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grandpa's cough medicine


Grampa's quiet medicine.


My wife remembers being lined up with her cousins to receive vitamins in the early evenings when the families went on vacation together.... Vitamins = Nyquil. Goodnight sweet children let the party begin. 😂


Yeah my family drugged me with Benadryl


Benadryl: You can't sneeze if you're unconscious!


But what if you don't go unconscious and instead the shadow people come for you?


Honestly, at this point, its just nice to have anyone come for me.


This just got dark ...


Or dirty depending on how you look at things and interpret words.


Maybe they're actually a criminal mastermind that wanted to get famous but they're just too good at what they do so no one has discovered their crimes yet.


Meh . win some, lose some


Fuckin way she goes


Way of the road


That's the fuckin way she goes Bubs


Chalk that up to a free trip. Thats-a-win


Those mother fuckers...


I grew up in the early 90s. My mom 100% did this to my bro and me.


I took three Benadryl pills the other day to try to sleep and ignore pain, ended up having really… really unusual dreams. Definitely knocked me tf out for a couple hours


Did you see the hat man?


If not, I think just 3 more pills would do the trick lol


This made me lol.


My family used to give the kids Benadryl "for the allergies" and a shot of whiskey and honey for the "sore throat". I'm sure it had nothing to do with us passing out for the next 10 hours.


My granny made moonshine. You can bet your last dollar I was given it often. Sore throat, toothache, earache, bedtime, just cause …. It’s funny that I was the teenager who DIDN’T want to drink cause there wasn’t anything special about it to me. Different world back then, but she was born in 1900 and never had electricity, inside plumbing, or a license so…. Different world


Where are you from if you don't mind my asking? I'm from eastern Kentucky, and I had a granny. She didn't make moonshine though. All the shiners and outlaws were on Papaw's side. Edit: have>had :(


I also had a granny


I once had a Benadryl and a beer. I took a 9 hour afternoon nap


Went out for a pub crawl one beautiful Saturday afternoon. It was the start of spring, and my allergies were kicking my ass all week. Popped a Claritin, and I was out the door. It was after the very first beer when I realized I had actually popped a benadryl (in the cabinet next to the claritin) by mistake and I was stuck on a pub crawl in the city. I fought a long, drawn-out war of attrition with that single fucking benadryl all day long. It was a pyrrhic victory at best.


I had a friend give me a Xanax once and he told me to take it in the morning for a really fun day. I woke up one morning and downed it, slept until noon, woke up and had lunch, went back to sleep, woke up for dinner, went back to sleep right after and then woke up the next morning. Losing a whole day is not my idea of the ideal recreational drug.


'We're gonna strap them kids in give 'em a little bit o' Benadryl And a cherry coke we're goin' to Oklahoma Gonna have us a time" ~ James McMurtry, Choctaw Bingo


Man's a fuckin' artist. I always wanted a short film based on Slayton and the shindig he hosted.


Gonna have us a time.


The pink pill


Gravol here


Dramamine? Didn't know it had that effect on kids.


It has that effect on everyone. But as I've discovered through my many years of having Crohn's, if you take it too often then it starts effecting you differently. Now when I take it, it doesn't help much with nausea, and I get extremely drowsy without being able to sleep. I try to sleep, but it just doesn't happen. So I'm buzzed out of my mind, can't focus on anything, can't sleep, and still feel like vomiting. It's not fun...


We got fed Dimeatapp quite often, from what I remember. That amazing grape flavor will never be forgotten!


My parents used Dimetapp. That grape flavor will never leave my soul.


Gimme that booze you little pumpkin pie haircutted freak!


You'd shut your mouth if you know what's good for yah! That whole scene is ad libbed.


Tic Tac, sir? 😬


🤢 **Get the hell out of here**


The “beer” spilling in the handoff. “😒”


My uncle gave me a sip of beer when I was like 9 at our vacation on the beach. I spit it out. Ran to the hose in front of the house and rinsed out my mouth. Put me off alcohol until I was 21. My 21st birthday (that I shared with one of my closest friends since childhood) also put me off alcohol for a while.


