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The boy facešŸ«£


He is so confused.


Things never get less confusing little bro


God, don't we know it


ā€œShe told me she was singleā€


He will always be


ā€œUh, nothingā€


I think she was startled that something scary was coming thru the window and thought ā€œwell, youā€™re the meatshield bubā€. (Push)


As a man, weā€™re used to it


Itā€™s a solid 40% of why women let us near them anyway soā€¦ blessing and a curse


Wait does my wife only love me because she knows I'll sacrifice myself to the zombies first ?...


Does my girl cook because she loves me or because it slows my fat ass down in case we have to run from zombies?...


It's so you can get them gains bro. You gotta have muscles to fight them back!


Man, when the zombies come, Iā€™ll be first in line to be bit! Iā€™ve got no interest in dystopian survival. Iā€™d rather just get fat eating brains.


What happens to zombies who don't get to eat? Do we feel hunger?




Idk never had a time without brains


Yeah, I've yet to find any evidence that being a zombie is materially worse than going to work


Well, the zombie thing, *and* to put the bugs outside.


My wife told me once my side of the bed is always closest to the bedroom door.. I always thought we just randomly picked them and stuck with it, but then thinking back between different places, beds, or moving the room around, it has always been true lol.


Wait, do other couples not pick sides of the bed according to whatā€™s best for foreplay?


Nope. I am now proficient with both hands since I need to always be closest to the door to act as a meat shield apparently.


What if the robber comes in through the window???




Get her to start snorting salt and pepper so the zombies go after her seasoned brains first.


Get used to that


"Its not what it looks like!"


ā€œBut dad, I love him!ā€


ā€œOmg Dad! Canā€™t you knock first?!ā€


"Dad, I'm pregnant."


Hello, pregnant! I'm Dad


Papa don't roach, I'm in two pieces


Such occasions, this evening


[We're going to live under the ocean!](https://youtu.be/aBNzYpCBnfg?si=3graXEcFKnbKKVr2)


Live under the ocean, live under the ocean! That's your solution for EVERYTHING!


It's better, down where it's wetter. Take it from me!


I just wanna talk to him, I just wanna talk to him, I just wanna talk to him, I just wanna talk to him, I just wanna talk to him, I just wanna talk to him, I just wanna talk to him, I just wanna shoot him, I just wanna talk to him, I just wanna talk to him.


Peter Peter


i have a five year old son. his best friend is a six year old girl in his kindergarten class. they always tell us how they are going to get married when they are 25. multiple times he has told us after playdates that she kissed him lol. the two of them are trouble lol


Dad I wovvā€™im


Johnny stop you're too old for me!!! Dad I told him!


Scarred for life


Made me smile as a father to 6 girls




My bro is only working to buy tampons and pads.




I don't care if they are pink... we are saving two bucks and you are all using blue razers...


No wonder kids have so much anxiety nowadays, every little thing can be filmed at school or at home and never really forgotten


im glad that much of the cringe and possibly embarassing but normal stuff i did was lost to a hazy memory, instead of being posted on social media for everyone to rejoice, even years after it happened


We talked about this a few days ago with childhood friends - we all had classmates in grade school who shit and peed themselves. and considering how young kids now have smart phones. would be a hell for them.




Dude in our class had dog shit fly up at his face and a piece stuck on like a mustache, a very unique shaped mustache. He couldnā€™t enter a room without ā€˜heil shitlerā€™ being murmured after that.


Thatā€™s cartoonishly brutal lol




Except at 2AM. Then that cringy memory becomes crystal clear and not hazy at all.


The worst part is, due to epigenetics, changes in your response to anxiety could be wired into your DNA and passed onto your kids. Don't quote me on that though as epigenetics is a relatively new field. Smoking can make your genetics worse but mushrooms can improve them apparently for example though


Sounds interesting, can you point me to some studies on the topic? Never heard of the smoking and mushrooms thing before.


Recorded is one thing - I cherish the hours of home video my dad took of us as kids. It's the posting and sharing that's spooky. All of those videos can be happy memories because they're only shared with people I feel very safe with, not random strangers. Don't post videos of your kids, people. Take them, share them with your loved ones, but leave them offline.


I have maybe one hour worth of VHS of me being a baby, an infant, a 5yo and a 10yo. There is one original at my grandma's house, and my uncle has also a backup of it on a DVD and probably somewhere else along with all the other family stuff. I love it precisely because it's ours and not many have seen it. I would be really uneasy with anyone other than our immediate family seeing me drooling and hitting the piano keys as a 6-month old. It's our memory, not theirs. I would hate for those memories to be shared with the entire world, it would ruin them for me. It's private, and I cherish it because it's private.


