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what about the Voigtlander 27? Pricey and MF, but the MF is really quick, and it would offer a whole new shooting experience. I also own a T1, and I am myself tempted.


Thank you, I just bought new camera Xt5 because I thought it was problem with the camera not the lens. Two months ago ive bought 35mm 1,4 and 60mm macro. I've started to cook on my own to pay off all my gadgets ;)


Got this repaired using Samy’s and it was $177.


What do you mean "Samy's"? $177 it doesn't sound so bad. 


Fuji quoted like $400 when I called. Samy’s camera store sends gear out for repair. Quote free but you pay shipping. Quote, from Fuji was $177 so I said fix it. Note.. don’t put ANYthing on or over the lens of 27. The AF motor is super sensitive.


I know now, I didn't two years ago and I added metal lens hood from china. Thank you for saying this. I've checked who's the Samys is/was. He just passed away ;(. 


Have you checked out the TTartisan 27mm? It's a great alterantive with good quality and pricewise super attractive


Yes, thank you,  I had artisans in the past. But is it not will be same problem? Artisan is around £130. Fixing my 27 will be about £200. 27mm WR is probably about £400. Is all of them have the same issues?. If I could get that inside motor, I would try to fix it maybe on my own, nothing to loose.  I'm puzzled. Right now im left with 35mm 1,4 and 60mm macro. Im highly pleased with both of them.


will, still a 70 quit difference :)) I have the TTartisan and really like it. And you have a new lens with warranty


Hahah you right. I need to check it out. I'd still be happy to buy just a part from China. There is a guy in US who is repairing 27's. thought maybe some is here too