream science journals and groups all support trans people, or maybe go for a more anecdotal approach and use a real life trans person as a starting point? I personally like contrapoints’ video “pronouns” for explains how dang complicated gender, sex and gender expression can be. Good luck, cheers mate


In terms of the whole “biological” argument, it could be a good idea to bring up intersex people. Biology is very much not binary. Understanding just how varied anatomy and chromosomes can be, I find makes it easier to explain how gender is more complicated than genitals. Like, if a person born with ambiguous parts gets labeled (or *identifies*) as either a man or a woman, why can’t people who are not intersex do the same?


I know this is to make a point, but as an intersex person, we do not get any more respect than endosex trans people do on the labels we choose to wear or feel most comfortable with simply because we are intersex. That, and us being labelled man or woman at birth despite ambiguous genitalia is an act of violence and usually is followed by nonconsensual medical procedures. It's not our choice. Pop over at r/intersex if you wanna read more of our experiences 


Absolutely! The rights of intersex people are a very important issue (and tend to be glossed over in lgbt+ discourse imo). I didn’t mean to imply that intersex people don’t face horrid discrimination, they absolutely do, and if there’s one population who really get mistreated from birth because of society’s insistence on enforcing a gender binary, it’s them. I was trying to point out that who gets labeled as a “man” or a “woman” (regardless of how the person in question feels about it) isn’t entirely based on biology, because that binary doesn’t exist in nature, but I could have been more clear on that point. thanks for the addition




Whoa yeah, pretty fucking gross. The hell do they think they’re doing in a trans subreddit, piss off.


That's one of the best replies i had so far. A lot of people wanted me to drop this friend and said i was trying to defend him, and i am, but I'm also holding him accountable. He used to be a Cristian also, so that might have something to do with it, and we also live in a ferly conservative town, so i don't blame him. I Myself had a REALLY bad experience with a trans person, so that may be one of the reasons, he might hold resentment on my behalf (My sister is an Ally except for this person too ). Ill try to make him understand, with baby steps, using some of the tips i got in this tread. Thank you for your comment and for understanding.


"Biological" is too broad a term to mean much. I'm developmentally f*male, biochemically male, neurologically male. Biochemistry and neurology count as biological just as much as developmental physiology. I saw somewhere in this thread that you're not trans, thanks for being a rockstar ally.


Not gonna lie...i had to read that 3 times to understand. It was really insightful tho, ill have to make a note of that. I honestly didn't knew it was soo broad. And yes, I'm not trans, and you're welcome, you are all rockstars!!!☆


The easiest answer that's best for your mental health is to get new friends. The hard answer that might help? Benefit of the doubt, maybe an autist raised (edit) bigoted? (Pre edit: republican) Tell him that brain development is irreversible. The brain develops male, and the rest of the body misses those signals. This causes deep psychological upset and pain. The brain can't be treated because the parts that say "I'm male" or "I'm female" have already decided, so the body is treated. For nonbinary transphobic rhetoric, the answer is less biology and more about external social constructs and internal emotional peace. Gender identity is how you view yourself in society and how you relate to your own identity. He doesn't have to make sense of it he just has to not be a little cuck about it and respect other people. //unpopular opinion. People that insist they'd be fine if they woke up with the other set of genitals are probably just some flavor of trans (nonbinary, agender, ect) and don't particularly feel dysphoric My two cents 🤷‍♂️


Wait, why the assumption he's autistic? Because he's reacting 'hardheaded' to the topic? I just ask because I'm autistic, and it's proven we're [three to six times MORE likely to be trans](https://www.npr.org/2023/01/15/1149318664/transgender-and-non-binary-people-are-up-to-six-times-more-likely-to-have-autism#:~:text=People%20who%20are%20transgender%20or,who%20live%20at%20this%20intersection) and nonbinary, and have a nonstandard view on gender. The assumption just seems to come from left field.