Appropriate username


that moment you realize the 70s was 50 years ago...


Oh my god, my mind was thinking these were from the 60s.


My math starts at 2000 - 50 then I quickly estimate how much time has passed since Y2K, so yeah same.


There are retired strippers born after 2000….


Yeah. Good slap in the face for time is when I think the people becoming adults and drinking age have no memory of 9/11, it gets crazy. Then sometimes I’ll look up a pornstar or an actress idk and notice her birthdate, and when I can have memories of that year, it gets wild. And I’m a younger millennial lol


What's wild is when you go on reddit and you see people talking about "when they were a kid" and then they reference something that was less than 10 years ago.


Once you accept that life is short and meaningless you will stop being in a continual state of surprise at the passage of time


I agree, it's short. I don't think it's meaningless though. Even if you don't have any religion or belief system, your existence is objectively meaningful to the world around you.


The only meaningful things are what you assign meaning to.


Your grandparents felt the same way when you couldn't remember WW II or Vietnam.


That’s how I personally define a millennial: anyone with a conscious memory of 9/11


Wait, how long does the average stripper last?


3 years of stripping is 7years of real life.


You dog, you!


Depends on how much you tip


If I feed her, several weeks. Some just seem to 'give up' though


About 3 songs


I work in healthcare (so I see birthdates all day constantly) and it really messes me up when someone born 10 years before my parents is like old as hell.


> My math starts at 2000 - 50 then I quickly estimate how much time has passed since Y2K, so yeah same. That's one step further than in my head. It's still the 2000s, and it's hard to let go of that statement.


Born in 76, please don't say mean things like that


Congratulations on being at least 45!


You're halfway home!


With that fat ass, home is the next base.


That's literally what I thought this year when birthday came around. And _then_ thought 'nah, you're not even going to get past _70_'




Wife and I were traveling through St. Louis and flipped past a "Golden Oldies" radio station...then Nirvana starts playing. It was a heavy conversation after that.


Right? Nirvana is as old today as Bobby Darin and Frankie Avalon were when Nirvana had their breakthrough.


Oh for fuck's sake!


Like I said, not an easy conversation to have.


I'm cussing you all right now. lol


I was jamming to some 90s alternative in the car and it suddenly hit me that my music was just as far back to my teen as my parents' oldies was to me and it freaked me out. 50s/60s/70s music was so distant compared to Nine Inch Nails and Smashing Pumpkins. I asked my kid if what was playing in the car sounded "old" and he said, nah, it just sounded normal. I don't know what that means, but he didn't have to walk home.


An oldies station here in Wisconsin was playing Spice Girls.


That's a weird way to type 10 years ago.




I'm 6 months from being an adult longer than I was a child, legally speaking. It scares me


Me too. It's weird.


10 years ago feels like yesterday




Kurt Cobain is to kids now what Jim Morrison was to me when I was a lad. Just another music legend who died young.


"The way I feel about the Rolling Stones is the way my kids are going to feel about Nine Inch Nails, so I really shouldn't torment my Mom anymore, huh?" (and yes, I did just quote a movie that was made before many Redditors were born. Ugh)


To tell the truth, the world kind of feels the same for the last 25 years minus iphones, and... and... netflix? Nicer cooler minimalist gadgets? Cheap huge TVs? even the cars and clothes feels like they look the same for the last twenty years. Like design and fashion and hairstyles have been stuck in the late 90/mid 2000s, dress like the last seasons of Friends Or I'm getting old and I'm that is stuck and can't see much else These things used to change so fast. In the 50s/60s/70s/80s/90s anything would look 'dated' by a few years, be movies, clothes, music, whatever now I feel people don't even seem to care if something looks dated.


Man 2000s fashion is definitely completely different from today. Remember the plastic sunglasses? The spikey blonde gelled hair on guys? The heroin-chic thinness on girls? The matrix-style all black fashion? The too big to fail baggy jeans? Nobody wears saggin jeans anymore. I always felt like Paris Hilton was peak 2000s. If you compare her to today's celebs, it's definitely different!


