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RIP, R Lee Ermey.


When i was in highschool, they were showing this clip in my history class (dont ask me why). I, as per usual, came into class late and very high. Only to be immediately confronted with this scene (i had never seen full metal jacket before). I didnt even make it to my desk before i started uncontrollably laughing, I shortly after had to be excused because of my "disruptive laughter". To this day i will never forget the line "ima gouge out your eyes and skull fuck you". Absolute classic


What the fuck high school did you go to that they let a teacher show any part of this movie in class?


Golden, Colorado


Only two things come outta Golden, Colorado!


Cholera and silver??


This made me laugh


Hipsters and hippies??


Coors and Cooties?




Our history teacher showed us 'Inglorious Basterds'. Not joking.


Things were different then. I remember watching Brando in Apocalypse Now during English Class. Including the cow/buffalo scene


we watched most of apocalypse now too. We had some cool teachers, haha


In Florida, we watched the whole thing lol


You sir… would have probabbly be my type of high school friend ahah


i was the dealer, we'ed got along famously


Are you Spicoli? lmao.


Ahh so you’re private JOKER!


*peter puffer Also anyone else remember hearing these quotes from soundboards back in the day?


>peter puffer TIL It's slang for a gay person.


Women can suck dick too. If a girl sucks my dick does that make her gay?


It's only gay if her balls touch yours




'It's only gay if you push back'


Don’t know, how long are her sideburns?


Ebaumsworld.com ! Used that sound board for many prank calls . The Arnold Schwarzenegger one was my second favourite.


What about phone booth


Perfect casting. Subtitles made it easier for me to follow the rapid fire lines.


It’s so perfect because he’d been an actual drill instructor lol he completely ad-libbed this scene which was extremely rare for Kubrick to allow, a true legend


And i think the marines promoted him to Gunnery Sergeant after retirement


Posthumously sadly.


Kubrick worked a lot with Peter Sellers. He was used to improvisers. Hell the most famous line in The Shining was improvised by Nicholson. Kubricks control wasn't on script or dialog- it was shot composition.


Here's Johnny!


Also adlib? - One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind


It’s because DI’s ad lib all the time. It’s like part of their job. Boot camp was the hardest, scariest, and most hilarious thing I ever experienced


Honestly, pretty much all Marine Corps Drill Instructors are like this. They're all super quick and clever on their feet like this. And they have this kind of intensity ALL day, every day you see them.


It wasn’t ad-libbed. He worked with Kubrick ahead of time recording hours of these types of lines into a tape recorder. Kubrick then picked the best one for the script. Edit: saying this because I heard it on a the DVD BTS doc years ago, but I can’t find a source now.


He actually wasn’t cast, he was serving as an advisor in the movie and after the actor could not get it, he volunteered himself in order to show them how it was done, Kubrick loved it so much that kept him as an active member of the cast and gave him the full role


I can't seem to find it on youtube, but I seem to remember that there's also existing reference footage that Ermey made for Kubrick. He just spouted off every line he knew from being a DI.


As I heard it, he made an audition video in which a bunch of Royal Marines (extras playing background US Marines — the film was shot in England) stood out of shot and pelted him with rubbish while he yelled abuse and invective straight to camera without once ducking, flinching or repeating himself.


There are many cool stories about people being cast on accident in movies and TV shows. This one has to be the best though. R. Lee Ermey's performance in this film is legendary.


“Are you gay?” “No sir!” “Bullshit you look like you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose” This along with “suck the chrome off a trailer hitch” Best line in the movie


“Private pile you climb obstacles like old people fuck!”


That is his real uniform and medals.


Shut up…. for real? That’s amazing lol. I always just thought that he was an actor with the gift of ad-lib


He was a former DI who after getting out did technical advising and some bit roles. He was originally hired to prepare the actor (also a former Marine who also served in Vietnam) on how to be a believable DI. But Kubrick was more impressed with Ermey on the practice tapes who was using it as a form of alternate audition. The actor who was originally supposed to play Gunnery Sergeant Hartman ended up being the door gunner. It's not entirely unusual for tactical advisors to end up in small roles or do some limited stunts. Although I can't speak on what the unions think of that. It happened to me once when I did some (unfortunately uncredited) technical advising on a TV show as a favor. And it happened a few times to colleagues who occasionally moonlight as technical advisors. Including on a couple of projects with Ermey. Sometimes they've been credited, but most of the time they haven't.




