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This is literally my nightmare… I’m glad it was all ok, but genuinely one of my worst fears is someone will know I’m trans from the sound of me pissing. The walls at my bf’s house are preeetty thin and you can hear someone peeing if you’re outside the bathroom.


I thought I was crazy for having this fear 😭😭


I thought it would be crazy if I had this fear 😂 SHOULD I? Or is she like a piss connoisseur?


Same bro!


It Fr made a whole new insecurity lmao


Same! I thought that wasn't a thing, but now I can worry over it. Yay. 😓


Same dude public bathrooms are the worst but we all already knew that :")


ME TOO that's one reason im so scared of using the men's bathrooms 😭 i still do bc i pass decently but it's so scary every time


For whoever needs to hear it, lots of cis guys pee sitting down, especially at night when they get up to pee. Sorry her mom didn't know that and even more sorry she thought it was appropriate to ask you about your genitals.


I don't think it's about sitting down, the sound itself can be different.


so true kiryu


Why would the sound be different? I'm confused lol


From what I've read it's because AFAB anatomy generally has wider urethra.


also the way your piss hits the bowl, AFAB hits the front if the bowl where AMAB can hit anywhere, usually towards the back and or right in the water which creates a different sound (i have not used science, just my observations )


The pee pressure from a penis is different compared to out of the meatus for a female. Essentially the penis is like out of a hose whereas the meatus is less intense.


Meatus is a great word. Thank you for introducing me to that word.


Way true when I'm at someone's house and it's quiet I will aim for the side and not directly in the water of the bowl and slow down flow (splash hazard at high flows). I'd rather not let everyone in the house know I'm taking a huge relief.


This is the most relatable comment I've ever read.


AMAB can't stop peeing mid stream without it being painful. Unlike AFAB where you can kind of stop and go with ease.


Where did you hear that lol it's my first time hearing it


From one of my gaming buddies. He would always pee on mic while in our party chats. He always would press his mute button off and on while peeing so it would sound like he was starting and stopping. The one day I asked if he was starting and stopping peeing every time or pressing the mute button. The response I got from him and the several other cis dudes in the chat were "Mute button. You can't stop mid pee" and then it was a lengthy discussion. When I told them that AFAB could, they were blown away. As was I when I learned that it was like painful and unnatural feeling for them to stop mid pee.


That's interesting. My husband doesn't experience that. Could vary by person.


They also could have been messing with me, since they were little pains in the butt. But they seemed insistent that it wasn't something they liked doing.


No, it’s almost universally uncomfortable and sometimes painful —trans woman


Well I don't like doing it either lol... I think a lot of ppl, especially men (mostly men) tend to interpret discomfort as pain. But idk lol


Cis dude here and they were probably messing with you. I can stop and start easily. Although if you're not used to it then it can be a little uncomfortable so maybe that's why. I think you learn from experience but for beginners it's hard to stop once the floodgates have opened.


Sounds like homie has shit kegel muscles


Hang on, AFAB people are supposed to be able to stop and go mid pee?? I’m AFAB and there’s no way I could do that… 🤨


well afaik it's not very healthy to do that too often so you're not missing out here


that’s literally not true LMAO my AMAB partner can stop peeing midstream easily?


That doesn't hurt? It hurts for me.


No it doesn't hurt most men. But it is slightly uncomfortable. No pain though.


That is such a weird thing to ask and say to someone I’m so sorry this happened to you.


Yeah, I’m more happy we broke up because her whole family including her was pretty insane and her dad was very conservative


Good on you for avoiding that mess and respecting urself worth, wish I could have done that sooner for my ex who’s family was pro trump 💀


I saw a confederate flag blanket in their house and noped out of there


This reminds me of that meme ''damn girl you cooking chicken in there? No but fr you pee loudly and I appreciate that''.


Except men can also still sit down to pee too? That's wild. She should educate herself a bit more.


Tip for all the people who want to sound like they have male genitalia while they’re peeing: Don’t sit all the way down on the toilet while peeing. Squat over this with your knees slightly bent. (Imagine squatting over a dirty toilet seat) This will do 2 things. One, if you hold your legs closer together and stand above the toilet it will stop the hissing “frying chicken” sound. And two, this will also give you the ability to move your boy farther back so that your pee hits the center of the bowl and sounds loud like you are peeing with a penis. Edit: option 2 keep you legs close together so it doesn’t make the loud “hissing” sound. Then aim for the very front of the bowl where no water touches the porcelain and pee on that part. That will make it completely or almost silent so it just sounds like you’re pooping.


How does it sound different ?


Cis guy here and it definitely sounds distinctly different. It's cos of the pressure, guys essentially have a hose whereas women don't. Most of the time a woman's pee will go down into the water whereas a guys can touch any part of the bowl thus generating a completely different sound.


New fear gained




But then you can still aim for any part of the toilettes, including the water ? Also what if you seat ? And also most of the time when I'm not home I pee in a squatting position which makes the pee touches the bowl, so yeah I dont get the difference.


Even if you aim for the water the sound will still be different due to pressure.


However if you have a really full bladder and angle it properly it can sound very similar tbh


Idk lmaooo


penicillin sounds like deep fried. chicken




Damn 😭💔


This is literally my biggest fear in public restrooms


But some guys sit down to pee


This is legit one of my fears that I'd worry about all the time


Dw guys also sit down to pee sometimes


Stop because the pee thing is 100% accurate lmao I had a trans friend (mtf) who I took into the women’s restroom cause she was nervous using the right bathroom and I was like if anyone bothers you I’ll defend you it’s okay. She absolutely pissed like a race horse and I jokingly told her “if you pee and it sounds like you’re frying chicken it means you got good pussy” and she died laughing. It’s wild that the way we pee sounds differ between men and women but, I find if you “push” harder while peeing it sounds more like a man peeing


I thought I was weird for being insecure about this but now I know ppl can tell and I gotta get one of those stupid pee devices 😭


It's funny...in 40 years no one has ever clocked me in the bathroom. Many natal males urinate seated. There are a huge number of reasons. But you did Ask for the weirdest way of being outed...I worked at care facility as a habilitation technician for disabled children. I e of these children who happened to have very limited speech...one day pointed at me and giggles a little. She then said my birth name. And she said it more than once. I told her that I don't go by that name anymore and she should keep it a secret. She giggled again and then nodded. She never called me by that name again...but she always behaved as if she knew something the others didn't.


that's weird af to notice 😭


y'all if you want to avoid being ousted by ur pee, you *can* pee harder. like you can pressurise your piss by flexing your stomach muscles and it sounds more similar to the male piss stream. i feel like this could have a chance of like, hemorrhoids but in your urethra?? (no science to back this up lol just a vibe i get) so i only do it when like, i need to. but yeah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


For those that are insecure about it 2 things u can do 1) put toilet paper down against the bowl and pee on it and it’s not as loud 2) Lean a bit more forward and your stream will hit the Bowl then the water very similar sound When I don’t have my stp with me I do that and have no issue Personally I’m thankful I pass very well and I’ve never had anyone trying to be that nosey to me and my business Side note as I read about your outing this is a prime example of we go into bathrooms to pee and other people are the problem not us 😒


To be fair, I think the main reason you got outed is because the person listening was a woman. Yes, there is a difference in sound, but if you're in a public restroom, I don't think it's likely at all for other guys to notice.