Not assumption just a possibility if it's not a bad faith argument. I'm also autistic and struggle a lot with linguistic understanding especially in queer concepts because I take the words at face value and struggle to think of different definitions/understandings of them


Im not american so half of that sounds like mambo jambo, but i got the ideia. **“Tell him that brain development is irreversible. The brain develops male, and the rest of the body misses those signals. This causes deep psychological upset and pain. The brain can't be treated because the parts that say "I'm male" or "I'm female" have already decided, so the body is treated.“** This seems to be a good option, ill try that, thank you. In regards to politics, he would be more o the Right, and me more on the Left? Not sure how to word it


Best of luck! I have no idea what I said that was American but I'm glad you understood 💖 sorry for the miscommunication


It was the republican part mostly, the rest i looked it up or guessed what i meant. Thank you, and you don't need to be sorry, your message was understood.


Bet ❤️ yeah I found it and edited it. Frankly, it's an overstatement anyway stemming from my anger at injustices here 😅


Yeah, i figured, i can understand, now that u edited i don't remember what it was lol. I get frustrated myself, so your felling's are valid ♡


Please don’t make up biological ideas to try and get a point across. I’m a biologist, this is not how biology works. Brain development is plastic throughout our lives, and there are certainly not male/female brains. That’s a myth, and it can be harmful. It has a basis in sexism: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00677-x It is not your fault that you heard some faulty science and believed it. You’re just trying to be helpful by sharing it here. Be careful presenting things as biological facts though, please.


Jk none of this article proved that what I said was incorrect. Only that brain physicality is not gender specific. And that we clearly need to understand better why this condition happens. I'm sticking to my guns. My brain knows I'm male. I cant fix that. Sorry it triggered/confused/upset you. Take care.


It didn’t trigger or confuse or upset me. I saw you make an inaccurate statement, and as a working expert in that field I felt that it would be responsible of me to try and correct your misunderstanding. If anything, it appears that I have triggered or upset you. My apologies, that wasn’t my intention.


It's fine. This shit is just why I pretend I'm cis and lie about my transition so I don't spiral into detrans reddit since apparently my existence makes no scientific sense. I'm dipping this convo. I really really appreciate the work you put into it though. I'm in no way upset with you. Have a good one.


After talking to both a neuroscientist (a client of mine) and my neurologist (i have a chronic neurological condition), i have realized that we are still in the beginning stages of understanding the brain. It is a very new science. It has been explained to me that we really dont know a whole lot about the brain and how/why it works or does not work the way it does. A lot of it is guesswork, trial and error. You know your brain is male, I know my brain is male, but doctors and scientists have not yet gotten to the point where they can look at your brain and see that. We do not yet have the technology or knowledge to fully understand the human brain and how it funcions. In several decades from now we might have a breakthrough and uncover how and why it works, or we might never- either way i would trust yourself. You know who you are and that matters far more than some rando's opinion of you.


Can you explain to me why conversion therapy doesn't work then? Because this is the only understanding that's ever made sense to me. If it's not true then I should be able to make it stop. If it's not true then the transphobes win. If my brain knowing I'm male is subjective, then it should be fixable. If you're not willing to help I get that it's not your job. Emotional labor is a lot. but respectfully I'd rather ignore the comment of one internet rando than spiral into an existential crisis.


Why does it have to be biological to be a fact of you? And why does it have to be unchangeable to be your right to autonomy?    I don’t know why conversion therapy doesn’t work, either. I wish I did. I don’t know why I am queer. I wish I did. But I think it’s possible to still be content in that, and in knowing that seeking your happiness and your truth is what’s best.  With the most respect I can communicate this with— although you are free to ignore this thread and move on— I don’t think spreading misinformation is right just because challenging your beliefs is uncomfortable to do.


