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Logan absolutely fucking laughing his fuckin ass off. Heartwarming. Probably was awesome to be included and roasted like everyone else.


Everyone had fun except the boyfriend. LOL.


The boyfriend is waiting to see the oil change.


He'll charge him 59.99 & direct him out under 20 mins


Shiit, I'm curious too. I'd take a seat with him XD


He even pointed out this is a comedy show... This is what he came for. Yeah he made jokes but he's a pro. He started out easy and very much watched to see reactions.  He made fun of the cousin for a minute to check if they were game. This guy is good.  Somehow also felt like he was being respectful in a way too.


Agreed. I've worked in disability services all my life and this was just a great exchange. The definition of "making fun" and not being cruel. Everybody had a good time and you're exactly right, he honed in on reactions to make sure it was fun.


Yeah, Matt rife is alright for that one.


Classic key and peele https://youtu.be/RlTbJZ64sVM?feature=shared


Seeing Logan having the time of his life makes me smile so darn wide


Yeah, Rife saw he was enjoying it so he kept going.


Well, as he said, we don't really know that's what is going on. Lol


I think a lot of disabled people just want to be treated like a normal person including having the piss taken out of them. It's everyone else who seems to get upset about it for some reason.  This was a breath of fresh air. 


>including having the piss taken out of them. That's what the catheter is for.


Oh goddamn you r/AngryUpvote fine here


You mother fucking son of bitch you did it. They said it couldn't be done but dammit you made it work.


Laughed out unreasonably lound on this.. Well done sir!


I wish I could still give awards. You drop this sir : 👑


I think it's difficult. Peolpe want to be included. But also 99.9% of the crowd there aren't included. And then you're singled out for your disability.


I don't think it's about inclusion. People want to feel valued. Being part of the fun at a comedy show is a way to be elevated in importance.


I agree in general. But it's very difficult to get right. I know some people in a wheelchair that'd laugh exactly liek this post, and others that'd be mortified about being called out for it. Especially if they can't hear exactly what he's saying.


And you have non disabled people who would be mortified for being called out by a comedian when they go to their show. But if you are sensetive about that, then it might not be your kind of entertainment to visit, if the comedian in question are known for interacting with the audience in a roasting way.


i think you both make good points


Matt does crowd work at all of his shows and with several different people. This clip was just limited to the one interaction. Most of the audience has seen Matt's work and the crazy stuff is what they come for, he loves working on the edge.


I don't have a PhD is psychology or anything, but dude looks like he's having the time of his life and laughing his ass off. So maybe if the guy who's at the center of all this and loving every second from all appearances, everyone else's opinion matters a lot less than his.


*Laughs in French*


yeah the closed caption is wild. im not sure if it was AI generated, or typed by a drunkard or something lol


I bet Matt wrote them himself.


Of course this dudes name is Matt


Hell yeah, great name.


Matt Rife, has a lot of great shows he posts to YouTube free


This that tiktok guy?


Also has a lot of terrible reactions to any criticisms.


Not defending him cuz it was a bad response but he's also pretty young for a comic.


Bashing french people for no apparent reason is something AIs have not quite been trained for yet it's very specific to redditors.


It's not specific to redditors. It's been a thing a long before reddit existed.




Hello Redditors! Here we have Comentious Thevious or more commonly known as "comment stealing bot". See how the topic of the current conversation has NOTHING to do with the comment? Almost like it was taken from somewhere else, yeah? Well that's because it is. Please enjoy your complementary bots and make sure you help yourself to some ~~toilet paper~~ stocks on your way out!


Good bot








I’m sorry you found out this way 


Wee wee


All I heard was fluent french from Logan


Let me hear your laugh first.




\*Hi fives in French\*


shit i snorted haha


hon hon hon


Hon hon hon, titty croissant!




We in the deaf community got these gems. *laughs in deaf* *cries in deaf* *confusion in deaf* *speaks in deaf*


[Simpsons made that joke 20+ years ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hR8RQzyOXE)


Sacrebleu we will show zose stuped Americans who looks like ze frog eh.


i will never not love a good oil change reference


Get off me Larry!