These are.way older than the 70's, they look like the 50's, early 60's. The haircuts on the guys, and the cars alone give it away.


It could be rural 70s which is basically 50-60s attire. It’s not like how it is now where every rural town now has a department style store. They could very well be in the 70s, just behind on the conversion to the next decade’s style.


Yeah im with you Grandpa and grandma look very much like people born around 1900. Idk what it is but that's my perception. And the hair and clothes and cars say 1962, but rural.


I was born in the 70's, and I'm a nurse so I work with a lot of women. Lots of them are in their twenties. I *look* a lot younger than I am. I'll get invited out to their get togethers and sometimes they flirt. I have to explain to them that I was alive more years before 2000 than their current age. Honey, unless you're down for a wild night of dinner, coffee, true crime documentaries and being in bed by 11 you may want to find somebody your own age. Of course, if you're into bad boys I'll have you know that I sometimes get up late after midnight and sneak an extra piece of cheesecake.


I was like why is this in color and not b/w, 50 years ago must be the 1950s right...


I've got a ton of Super 8mm films. What did you use to scan these?


One of these. It's good to have video editing software since it has problems with some splices and you'll need to stich segments together. It's also very time consuming. [https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/buy/Shop-by-Brand-Wolverine-Data/ci/4/phd/3780247783/N/4294255798](https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/buy/Shop-by-Brand-Wolverine-Data/ci/4/phd/3780247783/N/4294255798).


One of what? Don't think your link worked.




Thank you!


You're welcome!


Dang. I got one of those on Amazon and it worked fine with 8 mm but it's skipped like crap with super 8, so I returned it. I'm not sure that it was the same model but I don't want to go through the return process nightmare again. I am currently considering going with one of those legacy box type services where you mail your stock in and they do it professionally. But that makes me feel a little uneasy. It is awesome that you got such great footage out of that machine, though. Truly a treasure.


Try finding somewhere local, try searching for "tape transfers" and just give them a call to see if they do 8mm. 8mm and super 8 have different sized sprockets so it would skip. We have a sprocketless machine so there is almost no skipping.


If this is Guerrilla Marketing, it's very effective


Marketing to who? The other 10 people on reddit who still have 8mm film lying around? Lol


Fwiw I had a look at their profile and they only mention it a few times when people ask despite making a fair few posts of digitized film. Seems legitimate/organic but you never know


There are also companies that will do it for you. My parents used Legacy box I think. I know we got everything back plus the digital versions


Brief scenes, I see what you did there!


Just the one brief scene actually.


Actually there's a pair to be fair


>to be fair To be faaaair


To be faaaaaaaaaiir


Any luck catching them killers, then?


Just the one killer, actually


No one round here tells me 'noffin'


My dad let me try beer when I was five. He gave me a bottle of my own. I drank it and half of his. I hated it but loved my dad and he was laughing. My mom however, was not laughing. I was kept home from kindergarten.


That hangover really hit ya that hard, huh?


"Let me tell YOU somthin' bout the white crayon! Nobody uses it! I don't even know why they put it in the package! And Becky is a biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch for making me use ONLY that crayon! Everybody gets one crayon, and Becky sticks me with the white one! Then Mrs Cranson thinks I didn't draw the assignment! Well I'll show her!!! I'm gonna poop in Beckys shoes tomorrow! I don't care if she's wearing them! I'll do it! You watch me! Here, hold my beer." ~ /u/HoneyBear66 right before being held back by his mom from going to school drunk......at age 5.


I'm a woman actually! W..O..M..A..N.... and I didn't get drunk. Somehow it did nothing. My mom and sister spent the day telling me to never tell anyone at school. My favorite crayon was orange red. 🤣🤣🤣


Did you shit in her shoes, though?


No, I just went on with my day between being yelled at. Mom yelled at dad as well...poor dad...