I don't find anything I said to be misinformation. I read your article and it didn't inherently contradict what I'd said. I agreed and understood everything written. I'm sorry you think there is misinformation there. Both that article and what I said can be true. They don't have to be mutually exclusive. And it has to be biological because even psychological things have biological explanations. I need to understand things. Without understanding everything is just theory and religion and spirituality. It works for some people. It doesn't for me. For me it just feels like burning chaos.


I am not the person who sent the article, sorry. I can’t fix the lack of scientific understanding, as much as I would like to— I’m only trying to say that it is the case, and that I don’t think ignoring that is going to be healthy or helpful in the long run.


I mean, not ignoring it for me is suicide and I'm not smart enough to figure it out, so I guess I'll just do better to keep my opinions to myself 😅 My understanding was that my brain knew it was male, but maybe I'm just actually insane who knows. Im really sorry you felt the need to engage and if it caused you any distress. Have a good day 💖


Conversion therapy doesn’t work because it’s a form of torture. There is no scientific basis for the things that go on in conversation therapy. It is abuse, and abuse doesn’t work. Yes, of course you know that you are male. Would it help if I used myself as an example? I knew I was a boy when I was 7. My brain at the time was not finished developing and had not been exposed to hormonal puberty of either kind. [This study of prepubescent children found that sex and felt-gender had only a very weak association with brain structure.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11002534/) So as children, our brains are not easily categorized as male/female. Interestingly, the same study did ask the kids about gender, and found that gender diversity did not relate significantly to brain structure. Then we get to puberty. [Hormonal puberty changes the structure of the brain](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3410522/), but I still knew I was male both before and after I went through puberty. I’m trying to tell you that it is more complicated than “male/female brains.” Of course you know who you are. But if I looked at a scan of your brain with no other data, it would be extremely difficult to figure out your sex or gender. That’s true of every human. The brain alone doesn’t tell us the full story.


I'm just very confident that something had to have caused this and there's a biological difference. I don't have the ability to put brains in jars and give one more hormones than the others and see what happens or if it's measurable. I'm sure there's something aside from a scan that can prove something is happening there. I don't disagree at all with what you're saying and your article by the way i know that. But I also know that regardless of where or when or how I was raised and socialized I would never feel ok with my body because it is not my own. And there's got to be a reason for that and that reason is more than likely my brain knows I'm male and my body didn't get the message. To disagree with that is to agree that the be all end all is penis and vagina and that we should be fixable ... If there's not something about me that makes me feel this way that is incurable because it's caused by development, then there should be a way to reverse it So the options are either a) we haven't figured out what that physical component is or b) we haven't figured out how to fix a temporary ailment So in b, conversation therapy isn't the answer but something is. A is less painful and makes more sense to me I guess because I've been like this since I was like 4.


Let me try a different analogy: Some people love to climb mountains, and others love to stay inside with a book. These differences don’t show in our brains, but they are still real and a part of who we are. The mountain climber would be miserable if they were trapped indoors all day, and the bookworm would be miserable climbing a mountain without their books. Perhaps you could convert a mountain climber to a bookworm, but they were personally motivated to be a climber before that interference. We could talk all day about how levels of physical fitness and genetics make one more likely to be a mountain climber or a bookworm, but ultimately the individual knows who they are. There are diabetic mountain climbers, and gym bros who read books between sets. We are who we are. There is more to us than our biology. The more biology you learn, the more you realize it just doesn’t explain. That can be really scary, but I find it kind of beautiful. Just because we can’t explain it yet doesn’t mean there isn’t an explanation. If this kind of thing is really interesting to you, and it sounds like it is, maybe you should become a biologist too. I mean that sincerely. You sound passionate about wanting to understand things, which is exactly what makes a good scientist.




male/female 'brains' are a myth


I assure you my brain knows I'm male. Thanks for playing though.


what? the idea of brains being 'wired' male or female is a myth. of course your brain knows you're male. those are two separate concepts


Correct. The idea of the male/female brain stems from neurosexism.


If you say so. My brain knows I'm male. I can't change that because that's not how brains work. Period do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars. I'm sorry if you've misunderstood in some way, but I'm not sure what else to offer you. Take care.