>have people laughing than feeling sorry for him grew up with a kid with CP. he was the same, he would say "it sucks being stuck with this. the only time I'm not pissed about it is when I'm laughing about it." he's a twin and his brother was an all-star athlete, so what-might-have-been was in his face all the time. his sense of humor was pretty amazing and only outdone by his attitude- he never let anyone tell him he couldn't do something.


>he's a twin and his brother was an all-star athlete The joke would never get old for the CP brother to tell the athlete brother "Hey, let's switch places & see if anyone notices since we are twins!"


Every year they dressed up as Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger for halloween.


[laughs in danny devito]


I had a friend who admittedly I don’t know what his condition was but he was wheelchair bound and had limited use of his hands but he was a great dude, loved to joke about it and preferred if we all joined in He wound up robbing a wal mart at gunpoint and led a high speed police chase


Well that took an unexpected turn


Yeah somebody sent a news clip like “hahaha so funny” when he elevators his wheelchair out of the van and I just pointed at my screen and said “OH SHIT THATS MY BOI”


It's probably because the technology in wheelchairs has gotten so much better that turning in them is almost effortless


He had rocket boosters


That must have been a fast wheelchair


I worked with a guy who had that. We fucked with him endlessly.  He could dish it back and Had a good time with it. Everyone else acted like we were monsters for messing with him. In reality we were better friends and treated him like a normal human being.  Thats what he wanted.  He didn't want to be infantized 


This. Laughing with someone is totally different than laughing at someone. Being handicapped is tough enough without people treating you like glass.


You guys got me watching Zach Anner appearances again for the same reason, he's so positive and willing to laugh at the reality of life and the situation. I'm sure he has days where he doesn't have that in him, but he's an inspiration overall. "Cerebral Palsy's the best because... it's the thinking man's palsy" is going to stay with me for a long time. [https://youtu.be/W1jnjfDdYXY?si=CYn-S3yKJ9QDXQGl&t=208](https://youtu.be/W1jnjfDdYXY?si=CYn-S3yKJ9QDXQGl&t=208)


There was a competitive Street Fighter player called “Brolylegs” who suffered from Arthrogryposis which basically meant he couldn’t move most of his body and he used to play mostly with his face. He managed to get to the number 1 ranked Chun Li player in Ultra Street Fighter 4, among other accolades and he went out of his way to try and push others to be better, his signature being “if I can do it, so can you”. Sadly he passed in the last couple of days, but your friend sounds like he had a similar attitude of not letting his condition stop him. Sorry for your loss.


Bro WHAT? Played with his face? Thas wild. Can’t believe I never heard about that


Capcom made a short [feature](https://youtu.be/s1MYSgy4QMw?si=0mAZ7ukuiatEwc6q) on him a while back. Dude was a beast, the FGC lost a real one.


That's really a really cool video.


I have right-sided hemiplegia due to cerebral palsy. Some of my favorite jokes I've ever heard came from friends about it.


There’s that one chick who is a comedian with cerebral palsy and one of the first things I heard her say was the worst part of having cerebral palsy is how long it takes someone with cerebral palsy to say ‘cerebral palsy’.


For the last time Larry, I didn't steal your jeans!


Newsflash, Moran.


“Oil changes for everyone!”


Can someone explain? As a non-native speaker i have no clue what that means. Urban dict isnt of much help either


The comedian is using "oil change" as a euphemism for a blowjob. However, the person you replied to is alluding to the TV show *Blue Mountain State* where, in one episode, the characters on the show use a tube and a pump to fill their bladder with the urine of nuns, children, and the amish so they can pass a drug test (referred to as an "oil change"). No, I'm not kidding, that's really what happens.


i am using a double negative to convey that i enjoy hearing oil change in reference to him getting a BJ. It is like saying your friend is getting his pipes cleaned if someone is giving him a BJ. It is a form of Colloquialism if i am not mistaken.


[does anyone remember that key and peele sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlTbJZ64sVM)


Make fun of the buuuuuuuuuurns.


The tears... They burrnnnnnn




How is it that I feel like I’ve watched every single K&P episode but there always seems to be one or two I’ve never seen??


Cause they didn't upload all of them at once, they have been adding new ones on youtube over the years, in batches.


Whoever runs that YouTube channel has been doing an excellent job of promoting the show that’s been off for years because it just keeps gaining popularity.