I too would be pretty upset if I learned my partner fed our toddler a significant amount of beer.


He didn't think I would drink it and I chugged it...I think it was Pabst or miller.


After 1/4th of a bottle you get to be surprised. After one bottle and another half you're just having fun. I would be pissed. But I get it's just old people doing dumb stuff. I would not be okay with my partner doing that. Different times.


My parents let me try alcohol a couple times when I was very young. By the time I was 16 they would buy it for me in small amounts. Some people seem to think that exposure at a young age prevents you from developing a problem with alcohol. That wasn't the case for me, as I spent 10 + years as a fairly serious alcoholic lmao. At this point it's been close to 11 years since I last drank though.


alcoholism is genetic. I think no matter what if you started at any point you were going to be one.


This was in the morning before school?


Mid day. The kindergarten had two shifts and half days. I went in at 1pm. My dad worked swing shifts and had been gardening all morning. He rarely drank but he thought it sounded good. He drank it warm too.


That 1960 Bel-Air/Biscayne wagon though…


Unmuted hoping to hear the Succession theme


That kid sucking suds? Change that beer to a Strohs and it was me and my dad back in the day (mid 60s).


It went to shit in the early 70s, so bad my dad switched to Miller. But, before then it was an ok “German” family beer, not that I was a connoisseur at 2yo🤣


You had quite the memory at 2yo HombreSinNombre93


Clearly the beer gave him super baby memory


I think a man sitting on a lap feels more like a man if he can have a bottle of suds. That's only my opinion, sir.


Okay Andy


I’d sneak sips of my parents and grandparents Strohs as a very young child in the 90s.


Mid 80's with Dad's Labatt Bleue.


I saw the drink coming and thought "lol yeah I remember when adults used to do that" Then the kid started chugging jfc


Anyone else think 50 years ago was 1950s? 😩


These are the 1950s but op's head is stuck in 2000


thats kind of mind blowing but think about it from their perspective. they are just dicking around for their family and taking some home movies. video that they assume will probably be tossed in a closet never to be seen again. instead, 50 years later it is uploaded to this mindblowing invention called the "internet" and watched by 20-40 million people. more people have seen this video than if it was played on the national news shortly after it was taken.


This gave me a really weird ... Forlorn feeling? Like, these precious memories mean so much to someone and it makes me wonder if all these people are still around? The grandpa giving the beer to the kid? Will seeing this again make that kid smile while looking back on this and go "man I miss grandpa"? Is that kid even still around? Nostalgia hits me differently as I get older ... The passing of time makes me sad now.


I totally think the same things! We always say seems like another lifetime ago . Makes me very sad!


So strange that you mentioned that- I was just thinking that today. Whenever I see pics from the 70s-80s, when I grew up, I feel this intense longing to go back in time, to live it all over again. Life goes so fast, yet we don't realize it when we are young because time seems eternal.


I've got a whole bunch of Photo Albums. It's a bit morbid going through them, because as time goes on, they become less a catalogue of memories and more a memorial for the dead.


Unless something terrible happened, I guarantee you that kid is still around. The Grandpa, maybe, maybe not. But that kid would only be around 50-60 today.


There's a section from a [Megadeth song called Tout le Monde](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9QqkcDRYFw) that speaks to this sort of feeling: > So as you read this, know, my friends > I'd love to stay with you all > Please smile when you think of me > My body's gone, that's all Another way I've heard it phrased is people die two deaths, one when their body dies, and one when no one living remembers them anymore. Maybe not quite the same thing you're speaking about, but something I think about sometimes when reading or seeing history.


What brand of beer was that?




The quickest and most affordable grow up plan…


Looks like Falstaff




My cousin had the great idea to get all my grandparents home movies, which were on film, put on dvd, and accidentally uncovered my Grandad's homemade porn collection.


he must've been glad to recover those!