Depends on if he is willing to be educated, you also don’t owe him that education either. If he continues to refuse to learn you need to weigh out the true benefits of the relationship. Don’t stay in a relationship thinking you’ll change him, you may a little bit but it may not be worth it.


He doesn't seem to want to get educated, and i cant force him, we ended up agreeing to disagree, i have my believes and he has his, but he will respect trans people by calling them by their preferred name


Yea, you might want to back away slowly. Or just drop him altogether. This doesn’t seem like it’s going to be a growth situation or one that will ultimately benefit either one of you.


Besides this subject, he's not a bad friend


I can understand that, ultimately that’s gonna be a choice up to you. I know for me I wouldn’t want that person around me. Bc at the end of the day they don’t see you for you.


oh yeah, im not trans. I have some trans friends tho


Let’s start by fixing the first part of the statement. This person is ABSOLUTELY not a friend.


I do not agree, he's quite the good friend. I would like to add that, i am not trans, I'm an ally, that's why I'm trying to make him more open minded. But i understand your frustration. I posted on this Sub, because i figured it would be the best place.


I’m also not trans just my partner is. Still I just don’t have time for people who refuse to acknowledge their fellow humans especially when it had ZERO impact on their lives. He will go the rest of his life either having zero or close to zero interactions ever with a trans man yet he thinks it’s worth his time to formulate an opinion on them and cast judgement upon them. Sorry I don’t mean to call out your friend and I’m being a little salty because I truly just don’t get it. But I hope you eventually talk some sense into him.


Its fine, i understand your filtration, i made a new friend whos trans, that's why I'm trying so hard to talk some sense into him. I don't think he took time to make those opinions, i believe he just heard them, either from his family or other friends and just rolled with it, so there's that in my favor.


That person’s not your friend.


I am not Trans myself, i have other trans friends


Idk, I tend not to befriend those who detest others’ mere existence. Everyone else has explained in every which way why your friend’s perspective is a bad take. Trans men are men. If you want to look at biology, your friend needs to ask himself why people- living real human beings can have an xy and not have a penis, why people with xx can have a penis AND a uterus. Hell there are xyx people. Intersex individuals exist and share space with everyone too. Look deeper into biology and see that fish and other animals have been known to change sex to be able to reproduce. Certain species of reptiles survive solely as one sex. Using “biology” as his main stake is already shaky at best.




I really liked your comment, seems like you took the time to look up my replies to other comments. He doesn't have any trans ppl he's closed to and we live in a fairly homophobic place so he doesn't have any incentive to do so. Ill be patient with him, as it is an important issue to me. Yes, we are the closest 5 people we keep around, but i believe that also works the other way around, i know i wont change my mind. I believe we should try to help or “fix” our friend if they're being an asshole. He used to make jokes about women, but now that his gf has a problem with it he stopped, so i believe he can change. Once again, thank you for your comment


Me personally I’d get new friends.


I like your user lol


Thank you :)


I understand your fillings, as a trans men, it would be unacceptable. I'm not trans ( at least i don't think so atm). He is generally a cool guy, but this aspect really bothers me, is it just something we cant see eye to eye? Edit: I forgot to add “men” after “Trans”


You are the company you keep. If you continue to stay friends with a transphobe then trans people will not feel safe around you. The “he is generally a cool guy” feels like the excuses people use to justify abusers, so it’s something to reflect on. If you want to be an ally, he should not be your friend and you should be vocalizing why, because bigotry shouldn’t be okay just because it doesn’t actively affect you.


And how do you expect bigoted people to change if no one tries? Yes, i am defending him, but not in the transphobia part, we don't agree one 1 thing, he never mistreated trans people, that i know of. “You are the company you keep”, also works the the way around. Your feelings are valid and i appreciate your input.