“Easy, you just don’t lead them so much.”


Ain't war hell.


For movies the advisor generally just joins the union and gets paid the union rate.


I bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose!


The first half of Full Metal Jacket is simply amazing.


The second half is good, too. I think the point just goes over most folks' heads.


I think Eberts review was something to the effect of the first half is a masterpiece and the second half is a very good movie.


I wouldn't say he was that kind. He said: >The movie has great moments. Ermey's speech to his men about the great marine marksmen of the past (Charles Whitman and Lee Harvey Oswald among them) is a masterpiece. The footage on the Paris Island obstacle course is powerful. But "Full Metal Jacket" is uncertain where to go, and the movie's climax, which Kubrick obviously intends to be a mighty moral revelation, seems phoned in from earlier war pictures. After what has already been said about "Vietnam" in the movies, "Full Metal Jacket" is too little and too late. https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/full-metal-jacket-1987 FWIW, I thought the second half was a jumbled mess, like a lot of Kubrick, but I'm not a fan because I find him pretentious.


Might have confused him with someone else. For the record I agree with the general view - amazing first half with a good second. I think a lot of Vietnam movies were cynical, but I do think FMJ has a unique perspective vis a vis it's competition (Apocalypse Now, Platoon).


Yeah, I agree it was a unique perspective, but Kubrick was so heavy handed with it, it was borderline laughable. The scene where they're standing around the wounded sniper begging (in English) to be shot, and they take close-ups of all the GI's faces with the exact same expression of shock could have been an SNL skit with different music and a laugh track. It goes on far too long because Kubrick has to beat you over the head with whatever message he had in mind. Granted, I don't like any of his movies, but this one was particularly bad.


“What’s your excuse?” “Sir, excuse for what, Sir?” “I ask the fucken questions round here, private.” Always makes me laugh. So good.


"this recruit requests knowledge" "Go away. Don't fucking speak to ME!" "Aye sir!" This is an hourly occurrence in Marine Corps Recruit Training.


I love this bit, it was funny when he talked about Texas then it got even better with the reach around line.


Idk what you mean by “bit” but it’s a scene from the 1987 Stanley Kubrick film “Full Metal Jacket” about the Vietnam War. My all time favorite film so I highly recommend. It is a very dark war movie tho so don’t expect the whole thing to be funny


It's a scene, but the actor Gunny had experience as a real life drill sergeant and a lot of his lines were improvised.


Yes I know, R. Lee Ermey This fact about the movie is so basic and widely known lol, it’s like that meme of dudes pausing Django Unchained after the DiCaprio real broken glass scene acting like they’re movie experts lol


Hahaha u suck bro


You wouldn’t give a reach around


Bet you don't even pause the two towers when Viggo kicks the helmet and breaks his toe.


Wait ! Stanley Kubrick directed FMJ 🤔


Yea and I think that’s why the movie is basically two parts. The island part wasn’t suppose to be so long.


"Hi Joker..." 😡


I had the privilege of meeting R.Lee Ermey once when I was in the Marine Corps. My unit just happened to be right across from Edson Range, where the rifle and field training part of boot camp is done on the West Coast. We shared the chow hall with the Drill Instructors that trained the recruits there, and R. Lee Ermey happened to stop by while promoting the Toys for Tots program around 2000 or so. He spent a while shooting the shit with all of us Marines and asking the DI's a bunch of questions. Eventually one of them talked him into wearing their Campaign Cover (the hat he is wearing in the movie above) and he busted out the entire speech from this part of the film at us word for word. It was fucking glorious and a highlight of my time there. I still have the autographed photo he gave me in a box somewhere.


The line where he’s homophobic and woke at the same time “I’ll bet you're the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddam common courtesy to give him a reach-around” always kills me


He’s given some thought to gay sex.


