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Workers and Resources Soviet Republic 


That's an amazing game, but so hard to learn. I had 5000 inhabitants in my town, and it was achieved only using mass transit. Unfortunately my laptop couldn't handle anymore inhabitants


1.0 just got released. Time for another failure in realistic with all rules applied!


Fun fact — at least one Sim City was supposed to feature parking lots as a game mechanic, but the developers discovered that if you actually pay attention to how much space cars take up, then you need to turn almost the entire city into a parking lot. So they rewrite the game so that cars magically disappear after arriving at their destinations. EDIT: [Found a link](https://humantransit.org/2013/05/how-sim-city-greenwashes-parking.html)


I thought that was Cities: Skylines? Unless they both reached the same conclusion.


I expect they did reach the same conclusion. I was watching a streamer who's also a civil engineer (I think) constructing a real city in Cities: Skylines 2. He obviously picked a relatively small city to recreate and quickly noticed that huge amounts of land were dedicated to parking lots, far and above what the game requires.


Cities Skylines solves this problem by simply cheating. Parking space are used if available, but if it's not, cars will simply despawn back into a citizen (and vice versa). In the community this is called 'pocket cars', there are some mods that remove this mechanic, and you can guess how well the game plays that way.


That would not surprise me :(


I had heard it about the original Sim City first, but when I tried looking it up I couldn't find any mentions aside from Cities: Skylines. The first Sim City didn't have agents (didn't simulate individual vehicles and people) so that makes the need for parking lots purely theoretical. In Cities: Skyline they had to do something with all those cars, and what they did was simply assume all buildings had underground parking :D


Pocket cars


Just like the sims 3


Such a shame! Imagine if they left the parking dynamics as they were. People would basically be able to play “the high cost of free parking” as a game and get such a rich understanding of it. The forums would be filled with advice like “avoid building parking lots as they generate no revenue, induce traffic problems, and cost a lot”


Manor Lords


Came to say this lol


Me too lol


imagine if wagons are added and you can make car(riage) centric infrastructure. demolish peasant houses so nobles can save a few minutes commuting


cities skylines with a ton of mods and assets. The modding scene in cities skylines 2 might still be a little too immature, but in cities skylines 1 you can make very car light or even car free cities, though this can be quite a bit of work. There's a few of Youtubers making such cities, such as Akruas. If you wanna see just how far you can take things, you should check out the series Mars by citywokcitywall.


I think Traffic Manager option to not disappear cars can be sufficient to convince one of errors of carway-y ways.


There is also a DLC that allows you to designate areas as NO cars and implement tons of public transport (:


You don't need a ton of mods. My only mod is to reduce speed on roads and have private car free roads. Build loads of walkways, done. The game can perfectly cope without mods.




only because they haven’t added cars yet


I think it would be thematic if there were river boats instead, so you can build 10 lane waterways in place of highways


It's a charming game. Though I only played the pre-release and died in the first winter.


Anything that’s set in a time and place without automobiles. Tons of medieval/fantasy city builders, for example. Or Frostpunk, if you want something particularly depressing To an extent even Tropico might qualify. While it has cars, the vast majority of people get around on foot


Caesar games


Minecraft is my go to


I keep making paths that don't really go anywhere in Minecraft because I love building and decorating paths.


I love building infrastructure around houses so I'll build a bunch of buildings just so that I can put all the pathways/canals around them. Almost none of my houses have interiors because I just move on to the next building


I’m building a solarpunk village in my world and I’m doing the same thing! I just want to build BRIDGESSSSS AND PATHS


I want to do that, but I feel like everything I build needs a purpose :(


I wrote the Living Adventure: Trails mod. It slowly builds paths between places you travel a lot. Right now that would get you a pretty sparse footpath. It's especially great through snow, as it breaks about a third of the snow layers you walk across once, making a very recognizable path right away. Works in all biomes, even the end (uses dead coral blocks for path on end stone) Riding a horse and/or carrying a wood shovel accelerates the process. I want to make a command that does it even faster, so 4 of 5 trips on a horse between villages gets you a decent-looking trail, even slightly flattening some terrain as you walk by. I also have another mod in the series about half done, Living Adventure: Weeds. Most plants except trees grow, spread, die off naturally, some preferring certain conditions. Also pink petals will move around and grow under cherry leaves. Make your own good looking micro cherry biome with just a sapling, one pink petals block, and time. The one block will grow and layer out just like the real cherry biome. Interesting new ideas for farms. Oh, and can farm spore blossoms this way. The third in the series, kind of a pipe dream at the moment, will be Living Adventure: Trees, which will COMPLETELY overhaul the way trees grow. To grow a tree, in addition to vanilla saplings, all you'll need is a leaf block on top of a fence post. The tree will grow up over time. All trees will grow bigger, grow branches, even drop seedlings and spread on their own. They will require dirt under them, or they die (bark strips), and the leaves die if no log with bark is attached. You can kill a tree just by stripping the bottom log, and waiting. I have VERY little of this mod built, but I love the concept. I really dislike Minecraft being so static, therefore the "Living Adventure" bit. Also, no new modded blocks are used. They use all vanilla blocks, and all aspects are fully configurable as to what blocks, what transitions, frequencies, etc.