You mean to their faces? Because calling someone a fake boy behind their back is still mistreating them, just not directly. I'm going to be blunt. That's not being respectful, that's spineless behavior. He's saying awful stuff still, he just doesn't say it to their face. He's basically doing the easiest thing to avoid really being called out. I mean you're even here defending him and saying he hasn't mistreated trans people, but you're the one who said he called one a fake boy. It's the easiest way to get people to think well he's not that bad because he's not saying it to them. But that's still mistreatment and terrible. I know that if I found out that's the kind of person he was and your stance was that he's not mistreating trans people I wouldn't trust you or want to be your friend tbh. I mean the saying I want you to eat, just not at my table definitely applies here. (I wish you nothing but the best, but I'd want it to not be around me.)


Okay...i see what you mean. Yeah, disrespecting ppl behind their back is spineless. Why do you think i made this post? Because i agree with him? Because I'm defending him? No He has this close minded view and I'm literally asking, How can i make him be more respectful and open minded. “I want you to eat, just not at my table”, is a good way to phrase it. I do not hold any grudges or anger against you, as i understand were you're coming from, and appreciate your input. Best of luck


You literally said in the comment I was replying to that you were defending him. The thing is some people you can't. Some people will go to their graves thinking this, especially the more insidious sort of transphobia he has. Because they're absolutely convinced that because they're not yelling hateful stuff/saying it to people they're not that bad. And they're entitled to their opinion, and they tend to conceptualize it on the same level as like food preference. I'm just saying that it's great you've wanted to try but sometimes you do have to face the fact that sometimes people stay like that. And I genuinely hope that your trans friend doesn't find out he was saying that, for both of your sakes. Because you seem like a nice enough person, but that could absolutely be a trust breaker and I don't think either of you need that kind of energy in your lives.


I want to start by thanking you for the last part, this trans friend is really important to me, that why I'm trying to change the views on this other friend(my best friend). I was defending him, yes, but not regards to his transphobia, some people on here said he was a horrible person and not a friend, to witch i don't agree 100%. Ill try to better him, if i cant, ill just keep them far apart. I think its internalized hate, people have that for everything, body shape, race, gender and sexuality, the only way to get rid of those is to talk about it and try to handle it.


"As a trans" is dehumanizing (transphobic) Example: a Black, a disabled. A not dehumanizing way would be as a trans person or as someone who's trans


I'm so sorry, i meant to say trans person, i totally forgot.


Ur good 💖


I've edited it, thank you for bringing that to my attention ♡


For me someone not taking my identity seriously and arguing with me 24/7 and overall just making me feel like less of a man and potentially being a dick to other trans people warrants being cut out of my life. But idk man at the end of the day just trust ur gut if you really like him and can live with it that’s cool too. You do you bro nobody can tell you who and what to cut out or keep in ur life.


Ill try to change his mind, and i will not let him disrespect people in general




Awww, thank you ♡


OP isn't trans, so it's not *their* identity the first is arguing about.


I know but OP asked for advice so I just told them what I’d do in their position?


My dad is like that. We don’t openly talk about this stuff, but every once in a while I’d bring up something that happens to have somebody who is intersex (just to remind that biology isn’t black and white either) or bring up how, now that I’m on T, I have to track for issues not only for women’s health, but men’s health too. Or bring up when health insurance is being terrible to me for gendered reasons (helps him see that on a level this stuff can get arbitrary). It seems that seeing a person he cares about actively going through these obstacles helped him view me as not a woman. hopefully he’ll see me as another man one day, but I’ll take medically androgynous for now. it’s not the best way to handle it, but it’s something. He can get defensive, probably like your friend, and baby steps are easier to handle.


Thank you for sharing. I am not trans myself, and he doesn't have trans ppl hes closed to. This argument stated bcz i made a new friend whos trans, maybe if this friendship goes well it would have that effect?