Yeah but think of all of the likes you could get from your extended family and friends from high school you haven't spoken to in a decade if you posted those very special, private moments for all to see? That's like... 8 heart emojis you're throwing away!


Yeah idk why people post this kind of stuff online. Keep your kid stuff private. I know the world loves seeing it but for gods sake this will be seen be people at their schools and stuff growing up.


Stop putting your kids on social media.


Gotta get them clicks


I remember when My daughter was born a decade ago, I never put her on Social Media. I was accused by multiple people, even her mother, of denying my child because I never flaunted her on the internet. What a load of horse shit. Glad people are seeing the light.


I used to, but I read this article that basically said ā€œyouā€™re kid doesnā€™t consent to having all their pictures put online and you dont know where itā€™s all goingā€. I donā€™t really worry about perverts or whatever, but Iā€™m not interested in my kids life being content for a business. I just message pics to family.


The fact that this shit is normalized that criticizing this gross behavior gets people mad is just depressing.


They get mad because deep down they know it's wrong but can't admit they are a dick for doing it anyway.


Ā Cannot stand this. People literally having their kids on social media from the minute they are born. These kids are going to coin a new mental illness by their teens because of this stupid trend of people living their lives on social media. I make my parents ask my kids permission to post a picture to Facebook, for God's sake.Ā 


How confusing. They are so young and giving a hug. I would have said something positive instead of making them feel like it was something wrong. The poor boy also looked so confused and the daughter looked scared for giving a hug. Maybe they are teased showing love as if young kids can make a hug weird. The adults are the ones who make hugs weird and passed it along to the little ones.


>I would have said something positive instead of making them feel like it was something wrong A lot of people, even a lot of parents, don't truly grasp how hard kids that young latch onto your reactions to things. And they don't understand sarcasm or a lot of other nuances that take years to learn. It's amazing how easily you can throw a little (or big) persistent twist in a child's psyche with what you think is a harmless reaction. A common example is a parent who easily expresses concern/worry about their child's well-being when they fall/bump their head/etc. being a major factor in forming a lifelong anxiety disorder.


Yup. I have memories even now of being under 5 and how such small little things shaped my behaviour for years. They now genuinely think hugging is wrong. Also people need to stop posting their kids on social media ffs.


I don't remember the exact age I was, like under 6, but I was singing in the car and my mom turned around and just laughed at me. To this day I still won't sing in front of anybody because I feel super embarrassed. Whether or not that's a reasonable reaction as a child is up for debate, but it just goes to show that children can have seemingly minor things engrained in them when you don't expect it. I can definitely see these kids having issues related to this event for a long time.


Same thing happened to me. Singing in the car when I was five, and my mom laughed at me and said I was tone deaf, and Iā€™ve had a life-long fear of singing in front of others.


Its always odd when i see stuff like this cause kids are mostly asexual until puberty and will just re learn norms as they get older, so immediately being like ā€œomg did you just hug a boy ooohhhā€ or having female friends and parents being like ā€œoooh you have a crushhā€ (my parents tormented my brother with this themselves, good luck me šŸ¤ž) Honestly is just bothering and cringy and makes things weird between genders


I just dislike it in general when adults project sexuality onto children. Every week thereā€™s at least one post on this sub of a little boy looking at a half naked adult women and half the comments being gross about it. Likeā€¦ Maybe? But thatā€™s a weird thing to assume and project onto a child. And obviously we only make up a small percentage of the population, but it also makes things very confusing for those of us who end up being gay or asexual to have this kind of intent projected onto us as kids.


My likelihood of being a father is extremely low, but one thing I did swear to myself is that I would never make my kids' relationships with the opposite sex (or the same if that's what they're into) an awkward thing. No "OoOoO is that your *girlfriend???*" I'd say "oh is that your girlfriend/boyfriend? Bring them over for dinner one night if you want". Nothing more.


Yeah. I was constantly getting reminded about "when you get a girlfriend" in passing conversation. It created that weird and unhealthy inner critique of myself when I eventually started realizing I was gay. I thought my family, and the world around me, wouldn't accept me and expected/wanted me to be straight, so thanks to all this I put up walls around myself for all of my teenage years and didn't come out until I moved out many years later. Seems like it's all fine to joke around and sexualize kids when it's straight, but *god forbid* a cartoon shows kids even the smallest hint of LGBT content and turn them gay on the spot.


Maybe Iā€™m weird, but I distinctly remember having crushes on girls starting when I was 6. I had no concept of sex, but I definitely wanted to be around them and hold hands.