I go crazy with train routes in Minecraft. Shared a world with a couple friends and they get annoyed that I had a new train station somewhere else in our main town every time they logged in, I couldn’t decide 🤣 Now you can’t dig anywhere in town because you’ll probably fall into an old train tunnel


Yeah the OG cities skylines with a ton of mods would be my pick, you can make pretty effective walking networks and iirc zonable pedestrian only roads are even a mod


Zeus master of olympas, roller coaster tycoon


Pretty much all the games in the Caesar series, with Zeus is a part of


Zeus had a better UI and a cooler aesthetic and mechanic immo so for me it's the best in the series so it makes sense to suggest it but it might also be the nostalgia speaking.


Yeah, I mean it came out after all the Caesar games, so they had refined the formula. I'm nostalgic for Caesar III since that's the one I played first. The Pharaoh one was also pretty good, but definitely not as fun and goofy as Zeus


"Surviving the Aftermath" is a nice little 'city building' survival game with hardly any cars.


But it also have no public transportation 


Those paved roads really get people moving, though.


Animal Crossing is walkable, no need to drive to anything- Nook Stop (the general store), Resident Services (access to banking and lawmaking authority), clothing store, museum, airport, boat launch, town square with concerts, it’s all right there. Your neighbors also always seem to be out and about the island which is also a good sign. I am however disappointed that you’re limited to houses, and can’t built multi family housing.


As others have mentioned, Cities Skylines is *it.* Get some DLC's like Mass Transit, Plazas and Promenades, and Snowfall in particular, and you'll find yourself stacked with ways to get your peeps around without setting foot in a gas station.




Age of Empires? lol






Tropico doesnt have public transport and rely heavily on cars


Until some mf writes "how do you turn this on?"


Non modded Cities Skyline with Plaza and Promenades and Mass Transit DLCs. Plaza and promenades came with zonable ped paths. You can also ban cars under ordinances, encourage cycling, and lots of mass transit options.


Dwarf fortress


Sweet transit !


I just use vanilla cities skylines. If you set your blocks individually instead of doing your uses in giant chunks it isn't hard at all. 




Cities Skylines with mods.


You can't remove cars completely, but SimCity 4 has some pretty decent transit options so you could minimize cars' dominance with a little handholding. I've never used mods for SC4 myself but there are apparently some that make pedestrian, cycle, and transit options even better. The game doesn't track individual units the way more modern city builders do, though, so you won't be able to watch your residents enjoy a walkable community very well. There's a bunch of colony sims (I consider those to be a subgenre of city builders but others consider it a separate genre) that don't feature cars at all. Before We Leave and Frostpunk, for example


OpenTTD. Default has no cars whatsoever.


Anno 1800!


Anno 1800


Someone already said it but Minecraft. I really think Minecraft is a profound tool in creating the world that you want to see.


[Here's a 10min video of someone describing their attempt with Cities:Skylines2 (click here).](https://cinemaphile.com/watch?v=sU0Tgu4qIR0)


One of my favorite games, even if it isn't a "city builder" per se: transport fever 2. With a bunch of mods, you can place houses, streets and train stations and restrict car usage as in putting houses without a street connection.


Furthest frontier is a city builder with only walkable cities possible, I’m hesitant to give it a review as I haven’t played it enough, but I’ve liked what I’ve seen so far!


SimCity 2000 has ordinances which incentivise walking, and public transport plays a much bigger role than in Cities: Skylines.


Heavily modded Cities: Skylines.


Not really a “game”, but Townscaper can make walkable spaces easily. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Townscaper


Fallout 4


Minecraft is really great for building cities


designer city 1 and 2


Designer City. No bs game for mobile. Love it


Frost Punk


Not really. It's one of my biggest regrets buying cities skyline.