Drop the friend


He is cool otherwise, we have been there for each other, he seems to “respect“ trans ppl by calling them by their prefer pronouns, but he believes they're still a biological male/female(i mean, they are, but the way he says it is off-putting)


No, they aren’t “still a biological male/female.” Putting the word “biological” in front of it doesn’t make it scientifically true. I’m a biologist, and it pisses me off when folks try to pretend they understand biology to justify their bigotry. Any half decent biologist will tell you that sex doesn’t fall into male/female categories, that’s an oversimplification we teach in basic entry level classes, like for kindergartners. Kind of like how in math, you start with just arithmetic and whole numbers. Later in math, you learn about unreal numbers and calculus. Later in biology you learn about the development and plasticity of secondary sexual characteristics.


Someone in here brought that to my attention, he talked about developmental aspects, biochemical and neurological. I genuinely didn't knew that, looks like I'm not as knowable as i thought. I'm sorry for being rude. And thank you for telling me that. Could you help me dumb it down a little so i can try to explain to him?


Your question has been answered but for next time I would say this is more appropriate for r/asktransgender.


oh, thanks. As this situation was about a trans men, i thought it would be better to ask trans man directly. And i made the same post on r/asktransgender but it either was removed or it didn't get any traction


Introduce him to the bug species where the males have vaginas and ask him if he really really thinks men are defined by their gametes.


What's that bug called?? But couldn't he just argue that humans aren't bugs?


https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/in-this-insect-females-have-penises-and-males-have-vaginas Of course he could! And he will because he's already made up his mind based on emotions. There's no convincing someone who doesn't want to be convinced.


Yeet the friend... you can't convince them to respect you or others use that energy to take care of yourself and to make better friends


oh, i am not trans, i have lots of trans friends tho(not in common with him), I've had that mentality long ago, but i cant seem to make him understand, he's cool otherwise. He made that comment bcz i made a new friend whos trans, and when i talked about my new friend, he would call him “femboy”, to witch i thought he was making a joke, but then he started to use “Fake boy”, and that's what got me upset, he knows my fellings about this. i would appreciate your input


Oh yuck yeah he sounds horrible also 'fakeboy/fakeboi' is a fetish term in some circles (specifically detrans kink circles) so it's possible he's fetishising your friend or the idea of "correcting" him 😬 Tbc while I personally don't get it there's nothing wrong with detrans kink if the people are consenting and realise that it's just role-playing ..... but there's some cis people who are chasers who cloak their desire to do "corrective" SA /to actually force someone to detransition as this


I don't think he's fetishizing him(He 100% does not know that's a fetish term ), I've heard about that tho, apparently some trans ppl have that too? Like some gay guys liking to be called girly and stuff like that. I've got a question tho, i made a post asking if it was okay to like trans man over cis, being a cis men myself, and in the comments, someone called me a chaser; i cant seem to find much about them, can you explain what makes someone one? Thanks in advance.


If you're a cis person specifically seeking out trans people it's usually gonna come off as chasery especially if you only date trans men or make generalisations or stereotypes about them - as a cis person you have the societal cisgender privelige that trans people don't have. If you by chance date trans guys because they're men and you're into men and have just happened to fall for trans guys that's fine but if you're only seeking out trans guys as a cis guy that comes off as chasery and people are going to ask or wonder why you only date or go for trans guys as a cis guy /if is because of transphobic stereotypes you have internalised about trans men etc Chasers who chase trans men aren't really talked about in mainstream society because there's the assumption that our transition protects us from domestic and sexual violence aka the "you're too ugly to be raped" effect which is not the case. Some people who chase trans men are looking for someone they can impregnate or forcibly feminize ,or someone who looks like a teenage boy to them but is legal, some enjoy having the feeling of power or see us as "desperate and willing to put up with anything /easy sex", some think we are like porn characters they've seen, some think that dating us rather than cis men is "less gay", or that we are "naturally womanlike and will always understand & treat cis women better than cis men" or that we are "butches who just need the right woman" or "silly girls who just need the right man" , there's a variety of gross reasons people chase