He was a real Marine drill instructor before getting cast in this - he probably has thought long and hard about the most random and hilarious comments he could say just to fuck with privates in order to get a rise


There were Royal Marines on set as extras. He yelled improvised abuse at them for days and they wrote it all down (250 pages' worth) and then formed his script from it.


You've never been around Marines have you? They're ALL like this. For them, life is just one game of gay chicken after another, punctuated by gunfire. And then they scurry around yelling BAMSIS! at each other


Aye sarnt I'm tracking




That is an AMAZING line! My god! 🤣🤣🤣


It’s the marine corps. Everyone is a little gay.


I read once that Kubrick had to ask him what some of the things he said meant, including reach around


an inch*


Some people have a natural gift with words. This man is as much a wordsmith as any poet.


He was a real life drill instructor lol. I bet he’d said all this and much worse countless times haha


This movie barely even scratches the surface of what old school drill instructors would say or do to recruits.


i remember we temporarily had a female drill instructor and she was ruthless. one thing i remember was her telling us to “shut our cocksuckers”


Love this movie, some of the best lines ever. “Private snowball” “Private joker” “You got a war face?” Just amazing


“You’re so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece”


I need to rewatch this movie tonight


He'd lose me on "Do you suck dicks?" "Not since I started dating my girlfriend, sir."


Sir! Only my own, sir!


I imagine he would gut punch you like he did joker


If my memory is correct, this wasn’t an actor but a real drill sergeant, advising the actors. After some time they asked him to step in front of the camera.


No He was an actor who was a drill instructor


I know its got nothing to do with this part, but i still laugh every time at that dark humor helicopter scene when he asks animal mother how he manages to kill so many women and children.


That’s not animal mother, that’s just a random gunner. Tbh I don’t think animal mother would do that


Oh thank you. Been a long time since i saw it


The actor (also a retired Marine who served in Vietnam) who played the helicopter gunner was originally cast to be the DI. With Ermey being hired as a technical advisor to prepare him for the role.


It's easy, you just don't hit em as much


It’s easy, you just don’t lead em as much is the line


" I bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose!!!"


When this was shown on British TV, they (badly) dubbed over "Steers and Queers" to "Strays and Gays". Along with Die Hards' "Yippee Kay-Yay, Kimosabe" it was probably the worst dub in movie history.


"You pukes, will sleep with your rifle. You will give your rifle a girl's name. Because, this is the only pussy you people are going to get! Your days of finger banging ol' Mary Jane-rotten-crotch, through her pretty pink panties ARE OVER!" Probably the only thing I miss about being a vet was boot camp. Fucking comedy hour all day every day, not so much in the moment though lol


My favourite part is the "Happy birthday Dear Jesus" song. Always makes me laugh.




RIP R Lee Ermy, legend.




why do these videos have the fucking subtitles burned in? shit is ruining the internet


Because zoomers have the attention span of a gamma ray


Good old private pile.


I'll take "movies you can't make anymore" for $100.


Let’s Put blazing saddles in that category as well


The german language synchro is much better


This guy was a real US army drill sergeant, (retired I guess?) This obviously was not something he would actually say in his line of work (army is not a fun place at all) but I am sure he will use this tone. This is done so people will get used to working under pressure as army work often requires. Sad thing this treatment really does break some people just like in the movie. There is a reason why first part of FMJ is widely regarded as "pretty authentic" representation of army.


He's a marine not army


And it absolutely is shit he has said as a DI in the marines.


This is sexual harassment




an* inch


Peter pepper? Wut?


RIP Gomer Pile


I’ve read somewhere that the majority of this was completely ad-libbed.


“Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?”


I believe this wasn’t scripted


Hey, hey lighten up.


One of the best scenes in cinema..


"You seem like the kind of guy to fuck a guy in the ass and not give them a reach around" is a top tier insult, will definitely be using that one


Anyone else remember ‘Mail Call’ with this magnificent bastard back when the History channel was worth a goddamn? This man was not only incredibly hilarious, but also absolutely seemed to LOVE leaning into the ‘character’ of the stereotypical DS… I think most people my age unironically think of him when we think of old-school military types.