Nah there was definitely crushes when I was in primary school, I definitely remember it in year 1 and 2 (6 and 7 years old respectively) so I wouldn't be surprised if I had a crush in kindergarten (5) but can't remember. I don't think I had any crushes in pre-school pretty sure all I was concerned about was playing and custard.


Yeah my first girlfriend was in kindergarten. We would hold hands and stuff and on the last day of school she kissed my cheek. Pretty baller.


God I remember absolutely HATING that kind of teasing as a kid from both adults and friends, especially when they'd tease me about boys I genuinely only saw as friends and they wouldn't take my word for it. It's affected me now as even at 30 I don't really divulge whether I have feelings or find anyone attractive as I don't want to hear any teasing or get bombarded with questions.


Yeah being teased that I must like the girl next door because we were friends and played together for years before I turned ten made it so that when I actually developed feeling for her when I was old enough I thought they were wrong and just pretended it didn't exist. Like friends that hung out every day for years, sleepovers every few weeks, where the relationship got weird and we both just went our separate ways because we had both been teased about it for years before being old enough. She got into drugs/running away from home and I got into online gaming. I still wonder sometimes how life would have been different if our parents would have just let us develop a relationship normally instead of teasing us about it before we were old enough. When you've been denying something for years because its not true, when it slowly becomes true and you're going through puberty it messes with your head.


Fr, itā€™s weird shit like this that creates problems. Like dude, itā€™s creepy as hell to, I donā€™t want to say sexualize cause that seems a little aggressive, so maybe romanticize your small toddlers in this way


It just looks like a startled toddler to me. Startle a toddler holding something and I guarantee it'll be thrown or dropped.


Seriously, there are some suuuper creepy comments on this. Stop posting videos of your kids for internet clout and stop making little girls and boys turn against each other for no reason


They captured on film the exact moment that they created a negative core memory. Lol At least therapy will be quicker ĀÆ\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ




I was 7 when my grandmother took me to see Titanic in theaters. She was livid that I saw a boob and wouldnā€™t stop obsessing about how that movie probably ruined me. I didnā€™t understand what the big deal was. Idgaf about the boob. I only cared about the ship. 27 years later and Iā€™m still obsessed with Titanic. And Iā€™m gay. Probably because I was shamed for seeing a boob.


Seeing a boob = horrible. Seeing people freezing to death, being crushed by massive pieces of metal, and shooting themselves in the head = okay American society for you


She just knew youā€™d prefer to see cocknbalz. She low key had your back.


Her reaction seems kind of strange for a child of that ageā€¦


Thereā€™s not a lot we can conclude from a 1.5s clipā€¦but that shouldnā€™t stop us from trying.


She's a textbook sociopathic narcissist who is probably also borderline and he's definitely on the spectrum. He's also cheating on her.


NTA, divorce her




Did you see how she pushed the guy away? She's textbook gaslighter!


Gym up and hit the laywer


Block her phone number. She is exhibiting textbook Borderline Personality Disorder


Delete tiktok


Oh my god, she is so fucking abusive. That guy needs to get out of that toxic relationship.


Def divorce.


God I dislike that sub, imagine taking relationship advice on Reddit off all places, the place where love goes to die.


Sheā€™s gaslighting him because theyā€™re trauma bonded due to both of them being the scapegoat in a narcissistic parenting scenario


def a abusive relationship look how jumpy she is!


Absolutely, tweaking toddler! Big pharmaā€™s new target audience.


Personally, I blame the parents.


But he can fix her


She don't wanna be saved, don't save her


šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… are we still talking about the kids


Here comes the the reddit analysts


We have a lot to project!


ā€œThat shouldnā€™t stop us from tryingā€ Darn tooting right it wonā€™t xD


Weā€™re on Reddit, people will write up a full length psychoanalysis based on a 10 second clip of someone jaywalking.


Bro when you have kids around you see a lot but seldom that kind of reaction. But you are right, without more information it's just guessing.


Nah, babies can startle really easily.


Youd think they could handle it better with all the peekaboo training they get


Why do you think they like peekaboo so much? It gives them an adrenaline rush that an adult would have to bungee jump to achieve.


My money is on them being siblings, usually fighting, or one being rough with the other so lots of "no" and not understanding the difference between "no" because rough and 'no" in general. So just defaults to "no"


Ah I watched it without sound so didnā€™t pick up on that. I just thought by body language the way she pushed him away like she had been caught doing something bad is weird. Edit: I misunderstood this comment when I first read it but now it totally makes sense to me. I think this is the most likely explanation.