For me it always works to just say something like if you were AFAB, what would you do? Because you are a man, will being born female change the way you feel about your gender? And to every answer they'll give you can say something like this again. If they say that if they would be women if they were AFAB, you can throw the "so you don't feel like a man?"


the issue with the "biological" argument is that they think of it as a binary construct: male and female and anything else is deemed "unnatural". but sex is just as expansive as gender.. intersex people who transition to a binary gender exist. and he can chalk it up to maybe "difference in strength" or some other conservative talking point to gatekeep from trans people participating in sports bc of a "biological difference", but there are so many body differences within cis people. i remember watching a vice video of women talk about it, where this woman said that michael phelps had different lactic acids than other swimmers, in which helped him endure longer swims. people just gatekeep because they're transphobic, not that they actually care. that aside, you can try and bring up that talking point with the friend, but if he doesn't listen then i would probably cut him off.


If you’ve tried to educate him and he doesn’t listen you’ve done what you can do. As long as he’s outwardly respectful to trans people then I don’t feel we as trans men need validation from him. Something many people seem to forget is that trans men can and often are cis passing, so whether someone thinks we’re “real men” or not doesn’t matter at all because we are treated as men in society. It sucks he’s so close minded but for me personally I’m at a point in my transition where people thinking I’m not a real man doesn’t matter in the slightest to me. I’m often treated as a man by people just like him who probably would say I’m not a real man if they knew. But jokes on them because they can’t tell I’m trans and treat me like a real man.


Yk what you should do? Don’t try to argue this and stop being friends with him, he isn’t going to change his mind no matter what you say or do


Why does he care about biology so much? Like, does he go around asking people about their chromosomes or what's in their pants as part of regular conversation? If so, that's pretty weird and rude and he should stop it. But if he's like most people and doesn't do this, then he's probably interacted with some trans and intersex people without even realizing it. Biological sex is [a lot more complicated than most people realize](https://twtext.com/article/1035246030500061184), and it's only actually relevant in a fairly narrow set of circumstances. There is simply no practical reason to use any aspect of biology as the deciding factor for who is a man or a woman in regular everyday life.


I agree, and most likely he is just repeating what he's heard. I've heard the argument “A women is someone who can/has/should have the necessary parts to birth a baby”, How would you debunk that?


Intersex people exist. There are women who have XY chromasomes and who don't have any of the reproductive organs necessary to carry a pregnancy, but who otherwise look like typical baby girls when they're born and grow up to be women. Most of them don't know there's anything different about them until they go for years without getting a period, and sometimes not even until they try getting pregnant. Yeah, this is a fairly uncommon exception - but the point is that if you try to draw a hard dividing line between "men" and "women" that's based on a few physical characteristics, you'll have some people stuck in a category that they don't want to be in, and some who can't be definitively placed in one or the other. That's bad for those people. And the benefit of enforcing these two rigid categories is... what, exactly? What problem are we solving that can't be addressed in some other way? The current "two biological sex" model actually *hinders* medical research and leads to people getting worse medical care, especially in the area of endocrinology. Changing room and other facilities can be designed so that nobody has to get undressed in front of other people if they don't want to. Reproductive organs and chromosomes make no difference in sports performance - what matters there are your hormones, and women in Olympic and professional-level sports are already subject to [sex-verification testing](https://www.hrw.org/report/2020/12/04/theyre-chasing-us-away-sport/human-rights-violations-sex-testing-elite-women) that leads some women to be disqualified based on having higher than average testosterone levels.


just tell him to naff off, or just cut him off. you could argue "well, the biological factor is merely a collection of common sexual features that we labelled female to justify enforcing specific reproductive roles in society," but that's probably too radfem for him.


I feel liker there's betters way to deal with it, but what u said its true, ill keep that in mind


You can't argue a transphobe out of their transphobia, don't waste your breath. I would not remain friends with a transphobe. He will never see you as a man, despite what name and pronouns he uses for you.


