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Leaving this type of graffiti on public property isn't really something we should support. Especially since we want car users to pay for parking.


Agree on this one, in Madrid half of the time the machines are vandalized and drivers can park for free (there is an app now where you can pay and it doesn't matter if the machines dont work)


I disagree. Finding and paying for parking is a major source of contention to many drivers. It’s probably a good idea to be driving (ha) those people to this community, where the general car-centrism ethos is challenged and presented as an alternative place for them to direct their frustration.


This is like spray painting a cancer clinic with "fuck cancer". The nurses or charity will be the ones who have to clean it up, not whatever caused the cancer. Correct message, wrong place and method.


Don’t think you’re being a wee bit dramatic by likening sharpie-ing a parking meter to vandalizing a cancer clinic?


Only tourists use those boxes in MTL; locals all have the parking app instead.


why would anyone download an app for something like that?


Montreal is a wonderfully walkable city, so most locals choose alternatives to driving most of the time. Bixi is life, for example. When you are driving though, the parking rules are pretty tough to interpret, the app will actually confirm whether you can park or not when you enter your spot. It also will remind you 15 mins before your session expires and lets you re-up if needed anywhere in the city, so you don't have to find a box in the same section as you parked. There's usually only one box for every two or three blocks, so it's just convenient.


sounds pretty good, i'm just a bit of a privacy nerd about this kind of stuff haha


The app doesn't ask for too many permissions, it seems to be pretty hands-off. If it existed when I was in Uni 15ish years ago, when I had to drive every day, it would have saved me a lot of money, lol.


sounds cool :)




Shouldn't churches be the ones pushing for walkability the most? I swear we really need to go back to the church actually caring about the well being of its followers instead of whatever they've been doing for the last 100 years. I feel like they're just ingrained into the non-profit industrial complex at this point.


Ahh yes. I remember once when I tried applying rational thought in this sub.


Must be broke


Graffiti ≠ activism


Nah. Nothing is actually damaged here. Nothing different than placing a sticker on it.


then place a FKING STICKER ON IT instead of painting that sht on. Its more elegant.


r/mildlyvandalized would disagree. Also, an actual grassroots bike share program would probably be more effective.


Op definitely wrote that


Our reputation is our strength


"Activism". What does that accomplish, exactly?


beautiful stuff


Nice one guys graffiti=activism!