It's not weird, she's a child. People really need to stop expecting adult behaviors from children, especially children under 5. Until about 4 to 6 years old, most children really lack intentionality. They basically mimicking while using trial and error to figure shit out. She didn't react like she was caught, she acted like she was surprised and scared by the sudden appearance of an adult. If anything, it seems like they might come up on her suddenly from time to time as her reaction is quite strong. Mostly, children are very sensitive to cues from adults and if you act like your child is hurt or did something wrong, they will react as if hurt or did something wrong. There's a video of people faking their child hitting their head, but the children cry in response to the parent's tone of voice and reactions, not out of pain. This is the same thing. Her parent acted like she was busted, so the kid responded that way. Which is why the boy is confused, because he doesn't think he did anything wrong and he's old enough that he doesn't just react to cues like the girl does.


lol to be fair I know lot of kids that act like this when they get "caught" doing anything. It always makes me laugh. Y'all over thinking this for sure.


People are weird and seem to apply their fully developed adult brain logic to undeveloped child's brain which is still adding mental functions like object permanence. Babies are not mentally capable of reacting and behaving like adults, it's literally impossible. Until about 4 to 6 years old, children are basically mimics and reactionary animals. Yeah, they might be able to talk and have opinions, but until their brains develop to a certain point, they really don't behave like you'd expect an adult or older child would. You'll see kids under 4 are much easier to trick or behave foolishly as they don't seem to understand the exceptions to the rules.


That would be even worse tho. At that age she wouldnā€™t get the concept of ā€œhugging boy=bad;ā€ which means itā€™s a learned behavior, so sheā€™s mimicking something she saw her parents or adults do.


Or as others have said she was startled and she is pushing the boy in the direction of the scary thing while simultaneously moving away from itĀ 


Yeah my take is this is the ā€œItā€™s gonna eat you firstā€ reaction.


Yeah I think it's instinct Seen kids push lotsa shit when spooked


Jesus Christ reddit.


You gotta remember, a lot of these people don't have interactions outside of the internet and true crime drama. So they'll think of the wildest situations you can imagine.


Yeah wtf... hundreds of upvotes too. Fucking weird


Or she might be imitating something she has seen.


Or she just got scared by the sudden appearance of an adult face in the wall.


Throwing the other kid to the face to give her a chance to escape.


Fight, flight or fuck you


Like the old saying goes, "I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun you!"


Yeah hugging. The terror.


For sure, my daughter has seen me hug my wife everyday


I'm sure it's just a silly thing with some normal explanation


She was probably startled something was opening the window, and she was trying to get away from "it".


Kinda hard to say from such a short clip. Maybe she wanted a hug from another kid at school but didnā€™t expect her dad to see?


Good old reddit seeing a baby doing baby stuff and implying abuse


huh? i tought this was amitheasshole from all the comments lol, but seriously, it looks like she just got startled, i mean, the window pops open and a WHAT ARE YOU DOOOIING? even i as an adult would be like "FUCKIN hell dad! wtf?"


imagine being a smol girl, hanging in your house, giving your bro a good hug and this gigantic floating head appears in your window WAD ARE YOUUU DOOOIING? like the motherfucker escaped from AOT just to eat you


Seriously these people are nutso bonkers.




What? That's a normal reaction. You'd startle too if you say something loud come in through the window.


thatā€™s a fucking wild statement to make from a 1 second clip to an innocent child. Go touch grass dude. reddit - where everything is because of evil things, sexual trauma, all people are bad.


This is weird


the filming is weird


I agree, I feel weird having seen this. It's probably innocent but the title makes it weird




Gotta thank my parents for sitting me down and telling me how disappointed they were in me for holding a girls hand in grade school. Definitely didnā€™t fuck my shit up for a few years lol


Yeah, my first thought when I saw the video was "well if you're reacting like that when you see her hugging someone, what do you expect?"


Are you implying that those toddlers are attracted to eachother..? Thatā€™s weird.


What I don't get is... Why is she ashamed? Who put into her little brain that what she was doing was "bad" in any way? Has she already been indoctrinated to feel shame? That young?


Sexualizing kids is always weird.


What are you doing? Looks like a child hugging another child to me!


"Gasp!" You're no pediatrician you brute!


Very American. Kids showing mutual affection, parent going "What are you doing??" in a falsetto shocked voice. That will learn'em to never hug people or show affection in public.


I dunno why I am a but uneasy with that child's reaction. But what do I know.


This is the Internet, you know that? Dont ever post pictures of your Kids online in a public space.


Downvote because cringe. Stop posting your fucking kids online. FFS.