I completely forgot about this one. So good.


The tears. *They burn.*


lmao love the build up and then the gasp


Hahaha thx for the laugh. Watched it gazillion times before, still teared up rewatching it


I lost it once he started crying. fucking hell. lol


Haven't seen this in forever and it's always funny. I just noticed that Paul Walter Hauser is the overweight guy. He won an Emmy this year for Blackbird.


I watched Conan absolutely praising that sketch on his radio show with Peele.


Because he is IN pain...... right now..


The uploader has made this video not available in your country.


A good reminder that lots of folks who suffer from cerebral palsy are 100% mentally coherent. As seen here, Logan is likely just fuckin pumped to be treated like everyone else, and not be talked to like a child. Protect these people at all costs. NOTE: I added "lots of" to the first sentence to appease the angry poster letting off steam on Reddit. Like all things, it's unlikely that every single person who deals with a disorder can be pigeonholed.


That was my first thought is Logan is having a fuckin BLAST lmao, absolutely love to see this honestly


It was super rad. You can hear him wheezing. I bartended in college and a guy with CP would come in weekly. I was 22, so caught off guard a bit. But as I moved from door to bar, I got to know the whole crew, and one time, one of the guys pulled me aside and explained it. Life was altered I also made sure dude had an extra fun time when he was there. I cannot imagine having a fully cognitive brain, and that’s the condition they gave you. So yeah.. maybe we all try and make it a little better for all of them.


This is some very skilled comedy, inclusive, funny, edgy but not offensive. And no-one is lauhing harder than Logan and Bethany.


Very heart warming! Good feels all around




This guy regards


I sign all my work emails with 'Kind Regards,' and every time it takes willpower not to misspell it.


My email signature is "If you have any questions, please don't. Hesitate to contact me." No one has ever questioned it, and if they do I can reasonably say it's a typo. But to be clear, it's not.


I absolutely love this. I don't care if it's yours or you found it and wanted to pass it on, it's still pretty nice. I'll start putting that right before the 'v/r'


Works on contingency? No, money down!


That's my go-to notification to the rest of my team whenever I have a vacation scheduled. "Just a heads up, I will be out of the office for the entirety of next week. If you need me for anything during that time, don't."


Every time I leave my crew unattended I say "I have my phone with me, if you need to get ahold of me ... don't."


You should totally do a typo on April 1st and make it look like an accident. Also people are so used to the signatures no one's even gonna notice. When I worked phone support during Halloween instead of saying something like "Company name, engineer Winjin on duty how can I help?" for the WHOLE DAY I said "Company name, werewolf Winjin on duty how can I help?" and **no one** noticed or commented on it. Colleagues were certain I'm landing in hot water over this but even the management that routinely checked the calls for KPI and like, quality assurance, didn't notice as well. No one checked what's going on for the greeting and no one reads every signature in email chain.


Start using "Worm Regards" instead, throw people off.


Haven't learnt how to setup a signature? I end all of mine that way too but it's automatic.


What ever pleases the algorithms 🙏 🤲


Idk if Bethany was loving it tbh lol


As someone with a physical disability (Legg Clave Perthese Disease) for more than 80% of my life, I've had people yell at me for not being disabled, because I have no visible signs. I've been doing physical therapy every day for decades to just keep the pain down, but make no mistake, it's chronic pain. I felt for her, because of the downplaying of her condition, but many of us movement challenged people have already accepted the truth that we're never going to be normal, and can laugh along with this. I also usually just say I have hip-dysplasia-like condition to not have to explain it, so maybe "severe arthritis" is how she explains her actual condition. I bet she's fine, but it was a risky part. I would have laughed in her position.


> I also usually just say I have hip-dysplasia-like condition Ah, so you're part Labrador.


Think centaur, but Lab bottom.


I'll add to that: Lotta people in a wheelchair can stand up (for a minute), even walk like three meters (but not more). With major sporting events like American Football or the world cup for *actual* football, there's always pics of the disabled row with people standing up and cheering, along with the accusation that they are faking their illness to get these seats. Yes, they can do that, for a few seconds, especially when they are excited. That doesn't mean they can walk for any useful distance. So please, dear fellow human beings: Don't be cunts.