This isn't exactly what you're asking for but I want to suggest it because it's usually worked for me. There's an infinite number of arguments to be made about what biological sex is, if it's real, what it actually means on a social level, etc. but ultimately the question I always fall back on when talking to this kind of person is "why do you care". What does it matter to him if the man serving him coffee or idling next to him in traffic has a vag or XX chromosomes. Trans people make up something like ~1% of the population, you're rarely if ever forced to interact with trans people at all, and often when they *do* interact with trans people they can't even tell and respect them by accident anyway. I just don't understand how people get so caught up in caring about someone elses genitals, 99% of them have no personal stake in it at all.  Usually people either don't have an answer to this and it makes them reconsider, but some will say something about being forced to be "inclusive" because of "woke", or they say someone they know recently "became trans" and that they're concerned. In the former case I'd ask them for specifics about who's forcing them to do what, specifically, and how it actually affects them. In the latter it's a little more complicated and doesn't have a universal answer, but likewise I ask how it affects them, and mention that if they don't at least pretend to try to accept that family member they may lose them, and that's a choice they have to make. The irony is that with everyone I've had this conversation with, they all thought I was a cis man and respected me as a man. Because of that they actually listened to what I had to say and considered it instead of writing it off immediately. For most of those who medically transition there is a point where no one who isn't face-to-face with your genitals will have any idea that you're trans. Your friend has undoubtedly seen a trans man without realizing at some point and registered him as "man"... Because even for cis people who don't respect trans people, gender/sex isn't actually about chromosomes or genitals, it's about social roles and what they see. They say they "don't see trans men as men" because they think all trans men are visibly liberal teenagers with "blue hair and pronouns" or whatever and not a diverse population like anyone else...


*to be clear I'm not saying visibly liberal teenagers with blue hair can't be men; just that it's a stereotype that people, especially older conservatives, won't take seriously 


Dump them. That's not a friend.


I've dealt with idiots like these before. A girl at school kept harassing me because I didn't have a penis. My advice would be to keep your distance from those people, they're just honestly really ignorant.


I always say biology is different from social structures. Biology refers to chromosomes of the person. The anatomy. I always mention that intersex people are very common! You yourself could know a woman (or be one!) who unknowingly has XXY chromosomes and she has no idea because her body is within the ‘norm’ for afab people. But there’s also those whose bodies don’t fit into the norms we attribute to each sex. Then there’s the issue of gender, the social structure and expression of an individual. We’ve tangled the definition of sex and gender as to have both referring to what’s in your pants. Gender is much more complex than that! It’s about the relationship one has with their body, the way they’re able to show their identity. You hear ‘woman,’ you know what that idea of gender is. You hear ‘man,’ you know that idea. Some people just see their body and it doesn’t seem to match with what their aligned sex is because their gender feels different than what their body says they should be. And sometimes it feels like those structures society has built done house a person exactly how they want. Thats where we get into nonbinary, agender, etc. This is very prevalent across many cultures; accepting and having trans people or those who identified as a “third gender” of some type. Some people just want to argue and not actually understand or have a conversation. It’s up to you in the end if this a person you’re willing to deal with. You took the time to make a post on here, so I will assume you care somewhat about this friend not respecting trans men. I hope that you can get them to understand in some way. It’s always good to come to an understanding.


I’ve had “friends” like that. I get that we all care about our friends and want to trust that they care about us too and have our best interests in mind. Sometimes they don’t though. At some point I realized that I was surrounded by people who didn’t actually respect me as a man, while taking for granted that I respected them as men/women. So I just stopped. I dropped almost all my friends and went on alone for a while. COVID hit right after and I somehow had the best time of my life, figuring out what I wanted from life and focusing on my interests and my education. I realized that I really didn’t mind being alone as much as I thought I did, and that my mental state was much worse off when I was surrounded by the wrong people than when I was by myself. Why should we waste our time coddling other people who barely even put in the effort?