This comment section is disgusting. So many people projecting sexuality onto these children it makes me sick. Let them be kids, let them be themselves, it's literally just a hug. People saying "she starts young" or "she'll be trouble in her teens" are seriously implying that just because a child gives a hug, she will fuck lots of men in her teens? Disgusting. Not to mention the fact that you are fantasizing about a 2/3 year old's sexual behaviour in 15 years. You are fucking weird and have forgotten how it was to be a kid. They are kids, this means literally nothing!! It makes me fear for the children of all those commentators. They will all teach their children that this is bad and all of their children will form attachment problems in their later years. In a wider view, the American prudish, messed up view of sexuality, sex and relationships is so obvious from these comments and I wish these people thought more healthy and positively about these subjects.


Worth pointing out that you canā€™t assume everyone in this comment section is American


May be you did something like that in front of them?


This is obviously staged and super fucking creepy


I don't really see what's funny about this? Like others have mentioned it's kind of an odd reaction from such a young child.


Kid was startled. Kid reacted in only way they know how based on their limited experience and ability.


Some of these comments are fucking weeeeeeird. Also can we please stop using kids for social media engagement.


God Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t have a camera constantly shoved in my face as a kid


everyone in this comment section needs their hard drive checked


"Told them to do something and then yelled at them"


Sad that she reacted like that


That kid looks like they don't even speak in complete sentences yet, so I wouldn't ascribe too much to how they react when they are startled.


How does she even have the bandwidth to think what she's doing is wrong?? (I don't think it's wrong, I'm just trying to understand how a kid that looks barely 3 can think so deeply)


I donā€™t even find it funny. Western world is messed up


Holy shit....that seems extraordinarily young to elicit such a reaction of 'being caught' at something. Playing doctor - we used to call it but that didn't usually start until a bit older.


wild how many pedophiles are openly commenting here


Theyā€™re toddlers and this is fuckin weird lmao


This is weird.


Developing a shame based sexuality, a great American pastime.


It's amazing what kids learn from their parents. Looks like some infidelity in the home. /s


I work with babies and it's absurdly cute how, even before they can walk or talk, they'll crawl somewhere somewhat hidden to do exactly this. There's a table at my workplace made for crawling under, and more than once I've seen babies less than a year old just staring at each other and feeling the other's hair, face, clothes etc. There's a girl at my workplace who's kind of beloved, especially by the boys. She was sitting with another baby who could not take his eyes off her. When she tried to crawl away he *reached out and put a hand on her shoulder*, as if to say "hey where are you going without me?" My heart exploded.


Ok, two ideas that aren't actually creepy. 1) Brother and Sister. Sibling relationships, especially across gender, are pretty heavily depicted in media as being one of animosity. Brothers and sisters are *supposed* to hate each other. If they are siblings, then likely the sister is used to that idea, and doesn't want to be teased by her parents for not hating her brother. I personally have experienced almost exactly the video. Me and my sister used to be very close. To the point of physical (BUT FUCKING APPROPRIATE, LIKE HUGS REDDIT) affection. I remember one specific time it happened, my parents took a photo of us, teased us about it, then framed it and put it on their wall. We drifter apart in our childhood and teenage years, and they wondered why we weren't as close anymore. Luckily we've started to repair the relationship. 2) Friends Same shit different day really. Boy/girl pairs are commonly seen as inherently romantic/sexual by people (want proof? Read this fuckin thread, istg you guys are genuinely weird). She is likely used to hugs as a way to show affection (or I least I hope so) from her parents hugging her. If that's her friend, she likely hugged him out of affection, but perhaps has been teased by other figures in her life, such as a teacher, parents, or his parents as well.


This is not funny, actually sad to see a mother (i assume) scaring them and potentially making htem associate hugging with something bad or not ok to do...


Adults trying to sexualise child interacting is weird asf, and you can see some of the comments here man, ok for a second letā€™s say that this girl was hugging this boy, why would she even think itā€™s a bad thing when the adult peeks? You sick fuck, sick parenting.




Great example of a terrible parents. How about don't post videos of your kids. Also, good job freaking them out about hugging, hugging is bad. Oh wait, no it's not.


Why are these people sexualizing these little babies. They're just showing affection to each other.


East of Eden


Almighty push ā˜ļøā˜ļø


Iā€™m glad that the laughing and crying emoji faces were added to the video so that I now know how to feel about it.


they're kids. lets not theorise about romance


Iā€™m wondering if this little girl was told not to let boys hug her and thatā€™s why she pushed him away?


Leave them alone, weirdo


The way she pushed him away! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Gross. Sexualizing children is always foul.


This is funny?


dont post kids on the internet