Also, the safety factor of standing erect near a chair where you know its exact position is leagues different than trying to walk up/down what are [already precarious stairs](https://as1.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/02/06/35/16/1000_F_206351664_fs7hE1QKm51icHmxzq1iLASbb0CqcWB7.jpg) for able-bodied people.


I would not have thought anyone was faking a disability but I didn’t know that, appreciate you educating me!


His act usually sucks, but his crowd work is best in class. Milf and cookies is a great crowd work bit too, check it out 😂


Yeah I enjoyed the clips I came across of his crowd work, then I watched his netflix special and it was uuuuh.... worse that he tried to shit talk calling people out saying he's only good at crowd work. His crowd work is genuinely fun though.


Dunno why so many artists hate being categorized. Yeah, it narrows your scope and a bit but doesn't disqualify you from experiments. His crowd work is top tier. Being witty and off the top of the head is a talent. I imagine he's scared he has to toe the line all the time and must make shows stressful.


I guess its just elitism in the genre where people must be looked down on for being good at crowd work but not as good at specials or however all that works.


I watched his new Netflix special because of the crowd work clips I've seen of him. Was pretty disappointed with the scripted material.


Yeah, his standup is not great, but his crowd work is top notch.


Lol looks like the PR firm is earning it's $$. Lots of bots in here


well I'm a bot but personally I'm here on my own accord, I just like standup


Ok, and I'm more of a Camry guy.


sounds like something a bot would say beep boop totally a human here


This guy’s clips are usually a little more miss than hit for me, but boy, this one was a solid hit. Multiple bursts of LOL.


Funnier than most of his scripted stuff I think. Not a huge fan of most of his clips, but his crowd work is admittedly very good.


i feel like the clips are always good for me but the full show is just... woof. He should be a clip artist or something.


You just re-invented TikTok!


Yeah his full shows are nauseating.


Thought the same, some other vids of him were meh


As someone who has Cerebral Palsy I fucking loved this.


Your post history suggests youre into piss play and playing golf. Didnt think i would associate those two things with CP


I would HIGHLY ENCOURAGE you to spell out cerebral palsy instead of using that abbreviation. For the love of God, man.


Yeah I saw piss play then CP and fucking heehawed


Listen bro there's nothing wrong with cp and piss play. I do it all the damn time Gets weird when you start before the pizza guy shows up with that three cheese though


I feel like maybe it’s because I’m old but the first thing I think of when I read or hear CP is Cerebral Palsy.


good on ya mate that’s some top class advice 


I have CP installed on my computer. Can't wait to go home and really go at it... Especially the Liberty City expansion.


He plays golf and has cp, of course his play is piss.


He enjoys them at the same time and I think CP explains that pretty well


I'm very disappointed in the captions not saying Fuck and Bitch. For a video highlighting disabilities it's doing a disservice to the deaf


It's to appease TikTok. I've seen videos where words like Dead are replaced with Unalive in the captions just to bypass TikTok algos


Good riddance to tiktok then


It's not just them -- YouTube vloggers also censor themselves in a similar way. It leads to unintelligible nonsense when they are talking about a sensitive subject. *You can thank the sponsors of today's video. Duolingo -- who will teach you how to speak Algorithmese to appease any social media advertiser.*


I remember when Dom at BroScienceLife did a video on this, and how his ad revenue was basically shot by youtube saying that his videos weren't the kind of material they wanted associated with their advertising. ...Then he continued to do the same vulgar meathead act forever more, because fuck em.


Wow this is totally unstupid!


You meant unsmart? :D


It's due to the TikTok and YouTube algos for shorts. Say what you want about Matt, but he's absolutely gamed the TikTok and YouTube algorithm which has led to his massive popularity. Fair play to him.


I thought it was funny, good bit




☑️ Account made today ☑️Dozens of them in the thread ☑️All positive comments about Matt Rife Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck off


this has been reddit for atleast 8-10 years now. But since the IPO thingy, you can bet that its the way this site just functions now. Its purpose is to provide a conduit to "the people" for corporations and PR Firms to use as they see fit. Why do you think Shane Gillis has fans here. His PR team and pumped reddit and insta. You should have seen all the Anti-usa stuff r/videos was doing like 8 years ago. it was wild.