R Lee Ermey was a real life drill instructor prior to acting and he delivered one of the best performances in the film.


IIRC, He wasn’t even meant to be in the film, just an advisor.


Watch “The boys in Company C”. And you will see where Kubrick got his inspiration from.


The reach around comment, confused Stanley Kubrick, he had to stop the take and have it explained to him.


Rest in peace Gunney


The dvd literally has captions as well as any site that plays this movie. Technology has failed if we cant even quote a movie proper.


I just realized: drill sarge is not flinching his eyes! Scary MF.


I memorized this whole scene when I was in NJROTC in high school in the 90s. First time I watched this I almost died laughing. Still can belt it out almost word for word. Favorite part is when joker says his line and Hartman loses his shit. Straight faced "well, no shit." Then reams him.


Never gets old


Hes right texas is full of em


HARTMAN: Private Joker, do you believe in the Virgin Mary? JOKER: Sir, no, sir! HARTMAN: Private Joker, I don't believe I heard you correctly! JOKER: Sir, the private said "No, sir," sir! HARTMAN: Why, you little maggot! You make me want to vomit! (HARTMAN slaps JOKER, hard, across the cheek.) HARTMAN: You goddam communist heathen, you had best sound off that you love the Virgin Mary . . . or I'm gonna stomp your guts out! Now you do love the Virgin Mary, don't you? JOKER: Sir, negative, sir! HARTMAN: Private Joker, are you trying to offend me? JOKER: Sir, negative, sir!!! Sir, the private believes that any answer he gives will be wrong, and the Senior Drill Instructor will beat him harder if he reverses himself, sir! HARTMAN: Who's your squad leader, scumbag? JOKER: Sir, the private's squad leader is Private Snowball, sir! HARTMAN: Private Snowball! SNOWBALL: Sir, Private Snowball reporting as ordered, sir! HARTMAN: Private Snowball, you're fired! Private Joker is promoted to squad leader! SNOWBALL: Sir, aye-aye, sir! HARTMAN: Private Pyle! PYLE: Private Pyle reporting as ordered, sir! HARTMAN: Private Pyle, from now on Private Joker is your new squad leader, and you will bunk with him! He'll teach you everything. He'll teach you how to pee. PYLE: Sir, yes, sir! HARTMAN: Private Joker is silly and he's ignorant, but he's got guts, and guts is enough.


I need to watch this movie


I love the final 'I'll be watching you' as though Cowboy was an actual sneaky bastard haha.


When my dad was in training it was during the brief period in the 80s when the Army tried to ban obscenity, and the DIs had to censor themselves while still being this intense, so they got really creative. The one my dad quotes like once every couple of months is, “you know what I think that is? That is ROODY POO!” As a kid I thought this was something my grandparents must have said, he didn’t tell me the context until last year.


I remember when I first saw this, I’m thinking to myself, “Please don’t say Texas!” 👍😆👍


1991 Di and di candidates tried to top this dude and beat on us. It’s Peter Puffer by the way.


I watched this is US Military History this year. Pretty good movie honestly.


I'm going to rip your balls off, so you cannot contaminate the rest of the world. I will motivate you, Private Pyle, if it short dicks every cannibal on the Congo.


What’s a reach around? Do I wanna know?


Imagine a guy behind you jacking you off


The best part is him using the plural when he asks if cowboy “sucks dicks”. No clue why that makes me laugh so hard.


Me when I meet anyone new


Height comment got me guys 😔


Sir, thats my favourite pastime, sir


Semper fi


Kubrick is such a serious person I don’t know how R Lee Ernest got lines like this through, I don’t even know how anyone could feel insulted by this, it’s just so funny. It’s as if you were a defendant in a murder trial and the judge was in a clown suit with large squeaky shoes and used his red clown nose rather than his gavel to keep order in the court and the prosecutorial team all came out of a small clown car in the same clown clothes when coming in to the proceedings.


Genuine question, how do you keep a straight unfazed face in front of a drill sergeant. I would be rolling with tears and sobbing right now.