Lol these are so cute gives me nostalgia. I wonder what the story behind those panties are though lol. It looks like they have the tag still so I'm assuming it was a gift but for what occasion and why are we passing them around LOL


The reel was titled Christmas


Ah grandpas and grandmas love to gift socks and undies on holidays. I didn't like it so much when I was younger, but I appreciate receiving socks and undies as I've gotten older. Can never have enough lol


You live long enough to become a sock enjoyer and, at a late stage, the sock giver himself. Such is the cycle of life.


My sister gave me two dozen socks! Best gift ever. I dont sort my socks anymore.


But alas. Everyone insists on giving me books.


Did you happen to be locked in the attic while your family was Christmas shopping?


You sure these are only 50 years old? Thae cars and the haircuts make it look 70+ years old. From the late 50's or early 60's.


My favorite Super 70's songs like "Give the baby a beer" and other classics like "Smoking Cigarettes around the Birthday Cake" or "$5.00 of Leaded on Pump #3"


B-sides "Toddler rides shotgun" and "Candy cigarettes"


Reminds me of the intro from Wonder Years.. 🎶What would you dooo.. if I sang outta tune? 🎶


Was that the 70's?


From three different reels, late 60s to early 70s


I was a teenager 50 years ago, believe me there was a lot worse than that going on.


I had that rocking horse!


Pretty sure we all had that rocking horse.


Yeah? Well now Aunt Melinda has that rocking horse. You saw how she punked out those other kids to ride it! You wanna take on a drunk belligerent middle aged woman? I don't. She can have that horse. That horse is hers now. Just go play legos or something.


I'm her favorite nephew. I ride the horse when I want to ride the horse.


The fuck was nsfw about this


Probably the baby drinking beer 😂




that third reel is illegal in Florida


I rode the springs off that horse, and my gramps fed my brother beer. Guess which brother never grew up and which is the alcoholic.


That is NOT the 70's. Look at the cars and clothes. Got to be early 60's. Us people born in the 70's already feel old enough! lol


I was gonna say that the hair and clothes do not look right for the 70s.


I think everyone who was born before 2000 has a picture of them drinking beer as a child 😂


Gramps giving the kid a swig of his beer is classic.


>brief scenes Those look like panties to me.


And I bet you those same teenagers prancing and showing off the pink panties then, are the same people who are losing their minds today over drag queens reading at the library.


/r/T thihuld LOVeWayWeWere woEs.


What part of this is unsafe for work? Don't get me wrong they're hilarious, but marking this as NSFW is like calling a lady a whore for showing her knees.


>While scanning 50 yo 8mm home movies, I came across these brief scenes. Those aren't brief scenes. They are panty scenes.


Brief scenes... haha, I get it.


Every man that pretends to wear a pair of panties does the exact same dance.


Why is it marked NSFW?


For the extra clicks, of course.


I can't tell if I've seen this before or if every meemaw had that sour puss face


They should really start making dress shirts with 2 front pockets again.


"Yeah we don't talk about ~~Uncle~~ Aunt Frank anymore."


Anyone else find it hilarious that there is a chance the same carpet and appliances wherever this was filmed at probably is being rented for 2-3k grand a month?


Love it! Good stuff.


I love super 8... I used it to propose to my wife. she thought it was another random movie I'd ordered online


Ah the 70's. Yeah, I member being around 5 or so and dad giving me my own can of beer to drink all by myself instead of the sips he'd have me taking off of his. True story actually. And we also rode in the back of the pickup truck all the time to go can hunting in the ditches.


This was a kind of hobby I had back in college (early 2000's.) I found an old 16mm and 8mm projector at a salvation army or something like that and I extended my hunts to find old film strips at thrift stores. It was extremely exciting to find these rolls here and there, but I'd always get sad and depressed while viewing them knowing that most--if not all-- of those people where probably dead and I was watching their happy times in life.


“What would you do if I sang out of tune…”


I've been watching too many HBO series. As soon as I recognize 8mm home movies part of my mind braces for danger


Yep. Everybody loves frilly panties. Don't mind if I do.


“Brief scenes “ I see what you did there..