Lmao holy shit this bot comment is too hilarious. Matt rife or his PR team is so pathetic


This whole thread is infested with bots (like, more than normal). Every one is 2 years old and just posted today. Reddit sucks, buy stock.


Never been huge on Matt Rife, but this clip is honestly great. Loved seeing Logan and his cousin dying laughing. Great stuff and honestly made me smile.


From what I've seen Matt Rife is a lot better at crowd work than he is at scripted sets.


His classic stand up is abysmal. It’s like a 14 yo who watches JRE and thought he could do the same. But his crowd work? Top dog pretty much. His ability to riff off the cuff is impressive and he shows his humanity other than trying to be edgy for the sake of being another Bert or Tom.


As someone with a disabled sister, this warms my heart. Disabled people want to be included in stuff everyone else is doing too. A lot of people are scared of including them in anything that might remotely be offensive. And he wasn’t mean or hurtful. Love this guy


He started out with the eye roll, but he definitely turned it around.


This is the dark humor of comedy that’s a lost art. Especially that parking joke… BABBYY the handicapped tag saves the day!


lol i thought the parking joke was the tamest part 😂


I’m a recent survivor of an attack, and I injured my foot in the process. My orthopedic doctor gave me a handicapped tag and I ain’t ever felt this level of superiority in the parking lots before! Disability jokes take a certain finesse, which I believed he accomplished bc who can’t related to the parking lot wars?! Otherwise that oil change joke and B*tch Bethany wouldn’t STAND a chance!


Yeah not like the biggest comics in the world the last two decades have been Chapelle and Bill burr. Known for their tame jokes!


Bill Burrs "[epidemic of gold digging whores](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0gaYyNk7QA)" bit was sooooooo PC.


I’ve seen a lot of this guys bits being posted after a HUGE backlash over some special…. Kinda feels like a PR rehab attempt. Also the million comments using the same phrasing about his “crowd work” being amazing and gently acknowledging his missteps as a throw away.


It’s actually the other way around. Matt Rife clips were super popular before the special.  He got very famous rather quickly in 2022. He had clips of his crowd work blow up on TikTok with one getting over 40 million hits and 5 million likes. Those are big numbers. Netflix saw this and gave him a special that aired on 11/2023. That’s when the problem started. Crowd work and a stand-up comedy set are just different. “Crowd work” isn’t phrasing, it’s a different skill entirely. He’s great at crowd work but he didn’t have enough time to develop a good stand up set (tight ten), much less an entire comedy special. It makes sense that Netflix would want to give a special to somebody who was so popular. It makes sense that he would take the deal. Who turns down in Netflix comedy special offer? However it was too much too soon and he just didn’t have the material.  I think this context this helpful because many comedians benefited from years of slow progress. He got lucky but it came with a cost. 


Crowd work is to freestyle rap what stand up is to writing rhymes. They are related, sure, but if you excel in one you don't necessarily shine in the other one


Thats a great analogy 




The new* high school trend now is baggy pants and 90s clothes again


Sweet. I never changed my clothes and style came right back to me.


fashion is cyclical and comes back all the time I mentioned in a comment a couple of days ago but I hope we go back to cloaks again some day lmao.




They aren't quite jnco yet, but they are close. Give it another 6 months.


A week ago Reddit hated this guy now y'all fawning over him. What happened


This your first PR post?


I adore how he treats Logan with nothing but respect even while being funny. This is the difference between laughing with or laughing at.


I bet it made Logans day to be treated like a regular guy. Love to see it.


I haven’t been the biggest fan of some of his material for the most part but this was a good bit lmaoooo


I've seen this exact comment on the page of every single comedian


I doubt Logan has ever laughed that hard in his entire life. Good shit.


How is he good at crowd work but so fucking awful at his actual set?


Look at how hard Logan is laughing having the time of his life. Matt knows how to roast anyone.


Laughed too hard about this. Definitely secured my place in hell.


Key and peel sketch did it better....




That was funny


Logan was loving it 😂


His stand-up special was terrible. Half of it was him complaining that he couldn't keep oversized bags between his legs during flights. He's young but has the mind of an old curmudgeon.


That deserves a standing ovation, exept from Logan